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Re: My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

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Don't call it autism or mention autism. Just discuss the anxiety symptoms

you have; however, they will want to put you on anti anxiety meds and that

can mess you up again.

Have you ever read " The Maker's Diet " ? You might find some help there as

well as from others on this list to help improve anxiety in a natural way.

I don't think you will ever find that in the mainstream.

I have had extreme anxiety before and I know it is no picnic. Mine caused

continuous PVC's from my heart for over two years. Doctors just kept tell

me it was anxiety/depression and threw anti depressants at me, which were

horrible. I went on a beta blocker for a while, and I confess it helped and

made the PVC's stop. Later, I found a good holistic doctor who figured I

had suffered from postpartum thyroiditis with my thyroid being hyper first

and then I became hypothyroid.

I started Armour and it changed my life. Then I was diagnosed with iodine

deficiency and getting on iodine supplementation helped so much I was able

to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone I take.

I believe the cause of my " anxiety " was biomedical. I have a lot of stress

right now --more than I did then, but I am able to handle it. If you can

find the root cause of your anxiety, then you can find as natural a solution

as possible. But, I was glad to have found the beta blocker to get the ball

rolling. It gave me relief while I needed it, but I did not stay on it long

term. It lowers blood pressure, slows the heart, and I did feel really


What we eat, how much sleep we get, getting enough good water, exercise, the

chemicals we come in contact with --all these things affect how our bodies

function, I believe.

If you are in the DFW area, there is a good doctor who can help you with

this, but he does not take insurance.

Hopefully others on this list can help you as well.

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Well, usually when they get Medical History they find out that I have Autism

anyway. As far as medications, well, they don't work anyway. Not a single drug

ever worked as intended in my body. I am actually going to be seeing an

immunologist in a few months about it. Pretty much the only thing that seems to

work anyway is L-Theanine. It's a free form amino acid found in Tea at about 5

mg per dry ounce. It costs about $20 on Amazon for 2 bottles of 60 capsules.

Because it is a free form amino acid, and not a drug, there is no dosage or side

effects. It works my simulating a meditative state and is one of the reasons

that Tea drinkers age so gracefully. But it usually takes allot to deal with an

anxiety attack and Medicare Drug Coverage only covers drugs - not supplements

that work better. (if I am wrong, please correct me!) Anyway, the point there is

that since drugs don't work at all and amino acids do I am perfectly equipped at

rejecting any attempts to


" The Maker's Diet " ? Never heard of it.

anti depressants. ugh. That's just a fancy way of acting like genuine human

emotion is unhealthy. Actually, there was a study done as reported once in

Popular Science a few years back. It showed that anti depressants cause the

hypothalamus to shrink in size, similar to how Steroids eventually cause

Testosterone levels to go down. Since a larger Hypothalamus is associated with

higher self esteem it can be concluded that continuously taking anti depressants

will ultimately result in a decrease of self esteem and therefore an increase of

depression. Which probably explains why anti depressants have side effects like

" thoughts of suicide "

hmm. I didn't think of it as even being related to biomedical in my case. I just

assumed that since my entire child hood was full of trauma that it was mostly

that. But I can see the logic in the biomedical reason which could at least be

affecting it. One of the biggest problems I have with anxiety is that when I

think about it too much I get all tingly in my limbs and get really tired. (I

take 3 grams of Maca a day to help with my energy levels. Although it's usually

marketed for sexual health it really makes a difference in physical vitality) Is

there any tests you would suggest requesting to see if there is a similar cause

in my case?

My current diet: 6 extra large Omega-3 Organic Eggs for breakfast, scrambled

with diced roma tomatoes, diced green yellow and red pepper. With grapeseed oil,

minced garlic, sea salt, black peppercorn, oregano. With about half a cup of

Mozerella cheese and a bit of certified organic Ketchup. Along with half a

grapefruit before breakfast and half a grapefruit after. 1 Banana during the

meal, and an Apple.... For dinner I usually go for Macaroni and Cheese because I

spend so much on fresh fruit. But I like to boil diced tomatos, white onion, and

a bit of sun dried tomatoes into it and stir it with some mozzarella cheese.

Occasionally I will make Egg Plant Mozzarella or other times Sloppy Joes. For

lunch it's usually organic peanut butter with jelly preserves that has no added

sugar on whole grain white with no added corn syrup. Each meal I take fresh

grapefruit, apple, and banana. Sometimes with grapes and other times with Brazil

Nuts. Other times I'll be

in the mood for brown rice and red beans in tomato paste and butter with some

peas in a rice cooker... I do all my cooking with Grape Seed Oil and any time I

cook Beef I drain the Fat and rinse it out... this diet, over all, seems to be

working pretty well for me..... I seem to be on a 3000 calorie diet, but I have

an active metabolism so it works out. I also drink about a gallon of water a day

on average.

no, I'm in Illinois.

From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 6:10 PM


Don't call it autism or mention autism. Just discuss the anxiety symptoms

you have; however, they will want to put you on anti anxiety meds and that

can mess you up again.

Have you ever read " The Maker's Diet " ? You might find some help there as

well as from others on this list to help improve anxiety in a natural way.

I don't think you will ever find that in the mainstream.

I have had extreme anxiety before and I know it is no picnic. Mine caused

continuous PVC's from my heart for over two years. Doctors just kept tell

me it was anxiety/depression and threw anti depressants at me, which were

horrible. I went on a beta blocker for a while, and I confess it helped and

made the PVC's stop. Later, I found a good holistic doctor who figured I

had suffered from postpartum thyroiditis with my thyroid being hyper first

and then I became hypothyroid.

I started Armour and it changed my life. Then I was diagnosed with iodine

deficiency and getting on iodine supplementation helped so much I was able

to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone I take.

I believe the cause of my " anxiety " was biomedical. I have a lot of stress

right now --more than I did then, but I am able to handle it. If you can

find the root cause of your anxiety, then you can find as natural a solution

as possible. But, I was glad to have found the beta blocker to get the ball

rolling. It gave me relief while I needed it, but I did not stay on it long

term. It lowers blood pressure, slows the heart, and I did feel really


What we eat, how much sleep we get, getting enough good water, exercise, the

chemicals we come in contact with --all these things affect how our bodies

function, I believe.

If you are in the DFW area, there is a good doctor who can help you with

this, but he does not take insurance.

Hopefully others on this list can help you as well.

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That's all I can say. You just made my day and I'm sure the day of some

other parents. It is great to hear stories like yours and know that there

is a light at the end of the tunnel for our kids. I have a daughter with

ASD who will be turning 4 soon. When anyone asks me what my goals are for

her I always say to fall in love and get married. Until now, I never knew

if that was really possible. I don't know any adults with ASD. Of course

people tell you sure it will happen but there is always doubt. You sound

like, despite all of your setbacks you pulled through. Congratulations!

