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Abdominal pain after Hep B/Men shots on same day

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Hello fellow listers

My 12 yo nephew has been in the hospital today with severe abdominal pain. He

received the meningitis and hep B shots last week at school at the same time,

and the pain started a few days after that. He seems to be mostly fine in

between the pain episodes, then complains of severe pain and goes to the ground,

crying out. He is likely ADHD (many issues at school - social, impulse control,

focus, attention), dad doesn't believe in the vax connection, although mom is on

the fence. He has always had gut issues - projectile vomiting as a newborn,

throwing up often esp. after dairy (they don't believe that milk could possibly

be an issue, when I mentioned they may want to remove dairy to see if it

helped). Does anyone have any thoughts as to what I can say to them to help?


Carrol in Toronto

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Have they checked him for allergies and also Lactose Intolerance? The reason

I mention lactose Intolerance is because my Daughter has it and she also

projectile vommited until we finally had her tested when she was 18 months

old. She would also go thru bouts where she would have severe pain in her

gut and stomach and we would think she having problems with her appendix.

What happens is she can only handle so much lactose in her diet before her

body rebels and then she gets real sick and then back to normal when I take

it out of her diet. She is now 7 1/2 years old and still can only handle it

in certain amount before she complains and has constipation and stomach

pain. Then I have to cut all dairy out of her diet and let her tummy rest

before allowing her to have anymore.

I suggest cutting out the dairy and seeing if that helps, increasing his

fiber because often kids don't get enough, keep him on a basic diet and do

what they call an elimination diet to see if they can catch any culprits. I

was able to pin down quite a few triggers for my Daughter this way.

I hope he feels better soon!! I would say while he is in the hospital to

have them do the allergy testing because it is not much fun getting poked

with all those needles, but have them really test for all the major stuff

both things he is ingesting and also seeing if he is chemical sensative.

I feel this Mother's pain because we suffered for so long getting to the

point where she couldn't eat anything or literally touch anything.

Trish -Yes I think with my Daughter it had everything to do with vaccines.

It seems like too much of an coincedence for this to happen a few days after

the shot.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 3:39 PM, carrol <cverasamy@...> wrote:



> Hello fellow listers


> My 12 yo nephew has been in the hospital today with severe abdominal pain.

> He received the meningitis and hep B shots last week at school at the same

> time, and the pain started a few days after that. He seems to be mostly fine

> in between the pain episodes, then complains of severe pain and goes to the

> ground, crying out. He is likely ADHD (many issues at school - social,

> impulse control, focus, attention), dad doesn't believe in the vax

> connection, although mom is on the fence. He has always had gut issues -

> projectile vomiting as a newborn, throwing up often esp. after dairy (they

> don't believe that milk could possibly be an issue, when I mentioned they

> may want to remove dairy to see if it helped). Does anyone have any thoughts

> as to what I can say to them to help? thanks!

> Carrol in Toronto




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If you have told them the issues and tried to help them connect the dots so to

speak...then I would think is the best thing to do is to let them come to you.

Sometimes patience is better than words. I know it is hard...have had to do

this...but sometimes it is all you can do that is effective.



> Hello fellow listers


> My 12 yo nephew has been in the hospital today with severe abdominal pain. He

received the meningitis and hep B shots last week at school at the same time,

and the pain started a few days after that. He seems to be mostly fine in

between the pain episodes, then complains of severe pain and goes to the ground,

crying out. He is likely ADHD (many issues at school - social, impulse control,

focus, attention), dad doesn't believe in the vax connection, although mom is on

the fence. He has always had gut issues - projectile vomiting as a newborn,

throwing up often esp. after dairy (they don't believe that milk could possibly

be an issue, when I mentioned they may want to remove dairy to see if it

helped). Does anyone have any thoughts as to what I can say to them to help?


> Carrol in Toronto


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