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  • 1 month later...
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Hi All,

I would like to know peoples experiences with taking


I once got a book. I think it was called " Intelligent Drugs " which


piracetam and like drugs. The info seemed interesting. Since I am very

chemically sensitive, I especially need other peoples feedback before

I try anything new.



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Hi Mike,

I am also chemically sensitive, but I also understand that this

varies from person to person. I have had no problems with

piracetam, but generally have had no problems with any supplements

or meds I've taken (other than trazadone).

I found this on Medline -

" Recent post-marketing surveillance reports have confirmed the

benign safety profile and lack of organ toxicity shown by piracetam

during its 25 years of clinical usage. "


cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_uids=10338106 & dopt=Abstract


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  • 1 year later...

We've used it. There's a research neuro here in sdale, AZ

doing work with it. He recommends it for " EEG stability " and

cognitive gain. At first, we felt we were seeing some amazing

things with it -- then that tapered off and we weren't so sure we

were seeing anything. We did feel that it raised her anxiety

level. Of all the meds we've ever tried, though, it had the least

side effects. We've considered trying it again, but are working

hard on a homeopathic chelation protocol and don't want to give her

liver too much more to deal with. For those who haven't heard of

it, Piracetam is not FDA approved, but is available in other

countries. It's the drug from which Keppra is derived. Many with

Down Syndrome have reported cognitive gains on it.-DeEtte

> Did any one use Piracetam for seizure control.

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Thanks for the info

> We've used it. There's a research neuro here in sdale, AZ

> doing work with it. He recommends it for " EEG stability " and

> cognitive gain. At first, we felt we were seeing some amazing

> things with it -- then that tapered off and we weren't so sure we

> were seeing anything. We did feel that it raised her anxiety

> level. Of all the meds we've ever tried, though, it had the least

> side effects. We've considered trying it again, but are working

> hard on a homeopathic chelation protocol and don't want to give


> liver too much more to deal with. For those who haven't heard of

> it, Piracetam is not FDA approved, but is available in other

> countries. It's the drug from which Keppra is derived. Many with

> Down Syndrome have reported cognitive gains on it.-DeEtte


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Try Beyond-A Century.com. I bought 300 grms. for $8.90. 1/4 teaspoon for

1.5grams. They have a very good reputation for their products and

prices. Tom

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I already purchased some peractim before your post,I believe the name is

actually Nontropical.(generic?)

Live and learn.

That''s almost entirely what the group has given to me is useful info.

My friend in East Hampton is forever grateful about aneurysm' info from the


Tried the other website on peractim was tierd and not into it.

Look tomorrorow but my understanding you only need this for short period of


Thats what I got from the site and resarch.

Very informative.

Wish I got the deal you did.

Thank you,

HimH@... wrote:

Try Beyond-A Century.com. I bought 300 grms. for $8.90. 1/4 teaspoon for

1.5grams. They have a very good reputation for their products and

prices. Tom

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 21/09/2005 18:22:07 GMT Daylight Time, Mum231ASD@... writes:

have always wanted to try either the piracetam or vincopetine. Do let us know how it works!

>>>Vinpocetine gave he a headache. Haven;t tried it on Sam yet, its one of those things thats works well or makes no diff from what I have read.

Piracetam - $31.50 for 30 400mg tabs here


>>>.$36.80 for 30 x 800mg tabs from here (this place is in UK but you pay in dollars)


Mandi x

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Mandy We are using piracetam and I think it has contributed to 's gains recently (although its difficult to be sure as we do many other things as well!) He has one 800mg cap per day. It is water soluable but very bitter taste so I mix it with Xylitol to get it into . He is picking up concepts and new ideas very quickly at present eg we taught him to play Guess Who in one demonstration game and he is now brilliant at it! This is a game where you have to ask your opponent questions about a person eg do they have blue eyes etc. When you have an answer you turn down your cards that don't match the answer. You keep asking questions in turn until finally you only have one possible person left. I know wouldn't have 'got' this game a few months ago. hth TinaMandy

<Mandy_Roemer@...> wrote: I am thinking about giving my son piracetam. I read it is helpful to normalize EEG's (since most autistic kids have abnormal EEG's without having every an actual seizure) and improve cognitive development. In some cased bring up speech. Is there any experience with this med. Please mail me your experiences. Mandy - mama to Kees

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 15/03/2006 15:24:28 GMT Standard Time, geirf@... writes:

What woud be the reason / rationale for using Piracetam

>>>I know several of Dr Usmans patients are on it with success but they all seem to have different doses, I don't understand that bit, doesn't seem to relate to age or size. I have ordered some for Sam. One of my buddies was given it to help with fine motor and it has :)

Sorry not much help

Mandi in UK

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What woud be the reason / rationale for using Piracetam

Geir Flatabø


Any of you using piracetam for their kid...could you please mail me?