You are great!

I'm sorry can't give any advice about the anxiety but I am sure some on

this site will be able to help you.

Thanks again, I really needed some good news today.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Elliander

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 3:43 PM

Subject: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

I am an adult with Asperger's Syndrome. I was diagnosed with " Pervasive

Developmental Delay " at about 2 and a half years old. Shortly after my

Childhood Vaccinations were completed. So I have reason to believe that

Mercury was one cause. However, I also have reason to believe that the

morning sickness drug " Bendectin " was also a cause. I was given this drug in

the womb from about 2 months until 2 days before I was born. At the time it

was already pulled from the Market, but it was a military doctor who issued

and and was later found to be immune from a class action lawsuit. Every

child-to-be he gave that drug to eventually developed some form of autism.

They also, however, were all given vaccinations and developed symptoms

shortly after. So I am acting under the assumption that something about the

Bendectin just made it harder for Mercury deposits to be removed.

I went through allot as a child. One drug after another. Each to treat the

one before. None worked as intended. If I wasn't drooling at the mouth in

some zombified state the drugs were noted as completely ineffective. I was

diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was about 14 I think. Even then

they continued with a series of drugs which I knew was causing me harm. As a

child I attempted everything I could to remove myself from the drugs but it

was clear that Mental Health workers didn't care about me personally or how

the Drugs were affecting me. They only cared about how my behavior affected

them. Which, ironically, at this point was mostly because of the drugs

impairing my ability to think clearly and learn.

By the time I was 18, my 20/20 vision was gone. The drug " Depakote " which

normally causes obesity as a side effect instead caused muscular

degeneration in the whole body. No one seemed concerned that I was slowly

loosing my vision, or that my heart was getting weaker.

I decided then to move out and take myself off medications. I had to lie,

which I hate doing. I had to say I was taking them to prevent

hospitalization. All the while I held the drugs in a bag to prove I wasn't

taking them, and would consistently get prescriptions filled, and waited

about 6 months for Doctors to note consistent improvements. Once I had that

in writing I told them I wasn't taking drugs and that they could no longer

force me to take them because improvements were noted without drugs. In

fact, I proved right then and there that most of my problems were the result

of drugs.

That was the best choice I ever made. I am 27 years old now, and am

recovering from the symptoms. I am a home owner even. On Poverty level

income I figured out how to save an 1880's home from demolition and I now

pay less in the Mortgage for a 3 bedroom n home than I ever did

living in a one room efficiency. I live independently in a completely

different state from any relative. I am also in a Loving relationship and I

have completely blown away anyone's expectations of me.

There is no way that I could have Autism from any source other than

environmental, given the way I turned my own life around. I am living proof

of that.

Additionally, my vision is improving. Since I took myself off the

medications, the side effects have slowly been reversing. I started taking 2

grams of bilberry a day to help speed the process for the eyes and since

last year my vision improved 10% according to my glasses prescription. So

it's very exciting to think I might someday have 20/20 vision again when I

am done healing.


So naturally, I want to try and document the cause. If it really is true

that I am simply suffering from Mercury poisoning I want to medically

document that fact so other children don't have to go through what I went

through. Before the symptoms are completely gone.

However, nothing has shown up in a recent blood test for Mercury poisoning.

Which makes sense when you consider that it would only stay in the blood

for, at most, 90 days. So I am left to suspect that I may have inorganic

deposits of Mercury in the brain. Since the duration of such deposits is

normally about 20 years before declining it would be consistent with what

what I have been experiencing.

So how does one test for that? Is there a specific test I would ask for?


Also, how does one deal with the problem in finding therapy for anxiety when

most centers have a policy not to treat anyone who has Autism? I had to jump

through hoops for the past year just to get a first Therapy session next

month. Anxiety is pretty much the only problem I really have anymore and the

only thing that seems to work for it is about a gram to 2 grams of

L-Theanine a day which I can't always afford. Besides, I would prefer

dealing with the cause rather than the symptoms. If you're childhood was

spend mostly in state care, being abused physically, emotionally, and

chemically wouldn't you need therapy?


Anyway, sorry for such a long winded first post. I would appreciate any

advice anyone should have. And since I went through the experience of having

Autism I can probably answer any questions of what that feels like to be in

that position.

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Please know I am not a doctor and this is my opinion, but your diet sounds

too high in fat and cholesterol. Also, have you ever considered maybe

trying to go gluten, casein, and soy free? I mention this only because my

son was severe when he regressed, and he made phenomenal gains with the


For my son, if he gets these proteins, he becomes very aggressive. The last

time he had an infraction, his hands wound up about my throat! We are very

careful not to have infractions!

Do you take enzymes? These, too, helped my son.

" The Maker's Diet " is a book about eating according to what the Bible says

we should eat. The author was a very sick young man, and he healed by

eating according to these specifications.

I hear you about L-theanine. My son suffers from anxiety, and we use that

here. They make a spray (flavored) that you can spray in your mouth if you

feel an attack coming on. I think it helps my son.

To get to a biomedical cause (rule one out, I mean) I would think you would

need to have your thyroid checked in addition to things like seratonin,

epinephrin, and norepinephrin levels. Someone on this list more

knowledgeable might tell you some other things, too.

I do believe that diet and environment can affect anxiety and other things,

as well, like depression.

I agree with you about drugs (synthetic) and antidepressants. My view of

those is that they prevent people from crying when they NEED to cry. I

think they take away ambition. I think when people are on them they are

still keenly aware that life can suck, but the drugs make people not give a

damn about it (probably how they shall try to control us all someday by

adding it to the water). Then they shall completely rip us all off and we

won't give a you know what.

I know a lot of my son's anxiety is situational and due to having too much

to process at once. This may sound silly to you, but I started my son on

yoga, and I believe, this too, has helped him with his anxiety as well as

many other things. He was severe in the beginning following his regression

from vaccines. He lost all speech, but he is high-functioning now and very


You have a lot to be proud of! I pray my son shall find his own

independence someday!! You should write a book! Hearing your story is


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I'm glad my story made such a positive impact While I am still technically

disabled, and still have some problems with vocal skills the fact of the matter

is it can and does go away. I remember being a child and people actually saying

to my mother, right in front of me, " He will never amount to anything. " and

that's the kind of thing to keep people from saying around your child. Even when

the child is in a state of having trouble communicating, it doesn't mean the

child lacks in understanding. I always understood what people were saying, I

just found it difficult to clearly express myself. So people assumed that what I

would say and how I would act is a reflection of who I am inside.

