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Our Halloween is from 5-9 pm.

Wow ! 4 hours!!!! Ours is from 6 to 8 :) Ted will be a jail bird

for the 10th year! heheh I really should get more creative but what the

heck...we don't do any parties and it is dark and cold here so he just wears

this striped shirt with some numbers on it and it can stretch over any big

coat! hehe


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I will probably sound like a killjoy but I don't subscribe to halloween. I

did as a child, mostly as the result of mixing with US forces personel and

families on bases as I grew up but I suffered some very disturbing problems

as a late adolescent and so now avoid events like halloween. We had some

trick or treaters round earlier, Naomi sent them off with a 'we don't do

halloween here' message and to my knowledge I haven't been egged yet! A

friend was a couple of years ago but on the whole here trick or treat

usually just means treat and its rare to have repercussions to saying go

away. Possibly becoz its only a small minority of families that go out, its

not the major institution it is in the USA. Mind you, Tim looked out of the

window after the kids left and looked quite sorry to be missing out!

sue wong

> wants to go this year but he is 16. He wants to go with his

friend (14 DS). The problem is-- (dh) is going to Atlanta (4 hr.

drive) to pick up stray daughter who is visiting birth mom (BTW I'm having a

little bit of a tough time with this because I wasn't there when she did).

will not be here to either take the kids trick or treating or hand out

candy so that I can. No other family live here. I don't want my car egged,

yard rolled (tp'd up north) or my windows soaped which is what kids do if

you aren't at home. I thought about asking one of the " barracks rats "

(kids who live in the barracks to help out for a home cooked meal. What do

y'all think?

> Elaine

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The Princess Diaries sounds adorable! I second the call for pictures. in

fact we ought to all put up pictures in the folder.

Nicky is going to go as what he calls " Disco guy " . He's been asking for

that for months, and I wasn't sure how we were going to pull it off. I

really did not want to go out and buy a black suit ala Saturday Night Fever

style. Luckily our local party outlet had a 70's style costume, with a

sequined top and black bellbottoms with sequins. He settled for that.

I'll hang some of my chain necklaces around his neck. The kid even has all

the moves down. Have no idea where he learned them from. Big brother is

happy too. Nicky loves to go out and collect the candy, but if it's not

Reeses peanut butter cups, he won't touch any of it - so older brother gets

most of the loot.


Mom of 3,

including Nicky, 11, DS, Hirschsprungs, preteen syndrome

grandma of Zoe, 5, K, and Christian, 3, preschool

Work: www.cumberlink.com

AIM: gabrielaken

ICQ: 890756


> HI :)


> Sara's been telling me for weeks that she wants to be " Princess Diaries "


> Halloween. I know she means the girl in the ball dress when she's


> made the princess lol Ive been so busy dealing with the neighborhood


> that Halloween has jumped upon me lolol


> Today I went out to the garage in search of this box (thank goodness Im a

> packrat heehee) that had all of my sisters 1980's formals, you know the

> foofoo kind lolol lots of ruffles and lace. Well, I found them and Sara


> them on, BOY my sisters were tiny back in HS lolololol we found one that


> and that I could alter sooooooo I ran to my moms and altered it to fit


> ........... In length :) I have a tiara and her bestfriend's Mom who owns


> own salon is going to do her hair up. Sara will look 16 :) I don't think

> anyone will know she's " Princess Diaries " lolol but she will and it will


> her day.


> Kathy mom to Sara 10




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RE: HalloweenKim,

I've been trying to think of what the kids have been over the years, much of

which has been pretty simple, homemade costumes. One that comes to mind is a

super hero - Nicky was superman several years ago. I think we bought the

costume, but a pair of tights, a tee shirt in matching color, some type of

emblem across the chest (can make simple cutout design from felt and paste it to

tee shirt with fabric glue, and a length of material for a cape should do it,

maybe adding a belt. Another idea would be a hobo. I think all of my kids have

done that at one time or another. Pair of old slacks - dads or an older

siblings, oversized flannel or work shirt. Pair of old boots or oversized

shoes (as long as they don't trip over them). Tie up an old hankerchief or

cloth for a knapsack and stick it on a stick if your child is willing to carry

it, or use old pillow case for goodie bag. You can add some scruffiness with

makeup if it is tolerated. no mask needed. My kids weren't fond of masks



Mom of 3,

including Nicky, 11, DS, Hirschsprungs, preteen syndrome

grandma of Zoe, 5, K, and Christian, 3, preschool

Work: www.cumberlink.com

AIM: gabrielaken

ICQ: 890756

RE: Halloween

Does anyone have any good ideas (on short notice) for costumes that do not

require any makeup, hats, masks or anything else that involves touching the

head, hands or feet? My son Jordan does not like to wear anything on his

head/face. Last year I dressed him as Shaggy from Scooby Doo since he has the

longish hair. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Kim.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I agree with your strategy. Sour candy, especially sour chewy candy is not

appealing to me, but the kids seem to like it. No chocolate unless it says

" Almond Joy " or " Mounds " on it, (but that is kind of mean to the


As far as the kid's candy, tell them to hide it and not eat it where you can

see it. If they eat it all in three days, so much the better. Less time on

the teeth and the assault on their digestive system is over early.


