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Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

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I have a nt guy with severe food allergies, had issues with breast milk.

Looking back it was when I ate peanut butter. He also had eczema has a baby, 8

weeks maybe earlier, a topic dermatitis per the dr. He'd sneezed, eyes swollen,

mystery rashes took him in more than once thinking RSV, wheezing and retracting.

Gurrrr....he too was allergic to all trying, Gerber Rice coral as soy, bananas,

apples, tried oats, a little yogurt, no finger foods he'd munch on! 9 months,

body rash from trying to introduce soy formula, milk formula he'd spit up.

We had skin testing at 9 months. You should have seen the look on the nurses

face. I guess my guy wins the award for what my local doctors have seen with

allergies. Moved, they too are amazed. Honestly, I like blood testing better.

Our is done with Mayo but have had other allergists use like a lab from Texas,

one from CA. Now we just use Mayo.

Honestly, I'd join POFAKS, parents of food allergic kids. I'd think your gi

maybe could have recommended a formula only diet until the stomach is healed and

then introduce foods one at a time. I'm blank on the name of formula, but you

could still do.

I think feeding the same thing over and over and over, not good. Rotation. Are

you able to do chicken, turkey, pork, potatoes, sweet, squash? I'd get allergy

testing done with blood and get an idea of the big eight and others. You didn't

list his allergens.

I use Kirkman Labs hypo vitamins with no issues. Multi, vit c, d, e, mag,

biotin, Enzymedica Digest, milk thistle. I get ALA from them, a hypo version

too, and divide a 25 mg in thirds, he does fine, 52 lbs. We've only done 5

rounds. But that's my plan.

We've out grown asthma pretty much, one attach this past winter but induced by a

really bad cold. No more singulair and now at 7.6 eating a few more things but

still a ton of issues. Will do NAET next summer for sure! Need more chelation.

Probiotics, we haven't had luck. Need to try again. My goal for summer. We

had constipation, big time issues. This are rolling fine here so ate to upset


Allergic to milk, soy, wheat, gluten, oats, peanuts, peas, eggs (we still think)

bananas (still an issues) cranberry, alovera, think pineapple. Eating apples

and strawberries. Fruits are hard. Seems fine with green beans once in a

while, do no other beans. Rotation is key for sure!

My experience.


[ ] New here and kind of OT about allergies

My son is two years old and basically allergic to everything. He developed

eczema at 4 wks old which I was able to get under control with Nutramigen

formula, but it still gave him runny stools. When it came time to introduce

foods, he reacted to everything. I started with the allergist who did some

scratch tests. Some positives at that time, trialed more foods, back to the

allergist who sent me to a gi dr, who in turn sent me back to the allergist. I

have pretty much been doing this on my own for the past year and a half. I do

take him back to the allergist when I'm unsure about reactions and make them

test him. His reactions include watery eyes, runny nose, eczema, rashes, mucousy

stools, sometimes gritty foul smelling stools, diarrhea.

For a while he could only tolerate rice, beef, and lamb. This was long enough

for me to potty train him at 18 months. Shortly after though, the diarrhea

started back up, so he has regressed in that area. He ended up being allergic to

all those.

He comes back positive to almost everything IgE and IgG. He is on an extremely

restricted rotation diet including 1 meat, 1 fruit, and 1 vegetable a day. I do

still have to give him the beef and lamb because I really don't have any other

options right now and his numbers for those were pretty low.

Could his allergies be due to metal toxicity? My daughter has some autistic

symptoms and several food sensitivites too. Is there something that can help

heal some of these and we can consider chelation later? Possibly quercetin? I

tried OLE but it caused bad eczema flair up. Anything else I should be giving


Right now he's on Transformation Digestzyme powdered enzyme 1/8 tsp 3x a day

and a probiotic. Recommendations for good probiotics would also be appreciated.


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I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot like that, but

he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the allergies. Since starting

chelation 6 months ago he is no longer allergic to apples, carrots, beef,

chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes, strawberries, pepper,  WHEAT! and many other

foods he could not tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel

like I'm poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

know where we would be.