There are a few things I would suggest trying which at least helped me grow out

of many of the problems.

1.) Music. I had allot of trouble slowing my mind and focusing on one thing.

Then I had the idea to replace thoughts with sensation. I found a few songs

without lyrics using strings, and I would just focus on the notes. Each note as

a sensation. Somehow by putting focus into that I started to gain the ability to

turn off racing thoughts. It is still sometimes a problem but the point is that

it helped tone it down.

2.) A good way to deal with obsessions is to change the way you look at it. An

obsession is an intense focus, but it becomes a problem when it excludes other

things. The only thing that really worked for me was to allow myself to have

more than one obsession at the same time. Through that I was able to learn how

to tone down one activity in favor of another. In many ways an Obsession can be

a good thing. It carries with it perseverance. It's how I was able to push

through everything I went through. It's also how I got this house:

And took it from ready to be demolished and turned it into this:

although still not done, the point is that I took a negative trait and turned it

into a positive trait. I took aspects of my own disability and made it work for

me. I got the American Dream at a cost no one would believe. And all it took was

hard work and determination. And a little bit of thinking outside the box. For

example, I learned that in the State of illinois the bank is required to go by

what the city says the value is when one already owns it. I used that to my

advantage by wording the contract for ownership in just the right way and then

after it was done requested a lowering of values to save me 300 a year on

property taxes.

Of course, it ALSO took the development of social skills. I had to talk to

banks, negotiate with the city, etc. Which takes me to issue number 3.

3.) The Child needs to be exposed to a normal and healthy social environment. I

never had that. My peers were even more disabled than I was. As an adult I had

to deliberately expose myself to as many social situations as possible to learn

what was never taught to me as a child. I'd say it took me about 3 years of

constant effort to start to develop some semblance of social skills. Probably

the biggest lesson I had to learn is that life isn't always Fair. Just because I

know something or someone is wrong doesn't mean I should focus heavily on that.

In a way learning social skills was more about learning when to concede. I still

have a problem with being talkative at times, but I am working at it.

4.) Art. Nothing quite like working with your hands to get your mind off things

in general. The most enjoyable experience I had with art was when I was allowed

to come up with my own way of doing things. Photography also counts as a good

art form. I did best in school during years when I was allowed to take art and

have fun with it.

5.) Poetry. Before I had the mental focus I could not write poetry, but once I

had it, the effort to write made it easier to write more. But working on a

computer can be a real distraction. So I bought a Rhyming Dictionary. It

basically works by showing you all the words that Rhymes with a word you are

looking for. Through that I found a means to express myself. Here's one of the

poems I wrote in regards to what I was going through at the time. Just being

able to put a feeling into words, in and of itself, is very empowering. Children

want to be understood.

" Trapped within my weary mind, this inner

light is clearly kind. My shattered role and battered soul,

rips apart my very heart.

By every life that I once knew, the

Darkness fed and so it grew. It bound my light, I lost the fight.

Must this life be one with strife?

I mourn within, I'm born without, I scream in flight, for Dreams of


For help I've cried, my tears have


for all I've tried, my patience died.

to the skies I do beseech, for a mind

beyond my reach; and with a storm I am reborn, without

the scorn of my reform.

The ancient Wonders Newly Found,

the call of Thunder Leers a Sound,

and casts Asunder the years I've Bound.

the light returned, as I have yearned.

with peace of mind, the light I find. "

From: Gurke <lisapereira66@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 6:56 PM



That's all I can say. You just made my day and I'm sure the day of some

other parents. It is great to hear stories like yours and know that there

is a light at the end of the tunnel for our kids. I have a daughter with

ASD who will be turning 4 soon. When anyone asks me what my goals are for

her I always say to fall in love and get married. Until now, I never knew

if that was really possible. I don't know any adults with ASD. Of course

people tell you sure it will happen but there is always doubt. You sound

like, despite all of your setbacks you pulled through. Congratulations!

You are great!

I'm sorry can't give any advice about the anxiety but I am sure some on

this site will be able to help you.

Thanks again, I really needed some good news today.


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Elliander

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 3:43 PM

Subject: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

I am an adult with Asperger's Syndrome. I was diagnosed with " Pervasive

Developmental Delay " at about 2 and a half years old. Shortly after my

Childhood Vaccinations were completed. So I have reason to believe that

Mercury was one cause. However, I also have reason to believe that the

morning sickness drug " Bendectin " was also a cause. I was given this drug in

the womb from about 2 months until 2 days before I was born. At the time it

was already pulled from the Market, but it was a military doctor who issued

and and was later found to be immune from a class action lawsuit. Every

child-to-be he gave that drug to eventually developed some form of autism.

They also, however, were all given vaccinations and developed symptoms

shortly after. So I am acting under the assumption that something about the

Bendectin just made it harder for Mercury deposits to be removed.

I went through allot as a child. One drug after another. Each to treat the

one before. None worked as intended. If I wasn't drooling at the mouth in

some zombified state the drugs were noted as completely ineffective. I was

diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was about 14 I think. Even then

they continued with a series of drugs which I knew was causing me harm. As a

child I attempted everything I could to remove myself from the drugs but it

was clear that Mental Health workers didn't care about me personally or how

the Drugs were affecting me. They only cared about how my behavior affected

them. Which, ironically, at this point was mostly because of the drugs

impairing my ability to think clearly and learn.

By the time I was 18, my 20/20 vision was gone. The drug " Depakote " which

normally causes obesity as a side effect instead caused muscular

degeneration in the whole body. No one seemed concerned that I was slowly

loosing my vision, or that my heart was getting weaker.

I decided then to move out and take myself off medications. I had to lie,

which I hate doing. I had to say I was taking them to prevent

hospitalization. All the while I held the drugs in a bag to prove I wasn't

taking them, and would consistently get prescriptions filled, and waited

about 6 months for Doctors to note consistent improvements. Once I had that

in writing I told them I wasn't taking drugs and that they could no longer

force me to take them because improvements were noted without drugs. In

fact, I proved right then and there that most of my problems were the result

of drugs.

That was the best choice I ever made. I am 27 years old now, and am

recovering from the symptoms. I am a home owner even. On Poverty level

income I figured out how to save an 1880's home from demolition and I now

pay less in the Mortgage for a 3 bedroom n home than I ever did

living in a one room efficiency. I live independently in a completely

different state from any relative. I am also in a Loving relationship and I

have completely blown away anyone's expectations of me.

There is no way that I could have Autism from any source other than

environmental, given the way I turned my own life around. I am living proof

of that.

