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Bladder infection

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> Okay, so as I said in my previous post, I've only been doing the

> program for one day - and that's only partial. But this morning, I

> woke up and I can DEFINITELY tell I'm fighting a bladder infection

> AGAIN. I really need to keep this thing at bay.

> Is it okay to take nettle?

> Is it okay to take my probiotics again?

> Is aloe vera juice okay?

> I'm worried that the infection might have returned because I stopped

> the probiotics and oregano oil to start the candida diet. I REALLY

> want to take the oregano oil again to fight infection, but I'm

> completely open to being told otherwise. Bee?

==>Jana, as I wrote to you earlier this morning you body will re-trace

previous episodes of bladder infection during natural healing. This is

according to Hering's Law of Cures. Yes you can take nettle tea,

oregano oil, and probiotics, etc. I do not recommend taking aloe vera

juice, but if you feel comfortable taking it, it is okay too. Just be

aware that when you get onto this diet and take all of the supplements

you will get more symptoms, so later on you might want to cut back on

the oregano oil and probiotics so the symptoms are more tolerable. In

fact the diet and supplements alone can cure candida without anything

extra, particularly if you also eat sauerkraut as recommended.

The best, Bee

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  • 1 year later...

Not every can take iodine, it can have a

bad reaction in some people.

I will say to stop taking it and use

D-mannose instead.



iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Ruhland

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008

10:14 AM


Subject: Bladder


I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a baldder

infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What should I

do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections.


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It could be a detox reaction, so ease up on the amount you take or

even discontinue it temporarily. Meanwhile, try 1/2 teaspoon of

baking soda and see what happens. Baking soda cleared out my urinary

infection in one day!


> I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a


> infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What

should I

> do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections.

> Kim


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It doesn't alway work that well. It has never stopped one or prevent a new one and I take it a lot every day. I am not say It does't work but your making a very braod brush statement to a lot of people.

Duke Dallas - Texas


iodine From: yburkett@...Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:41:12 +0000Subject: Re: Bladder infection

It could be a detox reaction, so ease up on the amount you take or even discontinue it temporarily. Meanwhile, try 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and see what happens. Baking soda cleared out my urinary infection in one day!>> I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a baldder > infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What should I > do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections. > Kim> Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live Click here

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D-Mannose takes away bladder infections up

to 90% of the time.


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Duke Stone

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008

1:02 PM


Subject: RE: Re: Bladder



It doesn't alway work that well. It has never stopped one or prevent a new one

and I take it a lot every day. I am not say It does't work but your making a

very braod brush statement to a lot of people.

Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) biz


From: yburkett

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:41:12 +0000

Subject: Re: Bladder infection

It could be a detox reaction, so ease up on the amount

you take or

even discontinue it temporarily. Meanwhile, try 1/2 teaspoon of

baking soda and see what happens. Baking soda cleared out my urinary

infection in one day!


> I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a


> infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What

should I

> do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections.

> Kim


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Dr. Jim Howenstine agrees with you - www.mynaturalhealthteam.com. The

bladder infection I had that was knocked cold by baking soda was of a

viral nature - it was simply the flu virus going down into my bladder.

Like Duke says, it might not work for other causes.


> D-Mannose takes away bladder infections up to

> 90% of the time.



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If you look at the lists of bromide detox

reactions, your symptom is a detox reaction, just feels like a bladder

infection. Are you taking all the supporting nutrients? Have you done the salt

loading and have enough vit C? If you take a day or so off, the bromide can get

cleared out of your system without pulling out more. It is good to detox, just

take a day or so off the iodine.

Donna in IL

From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Ruhland

Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008

9:14 AM


Subject: Bladder


I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like

I have a baldder

infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What should I

do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections.


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It doesn't. I had a whopper this summer and had to go on Bactrim. Dr. Brownstein helped me with it.


Bladder infection

I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a baldder infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What should I do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections. Kim

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I agree I tried that and apple cider vinegar and neither worked. After I went on the antibiotic I found out about D-Mannose. That may work for you as it inhibits the implantation of the bacteria in the bladder wall.

