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Re: NAET (S/ERT) now or after chelation

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Can't answer to all the other stuff, but don't stop chelation or delay for any

reason except high fever.

For us, chelation is the only thing that is making positive, lasting results.

The rest of it is just to make life easier while you chelate.

If heavy metal toxicity is the problem, then chelation is the solution.



From: nikkibarbieri <nikkibarbieri@...>

Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 2:51:18 PM

Subject: [ ] NAET (S/ERT) now or after chelation


Hi listmates,

Hoping that you guys can chime in on your own experiences to help me decide on

how to proceed.

Just started AC protocol(Round #5).Doing well.Using all the right supps etc.Have

been at biomed 6 years.My child is 8yo.Did diets for years(helped somewhat no

big wows)did many treatments too many to name here and also traditional

therapies and alternative therapies.I decided I should try and stick with AC

protocol for now and just stick it out.

However,I am wondering if I should proceed with trying to eliminate some of his

food intolerances now .We did muscle testing and MSG was the only thing that

came up but I am pretty sure he is sensitive to phenols as well.Yeast seems to

be under control for now.

Should I go ahead with NAET or S/ERT to help with this or should I see if

chelation helps with it instead?

Please let me know what you have experienced if you did this during chelation

did it work ,also did it stick?

I do not want to waste any more time,effort and money if it is not worth it.ALso

do not want to have to put my son through anything unnecassary. WHat is your


Thank u so much in advance!!!!! !!!jake's mom

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I'm not doing NAET for my son now because I don't expect it would be a permanent

solution given the stress of chelation. His list of food intolerances is fairly

short, though, and manageable, if he could only eat a short list of foods, I may

take a different approach. I've found chelation good for myself, very very

good, but still somewhat stressful, and for the kids, keeping up with them

needing more nutrients, keeping their guts happy, I just don't think it's the

right time to do NAET.


> Hi listmates,


> Hoping that you guys can chime in on your own experiences to help me decide on

how to proceed.


> Just started AC protocol(Round #5).Doing well.Using all the right supps

etc.Have been at biomed 6 years.My child is 8yo.Did diets for years(helped

somewhat no big wows)did many treatments too many to name here and also

traditional therapies and alternative therapies.I decided I should try and stick

with AC protocol for now and just stick it out.


> However,I am wondering if I should proceed with trying to eliminate some of

his food intolerances now .We did muscle testing and MSG was the only thing that

came up but I am pretty sure he is sensitive to phenols as well.Yeast seems to

be under control for now.


> Should I go ahead with NAET or S/ERT to help with this or should I see if

chelation helps with it instead?


> Please let me know what you have experienced if you did this during chelation

did it work ,also did it stick?


> I do not want to waste any more time,effort and money if it is not worth

it.ALso do not want to have to put my son through anything unnecassary.WHat is

your take?


> Thank u so much in advance!!!!!!!!jake's mom


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We did SRT during chelation (started with NAET but it is not as effective as SRT

and takes much longer) with good results. We were about nine to ten months into

chelation when we began. If you want SRT to really take 'hold', the same rules

apply. You MUST cut down on the yeast!

I believe that is why it has stuck for us. I go to an environmental doctor for

chelation who has a homeopath in his office. It's great for one stop shopping

for this type of thing! At any rate, the two kind of work in tandem. When we

did our first biomeridian scan, I begged the good doc for low dose oral antigens

to help with the multitude of food issues. He indicated that I would best be

served if we cut down the yeast & metals and then really attacked the food


Three months later, we really went after the food issues with SRT. I was

traveling to the doc from Canada to Utah every 3 or 4 months or so and had all

of our food issues resolved within the year using SRT. The results have


But I believe that it is the 'order' which really helped this process. First we

brought down the levels of metals (my son got really sensitive to many foods at

first), at the same time we went after the pathogens and then when both were at

a fairly manageable state, we used SRT to eliminate the food intolerances.

Today, there are still some things that I still shun..... creamy milk products,

msg, high fructose corn syrup and other chemicals. My son can eat everything

else (and probably the creamy stuff too but I'm leery about it) with impunity.

His gut is healed.

Unless you get control of that yeast and bring down the metals, there is nothing

that will help to remove the food sensitivities and they'll just get worse the

longer the metals/pathogens are in there. There will always be that 'hole' in

the stomach! So.... patch up the hole by pulling out the garbage and then get

to work on the food reactions. That is the route to success in this.

We started to work using SRT after we had pulled most of the lead & arsenic out

and were working on that slow moving mercury. Mercury takes a long time and we

are still pulling it and my son has been off the diet for over a year. We just

finished year 2 of chelation now and are beginning year 3..... thus we are

nearing the end of this process.


Mother of Mark, 15, severe global dyspraxia/apraxia/dysarthria, 95% recovered

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I just happened to be taking my daughter to NAET sessions when we did

the first rounds - the practitioner picked up the stress from the round,

and treated for it. For her it was excellent support during a difficult

emotional time.


> >

> > Hi listmates,

> >

> > Hoping that you guys can chime in on your own experiences to help me

decide on how to proceed.

> >

> > Just started AC protocol(Round #5).Doing well.Using all the right

supps etc.Have been at biomed 6 years.My child is 8yo.Did diets for

years(helped somewhat no big wows)did many treatments too many to name

here and also traditional therapies and alternative therapies.I decided

I should try and stick with AC protocol for now and just stick it out.

> >

> > However,I am wondering if I should proceed with trying to eliminate

some of his food intolerances now .We did muscle testing and MSG was the

only thing that came up but I am pretty sure he is sensitive to phenols

as well.Yeast seems to be under control for now.

> >

> > Should I go ahead with NAET or S/ERT to help with this or should I

see if chelation helps with it instead?

> >

> > Please let me know what you have experienced if you did this during

chelation did it work ,also did it stick?

> >

> > I do not want to waste any more time,effort and money if it is not

worth it.ALso do not want to have to put my son through anything

unnecassary.WHat is your take?

> >

> > Thank u so much in advance!!!!!!!!jake's mom

> >


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