Additionally, my vision is improving. Since I took myself off the

medications, the side effects have slowly been reversing. I started taking 2

grams of bilberry a day to help speed the process for the eyes and since

last year my vision improved 10% according to my glasses prescription. So

it's very exciting to think I might someday have 20/20 vision again when I

am done healing.


So naturally, I want to try and document the cause. If it really is true

that I am simply suffering from Mercury poisoning I want to medically

document that fact so other children don't have to go through what I went

through. Before the symptoms are completely gone.

However, nothing has shown up in a recent blood test for Mercury poisoning.

Which makes sense when you consider that it would only stay in the blood

for, at most, 90 days. So I am left to suspect that I may have inorganic

deposits of Mercury in the brain. Since the duration of such deposits is

normally about 20 years before declining it would be consistent with what

what I have been experiencing.

So how does one test for that? Is there a specific test I would ask for?


Also, how does one deal with the problem in finding therapy for anxiety when

most centers have a policy not to treat anyone who has Autism? I had to jump

through hoops for the past year just to get a first Therapy session next

month. Anxiety is pretty much the only problem I really have anymore and the

only thing that seems to work for it is about a gram to 2 grams of

L-Theanine a day which I can't always afford. Besides, I would prefer

dealing with the cause rather than the symptoms. If you're childhood was

spend mostly in state care, being abused physically, emotionally, and

chemically wouldn't you need therapy?


Anyway, sorry for such a long winded first post. I would appreciate any

advice anyone should have. And since I went through the experience of having

Autism I can probably answer any questions of what that feels like to be in

that position.

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Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference between

Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good Cholesterol

which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs. Also, the

Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range) is lower in

Cholesterol than most Eggs.

For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal. It

was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises insulin

levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more

effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body.

In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really

need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles

an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it

can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef.

And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right

kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts.

I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to

convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body.

hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy.

Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to

avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now

Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it.

When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which

avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than


Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at times

when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times a

year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal

Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it

gives me though.

Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from any

culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs

don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork

you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are

good reasons to avoid certain foods.

One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my Thyroid

and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin, and

norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results.

oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let it

all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on,

especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad

movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of

your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect

when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so


oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE

difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because

I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when

I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat.

Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful:

Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it

in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The

idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was

forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at

once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately

expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a

higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me

after. He explained that since I am so

elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would snap

before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good for

developing. Not silly at all.

lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even in

Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on that

even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I have

had people accuse me of lying.

From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 7:24 PM


Please know I am not a doctor and this is my opinion, but your diet sounds

too high in fat and cholesterol. Also, have you ever considered maybe

trying to go gluten, casein, and soy free? I mention this only because my

son was severe when he regressed, and he made phenomenal gains with the


For my son, if he gets these proteins, he becomes very aggressive. The last

time he had an infraction, his hands wound up about my throat! We are very

careful not to have infractions!

Do you take enzymes? These, too, helped my son.

" The Maker's Diet " is a book about eating according to what the Bible says

we should eat. The author was a very sick young man, and he healed by

eating according to these specifications.

I hear you about L-theanine. My son suffers from anxiety, and we use that

here. They make a spray (flavored) that you can spray in your mouth if you

feel an attack coming on. I think it helps my son.

To get to a biomedical cause (rule one out, I mean) I would think you would

need to have your thyroid checked in addition to things like seratonin,

epinephrin, and norepinephrin levels. Someone on this list more

knowledgeable might tell you some other things, too.

I do believe that diet and environment can affect anxiety and other things,

as well, like depression.

I agree with you about drugs (synthetic) and antidepressants. My view of

those is that they prevent people from crying when they NEED to cry. I

think they take away ambition. I think when people are on them they are

still keenly aware that life can suck, but the drugs make people not give a

damn about it (probably how they shall try to control us all someday by

adding it to the water). Then they shall completely rip us all off and we

won't give a you know what.

I know a lot of my son's anxiety is situational and due to having too much

to process at once. This may sound silly to you, but I started my son on

yoga, and I believe, this too, has helped him with his anxiety as well as

many other things. He was severe in the beginning following his regression

from vaccines. He lost all speech, but he is high-functioning now and very


You have a lot to be proud of! I pray my son shall find his own

independence someday!! You should write a book! Hearing your story is


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> I am an adult with Asperger's Syndrome. I was diagnosed with " Pervasive

Developmental Delay " at about 2 and a half years old. Shortly after my Childhood

Vaccinations were completed. So I have reason to believe that Mercury was one

cause. However, I also have reason to believe that the morning sickness drug

" Bendectin " was also a cause. I was given this drug in the womb from about 2

months until 2 days before I was born. At the time it was already pulled from

the Market, but it was a military doctor who issued and and was later found to

be immune from a class action lawsuit. Every child-to-be he gave that drug to

eventually developed some form of autism. They also, however, were all given

vaccinations and developed symptoms shortly after. So I am acting under the

assumption that something about the Bendectin just made it harder for Mercury

deposits to be removed.


> I went through allot as a child. One drug after another. Each to treat the one

before. None worked as intended. If I wasn't drooling at the mouth in some

zombified state the drugs were noted as completely ineffective. I was diagnosed

with Asperger's Syndrome when I was about 14 I think. Even then they continued

with a series of drugs which I knew was causing me harm. As a child I attempted

everything I could to remove myself from the drugs but it was clear that Mental

Health workers didn't care about me personally or how the Drugs were affecting

me. They only cared about how my behavior affected them. Which, ironically, at

this point was mostly because of the drugs impairing my ability to think clearly

and learn.


> By the time I was 18, my 20/20 vision was gone. The drug " Depakote " which

normally causes obesity as a side effect instead caused muscular degeneration in

the whole body. No one seemed concerned that I was slowly loosing my vision, or

that my heart was getting weaker.


> I decided then to move out and take myself off medications. I had to lie,

which I hate doing. I had to say I was taking them to prevent hospitalization.

All the while I held the drugs in a bag to prove I wasn't taking them, and would

consistently get prescriptions filled, and waited about 6 months for Doctors to

note consistent improvements. Once I had that in writing I told them I wasn't

taking drugs and that they could no longer force me to take them because

improvements were noted without drugs. In fact, I proved right then and there

that most of my problems were the result of drugs.


> That was the best choice I ever made. I am 27 years old now, and am recovering

from the symptoms. I am a home owner even. On Poverty level income I figured out

how to save an 1880's home from demolition and I now pay less in the Mortgage

for a 3 bedroom n home than I ever did living in a one room efficiency.

I live independently in a completely different state from any relative. I am

also in a Loving relationship and I have completely blown away anyone's

expectations of me.