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Hi Mandy Talked to Dr Usman about doses of piracetam last night - what a co-incidence! We use the 800mg caps from Unique Nutrition. Dr Usman uses it for fine motor and concentrations issues. It works well for some kids but not all (as usual!) We were on 1 cap per day, Dr Usman said some kids take more than that (even up to 5 caps), but she doesn't use it long term. We have been though one bottle of caps and will use one more bottle before stopping. My sons concentration and fine motor have improved over the period but as we have been doing other things, I can't say whether the piracetam has been a major, small or no influence. (We have been also doing brushing therapy to target the same issues, over the same time period.) hth Tina Mandy <Mandy_Roemer@...> wrote: We just started piracetam but I am confused about the dosis. My son gets 50 mg per kg bodyweight. I also wanted to know how long it takes before you notice anything...if it works at all. I read in some studies it can take 3 up to 4 weeks. Mandy

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Piracetam is the original 'nootropic'. Its a relative of pyroglutamic

acid, and its a neuroprotective agent, with no known side effects. It

has beneficial effects on the long-term potentiation of memories and

it also protects the brain from hypoxia. There is a 30-40 year record

of its safety in literally hundreds of studies. There are also at

least ten or so relatives which each are slightly different. The only

other one I have tried is aniracetam which is much more dramatic in

its effects than piracetam but it also only lasts two or three hours.

Piracetam is a VERY good supplement for older people to take because

it is very good at fighting age-related cognitive decline. It also

improves memory. That is not a 'maybe'- it does.

the reason you don't read more about it is because of the way the US

medical system works, as it is now no longer protected by patent and

cheap, so nobody can make money off of it.

yes, it helps me sleep. yes, it (dramatically) helped reduce the

headaches I had gotten from mold exposure..

I still take it because the mold did terrible things to my memory.

When i stop taking it I get much much worse and piracetam makes a huge

difference for me in being able to function.

I have found that I need to also take a choline supplement with it.. I

take choline bitartrate (cheap, effective, gives you the runs..though)

or alpha-GPC choline (when i can afford it, much better.. much


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Sounds great. What symptoms did you have that made you

try the choline supplement with it?

--- LiveSimply <quackadillian@...> wrote:

> Piracetam is the original 'nootropic'. Its a

> relative of pyroglutamic

> acid, and its a neuroprotective agent, with no known

> side effects. It

> has beneficial effects on the long-term potentiation

> of memories and

> it also protects the brain from hypoxia. There is a

> 30-40 year record

> of its safety in literally hundreds of studies.

> There are also at

> least ten or so relatives which each are slightly

> different. The only

> other one I have tried is aniracetam which is much

> more dramatic in

> its effects than piracetam but it also only lasts

> two or three hours.


> Piracetam is a VERY good supplement for older people

> to take because

> it is very good at fighting age-related cognitive

> decline. It also

> improves memory. That is not a 'maybe'- it does.


> the reason you don't read more about it is because

> of the way the US

> medical system works, as it is now no longer

> protected by patent and

> cheap, so nobody can make money off of it.


> yes, it helps me sleep. yes, it (dramatically)

> helped reduce the

> headaches I had gotten from mold exposure..


> I still take it because the mold did terrible things

> to my memory.

> When i stop taking it I get much much worse and

> piracetam makes a huge

> difference for me in being able to function.


> I have found that I need to also take a choline

> supplement with it.. I

> take choline bitartrate (cheap, effective, gives you

> the runs..though)

> or alpha-GPC choline (when i can afford it, much

> better.. much

> stronger)



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Well, the ability to zero in on things I can definitely attribute to

the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better. For

those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

that's what it's like.

Today when I looked out my living room window, I actually stopped in

my footsteps in awe at what I saw. The sky was blue with floating

clouds of various shades. The trees were so distinct. Not only

could I see the pine needles, but noticed them individually and the

little pine cones that were forming on the end of them. They were

little cones. I literally stopped in awe at the beauty of

everything. It had always been there, but it's just more focused

now. That is from the piracetam.

The visual perception has taken me by surprise, and I'm really

enjoying it.



> Hi Gail

> Thanks for that great response! I have to say, that I think I

notice an improvement in your posts (not that they have not always

been good). You seem to be sharper and more to the point.


> I have yet to use ozone therapy, and yes, I know that I need it at

59 years with no serious detox efforts in the last 20 years. I will

get to it soon.


> My parents will likely take my advice, thanks to posts like yours

and my own recent experience with smart drugs.


