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Re: airport pat downs

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Even if they are of the same gender, are they going to make sure they are of

the same sexual orientation, too? I mean, this is ridiculous. Is it just

me, or does anyone else remember individual freedoms and civil rights? It

is all just another great example of how fear sells. They are selling, and

the sheeples are buying, and freedom, democracy and civil rights are

swirling around the bowl int he toilet. Hooray! NOT!

I just watched the other day as a commissioner's court met on an eminent

domain dispute. The land owner tried to speak, but the court refused to

listen. The right of a FOREIGN OIL company to condemn his land was not in

dispute, they said. It was just the monetary value. Then they told him if

he had taken what the carpet baggers had offered in the first place, he

would get twice as much, but since he had been, in effect, a " bad boy, "

unwilling to let a foreign usurper take his land, he would now get half as

much. And we all stand around worrying about the next computer game or the

new season of Grey's Anatomy, or whatever. Why isn't defending one's land

in dispute when it involves a foreign usurper? -- THAT is part of the oath.

But it is all about $$$$ now, whether one is a republican or a democrat. As

soon as someone greases 's palm a little more, she will sell us all

out to a toxic tar sands pipeline. They haven't got the state department

permits yet, and supposedly it had been put on hold indefinitely, but this

company still gets to take peoples forests, not replace the trees (yes they

will start clear cutting before they get the permits), and reside on the

property for two years!

But the politicians are chipping away at our rights and freedoms every

moment. They make decisions that pollute our air, food, and water supplies,

and worst of all, they pollute our children while we work frantically to

reduce our children's toxic load.

I only bring this up here as it DOES affect our children. This pipeline

will leak, and the contents will get into the lakes, streams, rivers, and

underground water supplies. It will pollute the soil and therefore anything

grown upon it. It produces five times the greenhouse gasses in production

that conventional oil produces, and down near Houston where it will be

refined, it will have an impact on the health of all children there. It's

production gives off lots of sulfur.

So again, I believe, that the only way is not to buy what they are selling.

I'm not flying unless I absolutely have to for some reason I can't see right

now. No, I haven't given up my vehicle, but I continually work to reduce the

amount I use it, and hope anxiously they will come up with an electric

variety we can afford. Having a farm, there are just things a PU truck is

needed for, but I try to plan grocery shopping, and all the store shopping

in town with going to the feed store on the same day. It is all about

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce the amount of packaged goods one buys.

Reduce the amount of gas we consume. Reduce the use of plastic bags and

reuse the ones we have. Reuse those things that can be reused. Recycle

those things we can. Reducing the amount one flies --if enough choose this,

they will put fewer flights in the air (though I know they still fly planes

with very few passengers on them).

All these things, too, help our children--all children. But as for x-rays

and someones hands on me, I pass. That for me is a deal breaker. I wish I

didn't have to drive thirty miles for my son to get RPM, but it beats

driving the sixty some odd miles each way for an appropriate private school,

so it is half of what we were driving before.

I don't know that anyone can do these things all together all at once.

Every little bit helps.

It is all a personal choice. If you have to fly, then you have to allow

them to do what they want to do to you in order to board the plane. They

use to tell us we " had to " vaccinate in order to get our kids into school.

Look, where that got a lot of us. In Texas, our governor tried to force

Guardasil into every twelve year old girl, but there was enough of an outcry

that this wonderful idea was stopped. Now, THAT was the voice of democracy

finally raising its head and speaking up. If there is preservation of it to

be had, it will take much more public outcry regarding the things we do not

want, or at the very least a collective, silent boycott. Fewer people are

flying, and I would imagine this trend will continue.

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This is also a concern of health and accountability too (more on point with this

forum) and according to the research I have been doing today... these scanners

are to be avoided. And not just because it takes a naked picture of you and your

children that might leak onto the internet. The type of radiation is cumulative.

Every time you walk through, there is a build up focused in your skin and it can

alter your DNA there. In other others, the more often you go through the scanner

the more likely you are to get skin cancer. And because you do not provide you

with something to cover your eyes there is also an increased risk of cataracts.

Those most vulnerable to this type of radiation are the pregnant, the very

young, the very old, and those with specific genetic disabilities. The machines

themselves are untested as safe or unsafe, but the type of radiation is known to

cause cancer and not just that. If improperly calibrated the scanners can burn

your skin.

And because they don't go through the type of checks that medical X-Rays are

required to go through the chance of something going horribly wrong is very

high. (on a side note, there was one case where the scanner broke down and was

sent in to be repaired. with more than 100 nude photos of adults and children

still in memory). They don't even give you lead shielding.