> There is no way that I could have Autism from any source other than

environmental, given the way I turned my own life around. I am living proof of



> Additionally, my vision is improving. Since I took myself off the medications,

the side effects have slowly been reversing. I started taking 2 grams of

bilberry a day to help speed the process for the eyes and since last year my

vision improved 10% according to my glasses prescription. So it's very exciting

to think I might someday have 20/20 vision again when I am done healing.


> .......


> So naturally, I want to try and document the cause. If it really is true that

I am simply suffering from Mercury poisoning I want to medically document that

fact so other children don't have to go through what I went through. Before the

symptoms are completely gone.


> However, nothing has shown up in a recent blood test for Mercury poisoning.

Which makes sense when you consider that it would only stay in the blood for, at

most, 90 days. So I am left to suspect that I may have inorganic deposits of

Mercury in the brain. Since the duration of such deposits is normally about 20

years before declining it would be consistent with what what I have been



> So how does one test for that? Is there a specific test I would ask for?


Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic purpose. If

you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real problems are inside

your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the brain, once it is in it doesn't

come out. The most accurate test is a hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.).

You can obtain the Hair Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors

order. Using Andy Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not

you have mercury with good accuracy.

> .......


> Also, how does one deal with the problem in finding therapy for anxiety when

most centers have a policy not to treat anyone who has Autism? I had to jump

through hoops for the past year just to get a first Therapy session next month.

Anxiety is pretty much the only problem I really have anymore and the only thing

that seems to work for it is about a gram to 2 grams of L-Theanine a day which I

can't always afford. Besides, I would prefer dealing with the cause rather than

the symptoms. If you're childhood was spend mostly in state care, being abused

physically, emotionally, and chemically wouldn't you need therapy?


In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu kola,

GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for hypoglycemics. The

other suggestions are Rx drugs.

> ...


> Anyway, sorry for such a long winded first post. I would appreciate any advice

anyone should have. And since I went through the experience of having Autism I

can probably answer any questions of what that feels like to be in that



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> Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic

> purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real

> problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the

> brain, once it is in it doesn't come out.


> *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one

> study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues,

> if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with

the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion

can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never

fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed

because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. ***


I a not sure of how long mercury stays in the brain, but I don't think it's

really relevant since it is such a long time.

> The most accurate test is a

> hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair

> Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy

> Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have

> mercury with good accuracy.


> *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about it,

but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what

costs are associated with the tests? ***


The hair test will show derangement of mineral transport which is the result of

mercury intoxication. I think it costs about $90 for the test through

directlabs. Yes the hair test is very accurate.



> In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu

> kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for

> hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs.


> *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally.

Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some

reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I

take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day

with meals.***







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Even more of a reason you should write a book. Based on what you have

written here, it will have a happy ending. Look at what you have overcome!

Your poem --and this is coming from an old English teacher, is very moving.

You wouldn't shock me. I worked in a state supported school for special

needs children and adults in 1980. We had over 1300 clients. I was twenty

and VERY naive. The things I saw there nearly broke my heart. I fought

against this one teacher who was VERY abusive to the clients. The principal

wouldn't even discipline her. I knew nothing back then about going over her

head and going to the press -- I was VERY naive. For the year I was there,

I did my best to bring some sunshine into the lives of these children, and

protect them from that evil witch of a woman. If I ever run inot her again

--I've never punched anyone in my life, but her I might smack.

Now I work my tail off advocating for my son, and it is just as you say:

There is constant intellectual profiling going on. If one can't speak or

has difficulty expressing themselves, then they assume a person is mentally

retarded. In the distric my son was in...well, lets just say if Helen

Keller had had the misfortune of attending this school district, she would

STILL be sitting in silence and darkness.

I have been home schooling him for a cuple of months now. We do yoga and I

am teaching him piano as best I can. He LOVES to create buildings on

" Sketch UP " on the computer. This works well as an incentive to do school

work. We are trying to catch him up on reading, writing, and math -- the

district figured he was going no where, so when I called a meeting to demand

they begin to teach him to read, they actually said, " Well, uh, duh, he has

autism! " As if that negated the ability to learn academics.

My son says he wants to be an architect, and come hell or high water, I

intend to see he gets his chance. He had said for a long time he wanted to

go to RIT. Then one day he told me he wasn't going there. I asked him why,

and he said because it was too far away from Mommy and Daddy. I told him if

he wanted to go there, we would move there, too.

His difficulty with academics is focus, especially in the afternoon, so I am

trying really hard to get the academics in the morning, but it doesn't

alwasy work out that way.

The toughest part is the social. I mean, we go out to lots of places, and

he does well in restaurants. Those types of social skills are doing well,

but out here in the country, it is hard to find NT kids to play with. I am

still trying to figure that out. I've got the social stories book but need

more of a group to practice. We've tried a few things, but it just hasn't

worked out.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. You rock! I hope the anxiety gets


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Well, I am no help at all. However, I wanted to comment that after the hell

that you have experienced in life, you have become an extremely intelligent

person as an adult. Great job on researching so much and working so hard to

turn so many negative situations around to your benefit!

I noticed you mentioned something about Strep and wondered if you have looked

into any underlying Bacterial infection that just won't die all the way. Like I

said, I don't know very much (probably the least on this site), however, that

just jumped out at me. I am guessing getting rid of any excess metals might

help with the Bacterial thing too.

Great luck to you!




> Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic

> purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real

> problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the

> brain, once it is in it doesn't come out.


> *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one

> study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues,

> if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with

the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion

can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never

fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed

because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. ***


> The most accurate test is a

> hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair

> Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy

> Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have

> mercury with good accuracy.


> *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about it,

but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what

costs are associated with the tests? ***




> In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu

> kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for

> hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs.


> *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally.

Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some

reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I

take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day

with meals.***







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really? Moving? Well, that isn't even my best work. Though not my worst either.

Actually, I have a problem of putting too many " I " in what I write. I tried to

correct the issue but I never could write past the first paragraph:

" Gently upon the fields, the

flowers fall a subtle rain.

Their petals dance upon the wind, and

from my view they rescind.

Upon the sky a wondrous sight, the stars

have come to give their light.

as the moon at full brings it's day, of

Silver beams not far away. "

That was among the most beautiful lines I have ever written and in the 6 years

since writing it I can't think of a way to add onto it. I guess pain is just an

easier thing to express.