Re: Bladder infection

It could be a detox reaction, so ease up on the amount you take or even discontinue it temporarily. Meanwhile, try 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and see what happens. Baking soda cleared out my urinary infection in one day!>> I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a baldder > infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What should I > do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections. > Kim>

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I had really good luck with blueberries and cranberries and some water

about half cup each or so. That cleared out the last time I felt a

bladder infection coming on. Just did that several times a day for 2-3

days and it faded away. Pam

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:28 AM, ladybugsandbees

<ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:

> I agree I tried that and apple cider vinegar and neither worked. After I

> went on the antibiotic I found out about D-Mannose. That may work for you

> as it inhibits the implantation of the bacteria in the bladder wall.





> Re: Bladder infection


> It could be a detox reaction, so ease up on the amount you take or

> even discontinue it temporarily. Meanwhile, try 1/2 teaspoon of

> baking soda and see what happens. Baking soda cleared out my urinary

> infection in one day!






>> I started iodoral about a week ago and now I feel like I have a

> baldder

>> infection. My back hurts so bad I had to stop taking it. What

> should I

>> do?? I thought iodine got rid of bladder infections.

>> Kim





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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

Have you tried oil of oregano?


In a message dated 1/9/2009 10:24:21 A.M. Central Standard Time,

tadadzn@... writes:

Has anyone been able to cure their bladder infections with garlic and

parsley tea? I am in my 6th day of a ragging infection. I cannot get

over the top of this infection with anything so far. I have kept it

at bay with Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been on Bee's program

for over a year. Thanks for any help, as I am worried that I might

have to resort to an antibiotic.

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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Well ,

The joke was on her and you had the last laugh! ;) Doctors are so foolish.


In a message dated 1/9/2009 10:44:33 A.M. Central Standard Time,

foxforce18@... writes:

When I told my Gyno that I had cured it with the

tea she just laughed at me.

Hope you feel better!

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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I was able to cure mine but I did have to take the OTC medicine for

pain a few days. The stuff that turns your pee orange. I started on

parsley tea and after day 3 added garlic. It took about 7 days. I

happened to have checkup with my Gyno that week and had a test that

showed no infection. When I told my Gyno that I had cured it with the

tea she just laughed at me.

Hope you feel better!


> Has anyone been able to cure their bladder infections with garlic and

> parsley tea? I am in my 6th day of a ragging infection. I cannot get

> over the top of this infection with anything so far. I have kept it

> at bay with Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been on Bee's program

> for over a year. Thanks for any help, as I am worried that I might

> have to resort to an antibiotic.




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I cured two UTIs since starting the diet, purely by drinking the

parsley tea. Nothing else.



> Has anyone been able to cure their bladder infections with garlic and

> parsley tea? I am in my 6th day of a ragging infection. I cannot get

> over the top of this infection with anything so far. I have kept it

> at bay with Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been on Bee's program

> for over a year. Thanks for any help, as I am worried that I might

> have to resort to an antibiotic.




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  • 1 year later...

I also swear by the cranberry extract. It is a bit tart so I put it in some

juice to help cut the taste, but it isn't too bad. I use to get UTI

infection, bladder, and kidney infections a lot until I found the cranberry

extract and as soon as I feel I might have one coming on I take it and it

seems to keep it at bay. Trish

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Andree <mam78@...> wrote:






> >

> > Is olive leaf extract or OLE good for a bladder infection?


> Not to my knowledge.


> However cranberry extract & d-mannose both work.


> HTH,





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  • 8 months later...

Hi Adrienne,

The last time I had a bladder infection, I started on high dose iodine (300mg

spread over the day), and my symptoms were subsiding substantially.

Then, I read / heard about D-Mannose and ran out to buy some (because more is

better, right?!). I took one or two doses when the infection came back with

avengence, and extended into my kidneys. If you have a sensitivity to sugar

(like I do), be very careful. Next time I will definitely stick to an iodine /

baking soda regime (drinking baking soda mixed in water will alkalize your

urine). And yes, the urine C & S indicated that it was E.Coli.


> >

> >

> >

> > D-Ribose will help with infections.

> > Cranberry Juice will as well.

> >

> > Be careful about letting it go too long. It can travel to the kidney

and infect that as well.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Bladder infection

> >

> >

> >

> > Woke up this morning with this. Not had it for 7 yrs.

> > Any suggestions as to how to avoid antibiotics?

> > Last time I tried for a month using various remedies but nothing

worked & had to take Penicillin in the end.

> > I have just spent a fortune on probiotics and colonic etc trying to

get my gut flora right.

> > I have just started taking a high potency B complex and wondering if

yeast could be the cause. I don't know.

