Guest guest Posted October 25, 2010 Report Share Posted October 25, 2010 Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the brain, once it is in it doesn't come out. *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues, if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. *** The most accurate test is a hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have mercury with good accuracy. *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about it, but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what costs are associated with the tests? *** In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs. *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally. Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day with meals.*** Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2010 Report Share Posted October 25, 2010 Thanks for the Compliments. Actually, yes, that is what I suspect. I think it has something to do with the fact that I had Scarlet Fever with multiple forms of Strep all at once that nearly killed me. It's a miracle I am even alive, but I can say with absolute certainty that I am sick with Strep without symptoms more often than I am not sick and this in turn affects my mental health. It's really weird, actually. It's like I fight it off without even being aware of it at times and it's only when I over exert myself that symptoms even surface. Even then, it almost always shows up negative on even a blood culture. May 6 of this year is a good example. I went to the ER feeling very VERY sick. But I didn't have a temperature and all tests showed as negative. The Doctor gave me an antihistamine and that's it. A few weeks later during a normal scheduled Doctor's appointment I lucked out. The symptoms were visible so I was given antibiotics. Then just last month I was in the ER again. That time I had a Fever but they could not find a cause. They can see the Strep but they can't otherwise detect it. After 50 CCs of Blood being drawn they just sent me home with a 5 day antibiotic. The most that really did was put it back into remission. I am still to some degree sick but allot less than I was a few months ago. Really, I have no idea what to do about it. Colloidal Silver as a Nasal Spray to inhale and a Throat Spray combined with 1 ounce 10 ppm silver with trace minerals daily really helps to delay it but that doesn't stop it either and I can't always afford it. (Silver was the antibiotic of choice before chemical drugs were in use. Any Microbes that comes into contact with a Silver Ion dies instantly and it persists in the body for 3 weeks normally, but since direct contact is required it's not as effective. Higher doses might be, but an over dose of silver turns people blue) If I just got sick normally I could get treatment but my body fights it in a weird way. I recently started a barrage of medical test but they still can't find anything. It's safe to assume that at least some degree of my current symptoms are related to being sick all the time, but I know that since I had even more symptoms before my first experience with strep at 11-12 it can't be the cause of all the symptoms. I would of course like to know if there is any way to completely get rid of it. From: healme42 <4usyoungs@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My story as an Adult with Autism and a question Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 1:02 AM Â Well, I am no help at all. However, I wanted to comment that after the hell that you have experienced in life, you have become an extremely intelligent person as an adult. Great job on researching so much and working so hard to turn so many negative situations around to your benefit! I noticed you mentioned something about Strep and wondered if you have looked into any underlying Bacterial infection that just won't die all the way. Like I said, I don't know very much (probably the least on this site), however, that just jumped out at me. I am guessing getting rid of any excess metals might help with the Bacterial thing too. Great luck to you! > > > > Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic > purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real > problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the > brain, once it is in it doesn't come out. > > *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one > study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues, > if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. *** > > The most accurate test is a > hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair > Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy > Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have > mercury with good accuracy. > > *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about it, but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what costs are associated with the tests? *** > > > > In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu > kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for > hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs. > > *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally. Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day with meals.*** > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2010 Report Share Posted October 26, 2010 lipid panel run? Not sure about that one. I'll have to ask about it. But I know my Cholesterol levels are very good and my body fat index is good. I have a muscular build and an hourglass figure. My hip to waist ratio is 8/10. Unusual for a guy, I know. But that's the figure I have. Personally I have never really be concerned with Fats. Fats are just complex calories like any other source of energy, right? And high amounts of the Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids are important for a healthy heart. hmm. I haven't read that study. But there was an interesting study that spanned the past 40 years on both humans in the UK and troops of Baboons that linked anxiety and aggression to status in society. People and Baboons who were higher on the social ladder were typically free of stress hormones and stress fat and rarely got sick. Dopamine levels were also higher showing those higher on the social ladder typically valued their life more. Whereas those lower on the social ladder were sick very often, full of stress fat and stress hormones, and otherwise miserable in comparison. This was very consistent in scale in both Humans and Baboons. However, something interesting happened about 2 decades ago. One of the observed troops of baboons took to eating out of human trash and picked up a human disease that killed half the adult males. It was a tragedy. But then it was noticed that only those on the top of the ladder died. The males who were typically aggressive were the ones on top, but they also lacked deep social connections. Somehow, despite the supposedly stronger immune system, only those ones died. After, there were twice as many males as females and these males were all " nice guys " so the social dynamics of the troop was completely transformed. Ever since then, and even today, they are the only group of primates on Earth who are completely free of stress and anxiety and aggression. What's more, when a Male from