> Corny



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Well, the ability to zero in on things I can definitely attribute to

the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better. For

those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

that's what it's like.

Today when I looked out my living room window, I actually stopped in

my footsteps in awe at what I saw. The sky was blue with floating

clouds of various shades. The trees were so distinct. Not only

could I see the pine needles, but noticed them individually and the

little pine cones that were forming on the end of them. They were

little cones. I literally stopped in awe at the beauty of

everything. It had always been there, but it's just more focused

now. That is from the piracetam.

The visual perception has taken me by surprise, and I'm really

enjoying it.



> Hi Gail

> Thanks for that great response! I have to say, that I think I

notice an improvement in your posts (not that they have not always

been good). You seem to be sharper and more to the point.


> I have yet to use ozone therapy, and yes, I know that I need it at

59 years with no serious detox efforts in the last 20 years. I will

get to it soon.


> My parents will likely take my advice, thanks to posts like yours

and my own recent experience with smart drugs.


> Corny



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I've been thinking of using piracetam. Can you tell us what dosage you use and

where you

get it?



- In oxyplus , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@...> wrote:


> Well, the ability to zero in on things I can definitely attribute to

> the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

> did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better. For

> those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

> glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

> that's what it's like.


> Today when I looked out my living room window, I actually stopped in

> my footsteps in awe at what I saw. The sky was blue with floating

> clouds of various shades. The trees were so distinct. Not only

> could I see the pine needles, but noticed them individually and the

> little pine cones that were forming on the end of them. They were

> little cones. I literally stopped in awe at the beauty of

> everything. It had always been there, but it's just more focused

> now. That is from the piracetam.


> The visual perception has taken me by surprise, and I'm really

> enjoying it.


> Gail



> >

> > Hi Gail

> > Thanks for that great response! I have to say, that I think I

> notice an improvement in your posts (not that they have not always

> been good). You seem to be sharper and more to the point.

> >

> > I have yet to use ozone therapy, and yes, I know that I need it at

> 59 years with no serious detox efforts in the last 20 years. I will

> get to it soon.

> >

> > My parents will likely take my advice, thanks to posts like yours

> and my own recent experience with smart drugs.

> >

> > Corny

> >

> >

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I've been thinking of using piracetam. Can you tell us what dosage you use and

where you

get it?



- In oxyplus , " wanda85929 " <wanda85929@...> wrote:


> Well, the ability to zero in on things I can definitely attribute to

> the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

> did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better. For

> those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

> glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

> that's what it's like.


> Today when I looked out my living room window, I actually stopped in

> my footsteps in awe at what I saw. The sky was blue with floating

> clouds of various shades. The trees were so distinct. Not only

> could I see the pine needles, but noticed them individually and the

> little pine cones that were forming on the end of them. They were

> little cones. I literally stopped in awe at the beauty of

> everything. It had always been there, but it's just more focused

> now. That is from the piracetam.


> The visual perception has taken me by surprise, and I'm really

> enjoying it.


> Gail



> >

> > Hi Gail

> > Thanks for that great response! I have to say, that I think I

> notice an improvement in your posts (not that they have not always

> been good). You seem to be sharper and more to the point.

> >

> > I have yet to use ozone therapy, and yes, I know that I need it at

> 59 years with no serious detox efforts in the last 20 years. I will

> get to it soon.

> >

> > My parents will likely take my advice, thanks to posts like yours

> and my own recent experience with smart drugs.

> >

> > Corny

> >

> >

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Alrighty Miss Gail,

Where do you buy this Piracetam. From what I've read thus far about the

nutrient, I am very interested.

Sharp as you already are...I just know that you've probably got the best

piracetam availale for the best price. :)

wanda85929 <wanda85929@...> wrote: Well, the ability to zero in on things

I can definitely attribute to

the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better. For

those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

that's what it's like.

Regards, Carol Ann ~

and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2

Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.


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Hello Carol Ann & Arrow,

I was just getting ready to reply to Arrow when your post came

through, so will address both.

I bought it from Bulk Nutrition at www.bulknutrition.com. 700 grams

for $22.99.

The suggested dosage says to take 2400mg 3-4 times daily, 1/4 tsp.=

720mg. Right now I'm playing around trying to find a good dose for

me. For now, I'm only taking 1/4 tsp. (720mg) 3 Xs daily. Before

that I was taking the suggested 2400mg 3 Xs daily. I'm thinking that

worked better, but am still playing around with it.

What I am noticing is, because it increases blood flow, I might have

to adjust some of my supplements as I'm thinking I'm probably getting

more than I need with the more blood flow. Just a thought, which is

why I'm playing around with the dosage.

