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Re: Do you know any natural mood stabilizer for autism?

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We are also looking for something that works more steadily. SAM-e can be

wonderful and soothing for many kids (and adults--try it!). It's expensive

but we have found VERY helpful, particularly for anger, anxiety and


We don't use it everyday, and frankly, given our history with supplements,

I would be concerned that the good effects would wane if used daily.

Better to have something effective for those really 'hostile' moments.

In a message dated 4/9/2010 8:32:37 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

mkpa.us@... writes:

Hello everybody,

My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. I would like to know if somebody has

some suggestion.



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I have tried many different things for my son including vit B12, B3, Gabba,

herbs, homeopathic remedies and the best thing so far is a product called MAX

GXL. It helps the body produce and recycle glutathione. I had a Chiropractor

from Hawaii tell me about it then he sent me some free samples, I am so glad he

did because otherwise I might not have tried it had he not. My son first took

one capsule a day then 2 now three and it is just the right ammount, these

capsules easily mix with water, juice or the vitamin that the company made to go

with it called N-fuse. I don't know how we ever lived without it.

From: Ana Muniz <mkpa.us@...>

Subject: [ ] Do you know any natural mood stabilizer for autism?

Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 1:31 PM


Hello everybody,

My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. I would like to know if somebody has some




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Good morning, Jay,

Be sure to look at the ingredients in MAX GXL. I believe Alpha Lipoic Acid.

With a serving being 3 capsules, there is a total of 75mg of ALA.

Just wanted to present this information.

My plan is to add MAX GXL once I have started introducing ALA in our rounds of

AC Chelation.

I have heard great things about this product also.

Thanks for sharing your positive experience with MAX GXL.




> From: Ana Muniz <mkpa.us@...>

> Subject: [ ] Do you know any natural mood stabilizer for autism?


> Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 1:31 PM







> Hello everybody,

> My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. I would like to know if somebody has some


> Thanks

> Ana













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> My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. ...

>...I never try SAM-e .

Ana, be very careful about self-medicating mood problems. I hear it can be very

dangerous if you guess incorrectly about Sam-e.

" One thing that is absolutely certain is that methionine and/or SAMe usually

harm low-histamine (overmethylated persons)..... but are wonderful for

high-histamine (undermethylated) persons. "


I understand fish oil has mood stabilizing properties. Dr. Amen

recommends it cf amenclinic.com. I was on a low dose of the mood stabilizer /

anticonvulsant trileptal until I started taking 2 fish oil capsules

daily--recommended by Dr. Amen's associate. After many months I discontinued the

fish oil and the mood symptoms recurred over the course of a week.


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I didn't see it mentioned, but one thing that helped my son a lot in this area

was lithium orotate. I had good reason to use it though, his hair test

indicated off the charts low lithium. Also, chelation caused blood sugar surges

and crashes for our son and feeding him frequent meals and snacks helped. I

think that the lithium helped the blood sugar problem as well.



> Hello everybody,

> My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. I would like to know if somebody has some


> Thanks

> Ana


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my son has done great on Farm Fresh Goat milk (raw), for like a zillion

reasons(nutrition,anti fungal/anti viral, medium chain fatty acids like the most

healthy fats in the world that really aid in vit absorption... i can go on and


http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice & dbid=131

but as far as mood, it is a high source of that tryptophan

http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient & dbid=103(sp?)

He used to not take any dairy, it did a real job on his gut. All the mucus it

tore him up. Then we figured out he could eat/drink local farm fresh raw cow's

milk with no real Gut issues... no postives but a food we could add that had no

negative impact, and we were so pleased. So later we tried farm fresh raw goats

milk and not only did it not give us any trouble but it has been problable the

single most dramatic healing food/suppliment/enzyme whatever we have tried to

date... and we have had great successes with all the above as well so it was

really that good. is now 3/4 the way thru kindergarten and 5 3/4 yo. At

3 he could not speak.. he had regressed to the piont where he spent his days

making patterns in the carpet and obsessing with wheeels. Now speaks in

7-10 words sentances, and reads simple books, has 80+ sight words and at his

special education meeting they said all of his tests scores were competetly

smack in the midlle average of all the kindergarten kids in america... with his

reading being slightly ahead. He is definately going on to 1st grade(with speach

3x a week, and some OT for his grip) These tests were taken in Jan during a

after Holiday regressing so they are likeley even better. So for us it worked

and it was noticeable right away and with no bad side affects, he sleeps better

, is more present and talkative and the eye contact has never been better. It

was the best medicine yet and if I had to I would pay $100 a glass its that

valuable to his protocal. We keep our own goat so I can control what she eats. I

keep dwarf Nigerians and they are smaller than most dogs and give about a qt a

day and i live in a village and keep them in my backyard pened liek you would

dogs. The animals are a great conversation piece for all disabled children.

thanks for listening


> >

> > Hello everybody,

> > My son is autistic and I am looking for some natural medicine to help the

behavior - natural mood stabilizer. I would like to know if somebody has some


> > Thanks

> > Ana

> >


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