another troop tries to join it typically acts aggressive at first but typically learns within 6 months that such behavior won't secure a mate so typically changes to become a docile male showing that the Utopian life style can be learned. From that observation it was revealed that while Chronic Stress damages the immune system and even unravels telemeres such that one year of chronic stress is equivalent to 6 years of aging... there are also chemicals which reverse the damage completely. It was found that the reason why the supposedly weaker males survives was because the close social bonds carried with it feelings of Love and Compassion. It was found that those feelings cause regenerative chemicals to form in the body which reverses damage. Just feeling Loved and giving compassion, in and of itself, was more potent than the Dominant Male's supposedly stress free life style. So it was shown that a little stress and allot of compassion is better than no stress at all. This goes way off topic on what you were saying about the Soy, but as evident in this study Anxiety and Aggression are totally different things. Aggressive Males typically do not Feel Anxiety. I will have to look up that study, but I would think a study on Dolphins would be more accurate. Humans have many traits in common with Dolphins that Humans do not have in common with any other Primate. Not to mention many identical chromosomes. and considering that most of the cosmetic differences between humans, apes are purely in the Switches and not in the Genes and considering that the traits Humans do not have in common with Apes, Humans tend to have in common with Dolphins it would suggest that matters of brain chemistry at least would be more accurate in the study of Dolphins than other primates... not that you'll get a Dolphin to eat soy. From: Pamela H <phaselow@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My story as an Adult with Autism and a question Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 9:47 AM  I am impressed with you. I wish you well! Research soy protein studies done at Wake Forest university back maybe a decade ago. They showed that male monkeys fed a diet predominately of soy protein were more aggresssive and less social than their non-soy eating peers (the amount of soy protein was actually what a human would eat if they used non-fermented soy as their main protein). I would not use those shakes anymore. I've tried Jay Robb whey protein shakes before with success. You didn't say if you've ever had a lipid panel run. That would end all debate over what seems to be a well thought out diet. Recurrent strep is concerning. Ever think about using an anti-viral like Olive Leaf Extract to combat it? I am quite sure your book would be both depressing and inspiring. Life has been pretty tough at times is my guess. Have you ever read, " Look me in the Eye-My Life with Aspergers " (Robison)? I loved it. Pam > > > Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good Cholesterol which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs. Also, the Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range) is lower in Cholesterol than most Eggs. > > For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal. It was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises insulin levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body. In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef. And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts. > > I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body. > > hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy. Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it. > > When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than Mayonnaise. > > Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at times when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times a year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it gives me though. > > Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from any culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are good reasons to avoid certain foods. > > One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my Thyroid and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin, and norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results. > > oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let it all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on, especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so numb. > > oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat. Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful: Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me after. He explained that since I am so > elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would snap before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good for developing. Not silly at all. > > lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even in Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on that even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I have had people accuse me of lying. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2010 Report Share Posted October 26, 2010 Olive Leaf Extract? I'll give it a try. I'm always looking for some antibiotic alternative. I have also tried cod liver oil with some success, as well Colloidal Silver. I know 10 days is not enough, but antibiotics are not completely effective anyway. After that time I was given antibiotics for 6 months to save my life I couldn't take any antibiotics for 10 years and I'd rather not go through that again. ya, it surprises me how many people think they actually need drugs. It's like they are being brainwashed into believing something is wrong with them. Often Doctors will use the glasses analogy, for example. Only problem is that, scientifically, no one can prove the existence of a chemical imbalance in the brain. But people believe it anyway. The most heart wrenching thing about it is that people are expected to take these drugs and live with the side effects for their entire lives. I just couldn't see myself living with that. It's no wonder people in that position try and kill themselves, though I do wish more people would wake up and realize that the brain is a mutable organ perfectly capable of adapting to new situations and changing to meet the challenges. Well, I have been looking for Therapy more than anything else. I was recently able to get a November 8th appointment for one after a friend of mine who is a Nurse went over their heads and talked to a regional manager, but it still concerns me. Yes, Meditation. It's one of the keys to getting out of the symptoms of Autism. Something about learning stillness and mindfulness. I think it's because, in Autism, many of the neurons are firing too fast and it helps slow them down to a more functional level. But yes, I do practice meditation. Probably not as much as I should, but my favorite practice is something I call " Vibrating " -- Basically, you lay perfectly flat. You hold the sensation of your feet. Feel them without touching them. You should feel a tingle. Move that sensation up the leg and keep doing that and by the time you have gone through the whole body everything is physically