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Bladder infection

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I was vomiting before I started the antibiotic. I don't know if it's bc


pain or detox. I do feel better now, but am still a little nauseus

Should I also stop the antibiotic?

==>I suggest you try cranberry juice and raw crushed garlic. Also take

at least 10 billion active cells of acidophilus daily.

Again, thanks so much,

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Dear ,

It's up to you if you go off the antibiotics or not. Whatever you do,

please do take probiotics with the antibiotics.



> Bee,

> I was vomiting before I started the antibiotic. I don't know if it's


> of

> pain or detox. I do feel better now, but am still a little nauseus


> Should I also stop the antibiotic?


> ==>I suggest you try cranberry juice and raw crushed garlic. Also


> at least 10 billion active cells of acidophilus daily.


> Again, thanks so much,


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I've had chronic bladder infections since surgery last November. I

recently read that people prone to UTI's should avoid stainless steel

cookware, steel, metal, and even use plastic eating utencils. It

makes me wonder if the metal they put in - and removed from - my

spine is the culprit. So much info out there. I have tried cranberry

extract, pure cranberry juice, garlic, and increased water intake

when I feel bad but find I just prolong the pain and end up with a

kidney aching - and the inevitable antibiotic. At least thanks to Bee

I know to take probiotics and stick to the candida diet to lessen

somewhat the damage they do. {{hugs Bee}} I hope you continue to feel

better . By any chance do you use stainless steel cookware?


> >

> > Bee,

> > I was vomiting before I started the antibiotic. I don't know if


> bc

> > of

> > pain or detox. I do feel better now, but am still a little nauseus

> >

> > Should I also stop the antibiotic?

> >

> > ==>I suggest you try cranberry juice and raw crushed garlic. Also

> take

> > at least 10 billion active cells of acidophilus daily.

> >

> > Again, thanks so much,

> >

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Hi ,

I do use stainless steel cookware because so many people say not to use


They say salt can cause the aluminum to leak into your foods. I also use

corning ware,

and Pyrex glass ware.

I'm sorry you have trouble too. I used to have these things about 4-5

times a year,

and what helped the most is putting a real good water filter under my

kitchen sink.

It goes through two different filters before it gets to me. Now I only

have them

maybe once or twice a year. I am going to keep trying things in the

future. Next

time, at the first sign, I will drink the raw unfiltered cranberry juice.

I also hope to

get a whole house filter in the future.

>I hope you continue to feel

better . By any chance do you use stainless steel cookware?

Thanks, . :) I hope you don't have anymore BI for a long time.

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It's great to hear from you again. I'm sorry I didn't get back to

you sooner but I found out yesterday that a friend of mine has

cancer. Please see my notes below.




> I've had chronic bladder infections since surgery last November. I

> recently read that people prone to UTI's should avoid stainless

steel > cookware, steel, metal, and even use plastic eating utencils.

==>I've haven't heard of that Chris. Do you have any references?

>It makes me wonder if the metal they put in - and removed from - my

> spine is the culprit. So much info out there. I have tried

cranberry extract, pure cranberry juice, garlic, and increased water

intake > when I feel bad but find I just prolong the pain and end up

with a > kidney aching - and the inevitable antibiotic.

==>Have you tried taking megadoses of Vitamin C along with garlic?

>At least thanks to Bee I know to take probiotics and stick to the

candida diet to lessen > somewhat the damage they do. {{hugs Bee}}

==>((hugs)) to you too Chris!



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> >

> > recently read that people prone to UTI's should avoid stainless

> steel > cookware, steel, metal


> ==>I've haven't heard of that Chris. Do you have any references?

I read it in A Cure for All Diseases.

>> ==>Have you tried taking megadoses of Vitamin C along with garlic?

No, I read a warning on vitamin C crystals about taking them if you

have kidney problems and it scared me away from taking the 2000-2500

mg I was taking--and still getting infections on. I recently

purchsed vit c powder from Source Naturals? and it says to take 1

heaping tsp. with meals. I typically take it once/daily.

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>>> I'm terribly sorry about your friend. I know that you have the

> wisdom to help if they are open to it. Prayers said.

==>Thanks so much Chris. So far the medical doctor has approved of

everything I have recommended, which is very simple for now, i.e.

acidophilus because she's on antibiotics for minor surgery to do the

biopsy; cod liver oil; Vit. B Complex; bone broths; lemon juice and sea

salt in water plus extra sea salt under the tongue; Vit. C and Cal/Mag

in her IV, etc.


