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Re: DAN Dr Lynn Durand Condemns My Son To Remain Autistic/legal stuff

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It is well known to MDs and other professionals that they open themselves up to

being subpoened by the other side once they get involved even with a letter. I

am certain, based on your story, that your wife's attorney would pull that MD

into court lickety-split to tear apart the entire biomedical/Autism area of

medicine. I wouldn't want to be part of that circus. My guess is, as the

resistence builds in your divorce, you would want more than just a letter from

this doctor. Be honest. :) I sure would.

I'm not saying the doc's decision is right, I'm just saying I get why they do

what they do. Do you have a court appointed Guardian ad Litem?

What do your medical records from that office actually say? Is there a way you

can use records to show improvement? Are there allergy tests? Documented

deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, EFAs or God knows what else we let DANs test


You should also ask your attorney to look at precendent in your state. Have

there been cases where 1 parents wants to use a special diet, therapy or

alternative treatment and the court ruled in that parent's favor in a divorce

proceeding? What did that case use to document need?

Who is a doctor or a lawyer out there? CAN Dr. Lynn Durand actually say that

chelation is the right treatment for Autism? Does that open Dr. Durand up for

real trouble? My guess is " Yes " . There is no accepted study or evidence out

there that would back him up (I keep calling him a her, sorry). At this point

it might all be parent report and anecdotal evidence with a multitude of

environmental studies on heavy metals and neuro damage thrown in.

I really am sorry, . I can imagine quite a few parents stay in marriages

because of this exact same scenario.


> > > > >

> > > > > I'm in the midst of a bitter divorce from my lazy, stupid wife

> > > . is an imbecile who has fought me for the last nine years

> > > over the treatments I have used to help my son Sam improve

> > > tremendously from the nightmarish condition that used to be his

> > > existence. She has always been too lazy to bother reading anything to

> > > learn the facts about how chelation cures autism.

> > > > >

> > > > > I called Dr Lynn Durand of Concord, NH and asked him to confirm

> > > his prescription that he gave me to chelate my son. I needed Dr

> > > Durand's statement to let a court know that chelation was necessary

> > > for Sam to continue to improve from his autism and have a chance to

> > > have a normal life. I needed that statement because my stupid wife, if

> > > she gains custody of Sam, refuses to continue the chelation. Dr Durand

> > > told me he would not get involved and refused to state that chelation

> > > is the proper treatment for autism. Without an MD to tell that to a

> > > court, my wife will be able to continue her laziness and stupidity and

> > > I will not be allowed to chelate Sam and finish the job I started six

> > > years ago to cure him.

> > > > >

> > > > > In 2006, Dr Durand prescribed methyl B-12 for Sam in the hope that

> > > it would allow Sam to speak. After only three doses of the nasal

> > > Methyl B-12, my stupid wife decided that it was having a bad affect on

> > > Sam (it wasn't) and she grabbed the bottle, ran out of the house with

> > > it and hid it at her sister's house to prevent me from giving it to

> > > Sam. I asked her to call Dr Durand and see what he said about her

> > > idiotic concerns but she refused. She was too lazy to bother calling

> > > the doctor and I had no way to force my moronic wife to allow me to

> > > give it to Sam so that he could speak. Sam still can't speak four

> > > years later and my wife still refuses to give him the medicine that

> > > might allow Sam to speak.

> > > > >

> > > > > I also asked Dr Durand to provide me with a statement to tell the

> > > court how methyl B-12 allows a significant number of children to

> > > acquire speech. He refused. I called him a " bastard " and hung up.

> > > > >

> > > > > People need to be aware that Dr Durand is a complete asshole who

> > > will not make simple, general statements that he agrees with by virtue

> > > of the fact that he prescribed these treatments to help severely

> > > autistic children when people really need his help. My son, Sam will

> > > now remain non-verbal and will never recover from autism because Dr

> > > Lynn Durand will not simply tell the truth.

> > > > >

> > > > > As an ex-patient of Dr Lynn Durand, I advise anyone who is

> > > considering having him treat their autistic child to find someone else.

> > > > >

> > > > > If anyone reading this knows an MD who will provide a statement to

> > > a court that simply states that chelation is the proper treatment for

> > > autism and that it is medically necessary for Sam, I would appreciate it.

> > > > > http://autismfraud.blogspot.com <http://autismfraud.blogspot.com>

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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