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Re: Regression with ALA chelation - why?

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I find the sore-throat part interesting. Did she eat the ALA w/out a capsule,

or chew through the capsules? It tastes so yummy, but I suspect it irritates

the throat/tongue/vocal cords.

I hope you find a solution & share it.

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She takes the ALA mixed in juice, which she's been doing since starting ALA, so

that's not new. I've never had ALA (I have amalgams), but it must taste pretty

good since neither of my kids ever complained about taking it and the transition

to DMSA was not easy (gagging, holding nose, etc) :)

I thought the sore throat might have been due to a Strep infection, which could

cause PANDAS symptoms. I have never had her tested, but will probably ask our

doctor at our next visit.

It is a puzzle for sure, and very frustrating to move backwards.


> I find the sore-throat part interesting. Did she eat the ALA w/out a capsule,

or chew through the capsules? It tastes so yummy, but I suspect it irritates

the throat/tongue/vocal cords.


> I hope you find a solution & share it.


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You didn't say what doses of ALA you were using and what weight the children

are. The dose range is 1/8-1/2 mg/lb. It is important to start at 1/8 mg per

lb or even lower, stay at that dose for several months, until there are no side

effects before increasing, and increase very gradually. Increase by increments

on no more than 50% of the last dose. If you have problems, like you are

having, go back to the last dose where there were no problems and stay there or

keep lowering the dose until there are no problems.

Chelating with DMSA only for awhile is a good idea.

The symptoms sound adrenal related. It is quite likely to chelate with ALA for

awhile and have adrenal problems show up especially if chelation has been with

doses that are too high. People generally start with doses that are too high

for the person and make increases too fast. Read up about adrenal fatigue, make

diet interventions and add supplements accordingly.

Infections are stress and that will add to adrenal problems. Best to wait until

the infection subside before resuming chelation.

It is also best to avoid exposure to pesticides. Ask neighbors to let you know

when they are spraying so that you can shut windows and keep kids indoors.

People are so stupid about this. They are exposing themselves too. I don't

think it is the factor that has caused your problem, it is just best to stay

away from pesticides.




> I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:


> **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF, I

suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did get

any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

> **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed

for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors

have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the

impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.


> I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.


> Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate problem,

tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what might be

going on, I would love to hear them.


> Thanks. Sorry this is so long.




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I've occasionally not used enough water to swallow the ALA capsule in the middle

of the night and I think the cap didn't go all the way in to my stomach. I can

be VERY irritating to the throat.

Like little shards.



> I find the sore-throat part interesting. Did she eat the ALA w/out a capsule,

or chew through the capsules? It tastes so yummy, but I suspect it irritates

the throat/tongue/vocal cords.


> I hope you find a solution & share it.


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Hi ,

Both kids were getting less than 1/8mg per lb. Kids are 70 and 60 lbs and both

were getting between 4 and 5 mg. When we initially started chelation, I gave

1/8mg and it was too much for both kids (behavior issues like irritability and

tantrums), so I worked my way down to 4-5 mg, and we did nicely there for a long

while. I didn't change the dose at all, was using the exact same ALA

supplement, etc.

I did consider adrenal problems and gave my daughter 1/4 cap of ACE (250mg cap,

so 62.5mg) daily for about a week. It seemed to make the irritability worse.

I'm wondering if there are other supplements out there for adrenal support, and

what dietary interventions I could try. I will try to look for old posts here.

Thanks so much for your input.

> >

> > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> >

> > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF,

I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did

get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

> > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed

for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors

have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the

impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> >

> > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> >

> > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> >

> > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> >

> >

> >


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Is she on adrenal support? this is when we had to add this for my son...the

tantrums, anger, inflexibility etc....usually are adrenals. sometimes someone

with low adrenals does not begin to show clear signs of it until chelation has

been started.

Please avoid the pesticides in the yard. They are poisonous to not just the

ants, but your family. Avoid seafood, it contains varying levels of mercury. You

don't want to be trying to remove mercury with chelation just to be eating more.

ALA if given outside a capsule can be very irritating to the mouth/throat. Be

sure they follow it by drinking water.

I'd get her on adrenal cortex. continue with dmsa for a few rounds, they try to

put ala back in.



> I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:


> **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF, I

suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did get

any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

> **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed

for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors

have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the

impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.


> I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.


> Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate problem,

tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what might be

going on, I would love to hear them.


> Thanks. Sorry this is so long.




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I would also give inositol or choline/inositol for the OCD. It's a must for us

when we're chelating.

> >

> > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> >

> > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF,

I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did

get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

> > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed

for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors

have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the

impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> >

> > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> >

> > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> >

> > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> >

> >

> >


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My eldest son gets that OCD and irritable with throat irritations. He has had

PANDAS symptoms and elevated strep titers before. We use enzymes like

lumbrokinase followed by olive leaf extract (sometimes he needs No-Fenol with

it) and inositol which helped here. My younger son reacted to his ALA detox

doses until I starting giving a drop of molybdenum 2-3 times a day with the

water he uses to wash down the capsule.

