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Me too! I have tried several things and my son just seems uncomfortable with


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:30 PM, sandhogfightautism <

sandhogfightautism@...> wrote:



> Need some help any good suggestins




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We have tried:

The potty party where you train a doll and then try all in one day to sit on

the potty every 10 minutes and CELEBRATE everything. He would sit on the

toilet but not go.

We've tried the let him roam the house naked and follow him around and haul

him to the potty if he starts going and praise him if any gets in the


We've tried sticker charts

We've tried potty chairs and potty inserts

We've tried letting him wear the undies and giving him a small treat every

15 minutes that he stays dry. Be postive if he has a accident and just

change him and start over. He would stay dry and end up asking for a


We try to take him every time we go.

We've tried to have daddy shoot cheerios and fruit loops. Tried to get our

son to shoot the cereal too. (nope)

We've tried flooding were we hang in the bathroom with movies all day.

He has great control he'd hold it and stay dry to get the prizes and then

request a shower when he really had to go so he wouldn't have an accident.

My son seems very uncomfortable with the toilet part. He doesn't love to sit

on it. He will not go in it.

He would really want to. He would go up int he bathroom and shut the door

and sit on the toilet and then switch to the little free standing potty. He

would flush the toilet but usually end up asking for a diaper. I believe my

son is scared of the toilet and the drain. He is very scared if I let the

water out of the tub while he is still in it, and gets upset if I drain the

water with his bath toys in the tub.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM, April <april243@...>wrote:



> What have you tried so far? Where is he in the process? Does he sit on the

> potty but not go, etc?


> http://aydansrecovery.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html




> From: sandhogfightautism


> >

> Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD

> < %40>

> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM




> Need some help any good suggestins



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Wow, you guys have done a lot.   I've had difficulty training both my kids. 

My oldest who is NT didn't train until almost 4 1/2 and his problem was fear of

the toilet.  He started peeing in the toilet after age 3 without any assistance

but refused to sit on it to go poop.  I rewarded him for sitting on the toilet

with fruit snacks and after about a month of just getting him used to sitting I

stopped using diapers, gave him a suppository and sat him on the toilet.  I

rewarded him with a $1 each poop for about a week and then was able to phase out

the rewards.

With my autistic child who is nearly 5 years old, we've just recently begun

having success after trying for the past 2 years.  The key to our success was

getting the school to collaborate with us and do the same amount of intensity as

we have.  They started putting him on the potty every 20 minutes and keeping him

in underwear.  We did the same at home and after a while he started having

success. We reward him with praise and a fruit snack after every successful

deposit in the toilet.  We also would ask him to imitate the act of pushing.  We

would make a push face and then ask him to do it too.  Sometimes I would put

pressure on his stomach and bladder while he was seated.  Right now he does not

wear diapers during the day and remains dry for the most part, he's even started

using public bathrooms and can stay dry during family outings.  He's still not

initiating when he has to go consistently nor is he independent; so I have to

ask him a lot and

sometimes I'll just take him in even if he doesn't respond to my question. 

He's pretty much non-verbal. 

Another thing was helpful with both my kids is the book " Everyone Poops " and the

DVD " Potty Power " .  I can't say it was the one thing that made them potty

trained but they both liked the book and DVD and it may have helped them start

thinking about it more often.

Just before we started having success with my ASD 4 year old I found this book

on an alternative method.  I haven't investigated it much because we've been

doing o.k. with the old fashioned method but here's the link if you want to

check it out:


5523/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1265150570 & sr=8-2.

Every kid is so different and who knows what finally makes them achieve

success.  On my blog I compare potty training a child with ASD to mountain

climbing with a broken leg.  It's so hard and so stressful. 

Good Luck,




> From: sandhogfightautism


> >

> Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD

> < %40>

> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM




> Need some help any good suggestins



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My son (4 yrs at the time) wanted a big Hot Wheels ride on truck. He couldn't

say it at the time so one day when we were in walmart he took me over to them

and said me...me! I told him that when he started peeing in the pot I would get

him one. Well, it took about 2 weeks and constant reminding of the truck, we

even printed out pictures of the trucks LOL but he did it and the poop too. I

bought him 2 trucks on Craiglist for $60 and they both were like new. It's been

over a year now and he is still pottying.



> < %40>

> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM




> Need some help any good suggestins



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I backed off. We got the school to work with us and he went from loving

school to crying and hating school. I am going to try again after a while.

I have tried the videos and the books he doesn't even like to read the book

about it (he says " no " when I start to read it).

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:14 PM, April <april243@...>wrote:



> Wow, you guys have done a lot. I've had difficulty training both my

> kids.


> My oldest who is NT didn't train until almost 4 1/2 and his problem was

> fear of the toilet. He started peeing in the toilet after age 3 without any

> assistance but refused to sit on it to go poop. I rewarded him for sitting

> on the toilet with fruit snacks and after about a month of just getting him

> used to sitting I stopped using diapers, gave him a suppository and sat him

> on the toilet. I rewarded him with a $1 each poop for about a week and then

> was able to phase out the rewards.