vibrating. It's an amazing sensation. Sometimes when I do that, I'll feel this electrical pulse run through my body and even hear this buzzing sound. Like I am getting in tune with my own neurons firing. Since doing that I am so in tune with my body that when I go to the chiropractor I can usually tell him exactly what is out in what way... and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have any time without worrying. From: mosaictm <lisa369@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My story as an Adult with Autism and a question Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 9:16 AM Â I suggest you start reading up about OLE (Olive Leaf Extract). It's medicinal use is ancient, and we have used it here for my son with residual strep issues (PANDAS, which leads to OCD) and my husband who had rheumatic fever as a child, with residual Strep issues. The OLE changed a lot for my guys. No more Rx antibiotics here. I've used it myself for years in place of antibiotics because I was allergic to every Rx antibiotic I was ever given. Just make sure to give probiotics to restore the " good " flora in the system, and to give them more than 2 hours away from the OLE. Congrats on all you've achieved. Overcoming the pharma and psych system is to be commended, as many do not. For anxiety therapy, why not find a psychologist, rather than a psychiatrist? Psychologists do not Rx meds. I'm fortunate that in my area I have a wonderful psychologist who embraces a holistic approach to emotional wellness. As well, perhaps you would find it helpful to explore meditation or Tai Chi? Those have been very helpful here for anxiety. We also like 5HTP as a supplement for anxiety. The book " Hope and Help for Your Nerves " was especially beneficial for anxiety here. > > > > > > > > > > > > Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic > > > purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real > > > problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the > > > brain, once it is in it doesn't come out. > > > > > > *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one > > > study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues, > > > if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. *** > > > > > > The most accurate test is a > > > hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair > > > Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy > > > Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have > > > mercury with good accuracy. > > > > > > *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about it, but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what costs are associated with the tests? *** > > > > > > > > > > > > In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu > > > kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for > > > hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs. > > > > > > *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally. Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day with meals.*** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2010 Report Share Posted October 26, 2010 exactly. LDL/HDL. Since I consume more sources of good cholesterol than bad cholesterol, and all my sources of Fat are taken with food sources of Omega 3 Fats, and also consume fruits that are known to break down fats and prevent absorption that in and of itself should be an indication. I was just pointing out that despite the high amounts of fat and cholesterol, most of those fats and cholesterol are the beneficial variety and of the negative I eat foods that assist. From: Pamela H <phaselow@...> Subject: [ ] Re: My story as an Adult with Autism and a question Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 5:04 PM Â Total cholesterol does not give you a great picture of your health. LDL/HDL, triglycerides, etc are much more indicative of underlying problems and need for dietary changes. I'm not saying you have any problems at all, but you were challenged here about your diet so I thought I'd point that out. I'm a firm believer in healthy fats, for sure. I do not shy away from them. Coconut fat is my friend! But, I can tell you, my husband is also extremely athletic, thin, active and a healthy eater. His triglycerides are elevated, slightly. With a family history of heart disease, he has chosen to be quite aggressive with Omega 3s, fiber and limiting certain fats. His father had a heart attack at age 50; total cholesterol has always been within normal range (with little other risk factors aside from being, literally, 5lbs over his recommended weight). That's all. Great study you describe about Baboons. I'll definitely look that up. Pam > > > > > > > > > Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good Cholesterol which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs. Also, the Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range) is lower in Cholesterol than most Eggs. > > > > > > For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal. It was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises insulin levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body. In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef. And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts. > > > > > > I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body. > > > > > > hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy. Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it. > > > > > > When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than Mayonnaise. > > > > > > Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at times when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times a year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it gives me though. > > > > > > Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from any culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are good reasons to avoid certain foods. > > > > > > One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my Thyroid and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin, and norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results. > > > > > > oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let it all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on, especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so numb. > > > > > > oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat. Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful: Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me after. He explained that since I am so > > > elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would snap before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good for developing. Not silly at all. > > > > > > lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even in Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on that even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I have had people accuse me of lying. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2010 Report Share Posted October 26, 2010 I know soy is a big no-no if you are hypothyroid. They call it " soybotage. " I think it depletes thyroid hormones? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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