During and after rounds both of them need a bit of adrenal cortex extract in the

morning to support the adrenals too, or they will have the symptoms you

described. Good luck!



> >

> > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose.

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Thanks Pam.

I mix the ALA in juice and give it in a dropper at night. Also, I don't think

the sore throat started while we were on round.

> >

> > I find the sore-throat part interesting. Did she eat the ALA w/out a

capsule, or chew through the capsules? It tastes so yummy, but I suspect it

irritates the throat/tongue/vocal cords.

> >

> > I hope you find a solution & share it.

> >


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Hi Jan,

You know, the symptoms looked like they could be related to adrenals, but I gave

her ACE for a week (Nutricology 250 mg) 1/4 cap, and it seemed to make the

irritability worse. (this was our 2nd trial). I don't know if the supplement

itself doesn't agree with her, or if it's just not her adrenals causing the

problems. She does seem to be highly sensitive to supplements, etc - this is

why I started with 1/4 cap. Any suggestions for other adrenal supplements?

I agree about the pesticides. But am torn between being able use our outdoors

in the summertime and potentially getting mosquito-borne illnesses (West Nile

virus and EEE are the 2 main ones in this area. Tons of mosquitos here.)

I also agree about the seafood. We don't ever eat it at home - kids were begging

for a little shrimp salad on vacation and I caved.

> >

> > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> >

> > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was GFCF,

I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we did

get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by now.

She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain mercury?

> > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been sprayed

for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate neighbors

have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried about the

impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> >

> > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first round

last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while. Also

bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> >

> > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> >

> > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Jo,

What does lumbrokinase do? How often and how long do you use it with the olive

leaf extract? I considered trying OLE but I don't know how to use it, like how

much and how often, and for what duration? I was going to ask our doctor about

strep titres at our next visit, but it's not until August.

We've used inositol in the past with bad results (more irritability). It could

be that the dose was too high - she's very sensitive to supplements.

Thanks for the great info.

> > >

> > > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose.


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It may be that your daughter had too many sulfites (shrimp has them). This

would cause such behaviours in my daughter.

> > >

> > > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> > >

> > > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was

GFCF, I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we

did get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by

now. She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain


> > > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been

sprayed for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate

neighbors have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried

about the impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> > >

> > > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first

round last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while.

Also bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> > >

> > > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> > >

> > > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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How long would a reaction last? This has been going on for a few weeks now. How

would I determine if she is having a reaction to sulfites?

> > > >

> > > > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on

the weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds.

We were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> > > >

> > > > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was

GFCF, I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we

did get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by

now. She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain


> > > > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > > > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been

sprayed for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate

neighbors have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried

about the impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > > > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> > > >

> > > > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first

round last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while.

Also bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> > > >

> > > > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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How much do you use? She already takes choline but not inositol.

> > >

> > > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on the

weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds. We

were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> > >

> > > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was

GFCF, I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we

did get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by

now. She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain


> > > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been

sprayed for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate

neighbors have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried

about the impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> > >

> > > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first

round last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while.

Also bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> > >

> > > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> > >

> > > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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I give 200mg of NOW brand choline/inositol a few times a day till symptoms


> > > >

> > > > I'm stumped. We have been plugging along nicely with ALA chelation on

the weekends. 2 kids doing it, and we had the kinks worked out, did 29 rounds.

We were away on vacation and took a break for 2 weeks. When I tried to restart

ALA, my older child/daughter started throwing tantrums, usually within 1-2 hours

of getting her first dose of ALA. Some other symptoms that we had gotten under

control have returned as well, esp OCD-like behaviors, e.g. thinking about one

thing and can't get it out of her head, and getting really angry if that

particular thought or plan doesn't pan out. I did not change anything such as

the ALA dose. There are a few factors that I am concerned about though:

> > > >

> > > > **We went to Disney, and though I was told all of the food we ate was

GFCF, I suspect it was not. That was at the end of May, so I would think if we

did get any contamination with these foods, they should be out of her system by

now. She also ate a little bit of shrimp and clams - could these contain


> > > > **She was complaining of a sore throat just before things started going

downhill. No fever and it wasn't significantly red. Never went to the doctor or

got a culture, but I was thinking she might have a latent strep infection.

> > > > **It's summertime, and the critters are out. Our property has been

sprayed for carpenter ants and mosquitos one time each. Also, our immediate

neighbors have been regularly spraying their yard for mosquitos. I'm worried

about the impact of pesticides, but don't know much about them.

> > > > **I had increased yeast protocol with GSE and biotin.

> > > >

> > > > I have backed off on ALA, switched to DMSA chelation. We did our first

round last weekend and it went well. Will probably continue this for a while.

Also bumped up our yeast protocol even more (GSE 4 250mg caps/day, biotin 3 1mg

tabs/day, but didn't seem to be helping (?maybe causing more of a problem?) Just

recently brought it down to where we had been before the trouble started but not

really making a difference.

> > > >

> > > > Not sure how to proceed from here. The OCD symptoms are our immediate

problem, tantrums with ALA next in line. If anyone has any thoughts on what

might be going on, I would love to hear them.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks. Sorry this is so long.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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