From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@...>

Subject: [ ] New here and kind of OT about allergies

Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 3:14 PM


My son is two years old and basically allergic to everything. He developed

eczema at 4 wks old which I was able to get under control with Nutramigen

formula, but it still gave him runny stools. When it came time to introduce

foods, he reacted to everything. I started with the allergist who did some

scratch tests. Some positives at that time, trialed more foods, back to the

allergist who sent me to a gi dr, who in turn sent me back to the allergist. I

have pretty much been doing this on my own for the past year and a half. I do

take him back to the allergist when I'm unsure about reactions and make them

test him. His reactions include watery eyes, runny nose, eczema, rashes, mucousy

stools, sometimes gritty foul smelling stools, diarrhea.

For a while he could only tolerate rice, beef, and lamb. This was long enough

for me to potty train him at 18 months. Shortly after though, the diarrhea

started back up, so he has regressed in that area. He ended up being allergic to

all those.

He comes back positive to almost everything IgE and IgG. He is on an extremely

restricted rotation diet including 1 meat, 1 fruit, and 1 vegetable a day. I do

still have to give him the beef and lamb because I really don't have any other

options right now and his numbers for those were pretty low.

Could his allergies be due to metal toxicity? My daughter has some autistic

symptoms and several food sensitivites too. Is there something that can help

heal some of these and we can consider chelation later? Possibly quercetin? I

tried OLE but it caused bad eczema flair up. Anything else I should be giving


Right now he's on Transformation Digestzyme powdered enzyme 1/8 tsp 3x a day and

a probiotic. Recommendations for good probiotics would also be appreciated.


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You didn't list his allergens.



He's allergic to:

almond, amaranth, apples, asparagus, banana, beef, blueberry, brazil nut,

buckwheat, carob, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, cinnamon, coconut, corn,

cranberry, egg, garlic, green beans, hemp seed, kiwi, lamb, mango, milk (cow),

milk (goat), millet, oat, olives, onion, orange, palm oil, peanut, pears, peas,

pineapple, potato, pumpkin, quinoa, rice, safflower oil, soy, squash, sunflower

seeds, tapioca flour, tomato, watermelon, wheat

Dog hair/dander, cat hair/dander, latex, elm tree, oak tree, kentucky bluegrass,


About half the foods were allergy tested, the rest were by food trial. All the

environmental were done through blood draw with the exception of lemongrass. I

tried to use lemongrass essential oil a few times and he always reacted.

I did try to use neocate formula when he was younger, but he reacted to that


His diet consists of:

Day 1, beef, raspberry, yam, honey, Day 2, turkey, green grape/raisin, okra,

agave nectar, Day 3, lamb, cherry, sweet potato, maple syrup, Day 4, pork,

currant, broccoli, cane sugar

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Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also like to

order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my daughter under

control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my son's diet right now.


> I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot like that,

but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the allergies. Since

starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer allergic to apples, carrots,

beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes, strawberries, pepper,  WHEAT! and many

other foods he could not tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not

feel like I'm poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I

don't know where we would be.


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GET ON POFAKS!!! Did he get scooped? Not sure I've heard of kids having issues

with neacate, that was it!

It looks like all fruits are out except strawberries, which I wouldn't do that.

Looks like most starches and grains. I'd say rotation. I'd get a good GI to

scoop him.


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

You didn't list his allergens.



He's allergic to:

almond, amaranth, apples, asparagus, banana, beef, blueberry, brazil nut,

buckwheat, carob, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, cinnamon, coconut, corn,

cranberry, egg, garlic, green beans, hemp seed, kiwi, lamb, mango, milk (cow),

milk (goat), millet, oat, olives, onion, orange, palm oil, peanut, pears, peas,

pineapple, potato, pumpkin, quinoa, rice, safflower oil, soy, squash, sunflower

seeds, tapioca flour, tomato, watermelon, wheat

Dog hair/dander, cat hair/dander, latex, elm tree, oak tree, kentucky

bluegrass, lemongrass

About half the foods were allergy tested, the rest were by food trial. All the

environmental were done through blood draw with the exception of lemongrass. I

tried to use lemongrass essential oil a few times and he always reacted.