Well, it goes much worse than that. Though hopefully not as bad as things were

nearly 20 years ago. Letsee... One Hospital in Bethlehem, PA called " Wiley

House " pulled a stunt that is clearly a crime. They tricked my mother into

signing custody over to the State of PA for a 2 year term. From my perspective

it was little more than a Prison sentence. I was there for exactly 2 years They

worked around the issue by just claiming I needed to be there then suddenly I

didn't, and was actually released with dangerously high blood toxicity from

Scarlet Fever that was causing Hallucinations. My own memories of that last few

months is really hazy. All dream like because I was delirious. Before my

release.. letsee.. one Staff member by the name of " Steve Brosky " at one point

Held me by the Neck against the Wall scraming in my face. I could feel his spit

all over me. A more continuous form of abuse was in the form of neglect where a

" Time Out " in the form of at least

1 hour but sometimes 2 of just sitting on your bed doing nothing was Mandatory

every single day. And in summer, when some kids would get out of control the

entire compound would go on " Shut Down " where, for every single day of summer,

you would spend the whole time sitting silently facing away from the TV while

the Staff spend their whole day watching TV that you just don't get to watch.

The problem here wasn't just the punishment but that everyone was treated the

same way even if they were not even part of the commotion that led to this (I

was one of the innocent bystanders) and that the staff were just doing this to

get out of real work... Another child I knew there was often restrained to the

point of nearly loosing consciousness. Just a month after my release I am told

that a Child I would have known died and that the Staff claimed they thought he

was just sleeping. It was over this issue that the compound was sold to Kids

Peace. Of course the Staff

were kept on and no criminal charges were ever filed. I'm pretty sure I know

who died, even though no name was mentioned, and I know for a fact that it was

clear neglect having seen them do it so many times.

Anyway, that's just *ONE* location. And that's not even everything. If I wrote

it out in a book it would be one atrocity after another. Murder, abuse, assault.

Even in public schools. You name it. Somehow I doubt anyone would actually want

to read about the real truth. Or be aware of just how much money taxes pay for

such places. It would have been cheaper to lock me into a 5 Star Resort.


oh, part of the profiling problem is also that they expect a Child to be able to

give simple Yes/No answers even when neither really applies completely. And with

intelligence tests they never give such children more time to think things

through. In one intelligence test I was given in 4th grade I scored slightly

above average. But was not given time to complete the test... When it came time

for my GED (I actually have a high school diploma, but since the school forgot

to keep my credits it took a threat of lawsuit to get them to allow a true

Graduation and a Diploma but it came with the condition that I also get a GED.)

anyway, I had a similar problem but I taught myself how to figure out things I

didn't know any take lucky guesses. Somehow, even though I had a few pages left

when time was nearly out, and actually didn't know all the material, I got a

perfect score.

oh! Home School! Kudos! I was in Home School once for a few months while between

schools. I learned more doing one hour of work a day than 8 hours in a class

room. I think it has to do with the importance of a more relaxed environment. I

learned in one month a whole school year of work, but that just made it hurt

when they forced me to do the same work as all the other students just to stay

with the class.

Half the time they are looking down on the child, the other half it's like they

thing the child is going too fast.

wait.. what? They ACTUALLY think that just because a child has Autism they can't

learn to read? If anything, I think Children with Autism can read even better

than Children without. More emotion. Though I guess it depends on the autism,

the fact of the matter is anyone can learn. Even if there is a mental impairment

specifically for reading it doesn't mean the child can't learn. The thing is, it

only takes 21 days of constant effort to develop a new neurological pattern.

That's it. Any mental condition that is purely neurological can be overcome with

effort and any condition that is physiological can be treated with the right

care.... (sorry. I just get a bit Mad when I read about that kind of thing.)

oh, an architect would be a really good career choice for a Child with Autism.

Especially when you realize that people with Autism have a region of the brain

developed that normal people don't have... hmm... I forget what it is called

now. It's in a really good book called " The Brain Book " and at one point it

talked about a region behind the prefrontal lobe that is responsible for asking

" Why " all the time. It's the part of the brain that doesn't accept something

without a complete understanding. It stated that Children with Autism tend to

have this part of the brain substantially more developed. In my opinion this can

lead to a firmer understanding. So while it may be slower, none of the time is

really wasted.

I wanted to be an Architect when I was young too. But it was never really

encouraged. I went more in the direction of computer programming and paranormal


For Focus, I actually had one Teacher in a public School who came up with a

really good solution. She would write out on a piece of paper all the topics

that would be taught that week. Every page, every assignment, all clearly

defined. She would put this into a little grid showing what times it would be

done and then she gave me the option to work at my own pace. She said there was

5 days in a week and any time that was left after the work was done would be

free time which I could spend playing computer games. (back then, Oregon Trail

and Math Blasters) Regardless, it was very effective motivation. I was allowed

to change between topics at my leisure. I could work on anything I wanted, stop

half way, work on something else. And I usually was done by the middle of

Wednesday. In other words, not only did I complete all the work but because I

was allowed to do it in the order I chose and also had a clear reward for

finishing faster I was able to work twice

as fast. Slacking off now would mean less time to play later. That was the year

that I was on the Honor Roll and also was in the Boy Scouts.

For the Social Skills... hmm... I'd have to say I made most of my lasting

friendships through the internet first. But I also made face to face friends.

For me the biggest leaps were made when I found social gatherings of people with

common interests. I also attempted social games like Dungeons and Dragons, but

all I really learned from that was the negative impact of putting too much focus

on details. Generally I find there is allot of Stigma when you tell people in a

Social Situation that you have Autism. It surprises people initially, but then

they only see you as a comparison to someone else with Autism so I generally

avoid telling me if I can help it. It gets easier as it goes into remission, but

the lack of acceptance never really does.

From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] My story as an Adult with Autism and a question

Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 11:35 PM


Even more of a reason you should write a book. Based on what you have

written here, it will have a happy ending. Look at what you have overcome!

Your poem --and this is coming from an old English teacher, is very moving.

You wouldn't shock me. I worked in a state supported school for special

needs children and adults in 1980. We had over 1300 clients. I was twenty

and VERY naive. The things I saw there nearly broke my heart. I fought

against this one teacher who was VERY abusive to the clients. The principal

wouldn't even discipline her. I knew nothing back then about going over her

head and going to the press -- I was VERY naive. For the year I was there,

I did my best to bring some sunshine into the lives of these children, and

protect them from that evil witch of a woman. If I ever run inot her again

--I've never punched anyone in my life, but her I might smack.

Now I work my tail off advocating for my son, and it is just as you say:

There is constant intellectual profiling going on. If one can't speak or

has difficulty expressing themselves, then they assume a person is mentally

retarded. In the distric my son was in...well, lets just say if Helen

Keller had had the misfortune of attending this school district, she would

STILL be sitting in silence and darkness.

