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Complete Detox Plan. For others to review and comment.

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I made a complete detox plan here. Please read and comment.

1)Give 1/5th of body weight of DMSA for 8 rounds. DMSA dose to be repeated every

4 hours for 4 days (or 96 hours). After that, give a rest for 3 days. This total

cycle of chelating, which comprises of 4 days on DMSA and 3 days off is

considered one round.

2)Repeat the above cycle stated in step (1) for 8 weeks, before adding ALA

(Alpha Lipoic Acid). The ALA in Carlson Cod liver oil is not the ALA used for

chelating mercury. The ALA in Carlson Cod liver oil is Alpha Linolenic Acid.

a. http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/HOW_TO_buy_DMSA.html

3)DMSA: Each Dose should consists of (OUR_DEAR_SON's Weight in pounds)/5 mg. So,

basically each does should be 1/5th of OUR_DEAR_SON's weight. So take a 25 mg

capsule of DMSA and dissolve it in 25ml of citrus juice(preferably lemon juice

with stevia used as a sweetener).Make sure that it is a citrus juice. Now for

each dose which is to be administered every 4 hours, take 5ml of the mixture

that you made and give it to OUR_DEAR_SON. That means that each dose that is

being given to OUR_DEAR_SON is a 5mg dose of DMSA. You can make the doses in

advance and store it in the refrigerator, but the medicine should be used up by

12 hours of preparation and storage in the refrigerator. Also note that as

OUR_DEAR_SON's weight increases the dose has to increase.

4)After doing 5 rounds of DMSA add the ALA, in addition to the DMSA. Dosage for

ALA is the same as DMSA except that after adding the ALA, the dose needs to be

repeated every 3 hours instead of 4 hours, including nights.

5)Do not mix the ALA and the DMSA together. Prepare them separately in 2

separate bottles. You can probably give them together.


Recently we have become concerned about OUR_DEAR_SON's blood work because of

thyroid. We suspect that he might have hypothyroidism. This hypothyroidism could

be autoimmune in nature.

While on Andy Cuttler Mercury chelation protocol OUR_DEAR_SON should take the

following supplements. Where ever possible I have made sure to adjust the dosage

by weight.

Carlson Cod liver oil: 2 teaspoon or 10 ml. Divide it equally into 4 doses of

2.5 ml/dose and give it morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Category Minerals

a. Zinc: (1 mg per pound + 20 mgs) divided into four doses over the day. [Zinc

monomethionine or zinc picolinate]. NOW Brand Zinc Picolinate.

b. Molybdenum: 5mcg/pound divided into four doses over the day.(Use Kirkman Labs


c. Magnesium: 10 mg/pound divided into four doses over the day.(Use Magnesium

Glycinate Kirkman Labs)

d. Selenium: 1 mcg/pound/divided into four doses over the day. Use only

selenomethionine as other forms of selenium are toxic like sodium selinate.


e. Tyrosine: Use NOW Brand tyrosine. Start with a 250 mg of tyrosine. Note:

Selenium, Iodine and tyrosine are needed for healthy thyroid function or when

you suspect that hypothyroidism might be a problem.

f. Iodine: 25mcg/day. Might not have to use it for a long time. You can use

Potasium Iodide from BodyBio.

Category Antifungal/Antiyeast

Nutribiotics Grapefruit Seed Extract: 1 drop, 2 times a day. Make sure that the

last GSE drop or any kind of antiyeast or antifungal is given at least 2 hours

before or after giving the probiotics. Biotin needs to be used along with GSE.

Dosage will be specified later. 9:00AM, 4:00PM

Biotin: 1000mcg divided into two doses along with BIOCIDIN.

OLE (Olive Leaf Extract): 3 drops, 3times/day

OoO (Oil of Oregano): 2 drops, 3times/day

Category Vitamins

Vitamin B-Complex(From BrainChildNutrionals): 7ml(1/2 tablespoon per day).

Contents given below.

Behavior Balance Liquid (Mountain Naturals of Vermont Brand): 3.5 ml of

Behaviour Balance per day. Contents given below.

DMG: (5 drops per day). Details of DMG. Mountain Naturals of Vermont Brand

Vitamin C: 5mg/pound per dose, 4 times a day. So, 500mg of Vitamin C,

distributed over 4 doses. 9:00AM, 12:00PM, 3:00PM, 7:00PM. Use, 250mg of water

soluble vitamin C and 250mg of fat soluble Vitamin C.

FatSoluble VitaminC( Pure Encapsulation's Ascorbyl Palmyltate 500mg capsules)

Water Soluble VitaminC(Brand ????)

Vitamin D: 2000 IU per day. Brand????

Vitamin E: (1 teaspoon/5ml per day) Aqua E Brand

Category Digestive Enzymes

Kirkman DPP-IV Enzymes ( 3 capsules per day. 1 capsule per meal)


Klaire Labs Probiotics Factor 4(Probiotics need to be rotated every 3 months)

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