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We wanted to do the wizard of oz this year, but were unable to find a

scarecrow and tinman costume little enough! So we are doing Buzz and Woody

and Bill is going as Blue from Blues clues and Hunter is going to be a

Dalmatian and I am going as Cruellea. Last year they were Pooh, Tigger,Eeyor

and Piglet and I was Robin!

I also needed to be added to the Birthday list!

Bill (DS) , and Alec 3-5-95

Hunter 7-6-97

Me-next week! Nov 3! I will be 26 feeling like 56!!! :-)

mom of Bill, , Alec and Hunter

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  • 11 months later...


These are sooo adorable!!

I wish I had the talent to make my kid's halloween costumes, but alas, I'm

creativity-disabled, so no such luck! lol

The little orange and black witchy costume looks a lot like the one that I

bought for Gracie, tho! I'll send pictures when I get around to taking some!!



Helen wrote:

> " I finished the girls costumes for Halloween.


> Now who's soo dumb I forgot to add the pics on the last email!!


> hugs

> Helen


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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

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  • 1 year later...

Happy Halloween to everyone, also. I've got my in-laws coming over. My sister

in law is taking the kids (she's 18), as a magician and as Bob the

Builder. I'm going to dress out in my clown costume to answer the door. Maybe

I'll hand out business cards with the candy........


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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I was all excited to dress the girls up and take them out trick or treating. I dressed them up and took them outside to take pictures. A good thing, since they didn't get to go trick or treating. DH was an hour late home from work and by then Mieke's diaper had leaked onto her pants. At that point I gave up !! Here are some pictures to enjoy though.

mom to Arielle and Annemieke (ds) 2

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Wayyyyyyyy too cute!!!!!!! Love 'em!!!!!!



--On Friday, November 02, 2001, 3:20 PM -0500 and Marc deBloois

<debloois4@...> wrote:


> I was all excited to dress the girls up and take them out trick or

> treating. I dressed them up and took them outside to take pictures. A

> good thing, since they didn't get to go trick or treating. DH was an

> hour late home from work and by then Mieke's diaper had leaked onto her

> pants. At that point I gave up !! Here are some pictures to enjoy

> though.




> mom to Arielle and Annemieke (ds) 2







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Aww - they look so sweet!!!

Sam and were Teletubbies - Dipsy and Po. I

just got my pic's developed yesterday and will post

some as soon as they get scanned. I just went with

Mike and the boys to a couple of houses then he took

them around the block in their wagon (so I could go

back home and pass out candy). They were too funny

when someone would give them candy, they'd reach in

their basket and give them back something different!

They are such good " sharer's " ! I think they enjoyed

knocking on doors and ringing doorbells the best tho.

Judi-Mom to Sam & , almost 5!, Identical Twins

--- and Marc deBloois <debloois4@...>


> I was all excited to dress the girls up and take

> them out trick or treating.

> I dressed them up and took them outside to take

> pictures. A good thing,

> since they didn't get to go trick or treating. DH

> was an hour late home

> from work and by then Mieke's diaper had leaked onto

> her pants. At that

> point I gave up !! Here are some pictures to enjoy

> though.



> mom to Arielle and Annemieke (ds) 2


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  • 11 months later...


I wish I could get a straight answer about halloween from amanda. She wants

to dress up, she wants to sit in the basement and watch christmas movies for

halloween, she wants to dress up (as Sandy from Grease been that for like 4

years), she doesnt even want Thurs to come, etc.....

went to a party as dracula on sunday and she was fine but when we

picked him up, she was hysterical crying. hey jesse was the most georgous

dracula ive ever seen, he couldnt look scary if he tried!

Right now her nails are painted orange and black alternating and shes got a

halloween shirt she can wear Thurs and her principal said they will be doing

nothing on Thurs (thank - God! its middle school!) and we'll see how it goes

- hey she cant have any candy anyway!

~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY

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This sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see pictures ! (hint hint).

I got off easy this year. wanted to be a bunny rabbit, a white one.