How is everyone going to deal with all that candy? I'll

>buy something to pass out that isn't my favorite but I can't control what

>the kids come home with.



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  • 1 month later...

The gothic runaway princess was $35.oo at a halloween store. It came

with the princess hat top and skirt and it fits my daughter and me.

I usually make their costumes, but this is so cute and she wanted it

and I thought well I can wear it too. If not this year than next

year. It is pretty cool that my almost 12 year old, 13-1/2 year old

and I all wear the same size shirt. Do you know how many cutel

little tees we have when we share!!!Very cool. Brittany, my oldest

is a size 1 now, so as she gets older we will have a huge wardrobe


> > > > > > Once someone told me that if I kept losing weight I was


> > to

> > > > > > waste away. Sorta ticked me off. I wanted to say, do I


> > > skinny to

> > > > > > you, lol. I just can't imagine someone looking at me and

> > saying " oh,

> > > > > > you're really skinny. " I'll never be really skinny.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Stasia

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > *

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

I will tell him, but he didn't want to be scary. LOL He was a Bionicle - one of the good guys he said.


Re: Halloween

Gail,She looks so cute and tell your son he was VERY scarey! LOL was superman and my 4 year old son was the Train. They had such a blast!! Crista

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  • 11 months later...


planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with

the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a

party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll

be wore out by the time I get home.


Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all

my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the

window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider

tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a

pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my


All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im

set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll

celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

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You need the rest more than they need the candy sweety...is Beth dressin up?

RE: Halloween

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

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knows? She’s never here.



You need the rest more than they need the candy

sweety...is Beth dressin up?


Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all

my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went

and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on

the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my

witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im

set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll

celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

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Sounds like shes busy and growin up De...Thats great...

RE: Halloween

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

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Jeez De,

That's what they're making all the sex offenders down here do.

danny Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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not bad with the little kids begging, but I get so pissed off when the

teenagers show up, not in costume, and expect candy, too. I used to have fun

when my gay neighbor still lived here & we’d sit out in the

cul-de-sac & hand out candy. Half the kids didn’t believe us when we

told them not to go to the door because we were in the street.




I'm with

you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When

it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go

Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty

treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


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thaz funnnnny

only two arms left dear. connie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

It’s not bad with the little kids begging, but I get so pissed off when the teenagers show up, not in costume, and expect candy, too. I used to have fun when my gay neighbor still lived here & we’d sit out in the cul-de-sac & hand out candy. Half the kids didn’t believe us when we told them not to go to the door because we were in the street.


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:45 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Halloween

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


The light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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thaz funnnnny

only two arms left dear. connie Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

It’s not bad with the little kids begging, but I get so pissed off when the teenagers show up, not in costume, and expect candy, too. I used to have fun when my gay neighbor still lived here & we’d sit out in the cul-de-sac & hand out candy. Half the kids didn’t believe us when we told them not to go to the door because we were in the street.


-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of suzieSent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 4:45 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Halloween

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


The light at the end of the tunnel may be you

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I did not realize that there was a part time program in being Wiccan.

It's a lifestyle, not a bunch of chants.

You either is or you're isn't.

dannysuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I did not realize that there was a part time program in being Wiccan.

It's a lifestyle, not a bunch of chants.

You either is or you're isn't.

dannysuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I am a solitary practitioner. How & what I choose to celebrate is between me & my gods & nobody else's business. Remember, Wiccans are supposed to be more open to alternate forms of worship. Have a good Samhain.

SuZiecaptdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:


I did not realize that there was a part time program in being Wiccan.

It's a lifestyle, not a bunch of chants.

You either is or you're isn't.

dannysuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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dannysuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:


I am a solitary practitioner. How & what I choose to celebrate is between me & my gods & nobody else's business. Remember, Wiccans are supposed to be more open to alternate forms of worship. Have a good Samhain.

SuZiecaptdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:


I did not realize that there was a part time program in being Wiccan.

It's a lifestyle, not a bunch of chants.

You either is or you're isn't.

dannysuzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

I'm with you De, also with Danny (I'm a Wiccan too but I don't practise much) When it comes to Hallowe'en I'd rather be in Philladelphia. SpYke wants to go Trick or Treating, I keep telling him that most people don't stock kitty treats for Hallowe'en but he wants to try anyways.


Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

I’m planning on spending the evening watching tv in my room (back of house) with the lights off & pretending no one is home. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper, but it’s the end of the month (my busiest day) and I’ll be wore out by the time I get home.

-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ] On Behalf Of Pat McBrideSent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:54 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Battypatty

Well. It finally feels like Halloween...Got all my little Bats on the front of the house and my cool lit pumpkin in the window..went and bought some candy, for my witch pot and put my spider tableclothes on the kitchen table and the one out on the back porch with a pumpkin too..Got my witch hat and dress ready to go and green hairspray for my hair...

All I need now is my Halloween rollaids and Im set! Looks like all the little spooks are gonna get a little wet...I'll celebrate my bday on my favorite holiday!

Anyone else dressing up?...BattyPatty

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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