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Re: Re: finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my daughter - some advice needed please OT answer

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Hi their


Could any one tell me what are the required tests before I start chelate my

daughter, then I will post the results tothe group t advice me on how to start.


because,smlarly, we have no protocol doctors, no supplements, no nothing.  It

is hard to see your child dissappearing away from you with out being able to do

any thing, wile seeing others are reaching some point in te heaing process.



From: mamadelfi <guadalupemillan@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my

daughter - some advice needed please OT answer

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 5:07 PM


hi Isa,

I see you´re also struggling with all these extra issues ! I dream about having

GFCF food in our supermarkets. supplements in our country. drs who have a clue.

we too struggle to bring supps in via friends who travel, paying US dollars, 4

times more than our peso.

I care about none of this though, as long as I can get my baby to good health. I

believe we have a few more obstacles than many, but again, God must have planned

it like this for a reason. I know I take it upon myself to spread the word on

what can be done for these kids as much as I can, and people come to me for

advice. I might be able to help others as well as my child. I hope for that.

all the best to you on this journey.



> Lupe,

> Hello from Mexico, we are on the same boat: no drs to help us, no associations

or groups minded to HEAL ASD kids, no knowledge of chelation (the only Dr who

really understood metal toxicity was a naturalized russian who died a year ago)

or biomed of any kind, no support at schools, no nothing....even the supplements

we have to smuggle into the country, wait for someone to travel to the US and

bring them in the luggage, or order via mail to a hotel on the other side of the

border and travel there to pick em up....I dream about supplements being

delivered via UPS to my home door....

> So, I am like you, supported only by God and this wonderful parent BOARDS (I

am on 3 and l have met the most incredible parents, the most amazing human

beings, l feel so blessed), l also want to take the chance and say THANK YOU

ALL!! You make a difference and outshine hope by diseminating the healing

methods (THANK YOU Mr Cutler) and sharing the good news of little ones

recovering. I believe Mr Cutler was in town for a conference last year (is that

right?) Didn't know until a few days ago as a read it somewhere on the e-net, l

don't know about practitioners following the protocol, much as l have been

asking. I just joined the group few weeks ago, and l am so happy every time l

read about a kid improving (like Today's mail from Jake's mom while on 5th

rd!!!). So Lupe, if people in the US are fighting against current, against the

system, we are even more, so let's be brave and have faith!!!

> Thank you to all, have a blessed day.

> Isa

> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


> [ ] finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my daughter

- some advice needed please


> hi all,

> I´ve been around this group for about a year, but yet hadn´t found the

courage to start the chelation process. yesterday I met with a toxicologist in

Argentina, where I'm from, who was the first dr here that ever said to me " I

can't put this in writing, but if she were my daughter, I'd chelate her too " .

she can't formally do this with us, but has agreed to run all the tests to

ensure she's in good health during the process. this is all I was asking for.

> so now we will be starting DMSA, AC protocol. here are some questions:

> - my daughter is 3 1/2, 13 kg (30 pounds aprox). should I start with 4/5 mg


> - anyone know where I can get DMSA at lower doses / without medical

prescription ?

> - basic supps to go with chelations are ACE and minerals, right ? am I ok with

a multi that contains them ? I have kirkmans childrens multi and it has them

all. my daugher is already on anti fungals, milk thistle, l carnitine, l

taurine, mag, calcium, biotin, D3. should I keep all of these as well ?

> - is dosing every 4 hs all the time, or like ALA, 3 during day, 4 at night ?

I´m planning on adding ALA later on, after we have the body metals under


> - I need to buy Andy´s books. am I ok with No amalgam only, or do I need any

others ? I will get a copy for me and another for this toxicologist, who I have

high hopes for in her role in helping autistic children in this country, where

we have no one

> I would not have gotten to this point if it weren't for all the encouragement

that I read from you daily. thanks so much for being here. we are all scared to

death to harm my little one, and I just pray to God that he will be with us.

