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Re: Did somebody chelated while being very low in Zinc?

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Are you giving this 60 mgs in several doses through the day? That would be

best, since absorbtion is limited and much will be wasted if you just give it

all at once. What form of zinc?

Check adrenal function. A lot of the zinc is absorbed in the large intestine, I

think, so proper GI function is a must. Chronic diarrhea will lower zinc.

Mercury overload can be the cause of the zinc deficiency. So, it can be tough

to correct this without chelating.

What other deficiencies exist? There are usually others. Does he show physical

signs of deficiency like rough, dry skin, slow wound healing, poor immune

function, reduced taste ability and poor sense of smell, fatiuge, inability to

pay attention (ADHD stuff)?

Take care,




> I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5 years

old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low zinc

levels(red zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and checking his

zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you know somebody who

chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?


> Thanks,


> Mimoza


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> I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5 years

old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low zinc

levels(red zone).

How are you measuring the zinc levels? If it is a hair test, it is not

accurate. To get a better picture of where zinc is really at use a red blood

cell analysis.

> We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb)

The dose needs to be divided, 3 meals plus bed time.

Zinc is often very low with toxicity. I would start chelation and continue

supplementation. Probably the toxicity has to be somewhat resolved before the

zinc goes up.


> and checking his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you know

somebody who chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?


> Thanks,


> Mimoza


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I would ask your doctor if it is a good idea to increase the zinc

supplementation to a higher dose since it is not raising his zinc level to




From: mdurresi <durresim@...>

Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 11:14:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Did somebody chelated while being very low in Zinc?


I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5 years old

as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low zinc levels(red

zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and checking his zinc levels

every 3 months, without any change. Do you know somebody who chelated their kid

with very low zinc levels?



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Pam,

Thank you so much for your message.

Yes I give it in 3 or sometimes even more doses.

During more than a year I tried: Zinc Drink (Metagenics), zinc citrate, zinc

picolinate, zinc methinionine, OptiZinc from LEF, Zinc from food (New

Chapter formula) and only this past month I am using ionic zinc from New

beginnings. This looks better (no tests yet) as his sense of taste and

appetite is improving a little.

Yes, as you mention might be the toxicity. But the problem is that we are

stuck in a closed circle, no absorption because of the toxicity and no

chelation yet, because of the low absorption.

Hopefully in our next blood test we will have better results.

Thank you so much for your message and information.


P.S. Sorry for the late response. My computer broke down and it was so hard

to repair it.

Thanks again,


On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Pamela H <phaselow@...> wrote:



> Mimoza,


> Are you giving this 60 mgs in several doses through the day? That would be

> best, since absorbtion is limited and much will be wasted if you just give

> it all at once. What form of zinc?


> Check adrenal function. A lot of the zinc is absorbed in the large

> intestine, I think, so proper GI function is a must. Chronic diarrhea will

> lower zinc.


> Mercury overload can be the cause of the zinc deficiency. So, it can be

> tough to correct this without chelating.


> What other deficiencies exist? There are usually others. Does he show

> physical signs of deficiency like rough, dry skin, slow wound healing, poor

> immune function, reduced taste ability and poor sense of smell, fatiuge,

> inability to pay attention (ADHD stuff)?


> Take care,


> Pam




> >

> >

> > I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5

> years old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low

> zinc levels(red zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and

> checking his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you know

> somebody who chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Mimoza

> >




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Thanks for the message and sorry for the late reply. I had problems with my


We are measuring zinc levels through blood tests (RBC).

You are right, I better start chelation to resolve the zinc absorption


Thanks so much,


On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 12:57 PM, lindajaytee <lindajaytee@...> wrote:






> >

> >

> > I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5

> years old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low

> zinc levels(red zone).


> How are you measuring the zinc levels? If it is a hair test, it is not

> accurate. To get a better picture of where zinc is really at use a red blood

> cell analysis.



> > We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb)


> The dose needs to be divided, 3 meals plus bed time.


> Zinc is often very low with toxicity. I would start chelation and continue

> supplementation. Probably the toxicity has to be somewhat resolved before

> the zinc goes up.


> J



> > and checking his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you

> know somebody who chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Mimoza

> >




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Thanks for your message and sorry for my delay. I had problems with my

computer and it was so hard to get it repaired.

Yes, as a fact she advised for 80mg, but i am scared and go between 65 and




On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Jim <metagenicscrazyhorse@...>wrote:



> I would ask your doctor if it is a good idea to increase the zinc

> supplementation to a higher dose since it is not raising his zinc level to

> normal.

> J


> ________________________________

> From: mdurresi <durresim@... <durresim%40gmail.com>>

> < %40>

> Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 11:14:36 PM

> Subject: [ ] Did somebody chelated while being very low in

> Zinc?





> I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5 years

> old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low zinc

> levels(red zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and checking

> his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you know somebody who

> chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?


> Thanks,


> Mimoza



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Do you happen to have a diet high in copper or exposure to copper through water


A diet high in phytates (whole grains/legumes) has been shown to impede zinc

absorbtion. The amount and type of protein eaten with zinc can also affect

absorbtion. I'm sure this varies from person to person. Likely, the health of

the GI tract is super important since that is where zinc is absorbed.

It can be so frustrating, no?


> > >

> > >

> > > I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5

> > years old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very low

> > zinc levels(red zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and

> > checking his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you know

> > somebody who chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > Mimoza

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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I don't think his diet is high in copper, he doesn't like seeds and the

water pipes should be Ok (it is very new building).

But in our previous house, 16 months ago, for sure it was problem with the

pipes. Maybe is there where the gut inflammation started and we are not

getting rid of it yet. Good thing is that in our last RBC the was

finally going down, so hopefully we are in the right direction.

The diet shouldn't be a problem (phytates) because he is now in SCD, but

regarding the proteins, he consumes some whey protein, meat and nuts.

The other problem that I just learned this week is that he has stool in his

colon (per abdomen X-ray) and this might contribute in his absorption

problems. We will see dr. Kringsman hopefully soon and maybe he will help us

with my son's GI problems.

Meanwhile what do you advise me to do for his gut.

Thanks so much,


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Pamela H <phaselow@...> wrote:



> Do you happen to have a diet high in copper or exposure to copper through

> water pipes?


> A diet high in phytates (whole grains/legumes) has been shown to impede

> zinc absorbtion. The amount and type of protein eaten with zinc can also

> affect absorbtion. I'm sure this varies from person to person. Likely, the

> health of the GI tract is super important since that is where zinc is

> absorbed.


> It can be so frustrating, no?


> Pam




> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I am waiting for more than a year to start chelation with my son, 4.5

> > > years old as I was told from my DAN that you can't chelate with very

> low

> > > zinc levels(red zone). We are supplementing (60mg/day for kid 39lb) and

> > > checking his zinc levels every 3 months, without any change. Do you

> know

> > > somebody who chelated their kid with very low zinc levels?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > > Mimoza

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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