I have been home schooling him for a cuple of months now. We do yoga and I

am teaching him piano as best I can. He LOVES to create buildings on

" Sketch UP " on the computer. This works well as an incentive to do school

work. We are trying to catch him up on reading, writing, and math -- the

district figured he was going no where, so when I called a meeting to demand

they begin to teach him to read, they actually said, " Well, uh, duh, he has

autism! " As if that negated the ability to learn academics.

My son says he wants to be an architect, and come hell or high water, I

intend to see he gets his chance. He had said for a long time he wanted to

go to RIT. Then one day he told me he wasn't going there. I asked him why,

and he said because it was too far away from Mommy and Daddy. I told him if

he wanted to go there, we would move there, too.

His difficulty with academics is focus, especially in the afternoon, so I am

trying really hard to get the academics in the morning, but it doesn't

alwasy work out that way.

The toughest part is the social. I mean, we go out to lots of places, and

he does well in restaurants. Those types of social skills are doing well,

but out here in the country, it is hard to find NT kids to play with. I am

still trying to figure that out. I've got the social stories book but need

more of a group to practice. We've tried a few things, but it just hasn't

worked out.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. You rock! I hope the anxiety gets


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I suggest you start reading up about OLE (Olive Leaf Extract). It's medicinal

use is ancient, and we have used it here for my son with residual strep issues

(PANDAS, which leads to OCD) and my husband who had rheumatic fever as a child,

with residual Strep issues. The OLE changed a lot for my guys. No more Rx

antibiotics here. I've used it myself for years in place of antibiotics because

I was allergic to every Rx antibiotic I was ever given. Just make sure to give

probiotics to restore the " good " flora in the system, and to give them more than

2 hours away from the OLE.

Congrats on all you've achieved. Overcoming the pharma and psych system is to be

commended, as many do not.

For anxiety therapy, why not find a psychologist, rather than a psychiatrist?

Psychologists do not Rx meds. I'm fortunate that in my area I have a wonderful

psychologist who embraces a holistic approach to emotional wellness.

As well, perhaps you would find it helpful to explore meditation or Tai Chi?

Those have been very helpful here for anxiety. We also like 5HTP as a supplement

for anxiety. The book " Hope and Help for Your Nerves " was especially beneficial

for anxiety here.


> >


> >


> >


> > Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic


> > purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real


> > problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the


> > brain, once it is in it doesn't come out.


> >


> > *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one


> > study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues,


> > if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do with

the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a portion

can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it never

fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be removed

because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. ***


> >


> > The most accurate test is a


> > hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair


> > Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy


> > Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have


> > mercury with good accuracy.


> >


> > *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about

it, but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what

costs are associated with the tests? ***


> >


> >


> >


> > In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu


> > kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for


> > hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs.


> >


> > *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me personally.

Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After some

reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone, so I

take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a day

with meals.***


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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I am impressed with you. I wish you well!

Research soy protein studies done at Wake Forest university back maybe a decade

ago. They showed that male monkeys fed a diet predominately of soy protein were

more aggresssive and less social than their non-soy eating peers (the amount of

soy protein was actually what a human would eat if they used non-fermented soy

as their main protein). I would not use those shakes anymore. I've tried Jay

Robb whey protein shakes before with success.

You didn't say if you've ever had a lipid panel run. That would end all debate

over what seems to be a well thought out diet.

Recurrent strep is concerning. Ever think about using an anti-viral like Olive

Leaf Extract to combat it?

I am quite sure your book would be both depressing and inspiring. Life has been

pretty tough at times is my guess. Have you ever read, " Look me in the Eye-My

Life with Aspergers " (Robison)? I loved it.




> Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference

between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good

Cholesterol which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs.

Also, the Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range)

is lower in Cholesterol than most Eggs.


> For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal. It

was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises insulin

levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more

effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body.

In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really

need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles

an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it

can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef.

And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right

kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts.


> I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to

convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body.


> hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy.

Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to

avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now

Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it.


> When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which

avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than



> Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at

times when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times

a year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal

Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it

gives me though.


> Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from

any culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs

don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork

you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are

good reasons to avoid certain foods.


> One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my

Thyroid and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin,

and norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results.


> oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let it

all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on,

especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad

movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of

your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect

when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so



> oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE

difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because

I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when

I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat.

Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful:

Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it

in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The

idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was

forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at

once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately

expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a

higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me

after. He explained that since I am so

> elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would

snap before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good

for developing. Not silly at all.


> lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even in

Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on that

even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I have

had people accuse me of lying.



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P.S. the increased aggression shown in the Wake Forest studies *could* be

anxiety. Monkeys cannot tell us that stuff; they just act out. Remove soy as

much as possible for a trial period and see what happens.

> >

> >

> > Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference

between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good

Cholesterol which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs.

Also, the Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range)

is lower in Cholesterol than most Eggs.

> >

> > For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal.

It was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises

insulin levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more

effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body.

In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really

need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles

an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it

can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef.

And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right

kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts.

> >

> > I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to

convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body.

> >

> > hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy.

Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to

avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now

Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it.

> >

> > When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which

avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than


> >

> > Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at

times when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times

a year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal

Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it

gives me though.

> >

> > Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from

any culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs

don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork

you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are

good reasons to avoid certain foods.

> >

> > One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my

Thyroid and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin,

and norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results.

> >

> > oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let

it all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on,

especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad

movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of

your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect

when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so


> >

> > oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE

difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because

I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when

I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat.

Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful:

Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it

in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The

idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was

forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at

once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately

expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a

higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me

after. He explained that since I am so

> > elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would

snap before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good

for developing. Not silly at all.

> >

> > lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even

in Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on

that even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I

have had people accuse me of lying.

> >

> >


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Total cholesterol does not give you a great picture of your health. LDL/HDL,

triglycerides, etc are much more indicative of underlying problems and need for

dietary changes. I'm not saying you have any problems at all, but you were

challenged here about your diet so I thought I'd point that out. I'm a firm

believer in healthy fats, for sure. I do not shy away from them. Coconut fat

is my friend!

But, I can tell you, my husband is also extremely athletic, thin, active and a

healthy eater. His triglycerides are elevated, slightly. With a family history

of heart disease, he has chosen to be quite aggressive with Omega 3s, fiber and

limiting certain fats. His father had a heart attack at age 50; total

cholesterol has always been within normal range (with little other risk factors

aside from being, literally, 5lbs over his recommended weight).

That's all.

Great study you describe about Baboons. I'll definitely look that up.



> >


> >


> > Normally, yes, that would be a bad diet. However, there is a difference

between Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Grape Seed Oil is high in Good

Cholesterol which off-sets the High amounts of Bad Cholesterol in the Eggs.

