Guest guest Posted September 11, 2005 Report Share Posted September 11, 2005 nature038 " <nature038@y...> wrote: > > Exactly same thing here in the middle east. I could not find > nystatin powder. As I reseached the net and Bee's support group and > curezone, I found that the best source of nystatin powder is Paddock labs of 1,000,000 units/gram (that's the effective dose). Any > valounteer to purchase the Paddock lab a million units and send to > us (Matt and myslef). I need three months supply? I have tried evry > natural antifungal and would like to combine with nystatin powder. Hi there (what is your name?). You might get a better response to your request by putting in a better Subject line, i.e. Volunteer to purchase Nystatin Please?. Bee P.S. Could you please trim your messages - see our " Group Info " Folder for how to do it. Thanks my friend. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2005 Report Share Posted September 13, 2005 How can you tell if this powder at Costco is for oral use or not? > Hello everyone, > > I was sent the following email telling about the high > markup of prescription drugs (up to 3000%) and that > Costco was offering their drugs at a reduced price > (just above cost, I believe). We do not have a Costco > in our area, but they do have a mail order > prescription service, so I will be using that to order > any prescriptions we Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2005 Report Share Posted September 13, 2005 I was under the impression that all Nystatin powder was safe for oral use. You might want to give their pharmacy a call and ask them. --- barb1283 <bbw@...> wrote: > How can you tell if this powder at Costco is for > oral use or not? __________________________________ - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 12, 2005 Report Share Posted October 12, 2005 shelleypaul1 wrote: > > My doctor gave me Nystatin pills. Are they going to be as effective as > the powder? If I understand correctly, the antifungals kill the > candida, but I must also take probiotics to replenish the good > bacteria. I have been on 2M level probiotics for 3 weeks, and I am > also taking Cleansesmart, Fibersmart, and Candigone from RenewLife. > How long should it take to kill the Candida with the antifungal? ==>Hi there. Welcome to our group. The candida diet in my article " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " is the most important thing you can do to get rid of candida. It takes time for the body to heal and build up the immune system so it can keep candida in check. You can't rush the body. If you do candida will return again and again. Although nystatin will help kill off candida it is equally important to cut off candida's food supply and eliminate damaging foods, i.e. sugar, bad oils & fats, high carbs, grains, beans, nuts, processed foods, soy, etc. Hering's law of cures states that it takes one month of natural healing for every year you've been unwell. The timing starts once you have totally integrated the candida diet into your daily routine. Our approach is a step by step approach: 1) diet which is high protein and high good fats such as coconut oil, butter, lard, etc. and low carbs, 2) antifungals such as garlic or oil of oregano, and 3) probiotics is added last. Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes. Doctors are not knowledgeable about candida nor diets and nutrition, and they mistakenedly believe you can. Fibre is not all that it's made out to be, in fact it damages the intestines - see the article on Fibre in our Files. Cleanses are also very hard on the body releasing too many toxins at one time. The diet we recommend will do all the cleansing, detoxifying, chelating, etc. that is required on a more gradual basis, and build up the body at the same time. Our diet is different than others out there. It is designed to harness the body's powerful healing mechanisms and build up your immune system. After you've had a chance to read our files please get back to us with questions. The best in health to you, Bee > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 12, 2005 Report Share Posted October 12, 2005 > >Thank you for your response. I guess that i should have mentioned that have have been on the correct diet for over a year now. I do not eat any wheat,corn, sugar, vinegar products, and my diet consists soley of coconut oil, almonds,egge, chicken, turkey, fish not shellfishe, leafy green vegetables, onions., cabbage, garlic, shallots, celery and that is about it. I do not even eat artificial sweeteners or diet drinks or coffee. Only water! I am doing everything right ncluding taking probiotics, a natural anti fungal and a fiber supplement with flaxseed not physillium. I don't think you can just starve the yeast. I am living proof, and I can assure you that you have not met mnay people with the will power I have to stay on this diet. I am going crazy though, I can't eat like this forever. protein Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2005 Report Share Posted October 27, 2005 wrote: > > Are Nystatin pills (mine are red) coated with anything that is bad for candida? Sugar? ==>Some nystatin pills do contain sugar nowadays, which I do not understand. Nystatin powder is best, but be sure your pharmacist knows not to give you the powder intended for external use only. IMO raw crushed garlic is better than nystatin but the powder is more versatile in some ways than garlic. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2005 Report Share Posted October 30, 2005 > > Does Nystatin cause constipation normally? ==>Not that I am aware of. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2005 Report Share Posted October 30, 2005 > > Does Nystatin cause constipation normally? > it has never cause me any constipation. jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 30, 2005 Report Share Posted October 30, 2005 In a message dated 10/30/2005 6:20:45 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes: Subject: Nystatin Does Nystatin cause constipation normally? Every antibiotic and anti-fungal seems to cause my bowels to come to a halt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 23, 2006 Report Share Posted April 23, 2006 > > Is nystatin available in australia as a prescription drug only??? ==>I'm not sure, but call a pharmacy to find out. If you have to get a perscription be sure to copy the article on it in our files, for both the doctor and pharmacist because the wrong kind can get dispensed too easily. Also, if you get the pill it must be without any sugar in it. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2006 Report Share Posted November 3, 2006 > > I have been doing this since April and don't seem to be making any > improvement, so I would like to try Nystatin. I know my doctor will > not believe me ( I have candida), and it will be like pulling teeth to get a Rx from her. ==>Deb, the reason you are not getting improvement is because your diet or supplements are off, somehow. Re-check your diet and the supplements carefully before you try nystatin. Other antifungals are better, i.e. raw garlic, oil of oregano or clove oil (take only one). Change every 8-10 months. Also you should be on probiotics by now. They are extremely important along with the rest of the program. It all works together so you can't leave anything out. > > 1. Has anyone else tried it with success? Yes, I have. I took nystatin powder for 2 1/2 years during my candida cure. But be careful about what you get. Many doctors and even pharmacist don't have a clue and they'll dispense the wrong thing; it must be free of sugar and not for topical use only which will contain talcum powder - read the Nystatin information in the Antifungal Folder first, and get the right doses. > > 2. Should I ask for the liquid or tablet? Pure powder is best; mix it in water to take it, but it tastes horrible. Both the liquid and tablets nowadays contain sugar. Luv, Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2006 Report Share Posted November 4, 2006 > > Does anyone know why Drs. are so reluctant to prescribe this? So far, two of my Drs. have declined writing an Rx for this. Ugh. I have taken it before (10 yrs ago), I don't know why this is so difficult! Dear . I remember one member reporting that her doctor said " my profession does not believe candida exists. " Doctors are running scared from the medical association, and it is almost impossible to prove a person has candida with any medical tests. Doctor used to do a clinical evaluation, meaning they talked to you to find out about your symptoms, lifestyle, eating habits, etc. Now they can only perscribe on the basis of tests. I think that natural antifungals are better, i.e. oil of oregano, raw crushed " certified organic " garlic, or clove oil; one of those in addition to coconut oil (5-6 tbl per day) and Pau D'Arco Tea and you are all set. But it is extremely important to stick to the diet, and take all of the supplements; deviations will not get the same results and it will cause more symptoms. Doublecheck your entire diet and all of your supplements, and do ensure you are not taking any extra stuff. Luv, Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2006 Report Share Posted November 5, 2006 > > My doctor gave me a rx for Nystatin. Wondering if anyone else has > taken this, if so what results did you have? I have taken only 2 > doses and it seems like the itching is getting worse, could this be > possible? I have been on the diet etc since April and have not been > making any progress. Thanks Hi Deb. I hope you make certain you got the right kind per our Nystatin article in the Antifungal Folder? I took nystatin powder for 2 1/2 when I cured my candida back in the mid 1980s. Yes, it would increase itching because it is killing off candida which puts out more toxins that the body has to deal with. Itching is caused by histamines produced by the immune system to deal with toxins. What