I did try to use neocate formula when he was younger, but he reacted to that


His diet consists of:

Day 1, beef, raspberry, yam, honey, Day 2, turkey, green grape/raisin, okra,

agave nectar, Day 3, lamb, cherry, sweet potato, maple syrup, Day 4, pork,

currant, broccoli, cane sugar

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No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great way to

sell you lots of expensive supplements.

The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out by


My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.



From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also like to

order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my daughter under

control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my son's diet right now.


> I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot like that,

but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the allergies. Since

starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer allergic to apples, carrots,

beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes, strawberries, pepper,  WHEAT! and

many other foods he could not tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and

not feel like I'm poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without

chelation I don't know where we would be.


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Whoa, slow down there hombre, you're dropping some heavy bombs that not

everyone, including myself, may be able to handle. Could you take a

little more time to describe what problems you have with the DAN

methods? Or about why you think it's ok to start chelating right away

without dealing with gut/yeast/allergy/virus/bacteria/mthylation pathway

issues first? Not saying you're wrong, just looking for useful

information like most other people in the group. Thanks.

TJ Werth wrote:



> No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals

> out by chelating.

> My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@...

> <mailto:rachel.andrew%40hotmail.com>>


> <mailto: %40>

> Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

> Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies



> Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also

> like to order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my

> daughter under control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my

> son's diet right now.



> >

> > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> know where we would be.

> >



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Neocate has corn. so that makes sense given the list.. wish they didn't put

corn in there.. and some actually still have soy!

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Tammy Kuhn

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:07 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

GET ON POFAKS!!! Did he get scooped? Not sure I've heard of kids having

issues with neacate, that was it!

It looks like all fruits are out except strawberries, which I wouldn't do

that. Looks like most starches and grains. I'd say rotation. I'd get a good

GI to scoop him.


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

You didn't list his allergens.



He's allergic to:

almond, amaranth, apples, asparagus, banana, beef, blueberry, brazil nut,

buckwheat, carob, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, cinnamon, coconut,

corn, cranberry, egg, garlic, green beans, hemp seed, kiwi, lamb, mango,

milk (cow), milk (goat), millet, oat, olives, onion, orange, palm oil,

peanut, pears, peas, pineapple, potato, pumpkin, quinoa, rice, safflower

oil, soy, squash, sunflower seeds, tapioca flour, tomato, watermelon, wheat

Dog hair/dander, cat hair/dander, latex, elm tree, oak tree, kentucky

bluegrass, lemongrass

About half the foods were allergy tested, the rest were by food trial. All

the environmental were done through blood draw with the exception of

lemongrass. I tried to use lemongrass essential oil a few times and he

always reacted.

I did try to use neocate formula when he was younger, but he reacted to that


His diet consists of:

Day 1, beef, raspberry, yam, honey, Day 2, turkey, green grape/raisin, okra,

agave nectar, Day 3, lamb, cherry, sweet potato, maple syrup, Day 4, pork,

currant, broccoli, cane sugar

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Are any of the foods tolerable with enzymes? That's quite a list..I think

healing up the gut with chelation would probably be the safest route.. as

just chelation alone can make things a little wonky in the beginning.. and

tons of enzymes and probiotics.. try custom probiotics.. no reactions to

that here (and we have laundry lists of allergies here too..) cytoflora has

also been huge here.. but I have heard issues of others with the strep

strain in it (oh and its $$$$)... and Harry (custom probiotics) might even

be able to mix something up to suit you if you can't find anything there.

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of andrew.rachel

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 9:51 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

You didn't list his allergens.