So I got a white sweat suit at Wal Mart, and a white shower scrubby for the

tail, and then white satin and feather ears at Target. found a

complete black cat suit at Target that she wanted, so all in all, I am

having an easy year in the costume department.


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

My favorite quote-

" Do good things, no bad things " . , age 10, reciting her mantra

every day before school.


HI :)

Sara's been telling me for weeks that she wants to be " Princess Diaries " for

Halloween. I know she means the girl in the ball dress when she's officially

made the princess lol Ive been so busy dealing with the neighborhood


that Halloween has jumped upon me lolol

Today I went out to the garage in search of this box (thank goodness Im a

packrat heehee) that had all of my sisters 1980's formals, you know the

foofoo kind lolol lots of ruffles and lace. Well, I found them and Sara


them on, BOY my sisters were tiny back in HS lolololol we found one that fit

and that I could alter sooooooo I ran to my moms and altered it to fit Sara

............ In length :) I have a tiara and her bestfriend's Mom who owns


own salon is going to do her hair up. Sara will look 16 :) I don't think

anyone will know she's " Princess Diaries " lolol but she will and it will


her day.

Kathy mom to Sara 10

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We went to a Halloween carnival on Saturday at the local highschool and the

boys won the grand prize costume contest. They went has Dr. Evil and Mini Me

(from Austim Powers)!! Picture 10 and Noah 2 in gray suits that my

sister made with bald heads. They looked just like Dr. Evil and Mini Me. We

had so many people take pictures and comment on what clever costumes. It is

so cold here that we will not be going out tomorrow night but I will take

Noah to the party at ' school for all to see.

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> Well, Thursday will be a huge challenge for me. I have to work and my

> company is having an all day Halloween party.

I wish you the best of luck! LOL

Your plan for the day looks do-able. Just don't run off for work and forget

your goodie bag.

> Anyone else thinking about Halloween?

All year long! My house is decorated with all sorts of skeletons and

witches, I have a pumpkin pie scented candle in this room near the computer

( A Yankee candle, bought for a dollar at Fileene's Basement and smells so

good even through the plastic wrapper), and even bought myself a sugar-free

pumpkin pie. One of the beauties of being on the third floor AND having a

non-working front door bell is that nobody will ring me tomorrow so there

was no need to buy any candy. I have a few Halloween pencils for those brave

enough to go into the alley and ring the side bell. This is my third

Halloween in this apartment and nobody has rung it yet.

Sue in NJ

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Our costumes were fairly easy this year too. is going to be Arthur. I

did have trouble finding a yellow v-neck at this time of year, but at Target I

found a girls yellow sweatshirt that my MIL made into a v-neck. He already

wears glasses, will have a red bow tie and I am going to make Aardvark ears and

attach them to a baseball cap (that I'm not sure he'll wear!).

Grace is going as Lilo---also easy, hawaiian skirt, lei, red turtle neck and a

headband that we will glue some green leaves on. She also has a Scrump doll

that she'll carry (this is from the Lilo and Stick movie for those who missed


Mom to (8, DS) and Grace (5)

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Hi Jelayne.

I think it's really smart of you to think ahead. Good Girl!! Maybe you can

take a small bowl full of grapes or some fresh popcorn with you. It'll help

when you see your co-workers making that 10th trip to the break room....you can

eat your stash one-at-a-time.......




Well, Thursday will be a huge challenge for me. I have to work and my

company is having an all day Halloween party. There will be Free soda,

Free hotdogs, Free chips, Free candy (including chocolates). We will be

encouraged to eat, eat, eat. My desk is just a few steps away from the

break room. I will be smelling my favorites all day long. Plus I get a

15 minute brake every 2 hours. (8 hours = 3 breaks)

