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Re: Determining optimum doseages of DMSA & ALA

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It probably is a bit high of a DMSA dose to start. Unless you are really seeing

problems, I wouldn't go backwards, though. Are you giving minerals while

chelating? A good multimineral is nice to have on board.

I use Kirkman hypoallergenic ALA because they have the 25 mg capsules. My 65lb

kid takes 50mgs DMSA and 25mgs ALA (he is over 100 rounds). He does very well.

DMSA:ALA ratio of 1:1, 2:1, 1:2 work well.

If it were me, I'd add 12.5 mgs ALA and keep the DMSA at 25mgs. This comes from

a person who has never seen trouble with chelators, so I tend to be more


Would you consider a 3 on/11 off schedule at this 25mg DMSA dose?



> Hi,


> We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days off),

and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand sensitive

with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any reactions).


> All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come Monday

quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging each

week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on, this

subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to have

had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression is

manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into the

mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).


> Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I understand

is par for the course when chelating.


> Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a couple

of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving plenty of

vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and vitamin E very

soon too).


> Questions...


> 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is being

tolerated very well during the round?


> 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and a

normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?


> I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?


> We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.


> Advice please!!!!!


> Thanks,



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Hate to disagree but it is the benefit of this kind of group to get many

opinions so here goes.

I def would reduce chelators before going to a longer interval between rounds, I

mean in the whole scheme of things you get the metals out a ton faster doing 1/2

as much chelator with twice as many rounds.

Also DMSA reduces neutrophils and of the 2 chelators is def harder on the body.

Even if you have lead (which is the only time DMSA is truely required)you only

need 5 mgs of DMSA per dose to get rid of it.

Just things to consider. Jumping in with 25mgs prob wasn't the best idea. I

did the same thing with my kiddo in the beginning as he was already on high dose

from a crappy DAN doc. He tolerated several rounds like this but the side

effects were hard to manage.

There really isn't any reason to push the chelator dose that much higher as more

chelator doesn't really pull that much more metals. We are only on round 30

after more than a year of chelating instead of being twice that far into it.

Dealing with the side effects from to high a dose was certainly part of the

reason we couldn't chelate every week.

We wen't up and down to find the right dose and for us that has been 12 mgs of

DMSA/ALA. few easy to manage side effects, no prob with chelating every week.

If you are having trouble with redistribution, lower the dose.

try 18 mgs thats still a good amount of DMSA. AC protocol is 1/8-1/2 mg per

pound. I wouldn't go higher than 1/4 mg per pound for the first few rounds you

can't really be in a big hurry with this protocol. It will take years to

accomplish this task so settle in for a long road. You don't want to get burnt

out trying to manage to many side effects that it gets to heavy over time. And

really what is more important is that you don't want to put your child through

that, it really can be very uncomfortable.


5 years, R# 30, 11mg DMSA/ALA

10 years, R# 17, 16mg DMSA/ALA

16 years, R# 13, 50mg DMSA/ALA

13 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

7 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

21 mo, R#2, 3mgs ALA

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> >

> > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> >

> > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

understand is par for the course when chelating.

> >

> > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a couple

of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving plenty of

vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and vitamin E very

soon too).

> >

> > Questions...

> >

> > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is being

tolerated very well during the round?

> >

> > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and a

normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> >

> > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> >

> > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> >

> > Advice please!!!!!

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> >


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I appreciate other opinions, and I'm sure the people who ask questions do, too.

Like I said, I have no bad experiences to base my opinion on.


> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> > >

> > > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> > >

> > > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

understand is par for the course when chelating.

> > >

> > > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a

couple of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving

plenty of vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and

vitamin E very soon too).

> > >

> > > Questions...

> > >

> > > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is

being tolerated very well during the round?

> > >

> > > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and

a normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> > >

> > > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> > >

> > > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> > >

> > > Advice please!!!!!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks to all who kindly took time to reply to my post.

In light of minor sleep disruptions, behavioural regression, some cognitive

'fogginess', return of allergy symptoms (cough, stuffiness, persistent 'shiners'

that we can usually get rid off easily) and the advice I've received, have

concluded that we have stressed the adrenals and taken a week off from chelation

to give the little one's sytem a rest.

Will resume next weekend at 12.5mg DMSA and in the meantime up the vitamin E and

milk thistle (already have high doses of A & C, biotin in place).

More questions...

1. All going well, will stay at this doseage for a fair while before adding in

12.5mg ALA. How many rounds before we should do so?

2. Liver and kidney testing during chelation.. We had this done prior to

starting and all was well. How often should we retest while chelating? Every 3

months or 10 rounds?

Thanks again for all the support...

---- ttaylor <ttaylor15@...> wrote:

> Hate to disagree but it is the benefit of this kind of group to get many

opinions so here goes.


