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Re: Re: -Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

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, I do not even know you but I wish we were neighbors--------What chelation

protocol are you doing??  I am scared because I was told the protocol I was on

would hurt my child -so I stopped and she seems to have regressed a bit into her

own world.  I am really shook since the Dr that was giving the RX is well known

on this forum--any insite would be appreciated.

> Hi Kim, I've been on this list since 2003, chelated my son, cured his

constipation, stopped his headbanging, stopped the bolting into traffic,

acquired receptive language that's now normal, acquired sign language, learned

to read and write some, can do arithmetic, and finally got rid of about three

years of horrible self-biting accompanied by hellacious screaming that drove

everyone in my house nuts for hours every day. Oh yeah, he now eats and sleeps

normally too. He once went two years without sleeping. We're still chelating.


> Perhaps you recall the struggle for civil rights, or maybe you're young enough

that you had to read about it. It wasn't accomplished by one man making

speeches. It was accomplished by the whole country telling the government to end

discrimnation. It was an attitude that spread everywhere.


> People have been led to think that they can sit back and watch go on TV

and all of our troubles will be over. They think that a few people from GR can

play games with government committees and that will solve our problems and our

kids will get everything they need. It doesn't work that way.


> Anyone who wants to end this poisoning of our kids has to take action

themselves. You can do simple things like I did. I painted the words " FLU SHOTS

CAUSE AUTISM " on my car, and I put up the same sign on a piece of plywood that I

nailed to a tree in my yard. If Gr asked every parent to do things like that,

our message of dissent against our corrupt government would be everywhetre. The

public would become aware of it and they wouldn't think we were just a handful

of wackos led by an ex bunny. GR won't lead people to do things like that

because they are corrupt.


> Don't ever call me a troll again. I've been fighting this fight at the State

House in NH and every other place I can find since 1999 when I learned the truth

about mercury. There is corruption everywhere. If you don't care about anything

besides curing your kid and don't want to take any political action, that's your

choice. My choice is to fight for all of them, not just my own. I have lots of

enemies because I've exposed a lot of fraud. Please don't listen to the frauds.



> > >

> > >

> > > Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from

> > > sagging but I doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes

> > > what Andy teaches us

> > >

> > OK, that's offensive. To all women. And NOT acceptable. Here or anywhere

> > else you happen to be spewing.

> >

> > You may have read good books on psych warfare, but the ones you really

> > need to read are " how to be a decent human being " .

> >

> > , for your own sake, take your meds NOW. They may not help you be

> > decent, but they might help you shut your trap before someone gets the

> > silly notion to wander over to your place and detesticularize you. It's

> > not really something I would like to hear about.

> >

> > Everyone else on this list: please stop this thread. It's not an

> > exchange of ideas, it's just feeding time for one person's synapses.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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