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  • 2 months later...
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Try D-Mannose, about $20 at the vitamin store. Works

really well. Get off of those antibiotics!

--- debbie cozens <debbiecozens@...> wrote:

> Hello..has anyone got any recomendations for bladder

> infections...now on the third lot of

> antibiotics....:-(

> Debbie





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D-Mannose taken on a regular basis will prevent bladder infections. It is a


-- bladder infection

Hello..has anyone got any recomendations for bladder infections...now on the

third lot of antibiotics....:-(



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Cranberry juice, w/o added sugar, also helps my sister's and mother's

UTIs. I'd stay away from the antibiotics, as it will contribute to the

candida disbiosis, further encouraging the bladder infection!

good luck


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Not sure what you're doing yet...probiotics, cranberry supplements,

and TONS of water. Unsweetened cranberry juice is hard to take and is

still pretty much sugar even though none is added. Literally, you need

to walk around with a bottle of water in your hand and sip it

everytime you think about it. And drink some nice gulps, too.

Seriously, I had a HORRIBLE UTI coming on, took 2 cranberry

supplements and drowned myself in water. I had no symptoms within 3

hours. And I was peeing every 20 mins. or so. It works! Good luck!


> Hello..has anyone got any recomendations for bladder

infections...now on the third lot of antibiotics....:-(

> Debbie



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d-mannose, canberry supplements ( I use 2 -4 x's what the bottle says) and

vitamin C about 2000-3000 strength per day. Lots of water to flush everything

out. Antibiotic wise the only thing that ever worked for me....geez can't

remember the name....they were black and yellow capsules....oh macrobid....but

it will likely give you a yeast infection. Goldenseal can help as well.

eviemaddox <evie@...> wrote:

Not sure what you're doing yet...probiotics, cranberry supplements,

and TONS of water. Unsweetened cranberry juice is hard to take and is

still pretty much sugar even though none is added. Literally, you need

to walk around with a bottle of water in your hand and sip it

everytime you think about it. And drink some nice gulps, too.

Seriously, I had a HORRIBLE UTI coming on, took 2 cranberry

supplements and drowned myself in water. I had no symptoms within 3

hours. And I was peeing every 20 mins. or so. It works! Good luck!


> Hello..has anyone got any recomendations for bladder

infections...now on the third lot of antibiotics....:-(

> Debbie



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I had a 6 month bladder infection that I was able to cure with Just

Pomegranite Juice.I bought it at the health food store I dranke 5 bottles

over three weeks and voila it was gone.



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Hi, I've only read to your message so I don't know if anyone has given you this

information. I used to suffer terribly from bladder infections, particularly

after sex. So I learned - wash before and after carefully with plain water no

soap so there are fewer bacteria to get pushed into the urethra. Drink a large

glass of water before and after, to flush bacteria that have been pushed in, out

as quickly as possible. For years I was also taking a Bactrim 20 minutes before

sex. All these helped, but it was finally determined (by my gynecologist, not my

urologist, who felt it through the vaginal wall), that I had a growth on my

urethra and that turned out to be as large as my urologist's little finger and

filled with bacteria. I still had problems after the operation but they

diminished over 4 years and I was finally able to wean myself off the Bactrim,

but still follow the other precautions, and have had no bladder infections that

I know of for over a year. Now I have Candidiasis, which

is why I am on this site. Washing after urinating, either with wet tissue or

plain water, helps. Liz

debbie cozens <debbiecozens@...> wrote:Hello..has anyone got any

recomendations for bladder infections...now on the third lot of




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What are you still doing on antibiotics? By all means, this is your

greatest reason for having candida as well as the bladder infections. You

are only killing off the very bacteria that keeps candida in check by

continuing the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria, not yeast or

fungus, I'm not surprised at all that you are still experiencing bladder

infections. With all due respect, you have a lot of reading to do, please

start today. Go through the archives of this newsgroup and educate yourself

so you can find out what you are doing wrong. And for God's sake, stop the

antibiotics!!! If you want something to kill pathogens, start making your

own colloidal silver and using it. It is good stuff with many uses.


debbie cozens <debbiecozens@...> wrote:Hello..has anyone got any

recomendations for bladder infections...now on the third lot of antibiotics.