> >

> > Adrienne

> >


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I and many people I know have used D-Mannose for bladder infections. It's

the most excellent cure. For people who are prone to getting them, a

maintenance dose of it can prevent infections for the long haul.

I keep it on hand and recommend that others do so as well since the earlier

treatment is started, the easier it is to get rid of a bladder infection.

The way D-Mannose works: It's a simple carbohydrate that makes the lining

of the bladder and ureters more slippery, so the bacteria cannot get a

foothold. The bacteria are washed out of the body instead of lodging in

the body and multiplying. D-Mannose does not kill bacteria, and therefore

it does not cause imbalances in the body and does not harm the probiotic

cultures in our intestines. So it's the preferred treatment.

Some people with interstitial cystitis have found relief with D-Mannose,

even though it's not " supposed " to work for that. My thinking is that we

simply don't know all the mechanisms at work.


At 12:58 PM 10/3/2010, you wrote:

>D-Mannose works well as long as the infection is from e-coli, which most

>bladder infections are (about 90%). However, you must take enough of it

>to work. At least 1-2.5 GRAMS every 3 (waking) hours for 2-3 days and

>then, if symptoms are relieved, I recommend a maintenance dose of 1 gram

>3x daily for three more days. Drinking cranberry juice is good (as long

>as it is pure cranberry juice and not laden with sugar); however, what

>makes it sometimes work is the D-Mannose that it contains. Peaches,

>apples and blueberries also contain D-Mannose. Cranberry juice does not

>contain as high amount of D-Mannose as taking 1-2.5 GRAMS daily which is

>why, for some people, it does not work well. If you get a capsule form of

>D-Mannose make sure it doesn’t contain a lot of excipients. This is

>usually not a concern with the D-Mannose powder does not contain the



>Drinking a lot of purified water (not bottled in plastic) is also

>necessary. Women are especially prone to bladder infections because the

>bowel opening is close to the urethra. If the urethra becomes

>contaminated with bowel (e-coli), it can travel up the urethra and into

>the bladder, causing inflammation. The urethra in women is also a lot

>shorter than in men and thus transit to the bladder is easier.

>Some everyday activities can cause bowel germs to enter the urethra. Those


> * For women, wiping incorrectly from back to front after a bowel

> movement. Always wipe from front to back and make sure you are wiping

> effectively. Sometimes the pre-moistened towels are a good idea and can

> be enhanced if you spray an effective colloidal silver on them.

> * Sexual intercourse or other activities that push germs into the

> bladder. Make sure to always urinate after intercourse.

> * Insertion of instruments into the urinary tract, such as a catheter,

> etc.

> * Infrequent urination in both men and women. " Holding it in " causes

> urine to stagnate, which helps bacteria flourish and grow.

> * Skin allergies. Some women are allergic to ingredients in vaginal

> creams, soaps, bath products, or other products used in the perineal

> area. Many of these products are not pH neutral and those can cause

> irritation.

> * Lowered resistance. The body's natural defenses can be lowered from

> colds, flu, stress, or other causes – especially during this time of year.

> * Incomplete emptying of the bladder. Many conditions can block urine

> flow and prevent the bladder from emptying completely, such as kidney stones.

> * Changes in normal acidity of vaginal fluid, such as after a douche.

> Women should not douche unless directed to do so by a doctor.

> * Pregnancy.

> * Diabetes.

>If you do not experience at least some relief in 36 hours then please go

>to your healthcare professional.

>Be Well







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~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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Thank you Ziggy,

Its a lot better this morning and yes - I did take some Lugols and sodium

bicarb. Also acorbate vit C.

I have recently changed my diet rather drastically in an attempt to raise my

urine pH - it has been 4.5. So perhaps this sugar would not help me either.

Interestingly, I also painted iodine around bladder area and it disappeared

twice quite quickly. I have been doing this test on inner forearms and the stain

has remained for 24 hrs. Perhaps the iodine has not been reaching this area as

this test can vary depending on whereabouts on the body it is done.

I have recently eased off the Lugols but taken supplements containing it

instead. I have also spent lots of money on colonic and probiotic implant etc as

had severe constipation for which nothing was working. I was desperate! Hence my

fear of antibiotics.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > D-Ribose will help with infections.

> > > Cranberry Juice will as well.

> > >

> > > Be careful about letting it go too long. It can travel to the kidney

and infect that as well.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Bladder infection

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Woke up this morning with this. Not had it for 7 yrs.

> > > Any suggestions as to how to avoid antibiotics?

