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Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

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Done properly it is very safe. Properly means the AC protocol.

It does not deplete the body of minerals.

It does cause oxidative stress, which you offset with vitamin C and E.

Please read more in the FAQs and in the " Files " section.

So glad you found us. I was very happy when I found the group and Andy's




From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 1:34:41 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Do I call direct labs and ask for the doctor's data hair elements test?

Also, how safe is chelation? The word itself is a little scary to me. I've spent

the past 2 yrs researching allergies only to find myself lost in this world of

biomedical treatments. I'm learning quickly though and so thankful to have found

this group.


> No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a great way to

sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals out by


> My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of chelation.

> The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> TJ



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Thank you so much for sharing ... I'm new to the " scene " , just came to

grips with my son's autism a few weeks ago and am trying to figure

things out as rationally as possible. Real life experiences and results

such as yours are invaluable. I am beginning to be concerned with the

ivory tower approach that the DAN I just met seems to follow, more

concerned about the theories and methods they are comfortable with than

with doing whatever it takes to get results ... it seems like many of

them are simply looking to improve the situation and feel that if they

can do that, they've done their job, but as a parent, that's not good

enough for me ... anyways, I'm just trying to figure things out and I

can't thank you enough for sharing.

TJ Werth wrote:



> I will answer the concern with DAN methods here from my " experience "

> not my 3rd hand opinion.

> - We were told this " gut healing " stuff and sold many expensive

> supplements from the doctor herself.

> - Then we were given a very harmful chelation protocol. At one point

> up to 600mg DMSA once a day up the pooper. I later found out that this

> causes re-distribution of metals, causing more cell damage (some of

> those brain cells). Thank God my boy has a few to spare.

> - We were subscribed B-12 shots that didn't do anything except cause

> aggression.

> - We were subscribed and sold expensive " Antioxidant " supplement that

> contained 50mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid. The doctor didn't even know that

> ALA is a chelator and once again this caused re-distribution due to

> the fact that it was given once a day.


> I think it is great to address yeast, bacteria issues, diet issues,

> etc..but from my experience and what I have read, these are all

> symptoms of the ROOT CAUSE, which is heavy metal intoxication, mercury

> usually being the worst offender.


> If a man was hungry and he took pills to make himself not feel the

> hunger, eventually he would die. The root cause of the feeling of

> hunger is that he is hungry. The man needs to eat, not take pills.

> Same thing with mercury poisoning. First priority and your main focus

> of your efforts and finances should be to get rid of the mercury. Then

> as a second priority, treat the symptoms to make your child more

> comfortable while you are chelating.


> 15 minutes ago my 5 year old boy called me on the phone and said

> hello. He said he took his little brother and grandfather to the park.

> Two years ago he didn't talk at all. After one year of Andy Cutler

> protocol chelation (proper chelation) I finally feel like he is going

> to be OK.

> There, I wrote a book. There are also great reads in the file section

> and the FAQs.

> TJ


> ________________________________

> From: john <whitmer.j.s@... <mailto:whitmer.j.s%40gmail.com>>


> <mailto: %40>

> Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:46 AM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies



> Whoa, slow down there hombre, you're dropping some heavy bombs that not

> everyone, including myself, may be able to handle. Could you take a

> little more time to describe what problems you have with the DAN

> methods? Or about why you think it's ok to start chelating right away

> without dealing with gut/yeast/allergy/ virus/bacteria/ mthylation

> pathway

> issues first? Not saying you're wrong, just looking for useful

> information like most other people in the group. Thanks.




> TJ Werth wrote:

> >

> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> > great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals

> > out by chelating.

> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of

> chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@ hotmail.com

> > <mailto:rachel. andrew%40hotmail .com>>

> >

> > <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> > Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

> > Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

> >

> >

> > Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also

> > like to order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my

> > daughter under control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my

> > son's diet right now.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > know where we would be.

> > >

> >

> >

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And a good one too! Thanks for the very good explanation.


> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > > > know where we would be.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Glad you're here . Keep reading and learning. There is a lot.



From: john <whitmer.j.s@...>

Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 4:48:20 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies


Thank you so much for sharing ... I'm new to the " scene " , just came to

grips with my son's autism a few weeks ago and am trying to figure

things out as rationally as possible. Real life experiences and results

such as yours are invaluable. I am beginning to be concerned with the

ivory tower approach that the DAN I just met seems to follow, more

concerned about the theories and methods they are comfortable with than

with doing whatever it takes to get results ... it seems like many of

them are simply looking to improve the situation and feel that if they

can do that, they've done their job, but as a parent, that's not good

enough for me ... anyways, I'm just trying to figure things out and I

can't thank you enough for sharing.

TJ Werth wrote:



> I will answer the concern with DAN methods here from my " experience "

> not my 3rd hand opinion.

> - We were told this " gut healing " stuff and sold many expensive

> supplements from the doctor herself.

> - Then we were given a very harmful chelation protocol. At one point

> up to 600mg DMSA once a day up the pooper. I later found out that this

> causes re-distribution of metals, causing more cell damage (some of

> those brain cells). Thank God my boy has a few to spare.

> - We were subscribed B-12 shots that didn't do anything except cause

> aggression.

> - We were subscribed and sold expensive " Antioxidant " supplement that

> contained 50mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid. The doctor didn't even know that

> ALA is a chelator and once again this caused re-distribution due to

> the fact that it was given once a day.


> I think it is great to address yeast, bacteria issues, diet issues,

> etc..but from my experience and what I have read, these are all

> symptoms of the ROOT CAUSE, which is heavy metal intoxication, mercury

> usually being the worst offender.


> If a man was hungry and he took pills to make himself not feel the

> hunger, eventually he would die. The root cause of the feeling of

> hunger is that he is hungry. The man needs to eat, not take pills.

> Same thing with mercury poisoning. First priority and your main focus

> of your efforts and finances should be to get rid of the mercury. Then

> as a second priority, treat the symptoms to make your child more

> comfortable while you are chelating.


> 15 minutes ago my 5 year old boy called me on the phone and said

> hello. He said he took his little brother and grandfather to the park.

> Two years ago he didn't talk at all. After one year of Andy Cutler

> protocol chelation (proper chelation) I finally feel like he is going

> to be OK.

> There, I wrote a book. There are also great reads in the file section

> and the FAQs.

> TJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> From: john <whitmer.j.s@ gmail.com <mailto:whitmer. j.s%40gmail. com>>


> <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 11:19:46 AM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies



> Whoa, slow down there hombre, you're dropping some heavy bombs that not

> everyone, including myself, may be able to handle. Could you take a

> little more time to describe what problems you have with the DAN

> methods? Or about why you think it's ok to start chelating right away

> without dealing with gut/yeast/allergy/ virus/bacteria/ mthylation

> pathway

> issues first? Not saying you're wrong, just looking for useful

> information like most other people in the group. Thanks.




> TJ Werth wrote:

> >

> >

> > No. You don't need to heal the gut. That is DAN doctor BS. It's a

> > great way to sell you lots of expensive supplements.

> > The gut will heal when you get the metals out. You'll get the metals

> > out by chelating.

> > My son had bad excema and it cleared after about six months of

> chelation.

> > The hair test is on sale right now for only $60.

> > If you never get started with chelation, you will never finish.

> > The brain heals quicker and easier the younger the child.

> > TJ

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > From: andrew.rachel <rachel.andrew@ hotmail.com

> > <mailto:rachel. andrew%40hotmail .com>>

> >

> > <mailto:Autism- Mercury%40g roups.com>

> > Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:52:35 AM

> > Subject: [ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

> >

> >

> > Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation? I would also

> > like to order the hair test too, but right now I really need get my

> > daughter under control first. I'm just looking for ways to improve my

> > son's diet right now.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > know where we would be.

