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It gave me head aches. I had to quit taking it. Myra


> From: Tallmommy@...


> Judith:

> Yould you mind elaborating on Nystatin? I'm currently taking it and was

> assured by my MD and Pharmacist that it was safe..

> Crystal


> In a message dated 11/12/99 7:22:36 AM Central Standard Time,

> jlpresto@... writes:


> << Nystatin is a common allopathic remedy, and while it can be risky to


> liver (I would never take it again, but for healthy individuals it may be

> okay) it proves very successful in killing candida..

> >>


> > _


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Hmmm...This is interesting. The first Nystatin side

effect I noticed was that it made me crave sugar,

which I wasn't doing before I started taking it.

Thanks for the information.

--- JanieJonez@... wrote:

> heres one more nystatin fact........it consists

> mainly of sugars..guess that

> helps give it that sickening sweet taste ive grown

> tohate L.




> _


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> From: jlpresto <jlpresto@...>

> candidiasisonelist

> Subject: Nystatin

> Date: Saturday, November 14, 1998 10:12 AM


> From: " jlpresto " <jlpresto@...>


Or other treatments you have tried or heard of? Isn:t pau

> d'arco from Brazil? You know once when I was in the amazon this lady


> me some tea, a boiled seed, for a UTI. I wonder if it wasn`t pau d'arco.

No sales pitch intended but here is what I found on Nature's Sunshine

website when looking up Pau d'arco:


It isn't a seed, that I am aware of, but the bark of the tree that is used.

Maybe a search on http://www.google.com on the word Pau d'arco would

reveal more information.

> I wonder if UTIs are common in the history of other listmembers.


I've had UTI's and candida imbalance. Personally believe they go together.

Joyce :)

> Judith

> jlpresto@...



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Hi, e,

I was told by my pharmacist that Nystatin is most effective when taken on

an empty stomach. If you take it with food, if affects the absorbtion,


Good luck!


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For all of you that are taking Nystatin, are any of you aware of the

thirty-two week randomized double blind, cross over study of forty-two

pre-menopausal women with a history of chronic Candida Vaginitis that was

reported in the December 20, 1990 issue of The New England Journal of


The conclusion of which was: In women with presumed candidiasis

hypersensitivity syndrome, Nystatin does not reduce systemic or

psychological symptoms significantly more than placebo.

Consequently, the empirical recommendation of long-term Nystatin therapy

for such women appears to be unwarranted.

I would recommend all who have been prescribed this drug to bring this to

the attention of their doctors.

Re: Nystatin

> From: Ldeyerle@...


> Hi, e,


> I was told by my pharmacist that Nystatin is most effective when taken


> an empty stomach. If you take it with food, if affects the absorbtion,

> apparently.


> Good luck!


> Lucy


> > _


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  • 1 year later...

Hi there. That is the reason why I only trust in food antifungals.



From: tomato@...



Subject: Nystatin

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:55:36 -0000


I had read somewhere that Nystatin and other antifungals if taken

long term can sometimes produce a yeast that is stronger and more

resistant. Has anyone read this as well?

Thank you,



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Do you know of any places on the web that discuss this - any articles

or sites? I was telling a friend about this and wanted to have her

read about this as well.

Thank you,






> Hi there. That is the reason why I only trust in food


> Greetings.


> Claudio



> From: tomato@s...

> Reply-candidiasisegroups

> candidiasisegroups

> Subject: Nystatin

> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:55:36 -0000


> Hi,

> I had read somewhere that Nystatin and other antifungals if taken

> long term can sometimes produce a yeast that is stronger and more

> resistant. Has anyone read this as well?

> Thank you,

> Celeste






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I would do a search at www.dogpile.com for it. iams ure somethings will come



It's not that life's too short, it's that we're dead so long.


> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:55:36 -0000


> Hi,

> I had read somewhere that Nystatin and other antifungals if taken

> long term can sometimes produce a yeast that is stronger and more

> resistant. Has anyone read this as well?

> Thank you,

> Celeste






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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

I am not sure, but I would keep on taking it, see if it

works. Did you keep in a reasonably cool area?

Not near a heater. Hum.

For example, my kitchen is so drafty powder nystatin

would keep cool there all winter.


> [Original Message]

> From: <PEARLY2@...>

> <candidiasis >

> Date: 3/28/01 5:08:17 PM

> Subject: Nystatin


> I am sorry that I am full of questions...but here goes....I have the

> powdered Nystatin. I didn't know it had to be refrigerated till I had it

> for a few days. Is it still good? What do you think? I now keep it in

> the fridge.


> Pearl (NY)



> Country Living at it's finest

> Countrylife




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What? I'm talking about diflucan not nystatin... I was on the nystatin pills and got off because they weren't helping... Hopefully, I can find the powder &

convince my doctor to prescribe it after I'm off the diflucan...


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Pearl - on www.wholeapproach.com there is a page comparing nystatin,

diflucan, and ALL The Rx meds with natural antifungals... it is very

interesting. For me - after 10-12 years of dealing with this - i'm so

thrilled to finally be getting to the BOTTOM of it - and its been through

the natural means of the candida purge... other ways just allowed the

'return' of the problem.