> > > Last time I tried for a month using various remedies but nothing

worked & had to take Penicillin in the end.

> > > I have just spent a fortune on probiotics and colonic etc trying to

get my gut flora right.

> > > I have just started taking a high potency B complex and wondering if

yeast could be the cause. I don't know.

> > >

> > > Adrienne

> > >

> >


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Hi Adrienne,

The skin test does not really show you anything, because there

are so many possibilities – how dry your skin is, air temp and humidity, clothing,

etc. There is an article explaining why it really doesn’t show you

anything, sorry I don’t have it handy.

No supplement would contain Lugols, they might contain some

iodine but only at a fraction of even one drop of 2% Lugols, not enough to

nourish your body.

Also, from your next e-mail, you are afraid to take iodine with

probiotics, why? The iodine is antiviral, antifungal, and nourishes your body, and

the probiotic helps put back good intestinal flora. They work together to get

you healthy. Many of us on the loop take both in quite high doses.

Donna in IL


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of adrienneobbard

Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 2:56 AM


Subject: Re: Bladder infection

Thank you Ziggy,

Its a lot better this morning and yes - I did take some Lugols and sodium

bicarb. Also acorbate vit C.

I have recently changed my diet rather drastically in an attempt to raise my

urine pH - it has been 4.5. So perhaps this sugar would not help me either.

Interestingly, I also painted iodine around bladder area and it disappeared

twice quite quickly. I have been doing this test on inner forearms and the

stain has remained for 24 hrs. Perhaps the iodine has not been reaching this

area as this test can vary depending on whereabouts on the body it is done.

I have recently eased off the Lugols but taken supplements containing it

instead. I have also spent lots of money on colonic and probiotic implant etc

as had severe constipation for which nothing was working. I was desperate!

Hence my fear of antibiotics.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > D-Ribose will help with infections.

> > > Cranberry Juice will as well.

> > >

> > > Be careful about letting it go too long. It can travel to the

kidney and infect that as well.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Bladder infection

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Woke up this morning with this. Not had it for 7 yrs.

> > > Any suggestions as to how to avoid antibiotics?

> > > Last time I tried for a month using various remedies but nothing

worked & had to take Penicillin in the end.

> > > I have just spent a fortune on probiotics and colonic etc trying

to get my gut flora right.

> > > I have just started taking a high potency B complex and

wondering if yeast could be the cause. I don't know.

> > >

> > > Adrienne

> > >

> >


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If someone cannot use cranberry because of some medications they are on, can

they still use d-mannose....? I have neighbor who had bladder problems and doc

said she cannot take cranberry because of medications she uses----can she still

use d-mannose....??

Blessings, Margaret


> I and many people I know have used D-Mannose for bladder infections. It's

> the most excellent cure. For people who are prone to getting them, a

> maintenance dose of it can prevent infections for the long haul.


> I keep it on hand and recommend that others do so as well since the earlier

> treatment is started, the easier it is to get rid of a bladder infection.


> The way D-Mannose works: It's a simple carbohydrate that makes the lining

> of the bladder and ureters more slippery, so the bacteria cannot get a

> foothold. The bacteria are washed out of the body instead of lodging in

> the body and multiplying. D-Mannose does not kill bacteria, and

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I have spent a lifetime holding in urine at work because i was busy, having a poor diet, and not drinking enough water and being dehydrated. I never had a uti, UNTIL I pretty much stopped eating for 2 months because i was under duress. I shed 40 pounds in 2 months, and bingo- my first uti. I believe releasing the fat dumped a lot of toxins into my system. Your fat holds and compartmentalizes toxins. I believe I was also experiencing nutritional deficiencies. Perhaps had I been taking fulvic acid i could have avoided it.

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Medi Herb sells a cranberry complex that my naturalpath/chiropractor/GP had me take 2 am and 2 pm. Think it works best on empty stomach for 20 -30 minutes. I also doubled the iodine that I was taking and drank more water. Anyway went away in few days with that combination. Pam

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 5:54 AM, adrienneobbard <adrienneobbard@...> wrote:


Woke up this morning with this. Not had it for 7 yrs.

Any suggestions as to how to avoid antibiotics?

Last time I tried for a month using various remedies but nothing worked & had to take Penicillin in the end.

I have just spent a fortune on probiotics and colonic etc trying to get my gut flora right.

I have just started taking a high potency B complex and wondering if yeast could be the cause. I don't know.


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