> With my autistic child who is nearly 5 years old, we've just recently begun

> having success after trying for the past 2 years. The key to our success

> was getting the school to collaborate with us and do the same amount of

> intensity as we have. They started putting him on the potty every 20

> minutes and keeping him in underwear. We did the same at home and after a

> while he started having success. We reward him with praise and a fruit snack

> after every successful deposit in the toilet. We also would ask him to

> imitate the act of pushing. We would make a push face and then ask him to

> do it too. Sometimes I would put pressure on his stomach and bladder while

> he was seated. Right now he does not wear diapers during the day and

> remains dry for the most part, he's even started using public bathrooms and

> can stay dry during family outings. He's still not initiating when he has

> to go consistently nor is he independent; so I have to ask him a lot and

> sometimes I'll just take him in even if he doesn't respond to my question.

> He's pretty much non-verbal.


> Another thing was helpful with both my kids is the book " Everyone Poops "

> and the DVD " Potty Power " . I can't say it was the one thing that made them

> potty trained but they both liked the book and DVD and it may have helped

> them start thinking about it more often.


> Just before we started having success with my ASD 4 year old I found this

> book on an alternative method. I haven't investigated it much because we've

> been doing o.k. with the old fashioned method but here's the link if you

> want to check it out:





5523/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1265150570 & sr=8-2.


> Every kid is so different and who knows what finally makes them achieve

> success. On my blog I compare potty training a child with ASD to mountain

> climbing with a broken leg. It's so hard and so stressful.


> Good Luck,

> April


> http://aydansrecovery.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html



> >

> > From: sandhogfightautism


> <sandhogfightautism%40>

> > >

> > Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD

> >

< %40>< %

> 40>

> > Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM

> >

> >

> >

> > Need some help any good suggestins


> >

> >

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I think mine isn't ready because I tried showing him a DS which is what he

really really wanted. We printed the picture and hung it up, but it didn't

work. I'll have to keep trying. I have a feeling when little sister trains

that may help him train.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:13 PM, <jjpotter66@...> wrote:




> My son (4 yrs at the time) wanted a big Hot Wheels ride on truck. He

> couldn't say it at the time so one day when we were in walmart he took me

> over to them and said me...me! I told him that when he started peeing in the

> pot I would get him one. Well, it took about 2 weeks and constant reminding

> of the truck, we even printed out pictures of the trucks LOL but he did it

> and the poop too. I bought him 2 trucks on Craiglist for $60 and they both

> were like new. It's been over a year now and he is still pottying.

> Janet



> >

< %40>< %

> 40>

> > Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM

> >

> >

> >

> > Need some help any good suggestins

> >

> >

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I hate to say it. I'm in Wisconsin so out of the question now. Could you

try outside? An option at all? I've heard a few stories about doing it

outside. Pick a tree. Much easier for a boy anyway! Just thought I'd


My high functioning guy just clicked one day at age 4. Was fine. My nt

youngest was 2, it was a breeze. Amazing how different each child is. I'd

tried everything too. So frustrating.



>> < %40>

>> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM




>> Need some help any good suggestins



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My kiddo might go for the outside, but how do I tranistion that to the potty

(that could cause problems at school if he is peeing on the playground)


My little guy may just love the art of writing his name in the snow.

Actually he loves letters and writing so that would probably totally

motivate him lol.

My neighbors are very conservative so they may freak out but I don't really

care about that..

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Tammy Kuhn <tkuhn1@...> wrote:



> I hate to say it. I'm in Wisconsin so out of the question now. Could you

> try outside? An option at all? I've heard a few stories about doing it

> outside. Pick a tree. Much easier for a boy anyway! Just thought I'd

> share.


> My high functioning guy just clicked one day at age 4. Was fine. My nt

> youngest was 2, it was a breeze. Amazing how different each child is. I'd

> tried everything too. So frustrating.


> Tammy




> >>

< %40>< %

> 40>

> >> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Need some help any good suggestins

> >>

> >>

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I would look into ammonia connections (ideas for decreasing - found some food

lists that helps with eliminating troublesome foods thru urea issue


Celery works for us. (minerals, is my " guess " )...we had several episodes of

losing potty training with my girl. Originally totally potty trained at barely

2yr. Had more than a couple times when she was in pullups for weeks, months at a

time. Decreasing to a matter of a couple of days, by the time she was 5yo. As we

found better answers, and better ways. She still has moments, measured in a day

or two, when she will suddenly pee, (6yo now) and celery is still our goto thing

to do...often, it is caused by eating things like candy, cakes, etc. so we also

put back in more of our core foods, like avocado, yogurts, etc...elizabeth

> > >>

> > >> From: sandhogfightautism

> > >> <sandhogfightautism@... <sandhogfightautism%40>

> > <sandhogfightautism%40>

> > >> >

> > >> Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD

> > >>

< %40>< %

> > 40>

> > >> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Need some help any good suggestins

