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Newby at Andy's protocol....where to get the DMSA/ALA

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Hey guys,

Some of you probably know me from chelatingkids2 group..  I have done

EVERYTHING with except Andy's protocol.  We have done EDTA IV infusions,

HBOT, Ozone, Sensory Learning, Hard core Yasko, Fermented coconut kefir, etc

etc.    I have taken a mental health break for the last 2 years.  has

done GREAT and has finally gone back to school with a full time aid (I was

homeschooling him). He eats whatever he wants and loves ice cream.  I know alot

of you are cringing with disgust!

Well, his stimming is back, to no surprise and his anxiety is also high.  I

wanted to start his EDTA IV infusions again as when I stopped initially he said

to me, " need shot mommy, make head feel better. "   Anyway, I just joined this

group and wanted to give this a good try, but I simply do not know how to

start.  I hear alot of you say you do it without a DAN but I thought DMSA was

an RX.

Just need someone to point me in the right direction.  I am normally not a

newby at this stuff, but someone who does the answering...but I feel I am in

VERY new waters and don't want to screw up his great school year.



From: andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Re Statistics on chelation

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 7:49 PM


At least some DAN! doctors who speak on this at conferences deny the

reports by parents that their children got worse on chelation, and claim they

have never had such reports or experiences.

When the doctor says one thing and the parent says another, I'm inclined to

believe the parent. When it is one report, or maybe two, I do understand the

parent may be nuts, or confused, or not reporting accurately on what happened.

However in some cases a lot more than 1 or 2 parents are involved in reporting a

specific doctor wreaked havoc - and that doctor continues to report that he's

never seen a problem in his conference presentations.

So yes I think it is very wise that Assam is asking PARENTS for what happened!

That's the data I rely on - what parents say happened to their kids, or what

adults say happened to themselves.



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> >

> >

> > Hello,

> > Â

> > I wonder if there is any statistics on chelation avialable. I am interested

mainly in information on IV and ACP chelation methods. If anyone could refer me

to the source of information on DAN! statistics on IV chelation, I would really

appreciate it. As for the AC chlation method, I would like to ask parents on

this list, please, if you could kindly share the following info with me:

> > Â

> > 1. For how many years you chelating, how many rounds you did?

> > 2. What protocol do you follow?

> > 3. What agents do you use?

> > 4. What is the child's age?

> > 5. What was the child's ATEC score before starting chelation and now?

> > 6. What is the child's primary diagnosis?

> > Â

> > I hope that everybody understands the reason of my interest. There are

several ways to go, and I am in process of making decision about which one to


> > Â

> > I hope that listmates will answer my questions and deeply appreciate replies

in advance.

> > Â

> > Sincerely,

> > Asem


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