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Its been a few weeks and i am finnished all the medication....i called up my

dear fridn who is a herbalist/immunologist and he suggested i take a quarter

teaspoon of freshly ground cinnomon in a cup of water 3x a day and it did the

trick..along with some echinacea tablets 3x a day.....

When I had chills and fever and a lot of pain and the docs couldnt tell me for

sure what kind of infection i had..i went along witht he medication...i dont

like antibiotics but was in secondary stage already//..next time i will nip it

in the bud.


ken <crapmail@...> wrote:

What are you still doing on antibiotics? By all means, this is your

greatest reason for having candida as well as the bladder infections. You

are only killing off the very bacteria that keeps candida in check by

continuing the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria, not yeast or

fungus, I'm not surprised at all that you are still experiencing bladder

infections. With all due respect, you have a lot of reading to do, please

start today. Go through the archives of this newsgroup and educate yourself

so you can find out what you are doing wrong. And for God's sake, stop the

antibiotics!!! If you want something to kill pathogens, start making your

own colloidal silver and using it. It is good stuff with many uses.


debbie cozens wrote:Hello..has anyone got any

recomendations for bladder infections...now on the third lot of antibiotics.




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  • 3 months later...

Yes, also try garlic water. Using a small garlic press, press a

fresh garlic clove about the size if the last section of your pinky

finger into a small glass of water only one finger full. Swish it

around for about 30 seconds then drink it like a shot. Then chase it

with 3/4 to 1 whole cup cold water. Wait 10-15 minutes then drink as

much water as you can for the next 3 hours and repeat as needed.


> Network BlitzSuggestions for how to get rid of a mild bladder

infection? I

> rarely get them, but feel one coming on.


> Vitamin C and cranberry juice (unsweetened, but with stevia).

Anything else?


> Thanks.

> Ann








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Ann wrote:


>Suggestions for how to get rid of a mild bladder infection? I

> rarely get them, but feel one coming on. Vitamin C and cranberry

juice (unsweetened, but with stevia). Anything else?

==>Megadoses of vitamin C helps a lot - start with 4,000 mgs. right

away and take 1,000-2,000 mgs. every hour until you reach bowel

tolerance, which is loose stools, then cut back 250 mgs. every hour

until you reach bowel tolerance again, then cut back another 250 mgs.

every hour and so on.

==>Take 3 large raw crushed cloves of garlic per day (spread out) in

addition to 4 cups of garlic tea (see recipe files). IMO garlic is the

most effective treatment, but if you are not at the stage to handle

antifungals you'll need to take pure unsweetened unpasteurized

cranberry juice; it will take about 1 quart to cure it taken over about

2-3 day period of time - mix it with pure water so you can stand the

taste but do not sweeten it with stevia.


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Hi Ann

Just wanted to mention another possibility to a bladder infection. It could

be your bladder is irritated by candida or die-off which can mimic symptoms

of an infection. I have Interstitial Cystitis, which is bladder lining

inflammation and bleeding when it's irritated. And I find that when my

candida levels were or are high, and when I'm going through die-off, along

with certain vitamins and acidic foods, really irritate my bladder. It

feels like an infection but goes away in a day or two once I eliminate the

offending foods or supplements, or get strict with my candida diet again.

Actually it's a really helpful first alert to my candida levels so I can

quickly go back to a stricter diet for a few days.

In my case Vitamin C and cranberry juice actually cause more bladder

irritation so I can't use them.

I've learned to always tell my doctors when I'm getting a urinanalysis that

I have Interstitial cystitis so the sample is cultured to make sure it's

really an infection. This way I avoid having to argue about taking

antibiotics unnecessarily.

Kim M.

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Hi Ann

Glad you went to your doctor to check; also glad to hear the sample will be

cultured to make sure it is an infection. I had several bad experiences

with doctors assuming I had a kidney or bladder infection when I didn't;

ended up with bad allergic reactions to Cipro and Levaquin as a result, so

I'm a bit oversensitive on the subject!

My bladder gets irritated during die-off periods as well, but it usually

only lasts a few hours, a day at the most. So what you're experiencing

could be die-off, except I wouldn't think it would last for several days.

If your lab results on Monday show no infection, then you could reassess

what your eating or any supplements you're taking. Could be something is

irritating your bladder lining causing the symptoms, which is why I thought

I'd mention the possibility to you.