is your definition of progress, because 6 months isn't long enough to expect a lot. Progress is dependent upon how sick you were, what other complications you had, your age, your nutritional status from your parents upon conception, how long you've had candida and/or how long you've been healthy, your digestion, how bad your malnutrition was, and many other factors. I was on the diet for 6 months before starting on antifungals and I went through a horrible healing crisis for several months after that. It was about 1 year and 9 months into the program that I started detoxifying through my eyes, which lasted 3 months. I'd never had problems with my eyes before, so I assume the body detoxed through my healthiest oriface. lol! The best, Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2006 Report Share Posted November 5, 2006 ---I bet I do not have the right thing. My doctor gave me tablets to take one three times per day. Is this going to do more harm than good? I am still taking the oil of oregeno with it. Deb Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 > > ---I bet I do not have the right thing. My doctor gave me tablets to > take one three times per day. Is this going to do more harm than > good? I am still taking the oil of oregeno with it. Deb, many nystatin tablets nowadays contain sugar; doublecheck them. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 I remember one member reporting that her doctor said " my > profession does not believe candida exists. " --> I had this very think happen to me today. So, so frustrating -- I just felt like crying. Even worse, he told me that it was all in my head. But, he was willing to write me a 1 month prescription for Nystatin, so I gritted my teeth. Anyhow, I am wondering if anyone knows whether the oral suspension nystatin will reach candida/fungal infection in the sinus/eye area. Also, if someone knows of an alternative-minded physician in the LA/Orange County area and would be willing to email me, that would be so greatly appreciated. Many thanks for such an excellent and active group, Bee. It has been very helpful as I have tried to suffer through die-off, etc. Best, > > > > Does anyone know why Drs. are so reluctant to prescribe this? So far, > two of my Drs. have declined writing an Rx for this. Ugh. I have taken > it before (10 yrs ago), I don't know why this is so difficult! > > Dear . I remember one member reporting that her doctor said " my > profession does not believe candida exists. " Doctors are running > scared from the medical association, and it is almost impossible to > prove a person has candida with any medical tests. Doctor used to do a > clinical evaluation, meaning they talked to you to find out about your > symptoms, lifestyle, eating habits, etc. Now they can only perscribe > on the basis of tests. > > I think that natural antifungals are better, i.e. oil of oregano, raw > crushed " certified organic " garlic, or clove oil; one of those in > addition to coconut oil (5-6 tbl per day) and Pau D'Arco Tea and you > are all set. But it is extremely important to stick to the diet, and > take all of the supplements; deviations will not get the same results > and it will cause more symptoms. Doublecheck your entire diet and all > of your supplements, and do ensure you are not taking any extra stuff. > > Luv, Bee > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 > Does anyone > know of the drug companies that make the powder for internal yeast > (not external use)? The pharmacy does not want to be of any help. Hi Deb, There is detailed info in the files about Nystatin. It's in the Antifungal Treatments file. The address for the company that makes the correct kind of powder for internal use is in that file. Print it out and take it to your pharmacist so they can order it for you. You're right to go for the powder for, some folks are reporting that the tablet form has a sweetener in it...the liquid definitely is sweetened and NOT recommended. hth, jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 >From: " nicole " <nicolezajack@...> >Anyhow, I am wondering if anyone >knows whether the oral suspension nystatin will reach candida/fungal >infection in the sinus/eye area. >Best, > Hi , The oral suspension nystatin is loaded with sugar and therefore not recommended on this program. Bee suggests that the powder form be used. Shirley Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2006 Report Share Posted November 9, 2006 Walgreens will order the powder. I asked them last week. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 10, 2006 Report Share Posted November 10, 2006 > > I remember one member reporting that her doctor said " my > > profession does not believe candida exists. " > > --> I had this very think happen to me today. So, so frustrating -- I just felt like crying. Even worse, he told me that it was all in my > head. But, he was willing to write me a 1 month prescription for > Nystatin, so I gritted my teeth. Anyhow, I am wondering if anyone > knows whether the oral suspension nystatin will reach candida/fungal > infection in the sinus/eye area. ==>Most nystatin suspension and tablets contain sugar, like Shirley said. I recommend the right kind of powder. Often doctors and pharmacists don't dispense the right kind; it must be for internal use and not for external use only which contains talcum powder. Please read the Nystatin article in the antifungal folder for details. But I still believe that natural antifungals are better than nystatin, i.e. raw crushed garlic, oil of oregano and clove oil (you only need one at a time in addition to coconut oil and Pau D'Arco tea). > > Also, if someone knows of an alternative-minded physician in the > LA/Orange County area and would be willing to email me, that would be so greatly appreciated. ==>I suggest you write another message with a subject line asking other members for help. > Many thanks for such an excellent and active group, Bee. It has been > very helpful as I have tried to suffer through die-off, etc. ==>You are so very welcome ! Luv & Hugs, Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 30, 2006 Report Share Posted November 30, 2006 > > I am taking Nystatin along with the other items on the list. I just heard a program, put on by Dr. from Snellville Georgia. They were taking about yeast infections and said that Nystatin changes the cell wall and in the long run causes more harm then good. Wondering what everyone else thinks about this statement. ==>I assume he meant " body cell walls " and not candida cell walls or he wouldn't have said it causes more harm than good. I believe natural treatments are better than Nystatin but I did take it for 2 1/2 years without any ill effects that I know of. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 2, 2007 Report Share Posted January 2, 2007 > > Bee > I have just come upon your excellent site after intermittent candida > over several years. My naturopath/GP has had me on nystatin for > several weeks, as well as a 2 month stint mid-late last year which > only had positive effect for about a month. I am wondering whether I > should continue on the nystatin while I follow your steps 1 nd 2, or > discontinue and resume. My symptoms would be described as mild- > moderate rather than severe. ==>Hi R. Welcome to our group. It would help our blind member, Maddalena, more if you use a complete name at the end of your messages, even if you make one up. Thanks so much. ==>You should be fine contining on the nystatin while you start on steps 1 & 2. You can cut back or stop it if you get too much die-off. The best in health, Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 2, 2007 Report Share Posted May 2, 2007 On May 1, 2007, at 4:20 PM, ectopistes@... wrote: > Zookee, it was several years ago I read about the nystatin so don't > remember where I found it. I know that it does not help everyone and > candida can become resistant to it just like it can to everything > else. > Probably Duncan can answer that because what I do recall said > something > about it being a " typical " problem with statin type drugs? FYI - Nystatin is not a " statin " type drug. It's named after New York State, where it was discovered. The statin drugs are used to lower cholesterol. Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2007 Report Share Posted September 13, 2007 > > Hi all, > > I have been on Nystatin for a week now and it seems to be really > affecting my digestive system could this be a result of the candida > dying off? I have had candida for years appearing as thrush and have a fungus infection in my finger nails and toenails. Anyone got any hints for dealing with the digestive problems? ==>Hi Sophie. Yes Nystatin kills off candida so it will create a lot of detoxifying and die-off symptoms. When candida is killed off it puts out carbon dioxide (gas) which causes digestive disturbances and bloating. The toxins will cause the body to create more mucus in order to get rid of them as well. For more help with digestion see our Group' s Files and look for the " C) Digestion Folder. ==>You could also cut back on the amount of Nystatin so your symptoms are more tolerable, and only gradually increase it. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 > > Hi Bee, > > After being on Nystatin for over 3 months, I would like to stop and > continue with natural antifungals. I bought some oil of oregano. Do > you recommend this most or should I go with something else? > > I cannot wait to stop the Nystatin, if I take it at the wrong time, I > vomit. I have probably vomited around 10+ times in the last three > months because of it. > > Ever grateful, > > p.s. Congrats! on the website. It looks great! ==>Hi . Oil of oregano is just as good as raw garlic and clove oil. It is easier to use rather than dealing with garlic breath from raw garlic. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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