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Re: Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

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My DAN dr who is an herbalist suggested 3 days on (DMSA +ALA) and 11 days

off (using the days off to supplement the system with lots of other

things)....my 7 yr old was such a champ and handled the first 3 days well

and we were actually able to potty train for the first time and he got




From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of bouquet88

Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:27 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

Thank you for the information. Very glad to find this group and learn more

about the process.

My kid got double DMSA challenged within 3 days. The first test was deemed

" null " b/c we missed one collection. It was the collection that had 12

seedlike particles (dark brown, looks like small sesame seeds). Has anyone

seen " weird " things coming out of the urine while chelating?

Since the challenge(s), attention got poor and stims went up. It's been 2

weeks and just now getting better. Any suggestions how to remedy the

situation? Is this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we are

doing something wrong?

Been reading that protocol is 3 days on / 8 days off. Is 5 days on / 9 days

off too aggressive?

We thought the DMSA challenge was a reliable test based on ARI's Mercury

Detoxification Consensus Position Paper (2005) http://www.autism.



So thankful we found this group before moving forward.

Thanks again for the info. Sorry if my questions are naive and repetitive.

In the process of learning. Thanks!

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I would check out the Low Oxalate Diet....your child may have

oxalates.....Here is a good website to check out....





From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of penumbraposts

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 2:15 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

>>> It was the collection that had 12 seedlike particles (dark brown, looks

like small sesame seeds). Has anyone seen " weird " things coming out of the

urine while chelating?

Seeds in the urine could be kidney stones or mineral deposits in the urinary

tract. I speculate that the chelation helped to break down these deposits.

I have read, and heard from our doctors, that it is important for the child

to have an adequate detox pathways prior to chelation. In your child's case,

a hepatic detox remedy might be helpful.



ly---Heres-How & id=611414>

s.com/?You-Can-Dissolve-Kidney-Stones-Safely-and-Naturally---Heres-How & id=61


>>> Is this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we are doing

something wrong?

We observed massive Candida yeast elimination during chelation -

particularly with DMPS chelation. This can be a deep rooted problem known as

" biofilm " , that surfaces during the treatments.

http://tinyurl. <http://tinyurl.com/Usman-Autism> com/Usman-Autism


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This is what to expect from improper chelation and challenge tests, which is

what you are doing from the sounds of it.

The side effects you are seeing are the result of metals being re-distributed,

causing more damage to the brain and organs.

The correct way to chelate is using low and frequent dosing. It takes longer,

but it is safe. Please read the FAQs you got when you joined the group and also

go to the files section and read about the Andy Cutler chelation protocol.

Please stop and learn about safe and effective chelation. Question your doctor -

they are not always right. Wasn't it a doctor who injected mercury and other

metals into your child in the first place? Wasn't it a dentist who installed

mercury into all our teeth? Stop listening to these people and learn for

yourself before you make your child even worse.



From: bouquet88 <bouquet88@...>

Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 10:27:10 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions


Thank you for the information. Very glad to find this group and learn more about

the process.

My kid got double DMSA challenged within 3 days. The first test was deemed

" null " b/c we missed one collection. It was the collection that had 12 seedlike

particles (dark brown, looks like small sesame seeds). Has anyone seen " weird "

things coming out of the urine while chelating?

Since the challenge(s) , attention got poor and stims went up. It's been 2 weeks

and just now getting better. Any suggestions how to remedy the situation? Is

this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we are doing something


Been reading that protocol is 3 days on / 8 days off. Is 5 days on / 9 days off

too aggressive?

We thought the DMSA challenge was a reliable test based on ARI's Mercury

Detoxification Consensus Position Paper (2005) http://www.autism. com/triggers/

vaccine/mercuryd etox.htm

So thankful we found this group before moving forward.

Thanks again for the info. Sorry if my questions are naive and repetitive. In

the process of learning. Thanks!

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No bad reactions if the protocol is followed properly. Sometimes you will need

to adjust the dose or the supporting supplements for comfort.