My plan is to have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a small glass of

orange juice. I will take the long way to work. About 1 1/2 miles, with

lots of hills. And I plan on bringing my 64 oz water bottle and keep it

at my side all day long. I hope that on my first break I can go outside

and take a walk instead of heading for the break room. For lunch I plan

on one hot dog on a bun, with mustard and onions. A few chips. ( I will

try to guess just a one once service size, a dozen chips? ) And skip the

soda. And I will take only 3 small pieces of candy. Like 3 kiss's or 3

mini bars. And on my last break take another walk around the parking

lot. I will bring a small container of apple sauce and one of diet /fat

free pudding so if I get week, maybe I will choose the home brought

treat instead of an extra hot dog. When I get home, I plan on a tossed

salad and spaghetti with whole mushrooms, green peppers, onions, (no

meatballs) and a glass of milk for supper. If I do stick to this plan I

am going to give my self a reward. Like maybe a new outfit, or new

computer software or maybe take the taxi home instead of walking a mile

back home. I am still trying to think of a reward that is good enough to

keep me away from all those hotdogs, candy and soda's.

Anyone else thinking about Halloween?


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I am in charge of the Halloween Party at our office. I have had to put on a

DINNER. Were having hodge podge soup, nachos, spooky side dishes, and

desserts. I plan on eating one serving of the meal and one dessert. I

think that should be ok. GOOD luck with your party.

BY the way, I am making eye ball deviled eggs.


> Well, Thursday will be a huge challenge for me. I have to work and my

> company is having an all day Halloween party. There will be Free soda,

> Free hotdogs, Free chips, Free candy (including chocolates). We will be

> encouraged to eat, eat, eat. My desk is just a few steps away from the

> break room. I will be smelling my favorites all day long. Plus I get a

> 15 minute brake every 2 hours. (8 hours = 3 breaks)


> My plan is to have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a small glass of

> orange juice. I will take the long way to work. About 1 1/2 miles, with

> lots of hills. And I plan on bringing my 64 oz water bottle and keep it

> at my side all day long. I hope that on my first break I can go outside

> and take a walk instead of heading for the break room. For lunch I plan

> on one hot dog on a bun, with mustard and onions. A few chips. ( I will

> try to guess just a one once service size, a dozen chips? ) And skip the

> soda. And I will take only 3 small pieces of candy. Like 3 kiss's or 3

> mini bars. And on my last break take another walk around the parking

> lot. I will bring a small container of apple sauce and one of diet /fat

> free pudding so if I get week, maybe I will choose the home brought

> treat instead of an extra hot dog. When I get home, I plan on a tossed

> salad and spaghetti with whole mushrooms, green peppers, onions, (no

> meatballs) and a glass of milk for supper. If I do stick to this plan I

> am going to give my self a reward. Like maybe a new outfit, or new

> computer software or maybe take the taxi home instead of walking a mile

> back home. I am still trying to think of a reward that is good enough to

> keep me away from all those hotdogs, candy and soda's.


> Anyone else thinking about Halloween?


> Jelayne




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Maverick will be Zorro for the 3rd yr in a row. His costume consists of his

cowboy boots, black jeans, a black sweatshirt, cowboy hat and a black cape.

He wont' wear the mask on his face but he's fine without it.

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Alyssa is going as Mickey D's french fries too. It's her favorite. I found

the costume at a Family Dollar store, saw it and immediately thought of her.

It's been rather cool here in Michigan and we may have snow flurries on

Halloween. They are saying the coldest Halloween in 6 years. Sue & Alyssa

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I would love to see all the kids in their costumes too! (hint, hint :)

Nicky has good candy taste! lol


>Big brother is

happy too. Nicky loves to go out and collect the candy, but if it's not

Reeses peanut butter cups, he won't touch any of it - so older brother gets

most of the loot.