Also, the Omega-3 Eggs (which are from Hens fed flax seed and kept open range)

is lower in Cholesterol than most Eggs.


> >


> > For the Fat Content, that is why I eat half a grapefruit before each meal.

It was shown in studies that eating half a grapefruit before a meal raises

insulin levels in such a way as to cause the energy of the meal to be used more

effectively. The end result is that less calories are stored as fat in the body.

In addition to this Grapefruit is known to help beak down fat. Not that I really

need that. I'm 6 foot 3 and have such a high metabolism that I can run 15 miles

an hour on a treadmill for 2 minutes without stopping. Which is as fast as it

can go. But I am health conscious. That's also why I drain the fat from Beef.

And, just like Cholesterol, there are good and bad sources of Fat. The right

kind of fats are very good to get in high amounts.


> >


> > I also occasionally take L-Carnosine when I can afford it and that helps to

convert bad cholesterol into bile to be removed from the body.


> >


> > hmm. I haven't specifically made any effort to avoid gluten, casein, or soy.

Actually, I really like some Soy based protein shakes. But I have started to

avoid Soy for other reasons. Mostly because most Soy grown in the US is now

Genetically Modified and there is no way to know to avoid it.


> >


> > When I make egg salad though I always go with Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise which

avoids all of those things you mentioned and actually tastes better than



> >


> > Enzymes? hmm. I don't think so. I do however take Acidophilus capsules at

times when I have to take an anti-biotic for Strep, which happens multiple times

a year ever since my year long bout with Scarlet Fever when I was 12. Colloidal

Silver with Trace Minerals has helped to reduce the amount of blood toxicity it

gives me though.


> >


> > Oh, I see... Well, I'll have to look it up. Generally most food taboos from

any culture or religion has some Merit. For example, I avoid Pork Products. Pigs

don't sweat and therefore don't shed the toxins they absorb. When you eat pork

you are eating all the toxins in the pig slop all concentrated. So there are

good reasons to avoid certain foods.


> >


> > One of my recent blood tests that I am waiting results on was testing my

Thyroid and Testosterone. I'll have to ask them about the seratonin, epinephrin,

and norepinephrin levels when I see the Doctor next about results.


> >


> > oh, I hear you on that one. Sometimes one really needs to cry. To just let

it all out. I never understood why in this Society Crying is looked down on,

especially in Men. When I feel out of sorts sometimes I will rent out a sad

movie, give myself a good cry, and be done with it. If you don't get it out of

your system the emotions are still there, just inhibited. The worse side effect

when I was on mood stabilizers was that I couldn't cry. Not at all. I felt so



> >


> > oh! I should have mentioned that! Yes, I took Yoga too and it made a HUGE

difference. It's allot harder than it looks, but it was more fun for me because

I am Triple Jointed. (yes, triple). Martial Arts also was helpful. One year when

I was living in PA, I took Haganah. Which is Israel Hand to Hand combat.

Effectively street fighting. But here's the thing that made it so helpful:

Unlike other Martial Arts, you are not given time to learn the move. You do it

in a semi-rushed way then move on to the next move in a 6 month rotation. The

idea is to get the body to remember. What made it so good for me was that I was

forced into a situation where I had to learn to deal with processing allot at

once, in a situation where the stress of that experience was immediately

expressed as physical aggression. It was amazing. I got to beat a guy in a

higher weight group in hand to hand combat, but the instructor had to caution me

after. He explained that since I am so


> > elastic I had to learn what my physical limits were or else my limb would

snap before I felt anything. All in all, Martial Arts of any sort is very good

for developing. Not silly at all.


> >


> > lol... if I wrote a book half of it would be depressing. I mean, I was even

in Hospitals where children died from Restraint. There is ALLOT that goes on

that even parents just don't know about. And allot more than are so horrible I

have had people accuse me of lying.


> >


> >



























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The " tingling " meditation you speak of....I use something like that as a guided

visualization/meditation to help my son fall asleep at night if he is having

trouble calming down! I start with the feet, and work up, and speak slowly and

softly about the body part feeling heavy and sinking in to the mattress and then

a warm tingly sensation which I call " sleep " moving through and then as that

body part sinks until it can't sink anymore and is filled with the warm gentle

tingle, it becomes light and floats. Works like a charm every time and he

requests " the tingly sleep talk " frequently. How interesting!

I also have an online friend from another site who says meditation was a big

part of helping her son's recovery.

One other thing you may want to consider (besides chelation which has done

miracles here) is homeopathy. Now that we are further along with chelation and

dancing on the edge of no longer being " autistic " we are finding that homeopathy

(and Bach Flower remedies, as well) is very helpful for healing of residual

things that therapy/chelation haven't (yet maybe) addressed. For us, these

things ARE helping with anxiety (and my child has/had a PTSD dx as well as ASD).


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Blood tests for mercury are very inaccurate and have no diagnostic


> >


> > > purpose. If you do have mercury the parts that would be causing the real


> >


> > > problems are inside your organs and brain. Mercury never leaves the


> >


> > > brain, once it is in it doesn't come out.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > *** Actually, it does come out. Just very very slowly. According to one


> >


> > > study I read, It takes more than 20 years to come out of brain tissues,


> >


> > > if I recall correctly. The reason it takes so long seems to have to do

with the fact that once it is in the cell has to die or be replaced. Then a

portion can be reabsorbed so it is probably true that at least to some degree it

never fully comes out... anyway, I am more inclined to believe that it can be

removed because if it didn't then I wouldn't see such improvements. ***


> >


> > >


> >


> > > The most accurate test is a


> >


> > > hair test through DDI(Doctor Data Inc.). You can obtain the Hair


> >


> > > Elements test through Directlabs without a doctors order. Using Andy


> >


> > > Cutler's counting rules you can then determine whether or not you have


> >


> > > mercury with good accuracy.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > *** Is the hair test accurate at reading deposits? I asked my Doctor about

it, but the labs around here don't do it. Do they accept Medicare, or else what

costs are associated with the tests? ***


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > In Andy's book he suggests taurine, b-6, niacinamide, kava kava, gotu


> >


> > > kola, GABA, and addressing hypoglycemia for anxiety. Chromium for


> >


> > > hypoglycemics. The other suggestions are Rx drugs.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > *** I have tried GABA. But it appears to have no impact, for me

personally. Instead it somehow caused an increase in muscle tone and size. After

some reading I found out that GABA causes an increase in Human Growth Hormone,

so I take it more to help me heal from muscular degeneration. I take 750 mg a

day with meals.***


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >

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