> I def would reduce chelators before going to a longer interval between rounds,

I mean in the whole scheme of things you get the metals out a ton faster doing

1/2 as much chelator with twice as many rounds.


> Also DMSA reduces neutrophils and of the 2 chelators is def harder on the



> Even if you have lead (which is the only time DMSA is truely required)you only

need 5 mgs of DMSA per dose to get rid of it.


> Just things to consider. Jumping in with 25mgs prob wasn't the best idea. I

did the same thing with my kiddo in the beginning as he was already on high dose

from a crappy DAN doc. He tolerated several rounds like this but the side

effects were hard to manage.


> There really isn't any reason to push the chelator dose that much higher as

more chelator doesn't really pull that much more metals. We are only on round

30 after more than a year of chelating instead of being twice that far into it.


> Dealing with the side effects from to high a dose was certainly part of the

reason we couldn't chelate every week.


> We wen't up and down to find the right dose and for us that has been 12 mgs of

DMSA/ALA. few easy to manage side effects, no prob with chelating every week.

If you are having trouble with redistribution, lower the dose.


> try 18 mgs thats still a good amount of DMSA. AC protocol is 1/8-1/2 mg per

pound. I wouldn't go higher than 1/4 mg per pound for the first few rounds you

can't really be in a big hurry with this protocol. It will take years to

accomplish this task so settle in for a long road. You don't want to get burnt

out trying to manage to many side effects that it gets to heavy over time. And

really what is more important is that you don't want to put your child through

that, it really can be very uncomfortable.


> Tressie

> 5 years, R# 30, 11mg DMSA/ALA

> 10 years, R# 17, 16mg DMSA/ALA

> 16 years, R# 13, 50mg DMSA/ALA

> 13 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 7 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 21 mo, R#2, 3mgs ALA



> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> > >

> > > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> > >

> > > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

understand is par for the course when chelating.

> > >

> > > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a

couple of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving

plenty of vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and

vitamin E very soon too).

> > >

> > > Questions...

> > >

> > > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is

being tolerated very well during the round?

> > >

> > > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and

a normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> > >

> > > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> > >

> > > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> > >

> > > Advice please!!!!!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >



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1. You can add ALA at any time as long as there haven't been recent amalgam

removal or other exposure, such as vaccinations.

2. No need for constant testing. Low and frequent dosing of chelators doesn't

stress the liver or kidneys. Poking your child with needles is stressful.



From: Smyth <psm18665@...>

Sent: Fri, July 23, 2010 7:19:04 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Determining optimum doseages of DMSA & ALA


Thanks to all who kindly took time to reply to my post.

In light of minor sleep disruptions, behavioural regression, some cognitive

'fogginess', return of allergy symptoms (cough, stuffiness, persistent 'shiners'

that we can usually get rid off easily) and the advice I've received, have

concluded that we have stressed the adrenals and taken a week off from chelation

to give the little one's sytem a rest.

Will resume next weekend at 12.5mg DMSA and in the meantime up the vitamin E and

milk thistle (already have high doses of A & C, biotin in place).

More questions...

1. All going well, will stay at this doseage for a fair while before adding in

12.5mg ALA. How many rounds before we should do so?

2. Liver and kidney testing during chelation.. We had this done prior to

starting and all was well. How often should we retest while chelating? Every 3

months or 10 rounds?

Thanks again for all the support...

---- ttaylor <ttaylor15@...> wrote:

> Hate to disagree but it is the benefit of this kind of group to get many

>opinions so here goes.


> I def would reduce chelators before going to a longer interval between rounds,

>I mean in the whole scheme of things you get the metals out a ton faster doing

>1/2 as much chelator with twice as many rounds.


> Also DMSA reduces neutrophils and of the 2 chelators is def harder on the



> Even if you have lead (which is the only time DMSA is truely required)you only

>need 5 mgs of DMSA per dose to get rid of it.



> Just things to consider. Jumping in with 25mgs prob wasn't the best idea. I


>the same thing with my kiddo in the beginning as he was already on high dose

>from a crappy DAN doc. He tolerated several rounds like this but the side

>effects were hard to manage.


> There really isn't any reason to push the chelator dose that much higher as

>more chelator doesn't really pull that much more metals. We are only on round


>after more than a year of chelating instead of being twice that far into it.


> Dealing with the side effects from to high a dose was certainly part of the

>reason we couldn't chelate every week.


> We wen't up and down to find the right dose and for us that has been 12 mgs of

>DMSA/ALA. few easy to manage side effects, no prob with chelating every week.


>you are having trouble with redistribution, lower the dose.



> try 18 mgs thats still a good amount of DMSA. AC protocol is 1/8-1/2 mg per

>pound. I wouldn't go higher than 1/4 mg per pound for the first few rounds you

>can't really be in a big hurry with this protocol. It will take years to

>accomplish this task so settle in for a long road. You don't want to get burnt

>out trying to manage to many side effects that it gets to heavy over time. And

>really what is more important is that you don't want to put your child through

>that, it really can be very uncomfortable.


