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Re: Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group can't stand up to truth

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Such language from them.  Honestly, why go through the effort of talking to them when it's not productive.  Maybe channel our efforts elsewhere.On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Marsha <mofmars333@...> wrote:


I guess the following message was too much for McCarthy Body Count group because they just banned me from their fraudulent group;

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?profile=1 & id=180783538575#!/pages/-McCarthy-Body-Count/180783538575

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I guess I have missed something-- McCarthy says that vaccinations do or do

not cause autism??????????????

From: Marsha <mofmars333@...>

Subject: [ ] Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group can't

stand up to truth

Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:53 PM


I guess the following message was too much for McCarthy Body Count group

because they just banned me from their fraudulent group;

http://www.facebook .com/album. php?profile= 1 & id=18078353857 5#!/pages/-

McCarthy- Body-Count/ 180783538575

I can still read there & they have been making fun of me, Sherri Nakken the

nurse & another called Marcia Ward & threatening to ban us all.

Now that we're all gone I would appreciate one of you going there & giving them

a message on behalf of the three of us & anyone else trying to oppose their


Please tell them that taking the coward's way out in banning us who brought

truth to them instead of standing up to it " tells " it all.

At least in banning me & the other Marcia as Sherri was continuously threatened

with banning, too, but she wasn't banned she just left as she was finished due

to no intelligent life there, I guess.

But there is because I can see their names in the friends list of that group so

I know for fact there are those silently watching on the side of truth because

I've seen them else where working as activists to help the children so they're

just not commenting.

For the benefit of truth & those there watching who represent it, please tell

them banning Marsha & Marcia was the cowards way out & it very much shows what a

threat we were.

I'll be looking & hoping to see such a comment.


This must have just been too much for them>>>

I don't usually send or use this following type information in my activism, Dr.

Rima offers.

Not that I don't believe it, I just worry too many might not be ready to hear

that message yet & be quicker to ignore what I have to tell them about truth

concerning the toll too many vaccinations has taken on our children & ad...ult

population, should I go there.

Please view this short video of the good doctor telling it like it is & then

look at the wall in my profile & see my last post.

I had wanted this true story to post to the main news feed but for some reason

it won't. I wonder if Facebook censors?

I don't worry about legal ramifications because I, as many, would welcome a

court hearing so the truth about Terri Schiavo being murdered could come out for

the world to see.

My story was censored at Huffingtonpost. com & that's a shame.

Because no one should be allowed to get away with murder.

But they did.

I always thought it was some sort of test & now I'm convinced.

They murdered Terri right in front of our faces & it had to of been a test run

to see our reaction for what was to come that these crazy people think they can

pull off.

So far they have gotten away with murder & have convinced many Terri was brain

dead when in actuality she was no different than many autistic children.

I didn't want to believe what so many, for so many years, tried to tell me was

in store for our people but it's true.

They plan to control the population by getting getting rid of who they call,

" the useless eaters " just as Dr. Rima, The Georgia Stones (http://www.crystali

nks.com/gaguides tones.html) & many others have been saying.

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=_gWmVtn5JsA


I received a message just now saying my post concerning Terri was not on the

wall of my, Marsha McClelland's, Facebook page.

I can see it there but just in case you who are interested, can't, I'll post it


Please let me know if it's there or not if any of you could go & look, please.

Here it is;

A moderator at Huffingtonpost. com unfairly censored my post concerning Terri

Schiavo so here it is in it's entirety.

http://www.huffingt onpost.com/ david-casarett- md/5-years- after-terri-

schia_b_518215. html

Terri was murdered & barbarically allowed to be tortured to death by starvation

& thirst. We don't even do that to a......nimals. At least they put them to


The politicians were a circus & even Bush played part in pretending to try to

save her when we know if he pulled executive order against the wishes of our

people to go to war in Iraq & got away with it, he certainly could save one


Terri didn't want to die, that was clear for anyone who actually paid attention.

Her husband was afraid if he gave her back to her parents, as they begged, she

would be able to nail him for harming her in the first place.

That's why no cell phones were allowed in her room so we couldn't see she was no

vegetable but her family got pictures that told truth, anyway.

Terry was not on life support, her body was healthy.

She ate jello at first but her husband stopped it, saying it took too long.

The police report was dubious, in fact the details are extreme in that the first

one was missing, if I remember correctly, & timing way off when called

them considering the details were not in sync to when she collapsed.

She sat in the office at the nursing home & said " hi " with a smile to all who

entered until found out & witnesses have stated so.

It didn't sound like, " hi " , but everyone knew what she meant.

A congressperson asked Terri Schiavo's Dad to put the phone to Terri's ear on a

prior occasion when failed to kill her.