The funny thing here is that you actually have a better chance of dying of

cancer as a result of these scanners than you do dying in a plane crash of any

sort, let alone a terrorist attack. And the health implications of those going

through other types of therapy should be considered.


I should however point out that so far even the airports that have them not

everyone goes through the scanners. If you really need to fly you can take your

chances, but expect them to use intimidation if you opt out of both and about

half an hour of wasted time followed by threats of a 10k fine.

Additionally, people should avoid putting herbal supplements in checked bags or

carry on as it can be affected by X-Rays. Your best course of action is to

either mail it in a " Do Not X-Ray " box or carry it with you outside of the other

stuff and tell them it can't be X-Rayed.

Also, TSA has been caught stealing. Allot. Because the new scanners take you out

of line of sight with your belongings.

From: Haven DeLay <hdelay@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: airport pat downs

Date: Sunday, November 21, 2010, 10:32 AM


Even if they are of the same gender, are they going to make sure they are


the same sexual orientation, too? I mean, this is ridiculous. Is it just

me, or does anyone else remember individual freedoms and civil rights? It

is all just another great example of how fear sells. They are selling, and

the sheeples are buying, and freedom, democracy and civil rights are

swirling around the bowl int he toilet. Hooray! NOT!

I just watched the other day as a commissioner's court met on an eminent

domain dispute. The land owner tried to speak, but the court refused to

listen. The right of a FOREIGN OIL company to condemn his land was not in

dispute, they said. It was just the monetary value. Then they told him if

he had taken what the carpet baggers had offered in the first place, he

would get twice as much, but since he had been, in effect, a " bad boy, "

unwilling to let a foreign usurper take his land, he would now get half as

much. And we all stand around worrying about the next computer game or the

new season of Grey's Anatomy, or whatever. Why isn't defending one's land

in dispute when it involves a foreign usurper? -- THAT is part of the oath.

But it is all about $$$$ now, whether one is a republican or a democrat. As

soon as someone greases 's palm a little more, she will sell us all

out to a toxic tar sands pipeline. They haven't got the state department

permits yet, and supposedly it had been put on hold indefinitely, but this

company still gets to take peoples forests, not replace the trees (yes they

will start clear cutting before they get the permits), and reside on the

property for two years!

But the politicians are chipping away at our rights and freedoms every

moment. They make decisions that pollute our air, food, and water supplies,

and worst of all, they pollute our children while we work frantically to

reduce our children's toxic load.

I only bring this up here as it DOES affect our children. This pipeline

will leak, and the contents will get into the lakes, streams, rivers, and

underground water supplies. It will pollute the soil and therefore anything

grown upon it. It produces five times the greenhouse gasses in production

that conventional oil produces, and down near Houston where it will be

refined, it will have an impact on the health of all children there. It's

production gives off lots of sulfur.

So again, I believe, that the only way is not to buy what they are selling.

I'm not flying unless I absolutely have to for some reason I can't see right

now. No, I haven't given up my vehicle, but I continually work to reduce the

amount I use it, and hope anxiously they will come up with an electric

variety we can afford. Having a farm, there are just things a PU truck is

needed for, but I try to plan grocery shopping, and all the store shopping

in town with going to the feed store on the same day. It is all about

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce the amount of packaged goods one buys.

Reduce the amount of gas we consume. Reduce the use of plastic bags and

reuse the ones we have. Reuse those things that can be reused. Recycle

those things we can. Reducing the amount one flies --if enough choose this,

they will put fewer flights in the air (though I know they still fly planes

with very few passengers on them).

All these things, too, help our children--all children. But as for x-rays

and someones hands on me, I pass. That for me is a deal breaker. I wish I

didn't have to drive thirty miles for my son to get RPM, but it beats

driving the sixty some odd miles each way for an appropriate private school,

so it is half of what we were driving before.

I don't know that anyone can do these things all together all at once.

Every little bit helps.

It is all a personal choice. If you have to fly, then you have to allow

them to do what they want to do to you in order to board the plane. They

use to tell us we " had to " vaccinate in order to get our kids into school.

Look, where that got a lot of us. In Texas, our governor tried to force

Guardasil into every twelve year old girl, but there was enough of an outcry

that this wonderful idea was stopped. Now, THAT was the voice of democracy

finally raising its head and speaking up. If there is preservation of it to

be had, it will take much more public outcry regarding the things we do not

want, or at the very least a collective, silent boycott. Fewer people are

flying, and I would imagine this trend will continue.

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