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Apraxia and chelation

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my son is chelating and suffers from apraxia too he is almost 11, how old is

your son?


From: nikkibarbieri <nikkibarbieri@...>

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 6:26:52 PM

Subject: [ ] Apraxia and chelation

has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35 and my

son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any thoughts? Jakob's

mom :)

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I would be interested to hear that too. My son is 10. He has ADHD and dyspraxia.

I was not moving forward with AC chelation but this school year had been so bad

that we will be starting during winter break.

Another separate question I have how to deal with lack of attention. What

supplements can I try? We always had the issue with attention but now it is

becoming of a real issue and not letting him be what he can be. I am even ready

to consider ADHD medication whilst preparing for chelation. Any ideas will be

greatly appreciated.



From: mona <needdhelp@...>

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 7:36:48 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Apraxia and chelation


my son is chelating and suffers from apraxia too he is almost 11, how old is

your son?


From: nikkibarbieri <nikkibarbieri@...>

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 6:26:52 PM

Subject: [ ] Apraxia and chelation

has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35 and my

son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any thoughts? Jakob's

mom :)

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We are on #70 this weekend and still addressing apraxia BUT it is definitely

better, no doubt.  Word formulation is much, much better.  At times, my


will say a sporadic sentence; usually the beginning is clear and towards the

end, there is either consonant misplacement or just babble. This is definitely

degrees better than where we started.



>From: nikkibarbieri <nikkibarbieri@...>


>Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 7:26:52 AM

>Subject: [ ] Apraxia and chelation



>has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35 and my

>son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any thoughts?


>mom :)




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My son's apraxia was resolved with multiple supplements - before we even started

AC chelation: MB12, DMG, Fish oil, Acetyl-l-carnitine, creatine among a couple

of other things.


> has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35 and

my son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any thoughts?

Jakob's mom :)


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Here is part of a message I posted over 1 year ago. See my NEW comments below

my original post.

My son has both oral and verbal apraxia but doesn't have ASD. He also at age 2

had mild hypotonia and some sensory issues. We started speech

therapy at 22 months, and I started fish oil (specifically Nordic

Naturals ProEFA/Omega Complete 3-6-9) at the same time. My son made

huge strides just on fish oil alone. Eventually we added Vitamin E,

zinc, and yeast control...we had a monster yeast problem that we now

control with probiotics, digestive enzymes, and Candidase. Today my

son is almost 5 and graduated from speech therapy last year. He goes

to a typical preschool and is 99% recovered as long as we stay on all

his supplements. We also do CoQ10, carnitine, a multi vitamin, multi-

mineral, magnesium. xtra Vit C etc.

At age 2.5, I did a hair test which met 2 counting rules for mercury

toxicity and showed a severe copper/zinc imbalance. At age 3, we did a

porphyrins test that showed positive for mercury toxicity. We just

started chelating 3 months ago with DMSA alone and are going to add ALA next

round. Although my son was doing great without chelating, I hope to prevent long

term problems by getting all the toxic metals out now. I also think that giving

lots of supplements 5X/day isn't a long term solution. My hope is that, over

time, we'll be able to drop all the supplements, get rid of the yeast problem

etc. while maintaining his recovery.

**Today my son is 6.5 and we've done 25 rounds of chelation. He is in a regular

1st grade class and doing extremely well. Since his apraxia was 99% " cured " by

supplements, I didn't expect to see any difference, and we still give his

" speech " supplements like Fish Oil and Vit E daily.

HOWEVER, many of his other issues have improved significantly. Yeast has gone

from being a daily issue to an occasional issue. We've been able to discontinue

using enzymes, and he still has normal poop. We've gone from giving supplements

3-4X/day to 1X/day with no problems. We've eliminated his carnitine and reduced

his zinc from 60mg/day to @ 25mg/day. He is more flexible, less rigid, and

adapts to new situations more easily. His sensory issues are GREATLY reduced

and our most recent development is that my son has started eating raw greens

(lettuce etc.) which he previously hated because of the texture.

We've recently slowed down on chelation because I started working full-time, but

hope to " get back on the horse " this fall during the holidays.**

Good Luck!


> has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35 and

my son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any thoughts?

Jakob's mom :)


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AC chelation is the only thing that I can say is helping with my sons aparaxia.

We have done fish oil, b12 etc. The fish oil seemed to help with coordination

(he was severly sensory and globally apraxic)b12 only gave us super

hyperactivity. We do see improvement with Prompt and Beckman's Protocol. But

with AC chelation I am seeing changes in speech after almost every round. We

have seen tongue clicking for the first time in three years after a round, the

sudden ability to pronounce a sound he has not been able to make, a clearer

pronunciation of a sound, putting more words/approximations together. I am

excited to do each round because of what we may see after it. And that is just

the speech! But with this is coming added confidence which is helping him in

other areas as well. We still have a long way to go with this but we are seeing

consistant gains. Every new sound is HUGE! Nothing else has helped my son like

AC chelation because nothing else is correcting the problem that caused his



> > >

> > > has anyones child overcome apraxia with AC chelation? We are on Round#35

> > and my son looks better in many ways but the apraxia seems worse. Any

> > thoughts? Jakob's mom :)

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Zurama

> Mickie 13yrs

> Round #36

> 15mg DMSA 15mg ALA




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