He's allergic to:

almond, amaranth, apples, asparagus, banana, beef, blueberry, brazil nut,

buckwheat, carob, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, cinnamon, coconut,

corn, cranberry, egg, garlic, green beans, hemp seed, kiwi, lamb, mango,

milk (cow), milk (goat), millet, oat, olives, onion, orange, palm oil,

peanut, pears, peas, pineapple, potato, pumpkin, quinoa, rice, safflower

oil, soy, squash, sunflower seeds, tapioca flour, tomato, watermelon, wheat

Dog hair/dander, cat hair/dander, latex, elm tree, oak tree, kentucky

bluegrass, lemongrass

About half the foods were allergy tested, the rest were by food trial. All

the environmental were done through blood draw with the exception of

lemongrass. I tried to use lemongrass essential oil a few times and he

always reacted.

I did try to use neocate formula when he was younger, but he reacted to that


His diet consists of:

Day 1, beef, raspberry, yam, honey, Day 2, turkey, green grape/raisin, okra,

agave nectar, Day 3, lamb, cherry, sweet potato, maple syrup, Day 4, pork,

currant, broccoli, cane sugar

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I do think that's a load of crap too. We spent years and much $$ healing

the gut, scopes, etc. etc. only to find

now my daughter is 15, we waited and waited and am not sure how much she can

get better. I don't recommend

waiting on the gut thing either...


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also like to

order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my daughter under

control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my son's diet right now.


> I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot like

> that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the allergies.

> Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer allergic to apples,

> carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes, strawberries, pepper, Â

> WHEAT! and many other foods he could not tolerate before. It is so much

> easier to live and not feel like I'm poisoning my child with every bite of

> food! Without chelation I don't know where we would be.


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Unfortunately, I haven't been able to add in anything with the enzymes. He's

only been on them about a month though, and I've only tried a few foods.


> Are any of the foods tolerable with enzymes?

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, you are asking TJ to write a novel on his ample spare time. Please

read Andy's books. Then ask questions like these if you still have them.

john wrote:



> Whoa, slow down there hombre, you're dropping some heavy bombs that not

> everyone, including myself, may be able to handle. Could you take a

> little more time to describe what problems you have with the DAN

> methods? Or about why you think it's ok to start chelating right away

> without dealing with gut/yeast/allergy/virus/bacteria/mthylation pathway

> issues first? Not saying you're wrong, just looking for useful

> information like most other people in the group. Thanks.




> TJ Werth wrote:

> >

> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> > great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals

> > out by chelating.

> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of

> chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@...

> <mailto:rachel.andrew%40hotmail.com>

> > <mailto:rachel.andrew%40hotmail.com>>

> >

> <mailto: %40>

> > <mailto: %40>

> > Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

> > Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

> >

> >

> > Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also

> > like to order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my

> > daughter under control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my

> > son's diet right now.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > know where we would be.

> > >

> >

> >

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Do I call direct labs and ask for the doctor's data hair elements test?

Also, how safe is chelation? The word itself is a little scary to me. I've

spent the past 2 yrs researching allergies only to find myself lost in this

world of biomedical treatments. I'm learning quickly though and so thankful to

have found this group.


> No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great way to

sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out by


> My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> TJ



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Code AUT will get you 20% off.

You probably have run into the safest way to chelate out there.. I imagine

it like you are on one mountain peak and need to reach the next mountain

over.. there are a lot of ways to get there.. some wilding swinging off a

rope.. some with a rickety bridge.. some with a lot of foresight, planning

and bubble wrap. You found the latter here.

I am trying to cure allergies (and mild ASD) here too.. the ASD went to

PDD-NOS… and now we are entering NT.. foods are still an issue.. but minor

infractions are now tolerable as opposed to before, which tells me we are on

the right track.

With regards to the enzymes, which are you using? Have you seen any effects?

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of andrew.rachel

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 2:35 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

Do I call direct labs and ask for the doctor's data hair elements test?

