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Re: ban on thimerosal in CA and other states - results?

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Not necessarily. they are saying that rates continue to rise. First, all

non-live virus vaccines are still MADE using thimerosal (There was no recall

of vials still on the shelves, and there has been no " ban " against

thimerosal) Thimerosal is probably still in prescription nose sprays, eye,

and ear drops.

I believe they called for its removal from OTC medications. Again, all

non-live virus vacinnes are still made using thimerosal. Then they " extract

it out. " This is interesting because mercury binds to protein, and once it

binds (as many of us have found out regarding our children) it is very hard

to unbind. The drug companies were allowed to police themselves regarding

the removal of thimerosal. Who is policing the amount of thimerosal still

in vaccines? The drug companies themselves and maybe FDA- but they are

miserable failures regarding are food and drug supplies.

The next thing to consider is this magical slight of hand the drug companies

played. While they were supposedly extracting out the mercury (as if it

were and easy thing to do) they were adding in aluminum and other toxins to

replace it. All this when simply manufacturing vaccines in SINGLE DOSE

VIALS could eliminate the need for a preservative.

Most of these new multi-dose " mercury free " vials are not mercury free, and

if you read the label, it will say it contains " trace amounts. " Well, as a

parent I want to know how much a trace amount is and then I want to see the

safety studies regarding infants and the synergistic studies as well --well,

there are no synergistic studies. Oops --I guess they forgot.

I believe that " autism " is a condition of over toxicity:

Fetus + toxins Mom has been exposed to (see Sajay Gupta's " Toxic Childhood "

but too bad he doesn't see the boat load they get from vaccines) becomes a

baby + polluted air + polluted water + contaminated food + junk food

+refined sugar + genetics (because some people just are better at detoxing

than others + 36 toxic vaccines by the age of four -- only most kids regress

by about vaccine 15 to twenty.

They only study that really needs to be done is the one comparing vaccinated

to un-vaccinated populations, which the government is refusing to be done

independently or at all.

I am a firm believer regarding the freedom to decide to vaccinate or not,

but one must get educated and look for information from a variety of

sources. Autism is not the only problem with vaccines.

Vaccines have not made our children healthier. Major pediatric diseases

have skyrocket and most of these are auto-immune in nature. Now what do you

suppose can make a child's own immune system turn on itself?

Our immune systems need illness --the more benign childhood illnesses in

order to become stronger. By supposedly " helping " the human immune system

via vaccines, I believe we windup making the human immune system weaker

--forcing it to rely on vaccines to maintain health.

Hmmm. Isn't that the goal of BIG PHARMA --get everyone on a drug everyday

for the rest of his or her life?

Now there are some bad diseases out there. A person has to make an informed

choice based on the circumstances. I ran into yet another skunk last night

on our farm. They are really active this year, but I went about my business

and he obviously didn't like my presence, so he went off. Now if I had seen

him going in circles and foaming at the mouth (as I have seen on many

occasions) I would have got the heck out of there, and if I or my son ever

get bit, then boy that's a tough choice but on the one hand is certain death

and on the other are a series of shots still containing tons of mercury but

can stave off death. Then, of course, I'm going to opt for the damn shots

that COULD be made without thimerosal but aren't.

It is up to you as the parent to make an informed decisions weighing the

risks versus the benefits of each shot. I am just against doing it when

there is not a clear and present danger. I would prefer they put as much

energy into cleaning up our air, soil, food, and water supplies instead of

continuing to allow other big business to get waivers around safety and

environmental protections and continuing to exacerbate the problems.

" Oh, what a piece of work is man! " was not meant to be a compliment.

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One word--flu shots!

[ ] ban on thimerosal in CA and other states - results?

Dear all,

does anyone know if the statistics of autism went down in CA and several other

states? (DE, IL, WA, IA, NY, MO)?

In these states, thimerosal in vaccines was banned a couple of years ago

(before 2008), and the legislation enacted. Theoretically it should bring down

the numbers of autism cases. The official media of course claim it didn't.

Do you know the real situation in any of these states? Are autism numbers

going down? If yes, why does the press say it doesn't? If not, why?

I will be very thankful for any clarification!


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Yep. Plug " 35,000 Amish autism " into a google search.


> Not necessarily. they are saying that rates continue to rise. First, all

> non-live virus vaccines are still MADE using thimerosal (There was no recall

> of vials still on the shelves, and there has been no " ban " against

> thimerosal) Thimerosal is probably still in prescription nose sprays, eye,

> and ear drops.


