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Re: Need help with adrenal supplements

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This is _not_ an advice on what you should do. This is what I did.

I am taking 7-keto and Pregnenolone from Dr. Uzzi Reiss (see the Products

section on uzzireissmd.com).

7-keto is one of about 150 metabolites of DHEA (one of the hormones made by the

adrenals). I don't know why but I'm personally doing much better on 7-keto than

on DHEA. It can be different for you and your daughter.

I tried both DHEA and Pregnenolone from another very respected and well-known

source other than uzzireissmd.com and that turned out to be a total disaster, so

I got back to using Dr. Reiss' formula as soon as I could. It works for me.

If I were to try something similar to what you have already tried,

I would try Raw Adrenal by Natural Sources. I have been using their Raw Thyroid

formula for almost a year now and what they are doing works for me. I have not

tried their RAW Adrenal, though.

Be careful when you switch formulas. If you megadose on hormones from day one

you can have issues like headaches or mood imbalances which you may have not

experienced otherwise. Whatever I do, I try to do it slowly.

What I also learned (again, this is _not_ an advice on what you should or should

not do) is that manufacturer's guidelines are not always accurate (take, for

example, what they write on ALA or DMSA). With this type of thing we are

discussing here right now, I personally decided to go with my gut feeling and

largely disregard what other people are doing. I try to listen to my body rather

than blindly follow the dosing guidelines as they have not been developed

specifically for me or any other individual and no one really knows how those

things work. They only think they know how they are supposed to work.

As far as I am concerned, Dr. Reiss was my best choice for restoring my hormonal


I wish you all the best.


> My daughter has been taking some old Nutricology ACE that we had, and it's

about to run out. Myself and my son have recently started taking Thorne adrenal

cortex, and it is causing headaches for both of us. I was hoping to be able to

switch my daughter over to the Thorne, but now I am concerned she will get

headaches as well with this. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any experience

with ashwagandha or any other herbal remedies? Any other supplements that might

be helpful? We all really need the adrenal support, and my daughter especially

can't chelate without it.


> Thx


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Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into these. I hesitate trying actual

hormones, though, esp for my children.

We started at a pretty low dose with the Thorne supplement, significantly lower

than the comparable Nutricology dose we were using. It could be just a matter

of developing a tolerance to it, but I hate to create more symptoms (we have

enough as it is :))

> >

> > My daughter has been taking some old Nutricology ACE that we had, and it's

about to run out. Myself and my son have recently started taking Thorne adrenal

cortex, and it is causing headaches for both of us. I was hoping to be able to

switch my daughter over to the Thorne, but now I am concerned she will get

headaches as well with this. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any experience

with ashwagandha or any other herbal remedies? Any other supplements that might

be helpful? We all really need the adrenal support, and my daughter especially

can't chelate without it.

> >

> > Thx

> >


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Thank you. I have heard/read that children should not take the whole adrenal

gland supplement, only the cortex. Is this true?

> >

> > My daughter has been taking some old Nutricology ACE that we had, and it's

about to run out. Myself and my son have recently started taking Thorne adrenal

cortex, and it is causing headaches for both of us. I was hoping to be able to

switch my daughter over to the Thorne, but now I am concerned she will get

headaches as well with this. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any experience

with ashwagandha or any other herbal remedies? Any other supplements that might

be helpful? We all really need the adrenal support, and my daughter especially

can't chelate without it.

> >

> > Thx

> >

> There are other brands with adrenal glandular in them, e. g. Standard Process.

Look around, try some other brands before changing to an herbal. Or get some

Nutricology AC, they may have it back in stock.


> Andy


> http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


> http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


> http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


> http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD


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