Also, how safe is chelation? The word itself is a little scary to me. I've

spent the past 2 yrs researching allergies only to find myself lost in this

world of biomedical treatments. I'm learning quickly though and so thankful

to have found this group.


> No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great

way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out

by chelating.

> My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> TJ



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andrew.rachel wrote:


> Do I call direct labs and ask for the doctor's data hair elements test?




> Also, how safe is chelation?


Done with a proper protocol such as the Cutler protocol, according to

the half-life of the chelators, VERY safe. Not done this way, VERY


Please read the wiki in the links section here

> The word itself is a little scary to me. I've spent the past 2 yrs

> researching allergies only to find myself lost in this world of

> biomedical treatments. I'm learning quickly though and so thankful to

> have found this group.



> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get theÂ

> metals out by chelating.

> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of

> chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> >



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TJ is right, unfortunately. Having metals in your system keeps a lot of things

in your body out of balance. It would be hard to write everything down that

I've learned over the past 3 or 4 years, so think of it this way: you can try to

balance things in the body with minerals, vitamins, antifungals, antibiotics,

antivirals and lessen inflammation by going on an allergen free diet, etc., but

it is never going to end if you don't fix the root cause of the problem.

The root of the problem is toxic metals. They displace or replace minerals in

the body, disrupt enzymes that break down our food, cause oxidative stress, mess

up hormone levels...Because of the minerals they displace/replace, they mess up

all kinds of metabolic and cellular cycles in the body where the minerals are


Let me give you an example: aluminum can take the place of magnesium on the Na+

K pump BUT it will not cause the pump to work the same as the magnesium, it will

make it pump faster, messing up the cell volume.

But the replacing of essential minerals (like aluminum does) is not the only

problem, the displacing is a major problem. When calcium, magnesium, and iron

are displaced (from mercury, aluminum and lead mostly), they are sometimes

stored and become breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

For example: look up pseudomonas aeruginosa, it's involvement in biofilm with

calcium and iron.

Mercury in the brain is an oxidizer and iron as well. The body can rid the iron

to try and restore the oxidant/antioxidant balance, but cannot rid the mercury

without a chelator. If that is the case, not enough iron (or even stored iron

in the wrong places) means that hemoglobin may not be effective in transporting

oxygen to all the parts of the brain like it is supposed to.

We know that the treatments listed above help autism, but you would literally be

doing them forever if you didn't chelate. In fact, you may worsen things by

making some pathogens resistant to the treatments cause you never took away

their food or their cozy environment. The only way to restore balance and get

the minerals back to normal is to chelate.

That said, I do believe that some have issues that will not completely resolve.

I know I am giving my children the best chance for a healthy life by chelating


> > >

> > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > know where we would be.

> > >

> >

> >

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Ha ha, I just wrote a novel :)

> > > >

> > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > > know where we would be.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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Don't be scared. I remember doing biomed from age 22 mos until a little passed

age 3 with my son, when I found this group. Chelation scared the heck out of

me. My spouse and family fought me ever step of the way. Finally when my son

was 3 years and 3 months old, I just took out a dmsa capsule and divided it into

tiny amounts, and just did a round one weekend. My essentially non verbal child

at that point, told my husband that he loved him that weekend, and ate with

gusto for the first time in his life. No more fights with the family after

that. Big sounding world, simple thing to do, simpler than anything else in

biomed we ever did then or since. And the only thing that will ever cure your


My son used to be riddled with eczema, vomiting, multiple allergies. We have

done 78 rounds now - he is still gfcf - but can eat eggs, and corn, can tolerate

certain types of dairy (hard cheese with enzymes) and can have small bits of

gluten with enzymes here and there with no real consequence. No bowel issues,

no bacteria, no parasites anymore, no yeast. We are hopeful by round 100 that

he will be able to eat more things and return to a more normal diet. In the

beginning they told me he was a " severe " case, then after some initial biomed

interventions, when my son was officially tested he had improved to PDD-nos, and

with chelation has gained many skills and is considered high functioning. One

day we are confident he will improve right off the spectrum.