A reliable test for heavy metals is a hair test and then apply Andy's Counting

rules to determine mercury toxicity.



From: bouquet88 <bouquet88@...>

Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 2:19:14 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions


Thanks for your response.

Would there be no reactions if Andy Cutler's protocol is followed?

Per McCandless' book and Autism Research Institute site, provoked DMSA test seem

to be acceptable. What would be considered a " reliable " source of info?

Appreciate your comments!


> This is what to expect from improper chelation and challenge tests, which is

what you are doing from the sounds of it.

> The side effects you are seeing are the result of metals being re-distributed,

causing more damage to the brain and organs.


> The correct way to chelate is using low and frequent dosing. It takes longer,

but it is safe. Please read the FAQs you got when you joined the group and also

go to the files section and read about the Andy Cutler chelation protocol.


> Please stop and learn about safe and effective chelation. Question your doctor

- they are not always right. Wasn't it a doctor who injected mercury and other

metals into your child in the first place? Wasn't it a dentist who installed

mercury into all our teeth? Stop listening to these people and learn for

yourself before you make your child even worse.

> TJ





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: bouquet88 <bouquet88@. ..>


> Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 10:27:10 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions



> Thank you for the information. Very glad to find this group and learn more

about the process.


> My kid got double DMSA challenged within 3 days. The first test was deemed

" null " b/c we missed one collection. It was the collection that had 12 seedlike

particles (dark brown, looks like small sesame seeds). Has anyone seen " weird "

things coming out of the urine while chelating?


> Since the challenge(s) , attention got poor and stims went up. It's been 2

weeks and just now getting better. Any suggestions how to remedy the situation?

Is this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we are doing

something wrong?


> Been reading that protocol is 3 days on / 8 days off. Is 5 days on / 9 days

off too aggressive?


> We thought the DMSA challenge was a reliable test based on ARI's Mercury

Detoxification Consensus Position Paper (2005) http://www.autism. com/triggers/

vaccine/mercuryd etox.htm

> So thankful we found this group before moving forward.


> Thanks again for the info. Sorry if my questions are naive and repetitive. In

the process of learning. Thanks!









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No....I gave him DMSA 3x/day (this works better for us)....my 7 yr old

doesn't drink if woken up and dosen't swallow pills.....I have to say that I

am really impressed with the results....he was very social today and very


On the off days, I am giving him essential oils that are chelating and 3

doses of his vitamin a day, mag citrate for colon health, essential oils and

nystatin for yeast, glutathione, goji juice and enzymes for immunity and


He has a very different approach that seems to suite my son....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Jan

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:16 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

Hopefully you are dosing the three days on AC protocol timing. Every four

hours at night and three during the day.

And giving supplements for chelation on all day. Off or on.



> My DAN dr who is an herbalist suggested 3 days on (DMSA +ALA) and 11 days

> off (using the days off to supplement the system with lots of other

> things)....my 7 yr old was such a champ and handled the first 3 days well

> and we were actually able to potty train for the first time and he got

> it!!!!




> _____


> From: @ <mailto: %40>

[mailto: @

<mailto: %40> ]

> On Behalf Of bouquet88

> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:27 PM

> @ <mailto: %40>

> Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions





> Thank you for the information. Very glad to find this group and learn more

> about the process.


> My kid got double DMSA challenged within 3 days. The first test was deemed

> " null " b/c we missed one collection. It was the collection that had 12

> seedlike particles (dark brown, looks like small sesame seeds). Has anyone

> seen " weird " things coming out of the urine while chelating?


> Since the challenge(s), attention got poor and stims went up. It's been 2

> weeks and just now getting better. Any suggestions how to remedy the

> situation? Is this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we


> doing something wrong?


> Been reading that protocol is 3 days on / 8 days off. Is 5 days on / 9


> off too aggressive?


> We thought the DMSA challenge was a reliable test based on ARI's Mercury

> Detoxification Consensus Position Paper (2005) http://www.autism.

> <http://www.autism.



> com/triggers/vaccine/mercurydetox.htm

> So thankful we found this group before moving forward.