Mom of 3,

including Nicky, 11, DS, Hirschsprungs, preteen syndrome

grandma of Zoe, 5, K, and Christian, 3, preschool

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Does anyone have any good ideas (on short notice) for costumes that do not

require any makeup, hats, masks or anything else that involves touching the

head, hands or feet? My son Jordan does not like to wear anything on his

head/face. Last year I dressed him as Shaggy from Scooby Doo since he has

the longish hair. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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wants to go this year but he is 16. He wants to go with his friend

(14 DS). The problem is-- (dh) is going to Atlanta (4 hr. drive) to

pick up stray daughter who is visiting birth mom (BTW I'm having a little bit of

a tough time with this because I wasn't there when she did). will not be

here to either take the kids trick or treating or hand out candy so that I can.

No other family live here. I don't want my car egged, yard rolled (tp'd up

north) or my windows soaped which is what kids do if you aren't at home. I

thought about asking one of the " barracks rats " (kids who live in the barracks

to help out for a home cooked meal. What do y'all think?


Re: Halloween


I wish I could get a straight answer about halloween from amanda. She wants

to dress up, she wants to sit in the basement and watch christmas movies for

halloween, she wants to dress up (as Sandy from Grease been that for like 4

years), she doesnt even want Thurs to come, etc.....

went to a party as dracula on sunday and she was fine but when we

picked him up, she was hysterical crying. hey jesse was the most georgous

dracula ive ever seen, he couldnt look scary if he tried!

Right now her nails are painted orange and black alternating and shes got a

halloween shirt she can wear Thurs and her principal said they will be doing

nothing on Thurs (thank - God! its middle school!) and we'll see how it goes

- hey she cant have any candy anyway!

~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY

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will be going as Sponge Bob. I found his costume on Ebay a few weeks

ago...it's the Deluxe 3D one.

It is cold here, too. Damn, I just remembered that Tim has to work, which means

that I will have to take out....bummer! Our Halloween is from 5-9 pm.

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Is Halloween a big day where you are? Here in Missouri it is really big.

Almost everyone decorates for Halloween and participates in one way or

another. During my 5 years in California I didn't notice Halloween being as

big there as it is here. I know most of our region was settled by people

from Britain, Ireland, and Germany and they brought supernatural

storytelling and ghost tales with them from their native lands.

Dad to the Trick or Treaters , Kristi, and (all three Ds) and

(Cri du chat--who will be Winnie the Pooh)

Husband to who will be our driver

Halloween is fairly big here. Our neighborhood has a hot dog party, then a

short parade for everyone to show off costumes, and then off to Trick or

Treat. Our neighborhood is one of the few in our area that is not a gated

neighborhood, so we always have lots of Trick or Treaters coming in to our

neighborhood. We have a very mixed bag of people living here. This area is

a HUGE retirement area, and we have newlyweds, families and retirees living

in our neighborhood, and it seems like everyone has decorated this year.

The girls are very excited, and can't wait until tomorrow. They usually are

ready to go Trick or Treating, hit about 5 or 6 homes, then are ready to

come home, and have a blast handing out candy.

For me however, I really have never been crazy about Halloween. There is a

reason, or course. I grew up in Southern Alabama. When I was 8, I had

finished trick or treating, and was helping Mom hand out candy. There was a

family of 3 that were friends of ours. The Dad was over 6 feet tall, the

Mom was tall, and so was their child. Well, I opened the door, saw them in

their costumes, slammed the door shut and hid in my bedroom. They had taken

Spanish Moss and completely covered themselves, head to toe, including

hands. When I opened the door, I saw these huge moss covered monsters, and

was scared out of my wits. Halloween never held any appeal after that.

Now, I do it for my kids, and have gotten better about getting in the spirit

of things. I have decorated outside the last two years, and done better

with costumes.


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

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Wonderful! I hope to see a photo of " Princess Diaries " later...:-) I

have one devastated 5th grader that is away at camp this week. All of

the schools in the district go to an " outdoor school for a week in 5th

grade, and they just happened to get it this week. Noah 7ds, will be

his hero SpongeBob Squarepants. He doesn't understand the cartoon, but

he LOVES it anyway.

Karla in Texas

b4alltoday@... wrote:


> HI :)


> Sara's been telling me for weeks that she wants to be " Princess Diaries " for

> Halloween.

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