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Autism Research Opportunities

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Dear Group Members,

I have included information below about a research study for children diagnosed

with an Autism Spectrum Disorder being conducted at Columbia University, in New

York. Eligible Families who participate in the Simons Simplex Collection, will

receive a free evaluation on their affected child, and recommendations from our

clinicians. If you don't qualify for this study, we also have another Genetic

study, an MRI study for children and adults, and a study on Relationship Issues

for adults, among other studies. If you have any questions, please feel free to

call or email me.

All the best,



Columbia University's Autism Research Program

New York State Psychiatric Institute

1051 Riverside Dr., Unit 74, Rm 2501

New York, NY 10032


(212) 543-0153

Dear Parents,

The Simons Simplex Collection is following in the tradition set by AGRE in

setting up a biobank of phenotype and biological samples of families with

exactly one child with ASD and at least one child with typical development to be

available to interested scientists around the world.

We are looking for families interested in helping researchers understand the

genetic causes of ASD. Sponsored by the Simons Foundation, Columbia University

is one of 13 clinical centers around the U.S. and Canada that are recruiting

families to participate. The Simons Foundation provides support to researchers

studying ASD. For additional information about the Simons Foundation, see:

www.simonsfoundation.org and http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05349/622925.stm

For this study, we are recruiting families who have:

- One child aged four or older with an ASD or a suspected ASD diagnosis,

- (Preferably) one or more child(ren) age three or older without ASD, and

- Both biological parents also willing to participate.

Family participation in this study involves the completion of interviews,

questionnaires, and a blood draw. Families are also asked for permission to

donate a portion of their blood samples to the Simons Simplex Collection. The

Simons Simplex Collection obtains, stores, and distributes DNA to researchers

who are studying the genetics of ASD. Through performing genetic analyses, we

hope to discover information that will help us better understand and treat this


Each family member will receive $50 upon completion of the protocol. We will

also provide each family with a brief written report describing the results of

the assessment.

If you are interested in participating, please call or e-mail Joanna Cahall at

the contact information listed below, or you can tell us more about yourself by

going to this web address:


Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. We look forward to working

with you in the near future.


Bradley , MD

Chairman, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


- Name of Study: " Genetics of Developmental Differences " and " Molecular and

Family Genetics of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (Simons Simplex

Collection) "

- Location: New York State Psychiatric Institute at Columbia University Medical

Center, NY, NY, 10032

- Eligibility Criteria: One child age 4 or older with ASD or a suspected ASD

diagnosis, and both biological parents willing to participate

- Principal Investigator: Bradley , MD

- Contact Information: Doudna (phone: 212-543-6705, e-mail:


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