> Thanks again for the info. Sorry if my questions are naive and repetitive.

> In the process of learning. Thanks!








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My son wakes up so easily that even opening up his door can wake him and

once he is awake it can take hours to get sleep again....I am going to

mention to my son's dr today about more frequent dosing and see what his

theory is.....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of nikkibarbieri

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 6:16 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

You can squirt it in the child's mouth with dropper at night.He doesn't even

have to be awoken.I have it pre-mixed(with 2ml water) in seperate droppers

and keep them on ice on the night stand.When the alarm goes off I just

lightly pry his mouth open on the side and squirt it in.If he needs water he

sits up and I have that for him ready.No need to wake up child.

> >

> > My DAN dr who is an herbalist suggested 3 days on (DMSA +ALA) and 11


> > off (using the days off to supplement the system with lots of other

> > things)....my 7 yr old was such a champ and handled the first 3 days


> > and we were actually able to potty train for the first time and he got

> > it!!!!

> >

> > ANN

> >

> > _____

> >

> > From: @ <mailto: %40>

> [mailto: @

> <mailto: %40> ]

> > On Behalf Of bouquet88

> > Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:27 PM

> > @ <mailto: %40>


> > Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Thank you for the information. Very glad to find this group and learn


> > about the process.

> >

> > My kid got double DMSA challenged within 3 days. The first test was


> > " null " b/c we missed one collection. It was the collection that had 12

> > seedlike particles (dark brown, looks like small sesame seeds). Has


> > seen " weird " things coming out of the urine while chelating?

> >

> > Since the challenge(s), attention got poor and stims went up. It's been


> > weeks and just now getting better. Any suggestions how to remedy the

> > situation? Is this what to expect during chelation? Or does that mean we

> are

> > doing something wrong?

> >

> > Been reading that protocol is 3 days on / 8 days off. Is 5 days on / 9

> days

> > off too aggressive?

> >

> > We thought the DMSA challenge was a reliable test based on ARI's Mercury

> > Detoxification Consensus Position Paper (2005) http://www.autism.

> > <http://www.autism.

> <http://www.autism.



> com/triggers/vaccine/mercurydetox.htm>

> > com/triggers/vaccine/mercurydetox.htm

> > So thankful we found this group before moving forward.

> >

> > Thanks again for the info. Sorry if my questions are naive and


> > In the process of learning. Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I read your other post as well. This is improper chelation, that is why you are

not seeing any results.

- The dose is too high and too infrequent.

Max dose for you boy should be 1/2 mg per pound of body weight and you should

give it every 4 hours, day and night.

Please read about the Andy Cutler protocol.

You should start out at about 1/8 mg per pond of body weight. Most of us do a 3

day on and 4 day off round. We start on Friday night nad end Monday morning.

This works around the school schedule.

You also need to give supporting supplements and have a yeast fighting protocol

in place.

If you add ALA you need to give that every three hours during the day and four

hours at night.

ALA is important because it will remove metals from the brain.



From: Mimoza Mali <m.mat31@...>

Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 9:01:37 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions



I just joined this group and was surprised to read that it is recommended to

give DMSA every three hours. I have a ten year old boy and am in round four

of chelation with chemet 100mg every 4 hours for three days then 11 days

off. I have a DAN doctor who recommended it. What do I do? I was also

reading about the ALA, our doctor did not recommend it. We did the test with

Doctor Data and my son is high on tin, and led. I would appreciate and

advise form you parents. I live in Massachusetts, anyone recommends a good

doctor for chelation and biomed treatment?

Any comments/ suggestions very much appreciated!


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In the meantime, stop chelating. Read about the Andy cutler protocol. 400mg is a

huge dose.

Max dose for your son would be 50mg every four hours, day and night. Most of us

go for three days like this, then let the body rest for four days.

Starting Friday afternoon after school and going to Monday morning.

If your doctor will not support you on this, get a new doctor. Many of us

chelate without a doctor.