> I believe they called for its removal from OTC medications. Again, all

> non-live virus vacinnes are still made using thimerosal. Then they " extract

> it out. " This is interesting because mercury binds to protein, and once it

> binds (as many of us have found out regarding our children) it is very hard

> to unbind. The drug companies were allowed to police themselves regarding

> the removal of thimerosal. Who is policing the amount of thimerosal still

> in vaccines? The drug companies themselves and maybe FDA- but they are

> miserable failures regarding are food and drug supplies.


> The next thing to consider is this magical slight of hand the drug companies

> played. While they were supposedly extracting out the mercury (as if it

> were and easy thing to do) they were adding in aluminum and other toxins to

> replace it. All this when simply manufacturing vaccines in SINGLE DOSE

> VIALS could eliminate the need for a preservative.


> Most of these new multi-dose " mercury free " vials are not mercury free, and

> if you read the label, it will say it contains " trace amounts. " Well, as a

> parent I want to know how much a trace amount is and then I want to see the

> safety studies regarding infants and the synergistic studies as well --well,

> there are no synergistic studies. Oops --I guess they forgot.


> I believe that " autism " is a condition of over toxicity:


> Fetus + toxins Mom has been exposed to (see Sajay Gupta's " Toxic Childhood "

> but too bad he doesn't see the boat load they get from vaccines) becomes a

> baby + polluted air + polluted water + contaminated food + junk food

> +refined sugar + genetics (because some people just are better at detoxing

> than others + 36 toxic vaccines by the age of four -- only most kids regress

> by about vaccine 15 to twenty.


> They only study that really needs to be done is the one comparing vaccinated

> to un-vaccinated populations, which the government is refusing to be done

> independently or at all.


> I am a firm believer regarding the freedom to decide to vaccinate or not,

> but one must get educated and look for information from a variety of

> sources. Autism is not the only problem with vaccines.


> Vaccines have not made our children healthier. Major pediatric diseases

> have skyrocket and most of these are auto-immune in nature. Now what do you

> suppose can make a child's own immune system turn on itself?


> Our immune systems need illness --the more benign childhood illnesses in

> order to become stronger. By supposedly " helping " the human immune system

> via vaccines, I believe we windup making the human immune system weaker

> --forcing it to rely on vaccines to maintain health.


> Hmmm. Isn't that the goal of BIG PHARMA --get everyone on a drug everyday

> for the rest of his or her life?


> Now there are some bad diseases out there. A person has to make an informed

> choice based on the circumstances. I ran into yet another skunk last night

> on our farm. They are really active this year, but I went about my business

> and he obviously didn't like my presence, so he went off. Now if I had seen

> him going in circles and foaming at the mouth (as I have seen on many

> occasions) I would have got the heck out of there, and if I or my son ever

> get bit, then boy that's a tough choice but on the one hand is certain death

> and on the other are a series of shots still containing tons of mercury but

> can stave off death. Then, of course, I'm going to opt for the damn shots

> that COULD be made without thimerosal but aren't.


> It is up to you as the parent to make an informed decisions weighing the

> risks versus the benefits of each shot. I am just against doing it when

> there is not a clear and present danger. I would prefer they put as much

> energy into cleaning up our air, soil, food, and water supplies instead of

> continuing to allow other big business to get waivers around safety and

> environmental protections and continuing to exacerbate the problems.


> " Oh, what a piece of work is man! " was not meant to be a compliment.




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Thimerosal was banned but it wasn't outlawed.  So the old stock was still being

used.  The only way you got thimerosal free was to ask for it.

nancy j.

Help TACA win $50,000 to help families affected by autism. Please vote every day

in October. http://www.refresheverything.com/tacarealhelpnow Thanks for your


From: elena4439332 <eboudovs@...>

Subject: [ ] ban on thimerosal in CA and other states - results?

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 3:47 AM


Dear all,

does anyone know if the statistics of autism went down in CA and several other

states? (DE, IL, WA, IA, NY, MO)?

In these states, thimerosal in vaccines was banned a couple of years ago (before

2008), and the legislation enacted. Theoretically it should bring down the

numbers of autism cases. The official media of course claim it didn't.

Do you know the real situation in any of these states? Are autism numbers going

down? If yes, why does the press say it doesn't? If not, why?

I will be very thankful for any clarification!


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