> > >

> >

> >

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That's right! Thankfully we don't have the corn thing. We tried neocate when

my son was about 9 months old. After pumping and using up my freezer supply, I

was told most breast feed babies wouldn't make the change. He wouldn't touch

it. Was such a smart baby, giving me hints on what wasn't working. Funny how

he stayed away from stuff like the second time. Like yogurt, would love it at

first and then clamp up. All the teething crackers my first guy loved, this one

wouldn't touch them. Hated cereal no matter how I fixed it. Good thing I

pumped. I don't miss those days, AT ALL! Hard times figuring it all out.

Thank goodness for the internet!


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

You didn't list his allergens.



He's allergic to:

almond, amaranth, apples, asparagus, banana, beef, blueberry, brazil nut,

buckwheat, carob, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, cinnamon, coconut,

corn, cranberry, egg, garlic, green beans, hemp seed, kiwi, lamb, mango,

milk (cow), milk (goat), millet, oat, olives, onion, orange, palm oil,

peanut, pears, peas, pineapple, potato, pumpkin, quinoa, rice, safflower

oil, soy, squash, sunflower seeds, tapioca flour, tomato, watermelon, wheat

Dog hair/dander, cat hair/dander, latex, elm tree, oak tree, kentucky

bluegrass, lemongrass

About half the foods were allergy tested, the rest were by food trial. All

the environmental were done through blood draw with the exception of

lemongrass. I tried to use lemongrass essential oil a few times and he

always reacted.

I did try to use neocate formula when he was younger, but he reacted to that


His diet consists of:

Day 1, beef, raspberry, yam, honey, Day 2, turkey, green grape/raisin, okra,

agave nectar, Day 3, lamb, cherry, sweet potato, maple syrup, Day 4, pork,

currant, broccoli, cane sugar

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Keeping working on enzymes. There is also a group for enzymes. Worth

joining. Defelice has written great books worth reading on enzymes and a

great web site.

I'd do epson salt baths, get the best enzymes you can down your son. You might

have to do with snakes too. Again, Kirkman has a hypo line of supplements that

hopefully he'll be able to tolerate. They also do samples. Once up on

supplements, you can start chelation.

I do Kirkman Vit E with no issue. Soy is a terrible allergen here.

Again, love POFAKS. Was my life support 7 years ago when food allergies hit!


[ ] Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to add in anything with the enzymes. He's

only been on them about a month though, and I've only tried a few foods.


> Are any of the foods tolerable with enzymes?

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Yes, they have a discount this month.


Re: New here and kind of OT about allergies

Posted by: " andrew.rachel " rachel.andrew@... andrew.rachel

Thu Apr 8, 2010 1:34 pm (PDT)

Do I call direct labs and ask for the doctor's data hair elements test?

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> My son is two years old and basically allergic to everything.

At 3yo, my son tolerated no foods.

I used HNI enzymes with good success, I was able to add back many foods


After ALA chelation, I was able to remove the enzymes.

Several foods required a few supplements before my son could eat them.

Today he can eat anything he wants.

> Could his allergies be due to metal toxicity?

For my son, metal toxicity and a few other issues.


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> Do you need to heal the gut before starting chelation?

My son's gut did not heal *until* chelation. But HNI enzymes were also very

helpful, as were several supplements.


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Hang in there, . You're on the right track with the right attitude.

There's a lot of learning necessary and this group certainly has the wear with


> > > >

> > > > I don't think you should wait on the chelation, my son was a lot

> > > like that, but he also has autistic symptoms and brain fog with the

> > > allergies. Since starting chelation 6 months ago he is no longer

> > > allergic to apples, carrots, beef, chicken, oranges, tomato, grapes,

> > > strawberries, pepper, Â WHEAT! and many other foods he could not

> > > tolerate before. It is so much easier to live and not feel like I'm

> > > poisoning my child with every bite of food! Without chelation I don't

> > > know where we would be.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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