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vaccines and Autism Speaks

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*Top 17 quotes from Autism Speaks’ Letter to the NVAC*

1. “In the past several years, the prevalence of ASD has increased

dramatically, underscoring the potential role of environmental factors in

its etiology.â€

2. “Recent studies point to a key role of the immune system in the biology

of ASD, raising questions about the effects of the significant immune

challenges associated with vaccinations, particularly when delivered in

combination and early in life.â€

3. “We believe that the question of whether immunization is associated with

an increased risk for ASD is of extremely high priority.â€

4. “Still other studies point toward subgroups of children with ASD with

genetic vulnerabilities than can amplify the adverse effects of

environmental exposures, including vaccinations, on brain development and


5. “There is a need to describe the nature and prevalence of vaccine adverse

events in children with metabolic disorders and assess risk factors for

these events.â€

6. “As mentioned in the draft scientific agenda, many key questions have not

yet been adequately addressed. Many of the studies to date have relied on

data from the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS). While this

system has clear strengths such as its broad coverage, it nevertheless has

substantial limitations (Ellenberg and Braun, Drug Safety, 2002). Because

the system relies on passive selfâ€report, a major limitation is underâ€

reporting such that only a small fraction of adverse events are reported.

Furthermore, events that occur weeks following vaccination are less likely

to be reported than those that are proximal to the vaccination.â€

7. “Many fundamental questions have not been addressed, such as whether the

use of combination vaccines confers increased risk for adverse events and

whether there are subgroups in the general population that are more

vulnerable to serious adverse effects of vaccines, including ASD.â€

8. “Research has shown that children with metabolic disorders, including

mitochondrial disorders, may experience neurological decline when

physiologically challenged. There have been reports of metabolic crisis

after receiving vaccinationsâ€

9. “As noted in the draft agenda, preliminary results from a VSD study

underway found that children aged 12â€23 months who received MMRV vaccine

were about 2 times more likely to have febrile seizures during the 7â€10 days

after vaccination than children who received separate MMR and varicella

vaccines at the same visit (CDC MMWR, 2008). In a populationâ€based study,

there has been a report of an increased risk for ASD after infantile

seizures during the first year of lifeâ€

10. “Studies that can address the current questions raised by parents are

feasible. Clinical studies of individuals with ASD can address whether

certain metabolic conditions associated with ASD are correlated with

increased risk for serious adverse effects. Caseâ€control studies and

randomized clinical trials can be conducted to address whether there are

differences in adverse effects associated with a combination vaccine versus

individually administered componentsâ€

11. “Fever after vaccination is common and can induce seizures in vulnerable


12. “For example, a recent study identified mutation in a sodium channel

gene in children who developed encephalopathy after pertussis vaccines,

suggesting that genetic factors may influence the risk for neurological

deterioration after vaccinationâ€

13. “Children with metabolic diseases are at higher risk of health

complications from diseases that are prevented by immunizationsâ€

14. “Such research could have wideâ€ranging effects on clinical

practice/vaccination policy. For example, it could allow pediatricians to

identify subgroups of children who may benefit from a different vaccine

schedule or for whom careful monitoring of adverse effects is warranted.â€

15. “Over the past decade, parental concerns, both in the general population

and the autism community, over the possible link between immunization and

increased risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have only increased

despite concerted and persistent efforts by the medical community to

reassure the public about the safety of vaccines.â€

16. “It is Autism Speaks’ position that the best way to ensure that parents

are confident in the safety of our vaccine program and, at the same time,

protect the minority of children who may be at increased risk for serious

adverse effects of vaccinations, is to foster collaborative, trusting

relationships among the general public, the medical and scientific

communities, and the federal government whose mandate it is to conduct

research on the safety of vaccines.â€

17. “Establishing and maintaining a trusting relationship and providing

answers to parents’ questions cannot be achieved by one set of studies

addressing one set of questions, but rather it will require an onâ€going

process of scientific discovery as medical science continues to uncover

individual differences that predict differential responses to vaccines and

other medical interventions. We need to embrace our obligation to address

new questions with an open mind, adequate resources, and renewed


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