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I'm new here & don't think I'm ready to chelate yet, but am looking forward to


I have bad yeast. Started out with thrush. Still have some bumps on the back of

my tounge. A biological dentist said it wasn't thrush. In the fall 2 doc's said

it was.

 I used APC for mos. Now,  I think an eye is effected. Does anyone know what can

I use for it?

I'm more sensitive & not as young as I used to be, aren't we all..

Can olive leaf extract help the eye? I can't tolerate GSE or any citric fruits.

What anti-fungals would you try now? I had a bad reaction to Diflucan or it was

bad die-off?? Tried Nystatin & couldn't handle it compounded with B-6.

I took 1 Diflucan pill & it caused this swelling feeling in my throat, fast

heart-beat & ribs tightened, felt like it was harder to breath. The good part

was all congestion I had dried up. I get a mucous cough from some foods. It's

not bad my lungs are clear,  just a cough that goes away. 

Heart attack type symptoms from C. I can't believe it. I tried  1/5 of a cap of 

ph balanced C & the same thing again.  It radiated in the chest & all over.  I

drank 5 glasses of water to get through it. So, is this severe leaky gut or

systemic yeast?

Tonight I had a reactoin to the only carb I was giving into --corn chips. One

side of my head is numb, tight down the neck, plus numbness in that  hand.  The

same side that has the cyst & the eye issue.  I'll buy some B-complex, my nerves

are shot.  Having trouble with Mag citrate now. Causes that swelling feeling.

Anyone know about malate form?

 I don't want to take anymore  Benydryl. The metallic taste comes with the

reaction.... Sometimes I wonder if it's Lyme. When I turn left I see a floater,

same side that's effected. When the yeast is better, don't see it much.

Sorry for going on. I'll buy some B-complex, my nerves are shot. So, biotin can

fight yeast.   I got a Neuro apt. coming up & to see what the hair

test shows I'll share.


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