Terri was sitting in a chair & began to squirm frantically so her Dad asked the

person what they said to her. The reply was, " I said, if you don't get out of

that chair they're going to kill you. "

When the feeding tube was being removed & this is a biggy that still breaks my

heart when I think of it.

And it should be easy to find this witness among many & question the police

woman who broke down sobbing & had to be replaced because she lost it when Terri

began screaming as they removed the tube, trying to say she wanted to live as

she'd been coached prior to them coming to take it out.

She yelled, " I, I, I, wa " , in terror.

I hope , his wife & all else involved in this murder haven't had a

moments peace since but feel very sorry for the children of these two who

selfishly chose murder instead of giving Terri back to her family as they should


lied about Terri's wishes because he feared she'd recover enough, in

their hands, to tell what he did to her when she first collapsed.

There's a whole bunch more like the report of what one nurse found in the trash

in Terri's room.

Do the research people & don't beLIEve what some say who are only parroting what

they've been fed.

The official conclusion is not true at all & those of us who were with her, will

not forget.

Just ask Terri's Mom, Dad & her siblings.

Read the real facts for yourself people. It's all available, all the truth &

facts to the matter, if you know how to do proper research.

http://www.chninter national. com/Cheryl_ Ford_book_ OurFight4Terri. htmlSee


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This is a group that slanders & claims because of her blowing the whistle

on the fact too many vaccinations have taken toll, it's her fault children are

dying. Here's their lying website;


And here's their fraudulent group where they bad people for trying to tell the


http://www.facebook.com/album.php?profile=1 & id=180783538575#!/pages/-McCart\


So we ask for anyone who can, to go there & use your voice of reason because

people on both sides of the issue are there, many silent & not commenting but we

need to try to get truth out & wake as many as possible.




> From: Marsha <mofmars333@...>

> Subject: [ ] Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group

can't stand up to truth


> Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:53 PM




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McCarthy is an idiot but I gave these people some grief anyhow and they

threw me out too.

> >

> >

> > From: Marsha <mofmars333@>

> > Subject: [ ] Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group

can't stand up to truth

> >

> > Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:53 PM

> >

> >

> >  


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Don't feel bad, I was banned as well. They can't handle the truth.

From: Best <bettwice33@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group

can't stand up to truth

Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 5:19 PM


McCarthy is an idiot but I gave these people some grief anyhow and they

threw me out too.

> >

> >

> > From: Marsha <mofmars333@ >

> > Subject: [ ] Urgent Message & McCarthy Body Count group

can't stand up to truth

> >

> > Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 1:53 PM

> >

> >

> >  


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Hi Marsha,

The last link you provided at the end of

your post does not work. It says “Not Found”. Could you give that

link again? Maybe there is a mistake. Thanks.


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The word " see " was attached to the link. Sorry, Joni.


> Hi Marsha,




> The last link you provided at the end of your post does not work. It says

> " Not Found " . Could you give that link again? Maybe there is a mistake.

> Thanks.




> Joni


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Hi Marsha,

Thank you for posting the correct

link. I absolutely agree that what was done to Terri was a travesty and so

horrible to even think that anyone could do what they did to her. I have

a DVD called “The Terri Schiavo Story” from lin Springs

and it’s very good but I have wanted to know more about this whole story

ever since it all happened. I am definitely buying Cheryl’s

book. Thank you so much for posting this information. I would not

have known about this book otherwise.


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You're very welcome. It still hurts me when I think of what was done to her.

I'm about to post, maybe by tomorrow, a reply on my Facebook page to a group

owner at there that disagreed with what I write concerning Terri.

http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?ref=profile & id=1447061602

I have never had one disagree with me on this horrible & painful matter as

graciously as this lady did.

Usually those that back Terri's murderous monster husband are mean spirited but

this lady was really nice.

I have made friends with her as we are united in this vaccination danger cause

but I want to open her eyes to the facts about Terri.

I want to ask her, as I would want to ask anyone who thinks they know what

really happened, some serious questions.

I want to ask how she learned about Terri & what exactly she knows.

Which news networks she monitored for the information gathered.

And how many hours would she estimate she spent during the two weeks & day they

tortured Terri to death watching the 24/7 coverage?

My guess is she & anyone else who doesn't know Terri was murdered wasn't paying

attention & had little to no time vested researching.

People were foolish & deceived to beLIEve the propaganda & deception we were fed

without searching the matter out for themselves.


> Hi Marsha,




> Thank you for posting the correct link. I absolutely agree that what was

> done to Terri was a travesty and so horrible to even think that anyone could

> do what they did to her. I have a DVD called " The Terri Schiavo Story " from

> lin Springs and it's very good but I have wanted to know more about

> this whole story ever since it all happened. I am definitely buying

> Cheryl's book. Thank you so much for posting this information. I would not

> have known about this book otherwise.




> Joni


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