Don't be afraid, it is not dangerous if done according to the Cutler protocol

(frequent, low dose) get started, it is a long, slow, but rewarding process.


> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great way

to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out by


> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> >


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It's never too late, it just takes longer.

Also when a child is older they are harder to control. Right now we are able to

put all the supps and chelators in their sippy cups or mix it in their food.

When a child gets older it's harder to get away with that. Plus teenagers

naturally rebel as part of growing up.



From: Kathy <jhud2@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 12:20:11 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


I do think that's a load of crap too. We spent years and much $$ healing

the gut, scopes, etc. etc. only to find

now my daughter is 15, we waited and waited and am not sure how much she can

get better. I don't recommend

waiting on the gut thing either...


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also like to

order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my daughter under

control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my son's diet right now.


> I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot like

> that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the allergies.

> Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer allergic to apples,

> carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes, strawberries, pepper, Â

> WHEAT! and many other foods he could not tolerate before. It is so much

> easier to live and not feel like I'm poisoning my child with every bite of

> food! Without chelation I don't know where we would be.


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Nicely done. I try to keep it simple for myself, but I do love a good technical

explanation once in a while.



From: Liz <elizabethsoliday@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 1:51:58 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Ha ha, I just wrote a novel :)

> > > >

> > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > > know where we would be.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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haven't given up hope yet ! she's not rebellious at all though....only

gotten sweeter and easier with time.

the hard part was when she was very little...

Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

It's never too late, it just takes longer.

Also when a child is older they are harder to control. Right now we are able

to put all the supps and chelators in their sippy cups or mix it in their

food. When a child gets older it's harder to get away with that. Plus

teenagers naturally rebel as part of growing up.


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These are the great results that keep us all going, and also keep us on this

board trying to tell others the good news.



From: iflow97 <iflow97@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 1:53:21 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Don't be scared. I remember doing biomed from age 22 mos until a little passed

age 3 with my son, when I found this group. Chelation scared the heck out of me.

My spouse and family fought me ever step of the way. Finally when my son was 3

years and 3 months old, I just took out a dmsa capsule and divided it into tiny

amounts, and just did a round one weekend. My essentially non verbal child at

that point, told my husband that he loved him that weekend, and ate with gusto

for the first time in his life. No more fights with the family after that. Big

sounding world, simple thing to do, simpler than anything else in biomed we ever

did then or since. And the only thing that will ever cure your child.

My son used to be riddled with eczema, vomiting, multiple allergies. We have

done 78 rounds now - he is still gfcf - but can eat eggs, and corn, can tolerate

certain types of dairy (hard cheese with enzymes) and can have small bits of

gluten with enzymes here and there with no real consequence. No bowel issues, no

bacteria, no parasites anymore, no yeast. We are hopeful by round 100 that he

will be able to eat more things and return to a more normal diet. In the

beginning they told me he was a " severe " case, then after some initial biomed

interventions, when my son was officially tested he had improved to PDD-nos, and

with chelation has gained many skills and is considered high functioning. One

day we are confident he will improve right off the spectrum.

Don't be afraid, it is not dangerous if done according to the Cutler protocol

(frequent, low dose) get started, it is a long, slow, but rewarding process.


> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great way

to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out

by chelating.

> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> >


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Nice, I definitely appreciate the feedback.

Liz wrote:


> Ha ha, I just wrote a novel :)



> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fogÂ

> with the

> > > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelationÂ

> I don't

> > > > know where we would be.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Liz is having a " well-brain day " . Excellent. And thank you.

Liz wrote:


> TJ is right, unfortunately. Having metals in your system keeps a lot

> of things in your body out of balance. It would be hard to write

> everything down that I've learned over the past 3 or 4 years, so think

> of it this way: you can try to balance things in the body with

> minerals, vitamins, antifungals, antibiotics, antivirals and lessen

> inflammation by going on an allergen free diet, etc., but it is never

> going to end if you don't fix the root cause of the problem.