From: mimoza_mali <m.mat31@...>

Sent: Wed, February 3, 2010 9:27:01 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions


TJ-Thank you so much for your response. I am disappointed to learn that it is an

improper chelation protocol. I spend so much money seeing the DAN doctor, he is

also a neurologist, and to have it wrong and potentially not safe is very

upsetting to me. I did some reading tonight and it seems that Cutler protocol is

different from the DAN one. Do most of the parents have seen better results with

Cutler protocol? I am calling the doctor today, but in the meantime do I reduce

the dose? My son is 107 lbs and his dose is 400mg every 8 hours. I will keep

reading... I am grateful I found this group.

Thank you very much!


> I read your other post as well. This is improper chelation, that is why you

are not seeing any results.

> - The dose is too high and too infrequent.

> Max dose for you boy should be 1/2 mg per pound of body weight and you should

give it every 4 hours, day and night.

> Please read about the Andy Cutler protocol.

> You should start out at about 1/8 mg per pond of body weight. Most of us do a

3 day on and 4 day off round. We start on Friday night nad end Monday morning.

This works around the school schedule.

> You also need to give supporting supplements and have a yeast fighting

protocol in place.

> If you add ALA you need to give that every three hours during the day and four

hours at night.

> ALA is important because it will remove metals from the brain.

> TJ





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: Mimoza Mali <m.mat31@... >


> Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 9:01:37 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions



> Hi,


> I just joined this group and was surprised to read that it is recommended to

> give DMSA every three hours. I have a ten year old boy and am in round four

> of chelation with chemet 100mg every 4 hours for three days then 11 days

> off. I have a DAN doctor who recommended it. What do I do? I was also

> reading about the ALA, our doctor did not recommend it. We did the test with

> Doctor Data and my son is high on tin, and led. I would appreciate and

> advise form you parents. I live in Massachusetts, anyone recommends a good

> doctor for chelation and biomed treatment?


> Any comments/ suggestions very much appreciated!

> Mimi



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I also am doing the the DAN protocol and am finding good things with just

our first round....I am finally able to potty-train (he's 7 and have been

trying for 2 yrs).....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of mimoza_mali

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:27 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions

TJ-Thank you so much for your response. I am disappointed to learn that it

is an improper chelation protocol. I spend so much money seeing the DAN

doctor, he is also a neurologist, and to have it wrong and potentially not

safe is very upsetting to me. I did some reading tonight and it seems that

Cutler protocol is different from the DAN one. Do most of the parents have

seen better results with Cutler protocol? I am calling the doctor today, but

in the meantime do I reduce the dose? My son is 107 lbs and his dose is

400mg every 8 hours. I will keep reading... I am grateful I found this


Thank you very much!


> I read your other post as well. This is improper chelation, that is why

you are not seeing any results.

> - The dose is too high and too infrequent.

> Max dose for you boy should be 1/2 mg per pound of body weight and you

should give it every 4 hours, day and night.

> Please read about the Andy Cutler protocol.

> You should start out at about 1/8 mg per pond of body weight. Most of us

do a 3 day on and 4 day off round. We start on Friday night nad end Monday

morning. This works around the school schedule.

> You also need to give supporting supplements and have a yeast fighting

protocol in place.

> If you add ALA you need to give that every three hours during the day and

four hours at night.

> ALA is important because it will remove metals from the brain.

> TJ





> ________________________________

> From: Mimoza Mali <m.mat31@...>

> @ <mailto: %40>

> Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 9:01:37 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Starting Chelation Soon - Questions


> Â

> Hi,


> I just joined this group and was surprised to read that it is recommended


> give DMSA every three hours. I have a ten year old boy and am in round


> of chelation with chemet 100mg every 4 hours for three days then 11 days

> off. I have a DAN doctor who recommended it. What do I do? I was also

> reading about the ALA, our doctor did not recommend it. We did the test


> Doctor Data and my son is high on tin, and led. I would appreciate and

> advise form you parents. I live in Massachusetts, anyone recommends a good

> doctor for chelation and biomed treatment?


> Any comments/ suggestions very much appreciated!

> Mimi



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