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Re: my hair test, could use some help interpreting

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I'd have to say you were close enough to warrant a ten-fifteen round trial of


A hair test is only to convince you to try chelation. Do you have any amalgam




From: flyingsherpa <flyingsherpa@...>

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 5:25:53 PM

Subject: [ ] my hair test, could use some help interpreting


If this is not appropriate on this group please let me know.

This is my recent (1st) hair test: http://yfrog.com/neddihairtestoct20101sj

(guess you'll have to copy/paste the url, can't seem to get links working)

I have Andy's book, and using the counting rules I come up with the following:

rule 1: 13 = doesn't meet

rule 2: 9 = doesn't meet

rule 3: 4, but I use a generic Selsun Blue shampoo, so 4-1 is 3 = doesn't meet

rule 4: 13 or 14 (one is right on the line) = doesn't meet

rule 5: only rule 3 is close = doesn't meet

So I don't meet any of the rules, though I am close on rule 3. I do use a

generic Selsun Blue shampoo, but I also happen to have a blood (RBC) test from a

few years ago that showed very high selenium (98th%), which I kind of doubt

could be due to this shampoo. So if I actually have high selenium even without

the shampoo then I meet rule 3. Not sure if that is really valid logic. Also

note that I started on a vitamin / supplementation program (Dr. Slagle's The Way

Up From Down) about a month before this sample was taken, not sure how much that

could affect the results.

But regardless of the counting rules, the test shows my copper is extremely high

(360). I don't use pools or hot tubs. I just tested my tap water pH and it's 7.6

after sitting in the pipes all day, but lowers to 6.6-ish if I let it run for a

few minutes (opposite of what I'd expect). I'm considering getting a real water

test to determine possible copper there, though my municipal supply tests show

copper in acceptable ranges. The only other external contamination could be my

shampoos: the generic/CareOne Selsun Blue and occasionally I use Neutrogena Tgel

which contains coal tar... I can't find any data on whether these contain copper

or not.

My symptoms are chronic muscle pain/tension/soreness from the shoulders up,

depression, irritability, difficulty thinking, and insomnia. I've had these for

over 8 years and they never change and have ruined my life. No pills or

treatments have helped, except a few jaw/TMJ treatments lowered the facial

tension a bit for 15 minutes a few times, but these small successes were not


I appreciate any input any of you might have. Thanks.


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No, I'm lucky enough to never have had any amalgam fillings (never had a

cavity). I did get a bunch of vaccinations (TD, hep A & B) about 3 months before

all this started in 2002. But the way my symptoms started was very weird, they

all hit me as I surfaced from a scuba dive; I haven't been the same since. Guess

I'll start researching the chelation options, so far ALA sounds the best to me.


> I'd have to say you were close enough to warrant a ten-fifteen round trial of

> chelation.

> A hair test is only to convince you to try chelation. Do you have any amalgam

> fillings?

> TJ


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> If this is not appropriate on this group please let me know.


> This is my recent (1st) hair test: http://yfrog.com/neddihairtestoct20101sj


> (guess you'll have to copy/paste the url, can't seem to get links working)


> I have Andy's book, and using the counting rules I come up with the following:


> rule 1: 13 = doesn't meet

> rule 2: 9 = doesn't meet

> rule 3: 4, but I use a generic Selsun Blue shampoo, so 4-1 is 3 = doesn't meet

> rule 4: 13 or 14 (one is right on the line) = doesn't meet

> rule 5: only rule 3 is close = doesn't meet


Correct, but you are close on rule 3 and you have elevated mercury which means

you do have mercury.

> So I don't meet any of the rules, though I am close on rule 3. I do use a

generic Selsun Blue shampoo, but I also happen to have a blood (RBC) test from a

few years ago that showed very high selenium (98th%), which I kind of doubt

could be due to this shampoo. So if I actually have high selenium even without

the shampoo then I meet rule 3. Not sure if that is really valid logic. Also

note that I started on a vitamin / supplementation program (Dr. Slagle's The Way

Up From Down) about a month before this sample was taken, not sure how much that

could affect the results.


Disregard the selenium level then since that is obviously too high to not be

from shampoo.

> But regardless of the counting rules, the test shows my copper is extremely

high (360). I don't use pools or hot tubs. I just tested my tap water pH and

it's 7.6 after sitting in the pipes all day, but lowers to 6.6-ish if I let it

run for a few minutes (opposite of what I'd expect). I'm considering getting a

real water test to determine possible copper there, though my municipal supply

tests show copper in acceptable ranges. The only other external contamination

could be my shampoos: the generic/CareOne Selsun Blue and occasionally I use

Neutrogena Tgel which contains coal tar... I can't find any data on whether

these contain copper or not.


That copper level is INSANE!!!! I have never seen a level that high that wasn't

from contamination. If you don't find a source of contamination you really need

to take zinc and avoid copper supplements to get that level down.

> My symptoms are chronic muscle pain/tension/soreness from the shoulders up,

depression, irritability, difficulty thinking, and insomnia. I've had these for

over 8 years and they never change and have ruined my life. No pills or

treatments have helped, except a few jaw/TMJ treatments lowered the facial

tension a bit for 15 minutes a few times, but these small successes were not



Sounds like typical mercury toxicity which is also very similar to copper

toxicity. I'd guess and say you have both and chelation + lowering copper will

hopefully ultimately cure you.

> I appreciate any input any of you might have. Thanks.

> cj


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