> Tressie

> 5 years, R# 30, 11mg DMSA/ALA

> 10 years, R# 17, 16mg DMSA/ALA

> 16 years, R# 13, 50mg DMSA/ALA

> 13 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 7 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 21 mo, R#2, 3mgs ALA



> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

>off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

>sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> > >

> > > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

>Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

>each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

>this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

>have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

>is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

>the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> > >

> > > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

>understand is par for the course when chelating.

> > >

> > > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a

>couple of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving

>plenty of vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and

>vitamin E very soon too).

> > >

> > > Questions...

> > >

> > > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is

>being tolerated very well during the round?

> > >

> > > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and

>a normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

>will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> > >

> > > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

>12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

>25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> > >

> > > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> > >

> > > Advice please!!!!!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >



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Most recent vacc in my kid was 3 yrs ago, still I am unsure whether to start w

ALA straight or go through a few DMSA rounds first. What do you recommend?

After how many rounds can I put the 2 together?



Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

Re: [ ] Re: Determining optimum doseages of DMSA & ALA


Thanks to all who kindly took time to reply to my post.

In light of minor sleep disruptions, behavioural regression, some cognitive

'fogginess', return of allergy symptoms (cough, stuffiness, persistent 'shiners'

that we can usually get rid off easily) and the advice I've received, have

concluded that we have stressed the adrenals and taken a week off from chelation

to give the little one's sytem a rest.

Will resume next weekend at 12.5mg DMSA and in the meantime up the vitamin E and

milk thistle (already have high doses of A & C, biotin in place).

More questions...

1. All going well, will stay at this doseage for a fair while before adding in

12.5mg ALA. How many rounds before we should do so?

2. Liver and kidney testing during chelation.. We had this done prior to

starting and all was well. How often should we retest while chelating? Every 3

months or 10 rounds?

Thanks again for all the support...

---- ttaylor <ttaylor15@...> wrote:

> Hate to disagree but it is the benefit of this kind of group to get many

>opinions so here goes.


> I def would reduce chelators before going to a longer interval between rounds,

>I mean in the whole scheme of things you get the metals out a ton faster doing

>1/2 as much chelator with twice as many rounds.


> Also DMSA reduces neutrophils and of the 2 chelators is def harder on the



> Even if you have lead (which is the only time DMSA is truely required)you only

>need 5 mgs of DMSA per dose to get rid of it.



> Just things to consider. Jumping in with 25mgs prob wasn't the best idea. I


>the same thing with my kiddo in the beginning as he was already on high dose

>from a crappy DAN doc. He tolerated several rounds like this but the side

>effects were hard to manage.


> There really isn't any reason to push the chelator dose that much higher as

>more chelator doesn't really pull that much more metals. We are only on round


>after more than a year of chelating instead of being twice that far into it.


> Dealing with the side effects from to high a dose was certainly part of the

>reason we couldn't chelate every week.


> We wen't up and down to find the right dose and for us that has been 12 mgs of

>DMSA/ALA. few easy to manage side effects, no prob with chelating every week.


>you are having trouble with redistribution, lower the dose.



> try 18 mgs thats still a good amount of DMSA. AC protocol is 1/8-1/2 mg per

>pound. I wouldn't go higher than 1/4 mg per pound for the first few rounds you

>can't really be in a big hurry with this protocol. It will take years to

>accomplish this task so settle in for a long road. You don't want to get burnt

>out trying to manage to many side effects that it gets to heavy over time. And

>really what is more important is that you don't want to put your child through

>that, it really can be very uncomfortable.


> Tressie

> 5 years, R# 30, 11mg DMSA/ALA

> 10 years, R# 17, 16mg DMSA/ALA

> 16 years, R# 13, 50mg DMSA/ALA

> 13 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 7 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 21 mo, R#2, 3mgs ALA



> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

>off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

>sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> > >

> > > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

>Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

>each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

>this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

>have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

>is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

>the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> > >

> > > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

>understand is par for the course when chelating.

> > >

> > > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a

>couple of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving

>plenty of vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and

>vitamin E very soon too).

> > >

> > > Questions...

> > >

> > > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is

>being tolerated very well during the round?

> > >

> > > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and

>a normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

>will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> > >

> > > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

>12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

>25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> > >

> > > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> > >

> > > Advice please!!!!!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >



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Andy says you can start ALA right away. The reasoning for you would be to make

sure your child tolerates one chelator before adding another. No problem doing a

couple of rounds with DMSA and then adding ALA.