I've had to do lots of testing to figure out what foods and supplements

cause my Interstitial cystitis (IC) to flare. Between IC and a cranky

digestive system it's been tough to speed up the candida elimination

program, I must admit. However I have been successful over time (nearly 2


I know how difficult it is to endure. Hope things improve for you quickly.

If you do decide to take the cipro as your doctor recommends, just remember

to take probiotics a few hours after the dose of cipro. This will replace

the beneficial bacteria.

Kim M.

>I wonder though, because I've been moving towards the candida diet,

>eliminated sugar and most carbs (still have quinoa, millet). It's been 2-3

>weeks. I wonder if some of this is die-off??

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Ann wrote:


Thanks, Kim.

> Well, I went to doc today and had the quick test results that

showed I do have an infection. The more accurate results come in on

Monday. She prescribed Cipro.

==>I hope you do take the Cipro my friend.


> I wonder though, because I've been moving towards the candida diet,

> eliminated sugar and most carbs (still have quinoa, millet). It's

been 2-3 weeks. I wonder if some of this is die-off??

==>Your body could be killing off candida overgrowth contained in

your bladder, urethra tubes or kidneys as well, causing die-off

symptoms. Also like Kim wrote your body will go backwards through

every past illness, symptom, injury, etc. during the natural healing

process, per Hering's Law of Cures, which is not the " real thing " but

it is a re-experience or like " a copy " . So it best to use natural

remedies to assist your body, which I recommended previously.

The best,


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  • 1 month later...

Well, if that don't beat all! Journeyman . You are doing Ohm's

work out there, . Thanks for the report, I'll post it to our

files, most cool.



> Hey group, just got back from Maui and while there my wife got this

> really vicious bladder infection ( the ladies know what I mean)


> blood ect. Always carrying my zillers with me it was a simple

matter of

> placeing one trode under tail bone and the other in the obvious

spot at

> 2ma. for 15mins AM and Pm. And that killed it !!!!!!!!! This is the

> first time she has ever whipped this type of infection ever without

> anti-biotics. Too cool she may become a believer yet!!



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  • 7 months later...


> I have had a bladder infection for about two weeks. I am on my

second round of antibiotics. My symptoms of pain is getting worse.

> I do have systemic candidiasis very bad, and also chemical

> sensitivities to a lot of antibiotics.

==>Hi Joyce. It's good to see you are still around. Natural

treatments for bladder infections (urinary tract infections, or UTI)

do not cause the damage antibiotics do, and they are just as

effective, if not more so.

> My problem is being very sensitive to supplements, so that I have

to just take a third of it without ending up with severe die-off.

The doc said that if this round does not do it, that I will have to

go in every day for seven days of antibiotic shots!

> Just one quarter of coconut oil will cause die off in me. I have

> printed out the treatment for UTI but do not know how to do this

> without having that migraine I am famous for having as die-off. I

am totally exhausted as it is. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

==>UTI treatments, except for those that are antifungal, do not

cause die-off symptoms. My sister is a nurse and she cured her UTI

with fresh parsley tea, taken for 7 days just to make sure. She

thought she cured it in 3-4 days however.

==>In order to not have severe die-off you need to do the diet very

strictly and for you it might have to be on it for some time, i.e. 6

months, before you can start on the next Step, antifungals. Every

time you take antibiotics it makes the candida grow like crazy.


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  • 10 months later...
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Hi Jana,

Since Bee had to go to work and can't answer you at the moment I'll

direct you to an article with several suggestions. Look for an article

entitled, " Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Causes & Treatments " in the

" Women's Health Issues and Treatments " File. It's in the Files section

of our Group site.

Nettle Tea is one of many suggestions in that article.

hope that helps,



> Okay, so as I said in my previous post, I've only been doing the

> program for one day - and that's only partial. But this morning, I

> woke up and I can DEFINITELY tell I'm fighting a bladder infection

> AGAIN. I really need to keep this thing at bay.

> Is it okay to take nettle?

> Is it okay to take my probiotics again?

> Is aloe vera juice okay?

> I'm worried that the infection might have returned because I stopped

> the probiotics and oregano oil to start the candida diet. I REALLY

> want to take the oregano oil again to fight infection, but I'm

> completely open to being told otherwise. Bee?


> ~Jana


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