I finally got to talk to a Naturopath that we know in MN. the other day.

I asked him about the Nystatin. How effective it is etc. He told me that

Nystatin is ineffective after 6 weeks. Also, that if someone has

Candida " bad enough " , it can damage the liver. I know there have been

many opinions on this list about Nystatin, and I promise you I do not

wish to start a controversy, but I did want to pass tis along. We are

all here to share and to try to help each other through this...what I

consider to be nightmare of a disease!

Pearl (NY)

Country Living at it's finest


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  • 3 months later...

----- Original Message -----

From: phillipandlisa@...

He placed me on a very

strict diet. This is my fourth day on the nystatin (I don't start the

injections until next Tuesday) and I am not feeling any different at all.

Should " die-off " have started by now?


I didn't start feeling it until about the 6th day of nystatin. I got very

very sick. The nausia was incredible and I alternated between bouts of diarhea

and gas. It lasted on and off for a couple of weeks. It wasn't until I took

the diet seriously that I felt so much better. During this time I lost 13

pounds and now I feel fantastic! I refuse to give up this diet, never have I

felt so well!


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You should feel tired, fatigued, achy like the flue.

We feel this way even when the candida is growing

in our system, but this lasts for a short period of time.

From a few days to a week or until you take an enema.


Re: nystatin

How will I know if I am experiencing die-off? What are the


My doc really didn't explain anything to me. Right now I am just

itching all over. HELP!

--- rabbitbrain@...


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Carolyn, Congratulations, No you didn't gross me out because i have parasites

also. but i can't seem to get mine to leave, your on a roll, stick to

everything you've been doing & get rid of them once and for all! don't you

take any fiber for elimenation? keep us informed, i'm praying for you! Mog

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I too am experiencing itching like CRAZY!! I

experienced die-off harshly 2 weekends ago and,

unfortunately, I did NOT do enemas. CRAZY ME! Then

on Friday of this past week I started these die-off

UGHS again -- very, VERY WEAK. Then I did a couple of

2 quart enemas Friday night and, although very weak, I

was better -- not so sickly.

The next day, Saturday, I was ok for a bit, then worse

and worse, finally throwing up and getting a very sick

headache. I hesitate to do an enema because I was

EXHAUSTED and SICK! However, after the throwing up, I

knew I had to do something, so I skipped the filtering

of the water and just DID one. I was SHOCKED!

(WARNING: GROSS INFORMATION to follow . . . I saw a

HUGE PARASITE (remember everything was clear by now

from the enemas from the night before) and it made me

shake and cry with fear that I had a critter in me

like that!) It was about 6 inches long and attached

to a ball of itself and possibly others all

intertwined in the ball. There were others. Shortly

after that, I did another one and I was SHOCKED!!

More and they were like dog tic sized pale orange

critters with legs. I was amazed since I have done

anti-parasitic herbs off and on for about a year.

Never has anything shown up like THAT!

In getting professional colonics, I was told that I

might have a nest of parasites. Well, they were

RIGHT. I have been taking:

Olive Leaf Extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Pau d' arco


an occasional herbal mix for killing parasites

containing wormwood


Probiotics with most meals

I understand that parasites eat the good bacteria,

causing the candida to get worse or may even be the

source of the candida overgrowth.

I felt better Sunday and Monday, but started sneezing

(something I haven't done much in a long time) like

crazy yesterday evening. Today I am experiencing

extreme weakness, drunkenness -- lightheadedness,

sneezing, ITCHING and MORE ITCHING in my nose and

throat. I am noticing the itching moving around like

crazy -- all at different orifices.

I hope I didn't gross anyone out. I want to feel this

is a safe place to deal with a REAL PROBLEM. I have

experienced migraines HORRIBLY for over 10 years and I

have had enough. I need to get better and I am soooo

very grateful that I have some direction for getting


I have never even been out of the country and yet I

have these horrible parasites. I even did colonics 2

years ago -- 1 a day for 3 days in a row. However, I

wasn't taking the anti-parasitic herbs at that time --

only since. After the original colonics though, I

have not had problems with regularity. I actually go

like a man -- hours after most meals.

I hope my story can provide some sort of reference

that is helpful to others.

God bless you and GET WELL!


--- phillipandlisa@... wrote:

> How will I know if I am experiencing die-off? What

> are the signs?

> My doc really didn't explain anything to me. Right

> now I am just

> itching all over. HELP!




> >

> > takes 2 weeks for die-off

> >

> >

> > nystatin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I just saw my doctor on Tuesday and he diagnossed

> me with

> > candida.

> >

> > He put me on nystatin... 2 tablets 4 times daily.

> He also is

> > giving

> >

> > me candida extract shots and a mold mix shot. He

> placed me on a

> > very

> >

> > strict diet. This is my fourth day on the

> nystatin (I don't

> > start

> >

> > the injections until next Tuesday) and I am not

> feeling any

> different

> >

> >

> > at all. Should " die-off " have started by now?