From: " isaguzmandiaz2@... " <isaguzmandiaz2@...>

Autism mercury group < >

Sent: Mon, July 26, 2010 1:12:58 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Determining optimum doseages of DMSA & ALA


Most recent vacc in my kid was 3 yrs ago, still I am unsure whether to start w

ALA straight or go through a few DMSA rounds first. What do you recommend?

After how many rounds can I put the 2 together?



Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

Re: [ ] Re: Determining optimum doseages of DMSA & ALA

Thanks to all who kindly took time to reply to my post.

In light of minor sleep disruptions, behavioural regression, some cognitive

'fogginess', return of allergy symptoms (cough, stuffiness, persistent 'shiners'

that we can usually get rid off easily) and the advice I've received, have

concluded that we have stressed the adrenals and taken a week off from chelation

to give the little one's sytem a rest.

Will resume next weekend at 12.5mg DMSA and in the meantime up the vitamin E and

milk thistle (already have high doses of A & C, biotin in place).

More questions...

1. All going well, will stay at this doseage for a fair while before adding in

12.5mg ALA. How many rounds before we should do so?

2. Liver and kidney testing during chelation.. We had this done prior to

starting and all was well. How often should we retest while chelating? Every 3

months or 10 rounds?

Thanks again for all the support...

---- ttaylor <ttaylor15@...> wrote:

> Hate to disagree but it is the benefit of this kind of group to get many

>opinions so here goes.


> I def would reduce chelators before going to a longer interval between rounds,

>I mean in the whole scheme of things you get the metals out a ton faster doing

>1/2 as much chelator with twice as many rounds.


> Also DMSA reduces neutrophils and of the 2 chelators is def harder on the



> Even if you have lead (which is the only time DMSA is truely required)you only

>need 5 mgs of DMSA per dose to get rid of it.



> Just things to consider. Jumping in with 25mgs prob wasn't the best idea. I



>the same thing with my kiddo in the beginning as he was already on high dose

>from a crappy DAN doc. He tolerated several rounds like this but the side

>effects were hard to manage.


> There really isn't any reason to push the chelator dose that much higher as

>more chelator doesn't really pull that much more metals. We are only on round



>after more than a year of chelating instead of being twice that far into it.


> Dealing with the side effects from to high a dose was certainly part of the

>reason we couldn't chelate every week.


> We wen't up and down to find the right dose and for us that has been 12 mgs of

>DMSA/ALA. few easy to manage side effects, no prob with chelating every week.



>you are having trouble with redistribution, lower the dose.



> try 18 mgs thats still a good amount of DMSA. AC protocol is 1/8-1/2 mg per

>pound. I wouldn't go higher than 1/4 mg per pound for the first few rounds you

>can't really be in a big hurry with this protocol. It will take years to

>accomplish this task so settle in for a long road. You don't want to get burnt

>out trying to manage to many side effects that it gets to heavy over time. And

>really what is more important is that you don't want to put your child through

>that, it really can be very uncomfortable.


> Tressie

> 5 years, R# 30, 11mg DMSA/ALA

> 10 years, R# 17, 16mg DMSA/ALA

> 16 years, R# 13, 50mg DMSA/ALA

> 13 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 7 years, R# 8, 22mg DMSA/ALA

> 21 mo, R#2, 3mgs ALA



> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > We are about to start 5th round of DMSA (60lb, 25mg, 3 days on & 4 days

>off), and would like to add in ALA asap. My little one has been very brand

>sensitive with supps so I thought I'd intro 1 at a time in case of any


> > >

> > > All gone well so far, very happy and interactive during round but come

>Monday quite tired physically and mentally. Tuesday has been quite challenging

>each week though. Irritable, defiant & increased stims. As the week goes on,

>this subsides and Thursdays are pretty good. Friday is back to normal only to

>have had one days rest before we begin the next round. Although the regression

>is manageable, I'm concerned about things getting worse if I throw the ALA into

>the mix (really want to do this though to support the liver).

> > >

> > > Also, this week we have had the return of allergy symptoms which I

>understand is par for the course when chelating.

> > >

> > > Having researched the supporting supps, we added them to our regime a

>couple of months prior to starting chelation so I'm confident we are giving

>plenty of vitamin C & biotin (plan to up the doseages of milk thistle and

>vitamin E very soon too).

> > >

> > > Questions...

> > >

> > > 1. Is this too high a starting dose of DMSA to begin even though it is

>being tolerated very well during the round?

> > >

> > > 2. Is the regression simply a matter of redistribution after the round and

>a normal part of the chelation process? Is there any way of knowing how long it

>will continue to this degree? Weeks, months, years?

> > >

> > > I guess I'm trying to determine whether to reduce DMSA dose or reduce to

>12.5mg and add 12.5mg ALA? Kinda thought we'd do 25mg DMSA for a while then add

>25mg ALA after the first few rounds... Was I being naive?

> > >

> > > We have had no other changes to our diet or supplement schedule.

> > >

> > > Advice please!!!!!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >



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