> Lupe






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No testing is needed, just start with a low dose. 1/8mg per pound of body


You should see some positive results within 5-10 rounds if you child is mercury




From: abubaker omar <abuirama@...>

Sent: Sun, January 31, 2010 1:57:07 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my

daughter - some advice needed please OT answer


Hi their


Could any one tell me what are the required tests before I start chelate my

daughter, then I will post the results tothe group t advice me on how to start.


because,smlarly, we have no protocol doctors, no supplements, no nothing.  It

is hard to see your child dissappearing away from you with out being able to do

any thing, wile seeing others are reaching some point in te heaing process.



From: mamadelfi <guadalupemillan. au>

Subject: [ ] Re: finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my

daughter - some advice needed please OT answer

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 5:07 PM


hi Isa,

I see you´re also struggling with all these extra issues ! I dream about having

GFCF food in our supermarkets. supplements in our country. drs who have a clue.

we too struggle to bring supps in via friends who travel, paying US dollars, 4

times more than our peso.

I care about none of this though, as long as I can get my baby to good health. I

believe we have a few more obstacles than many, but again, God must have planned

it like this for a reason. I know I take it upon myself to spread the word on

what can be done for these kids as much as I can, and people come to me for

advice. I might be able to help others as well as my child. I hope for that.

all the best to you on this journey.



> Lupe,

> Hello from Mexico, we are on the same boat: no drs to help us, no associations

or groups minded to HEAL ASD kids, no knowledge of chelation (the only Dr who

really understood metal toxicity was a naturalized russian who died a year ago)

or biomed of any kind, no support at schools, no nothing....even the supplements

we have to smuggle into the country, wait for someone to travel to the US and

bring them in the luggage, or order via mail to a hotel on the other side of the

border and travel there to pick em up....I dream about supplements being

delivered via UPS to my home door....

> So, I am like you, supported only by God and this wonderful parent BOARDS (I

am on 3 and l have met the most incredible parents, the most amazing human

beings, l feel so blessed), l also want to take the chance and say THANK YOU

ALL!! You make a difference and outshine hope by diseminating the healing

methods (THANK YOU Mr Cutler) and sharing the good news of little ones

recovering. I believe Mr Cutler was in town for a conference last year (is that

right?) Didn't know until a few days ago as a read it somewhere on the e-net, l

don't know about practitioners following the protocol, much as l have been

asking. I just joined the group few weeks ago, and l am so happy every time l

read about a kid improving (like Today's mail from Jake's mom while on 5th

rd!!!). So Lupe, if people in the US are fighting against current, against the

system, we are even more, so let's be brave and have faith!!!

> Thank you to all, have a blessed day.

> Isa

> Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel


> [ ] finally mustered the COURAGE to chelate my daughter

- some advice needed please


> hi all,

> I´ve been around this group for about a year, but yet hadn´t found the

courage to start the chelation process. yesterday I met with a toxicologist in

Argentina, where I'm from, who was the first dr here that ever said to me " I

can't put this in writing, but if she were my daughter, I'd chelate her too " .

she can't formally do this with us, but has agreed to run all the tests to

ensure she's in good health during the process. this is all I was asking for.

> so now we will be starting DMSA, AC protocol. here are some questions:

> - my daughter is 3 1/2, 13 kg (30 pounds aprox). should I start with 4/5 mg


> - anyone know where I can get DMSA at lower doses / without medical

prescription ?

> - basic supps to go with chelations are ACE and minerals, right ? am I ok with

a multi that contains them ? I have kirkmans childrens multi and it has them

all. my daugher is already on anti fungals, milk thistle, l carnitine, l

taurine, mag, calcium, biotin, D3. should I keep all of these as well ?

> - is dosing every 4 hs all the time, or like ALA, 3 during day, 4 at night ?

I´m planning on adding ALA later on, after we have the body metals under


> - I need to buy Andy´s books. am I ok with No amalgam only, or do I need any

others ? I will get a copy for me and another for this toxicologist, who I have

high hopes for in her role in helping autistic children in this country, where

we have no one

> I would not have gotten to this point if it weren't for all the encouragement

that I read from you daily. thanks so much for being here. we are all scared to

death to harm my little one, and I just pray to God that he will be with us.

> Lupe






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