> > >>

> > >>

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We started my then almost 4 y/o ASD with peeing and we started in a regular

toilet with a kid ring. He does a lot of mimmicing his father tho so he learned

to stand too. When Christmas break started I decided to hit him full throttle

with it. We are blessed that I can stay home with him after school. We

literaly bought dozens of undies and got rid of the pull ups. I took him max

every 30 min. Even though he would pee on his own, mostly at night before bath,

he hadn't learn to sense the urge and so we had that as our 1st goal. We used

the PECS toilet all over the house as he is mostly non-verbal. Once we had that

down and he because comfortable sitting to pee again everytime and going in

public, probably took a month, we started focusing on the pooping. There were

many poop accidents that first month. I swear I would turn my eyes for a second

and he'd go. I finally just had to accept I would have to watch him like a hawk

for probably a week and sure enough I would see him do the half squat stance and

go grab him and put him on the pot. If he finished he got a reward. GFCF

cookie is his big deal. If not " no cookie " . Once after we had done that

sometime and I knew he knew to go in the toilet he went in his underwear. I was

not trying to be cruel but I let him wear it around for 5 minutes and be

uncomfortable. Also once he got better about it he would sometimes still poop

and pee but after he removed his underwear and on the bathroom floor. I would

make him take the toilet paper, with some assistance of course, and clean it up

and put it in the toilet. He also didn't get a cookie for that. I feel like

for him anyway it can be the lesser of two evils with sensory issues...would he

rather clean up poop/pee or sit on the pot. I almost feel cruel sometimes but I

try to not treat him any different than a NT child and he really surprises me a

lot of times. When it doesn't work we just accept it and keep trying.

Something else that stuck with him is his AU teacher said she had a NT son but

it had helped him learn to poop by putting him backwards on the seat w/the

ring... straddling it facing the back of the toilet. We did that and now

everytime he goes poo he climbs on backwards to do it. We have gone a whole

week now with no accidents. There is also another book I got from our AU unit

at school called Toilet training for Individuals with Autism or other

Developmental Issues by Wheeler. Something else just to note he was

obsessed with flushing every toilet he could get his hands on for awhile at

first. He already likes water though so that probably helped. I finally put a

PECS pic of a flusher with the number 1 on it and after telling him only once

many many times we got that down now too. You might have some luck if you take

off the back of the toilet and let him wash how the tub part works. Sometimes

for us we just have to totally think outside of the box to get even the smallest

idea of what they might be thinking. You have done so many things. I commend

you and your love for your little one. Keep up the great work. You will be in

my prayers.


> Need some help any good suggestins


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My son liked to pee on the cheerios. We taught him to stand up so he could " sink

the o's " and he this game captivated his interest. Helped with aim too.

But in the beginning my son was petrified of the toilet. would scream if he had

to sit on it. I think for us this was a sensory issue. Cold seat, water

beneath...to a little kid if poo can flush down, why not the whole kid? It's

hard...have to pinpoint the " why's " of why they are not going on the potty.


> > >>

> > >> From: sandhogfightautism

> > >> <sandhogfightautism@... <sandhogfightautism%40>

> > <sandhogfightautism%40>

> > >> >

> > >> Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD

> > >>

< %40>< %

> > 40>

> > >> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>

> > >> Need some help any good suggestins

> > >>

> > >>

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Ok, I'm going to be blunt here, but your child displays signs of normal

behaviour that a NT child would show(knowing when he needs to go, but will ask

for a diaper ayways, scared of what will happen/might happen-scared of the

'unknown' if he produced a result in the toilet, could even be just

'embarassment'...Sounds like you've done all you can in the rewards/appraisal

part of it..if he has this much awareness that he needs to go, he needs to know

that it belongs in the toilet(I had the same trouble as you and the

appraisal/reward thing did NOT work...I had to go down the path of taking

something away from him and not letting him have it back until he 'went in the

toilet and ONLY the toilet..in ds's case it was the computer which he had a

obsession over..didn't take long for him to get the message that he could

have the comp if he went to the toilet and had it take away if he had an

accident. and he is now 5 and a half and taking himself off to the

toilet by himself with no mistakes. Sounds like he will quickly get the hang of

it but needs a 'heads up'...also at his age, ditch the potty, if he gets used to

using that you may have a another problem with transferring to the toilet.


Aussie mum to C-5-ASD



> < %40>

> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM




> Need some help any good suggestins



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What worked for us was pretty ratical....I took all his clothes off and just

sat in the bathroom (tantrums and all) for almost an hour with lots of water

to drink and lots of prompting....he finally urinated....but once I started

chelation, he just seemed to get the signals better....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of sandhogfightautism

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 11:30 AM


Need some help any good suggestins

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There is a potty training manual that was given to me called " potty training

children with Severe Handicaps " and it was given to me by my autism

consultant/advocate but I have since returned it. It worked. I'm pretty sure it

could be found online or where it originated from. I will try and locate later

when I get time but thought maybe someone here would have luck finding it.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Hi he will pee in the potty if we initiate will not go on his own. we tried the

charts with reward and everything. but B.W he will not do


> From: sandhogfightautism <sandhogfightautism@...>

> Subject: [ ] POTTY TRAING 5YRS OLD


> Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:30 AM


















> Need some help any good suggestins
























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