> The root of the problem is toxic metals. They displace or replace

> minerals in the body, disrupt enzymes that break down our food, cause

> oxidative stress, mess up hormone levels...Because of the minerals

> they displace/replace, they mess up all kinds of metabolic and

> cellular cycles in the body where the minerals are needed.


> Let me give you an example: aluminum can take the place of magnesium

> on the Na+ K pump BUT it will not cause the pump to work the same as

> the magnesium, it will make it pump faster, messing up the cell volume.


> But the replacing of essential minerals (like aluminum does) is not

> the only problem, the displacing is a major problem. When calcium,

> magnesium, and iron are displaced (from mercury, aluminum and lead

> mostly), they are sometimes stored and become breeding grounds for

> bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. For example: look up

> pseudomonas aeruginosa, it's involvement in biofilm with calcium and

> iron.


> Mercury in the brain is an oxidizer and iron as well. The body can rid

> the iron to try and restore the oxidant/antioxidant balance, but

> cannot rid the mercury without a chelator. If that is the case, not

> enough iron (or even stored iron in the wrong places) means that

> hemoglobin may not be effective in transporting oxygen to all the

> parts of the brain like it is supposed to.


> We know that the treatments listed above help autism, but you would

> literally be doing them forever if you didn't chelate. In fact, you

> may worsen things by making some pathogens resistant to the treatments

> cause you never took away their food or their cozy environment. The

> only way to restore balance and get the minerals back to normal is to

> chelate.


> That said, I do believe that some have issues that will not completely

> resolve. I know I am giving my children the best chance for a healthy

> life by chelating them.



> > > >

> > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I

> don't

> > > know where we would be.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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I will answer the concern with DAN methods here from my " experience " not my 3rd

hand opinion.

- We were told this " gut healing " stuff and sold many expensive supplements from

the doctor herself.

- Then we were given a very harmful chelation protocol. At one point up to 600mg

DMSA once a day up the pooper. I later found out that this causes

re-distribution of metals, causing more cell damage (some of those brain cells).

Thank God my boy has a few to spare.

- We were subscribed B-12 shots that didn't do anything except cause aggression.

- We were subscribed and sold expensive " Antioxidant " supplement that contained

50mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid. The doctor didn't even know that ALA is a chelator

and once again this caused re-distribution due to the fact that it was given

once a day.

I think it is great to address yeast, bacteria issues, diet issues, etc..but

from my experience and what I have read, these are all symptoms of the ROOT

CAUSE, which is heavy metal intoxication, mercury usually being the worst


If a man was hungry and he took pills to make himself not feel the hunger,

eventually he would die. The root cause of the feeling of hunger is that he is

hungry. The man needs to eat, not take pills. Same thing with mercury poisoning.

First priority and your main focus of your efforts and finances should be to get

rid of the mercury. Then as a second priority, treat the symptoms to make your

child more comfortable while you are chelating.

15 minutes ago my 5 year old boy called me on the phone and said hello. He said

he took his little brother and grandfather to the park. Two years ago he didn't

talk at all. After one year of Andy Cutler protocol chelation (proper

chelation) I finally feel like he is going to be OK.

There, I wrote a book. There are also great reads in the file section and the




From: john <whitmer.j.s@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:46 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Whoa, slow down there hombre, you're dropping some heavy bombs that not

everyone, including myself, may be able to handle. Could you take a

little more time to describe what problems you have with the DAN

methods? Or about why you think it's ok to start chelating right away

without dealing with gut/yeast/allergy/ virus/bacteria/ mthylation pathway

issues first? Not saying you're wrong, just looking for useful

information like most other people in the group. Thanks.

TJ Werth wrote:



> No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals

> out by chelating.

> My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@ hotmail.com

> <mailto:rachel. andrew%40hotmail .com>>


> <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

> Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies



> Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also

> like to order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my

> daughter under control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my

> son's diet right now.



> >

> > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> know where we would be.

> >



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