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Re: Re: Is that the liver stres or ?Dana and All please

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Zdravei Nora tolkova biah iznenadana che niakoi mi pi6e na Balgarski 4e

nepoviarvah da imam dostap az kupuvam vsi4ko ot amerika tuk niama ni6to a i

nikoi ne suplimentira detzata si 6te nameria da kupia mnogo se radvam da se

zapoznaem Blagodaria za otgovora.

From: brangus100 <brangus100@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Is that the liver stres or ?Dana and All please

Date: Friday, 5 November, 2010, 8:45


This is the same boy who was getting too much Diflucan a couple weeks ago, and

his skin was turning yellow...? You might want to speak with the doctor again.

If it were my child, I would stop the grapefruit-seed extract and the vitamin A

because they can stress the liver.

Here's some info about Vitamin A toxicity (see the " Precautions " section):


Milk thistle is good for the liver, so I would keep giving that.




> Hello all and Dana

> My son is in bits with his stomach his stools channched every day hi has white

mucos and yesterday i found som pils probably undygested looks like stools are

light yellow is that stress liver or im very worried i will stop every thing for


> hi is on

> GSE,OLE,biotin,Omega369,B650mg,VitD,VitE,VitA 2drops,VitC with food on morning

> 15min later

> minerals,Milk thistle

> 15min later

> b12,GABA,

> 15 min later

> probiotics

> At 3pm GSE with food,OLE,B650mg,

> 15min later

> Milk thistle,minerals

> 15min later

> b12,Gaba

> At arround 6.30pm

> Biotin, OLE,Mg

> Before bed Zink

> Afer that Probiotics 1.5h later than ole

> I give sometimes CA/Mg but i try to fynd what is doing the mess and i give and

stop suff arround for some time GSE was doing lot of mess on its oun so i start

to give with food .

> Thank you all for your help


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GSE,OLE,Omega369 ,B6,Biotin,VC,VD,Va,/B12,GabaZink/MgMilk thistle and

minerals/and i just remuved all of them even probiotics everythink i have bouth

some colloidal silver is that good vor the bugs and bacteria and also OoO for

the yest.

Thank you hi is alert but hi is obsesed with visual steems and leeking and

becomes red screeming his stookls are realy well formed and good broun color i

havent seen them like that in long time sins im in the protocol for supliments

and the food is dygested so i dont realy undurstand why his stools are well but

hi is not and when his stools are mushy hi is not so stressed i dont realy

know how to reed his signs anymore.

thank you realy for your help 

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Is that the liver stres or ?Dana and All please

Date: Sunday, 7 November, 2010, 15:03


> Hello again Dana sory for disturbing you first 2 days were greate and 3th day

is crasy

What supplements was he on that you removed?

>>screeming all day hyper rottating all stuf in the hause no much eye contact

leeking almost every thing

Licking is commonly caused by yeast. Yeast can cause OCD issues also. Try adding

back the yeast supplements.


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