Corny mentioned the word 'sharper.' I think that's a good way to

describe it. I often talk about 'brain fog.' It's as if the fog is

lifting, and I can see clearly now. However, I'm sure the ozone is

also contributing as well.

Man! Carol Ann. I don't think they come any sharper than you, and YOU

want piracetam?


-- In oxyplus , Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote:


> Alrighty Miss Gail,

> Where do you buy this Piracetam. From what I've read thus far

about the nutrient, I am very interested.


> Sharp as you already are...I just know that you've probably got

the best piracetam availale for the best price. :)


> wanda85929 <wanda85929@...> wrote: Well, the ability to zero in on

things I can definitely attribute to

> the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

> did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better.


> those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

> glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

> that's what it's like.




> Regards, Carol Ann ~

> and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2

> Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.


> ---------------------------------

> Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket:

mail, news, photos & more.



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Piracetam appears to increase communication between the two hemispheres of the

brain, and increases activity of the corpus callosum.

Ru kidding? I'm getting on in age....There are times when the right portion of

my noggin has completely forgotten that there IS a left side........lol.

Anyhow, as a precautionary measure, although it seems to be relatively safe with

very few side effects, I thought this might be of interest to anyone else

considering Piracetam..to know that there are certain medical conditions that

should be taken into consideration.

Due to the effect of piracetam on platelet aggregation, caution is recommended

in patients with underlying disorders of haemostasis, major surgery or severe


Abrupt discontinuation of treatment should be avoided as this may induce

myoclonic or generalised seizures in some myoclonic patients.

As piracetam is almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys caution should be

exercised in treating patients with known renal impairment. In renally impaired

and elderly patients, an increase in terminal half-life is directly related to

renal function as measured by creatinine clearance. Dosage adjustment is

therefore required in those with mild to moderate renal impairment and elderly

patients with diminished renal function.


Thanks for the info Gail, much appreciated. Saul can chime in here with a

better hypothesis, but I am thinking in reference to your comments about the

Piracetam and Ozone together.

Ozone will in and of iteself , thin the blood, which is what may give an

additional boost to the benefits of Piracetam?

wanda85929 <wanda85929@...> wrote: Hello Carol Ann & Arrow,

I was just getting ready to reply to Arrow when your post came

through, so will address both.

I bought it from Bulk Nutrition at www.bulknutrition.com. 700 grams

for $22.99.

The suggested dosage says to take 2400mg 3-4 times daily, 1/4 tsp.=

720mg. Right now I'm playing around trying to find a good dose for

me. For now, I'm only taking 1/4 tsp. (720mg) 3 Xs daily. Before

that I was taking the suggested 2400mg 3 Xs daily. I'm thinking that

worked better, but am still playing around with it.

What I am noticing is, because it increases blood flow, I might have

to adjust some of my supplements as I'm thinking I'm probably getting

more than I need with the more blood flow. Just a thought, which is

why I'm playing around with the dosage.

Corny mentioned the word 'sharper.' I think that's a good way to

describe it. I often talk about 'brain fog.' It's as if the fog is

lifting, and I can see clearly now. However, I'm sure the ozone is

also contributing as well.

Man! Carol Ann. I don't think they come any sharper than you, and YOU

want piracetam?


-- In oxyplus , Carol Ann wrote:


> Alrighty Miss Gail,

> Where do you buy this Piracetam. From what I've read thus far

about the nutrient, I am very interested.


> Sharp as you already are...I just know that you've probably got

the best piracetam availale for the best price. :)


> wanda85929 wrote: Well, the ability to zero in on

things I can definitely attribute to

> the piracetam as I've been doing ozone for 3 1/2 years and it never

> did that from me. Things are simply coming into focus better.


> those that wear glasses, if you can remember your first pair of

> glasses and how awed you were when you saw things come into focus,

> that's what it's like.




> Regards, Carol Ann ~

> and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2

> Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.


> ---------------------------------

> Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket:

mail, news, photos & more.



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ps. Gail, did ya know that Piracetam may require Choline to be taken as an

additional supplement, seems to depend on the individual and the intended goal.

This link is from the website you provided for purchasing the product. Read

users comments at the very bottom of the page in the section called -

Recent Forum Topics about Piracetam Powder

Regards, Carol Ann ~

and the bush was consumed.........Exodus 3:2

Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.


oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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  • 2 years later...

You have an article written by a nutricionist that uses it:


(Piracetam: A Powerfull Tool for Learning Disabilities)


I've read about that time ago; have not opinion, never tried it.

[ ] Piracetam

My nephew is in medical school and just emailed me telling me to check into

Piracetam. Anyone know anything about this? I've not heard of it. Thanks in


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