> How

> > will I know when

> >

> > I start going through die-off?

> >

> > Should I be taking some sort of supplements with

> this

> > program?

> >

> > This diet is so strict. Does anyone know exactly

> what I CAN

> > EAT?

> >

> > Thanks!

> >

> > D

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I haven't had trouble with elimination since my first

set of colonics almost 2 years ago. I occasionally

use an enema, but have been amazed at how vital they

are to my health. I was SO SICK TODAY, yet I did an

enema tonight and I have no headache and I actually

had a short RESTFUL nap and I feel quite well.

My friend who has been fighting CHRONIC FATIGUE and

candida for years told me today that I may need as

many at 2 enemas a day when I an in die-off. I

believe that after my last week and a half's

experience. It is not worth it to not to the enema.

I never thought that " Love Thine Enemas and Heal

Thyself " would be my new motto -- there is a book by

that name and a GREAT website by that name -- just

search for that. It is funny, but meaningful.

I occasionally do some fiber, but that is a rare thing

-- I do a fiber cleanse once in a while, but mostly I

try to do the parasite killing herbal blend about

every 2 months. Looks like I needed to do it more

often WITH ENEMAS. (Note: These are 2 quart FILTERED

WATER enemas -- not the Fleet mini kind.)

Note that I have never traveled out of the country or

worked extensively with animals or EVER gone barefoot.

I just have parasites.

I am so thankful I found this group!



--- mogdrmom@... wrote:

> Carolyn, Congratulations, No you didn't gross me out

> because i have parasites

> also. but i can't seem to get mine to leave, your on

> a roll, stick to

> everything you've been doing & get rid of them once

> and for all! don't you

> take any fiber for elimenation? keep us informed,

> i'm praying for you! Mog



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Oh MOG! I almost forgot to say THANK YOU for your

prayers! :) You have blessed me!


--- mogdrmom@... wrote:

> Carolyn, Congratulations, No you didn't gross me out

> because i have parasites

> also. but i can't seem to get mine to leave, your on

> a roll, stick to

> everything you've been doing & get rid of them once

> and for all! don't you

> take any fiber for elimenation? keep us informed,

> i'm praying for you! Mog



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 3 weeks later...


Four tablets a day sounds right. That is a very low dose.

You take one after each

meal and one at bedtime. Stay on that for 1-2 weeks and

evaluate how you feel and what it may be doing for you.

Then you can increase the tablets. Isn't your doctor helping

you with this? Or are you just being extremely cautious?

Nothing much is going to happen for you if you don't take

your medicine regularly.

When you get your die-off you will feel that your getting

the flue back again, not the feeling of a flue going away.



Hi there,

I've been on Nystatin for about a week, I didn't want to start off

taking the recommended dose of 4 tabs a day as I had the tail end of

the flu.

Can I expect any side effects from this? Am I going to get full on

die off? I must say I've felt blah the last week but cant tell if its

the end of the flu or not.


--- rabbitbrain@...


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Thanks Liz. I was just being cautious, my doctor said I could experiment,

but I didn't realise they weren't that strong. So the 2 Im taking probably

aren't doing me much good at all.

To 4 I go.


At 19:08 20/09/2001 -0400, you wrote:



>Four tablets a day sounds right. That is a very low dose.


>You take one after each


>meal and one at bedtime.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Antifungals like Sporonox or Nystatin are not going to do any good (speaking

from experience here) ... because may work temp in gut.. however, won't ever

get into bloodstream WHERE THE CANDIDA IS

... that is why so many people out there are frustrated with colon

cleanse/flushes.. because they think they got rid of it but it comes back and

comes back

Also~~ I wanted to address about Nystatin..

do you all know what you are putting into your bodies when you ingest this?

(sugar, corn starch, fillers etc..)

The body WILL heal itself

... but not while we are poisoning it



> Does anyone here know if it's safe to take Sporonox and Nystatin at

> the same time? The sporonox doesn't seem to be helping much with my

> GI symptoms, especially bloating.


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as far as the bloating goes...

I would recommend ginger


> Does anyone here know if it's safe to take Sporonox and Nystatin at

> the same time? The sporonox doesn't seem to be helping much with my

> GI symptoms, especially bloating.




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, what is your program? Do you take any medication?

> Antifungals like Sporonox or Nystatin are not going to do any good

(speaking from experience here) ... because may work temp in gut..

however, won't ever get into bloodstream WHERE THE CANDIDA IS

> .. that is why so many people out there are frustrated with colon

cleanse/flushes.. because they think they got rid of it but it comes

back and comes back



> Also~~ I wanted to address about Nystatin..

> do you all know what you are putting into your bodies when you

ingest this?

> (sugar, corn starch, fillers etc..)


> The body WILL heal itself

> .. but not while we are poisoning it


> jen

> Nystatin



> > Does anyone here know if it's safe to take Sporonox and Nystatin


> > the same time? The sporonox doesn't seem to be helping much

with my

> > GI symptoms, especially bloating.

> >





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