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Re: Florinef/Fludrocortisone safety in breastfeeding and pregnancy - Andy ?

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I'd read the package insert for the drug. But then it's probably not tested all

in pregnancy or breastfeeding. I tend to question the safety of anything used on

a fetus because we just don't know.

If you have not had any positives or success in using it, then why bother?

The key to truly restoring aldosterone and adrenal function is mercury removal.

Andy has a section in Amalgam Illness about sodium, potassium etc in relation to

adrenal function. I'd also not stay on something that was giving me high blood

pressure and high pulses.

Are you drinking sea salt in all your water? This is the natural way to combat

salt wasting from adrenal fatigue. I put salt in all my water. I didn't want to

fluodrol because it contains fluoride which was another toxin I didn't want to

add to my already over toxic body.

I don't know if you're on hydrocortisone or not..assuming you are if you are

already to the point of aldosterone levels..but I am finding that I didn't have

edema until I went on HC. So I am weaning off HC and going back on adrenal

glandular which did not cause me to retain all this water.

No one really knows what that medication may or may not do to the baby. I don't

trust mainstream or well known....they say this about a lot of drugs. But there

is no testing done on medications and fetuses. There's no way to know. I tend to

err on the side of avoiding giving a baby a hormone that affects aldosterone

levels because it will alter the baby's own hormones.

Unless you want to wean the baby onto formula instead. And hopefully you have

your adrenal condition fixed before the next pregnancy and are not taking these


The adrenal group has insisted that my edema is probably low sodium too.....but

I tend to doubt that because I took adrenal glandular and Armour thyroid for 2

years and never had any problem with edema. Not until I went on HC.

No one can say what's right for you.....but some things to think over. For me

I'm drinking salt water all day and if that didn't get rid of the edema, it's

not from a lack of salt.



> I am a breastfeeding mom who is planning to conceive again in the near future.

I have adrenal issues involving low aldosterone and low sodium, etc.


> I have tried using bio-identical aldosterone (at a significant level) to treat

this. I have not had no positives with bio-identical aldosterone but have had a

couple negatives (high pulse, high upper BP#). With bioidentical aldsoterone,

my sodium level has not increased at all and I have significant sea salt craving

(even more than I did pre-bioidentical aldosterone).


> Because of my bad results with bio-identical aldosterone, I am looking at

taking Florinef/Fludrocortisone instead.


> I have been told my a well-known breastfeeding researcher that Florinef is

safe during breastfeeding because little hormone enters the milk.

> He is a mainstream guy, though, and therefore not concerned with the fluoride.


> I am obviously concerned with the fluoride but am feeling that I have no

options here. I do not think I can safely ignore my health issues. I am

thinking that my current breastfeeding baby will be reasonably safe with me

taking Florinef because little will enter the milk. I hope this is true.


> I am especially concerned about my future pregnancy and am looking for

guidance about how to preserve that baby's health.


> I have a somewhat long-term edema issue that seems likely to be a result of my

low sodium level. The thinking is that getting my sodium up is what my body

needs to get rid of this sodium deficiency-linked edema.


> Thanks so much!



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Hi Jan -

Thanks so much for replying :)

Although I have a vaccine injured child, I am not sure that I am mercury toxic.

I think that the blame for my adrenal problems is actually with the

asthma-related steroids I took repeatedly in very early childhood thru

not-that-long-ago. All that prednisone and inhaled steroids are major problems

for adrenals.

My edema is not new with taking Cortef. I've had it for a lot of years, with it

increasing over time. I did however notice increased edema with too much

Cortef... I would agree with you that if HC caused edema for you, then HC is

likely the cause. But, also, you do get into electrolyte changes when you take

HC, so maybe it is possible that HC caused your edema because HC caused you to

have low sodium. Maybe taking HC uncovered a low aldosterone/low sodium issue.

And it seems that one can drink tons of sea salt water - and not retain. The

retention of sodium is the role of aldosterone - and that is my problem.

For me, right now I am on board with the idea that my edema is caused by low

sodium. I think I will give the bioidentical aldosterone one more increase to

see if that helps, before looking to Florinef. I am taking 3-4t/day sea salt,

and that is not bringing up my sodium. I am truly wondering if bioidentical

aldosterone actually works, as there are pretty much no success stories I can

find. (There are few stories about it at all, for that matter). There are a

lot of success stories with Florinef, and I have heard that the Florinef-caused

edema is actually low potassium brought on by taking Florinef (and that you just

need to take more potassium to end it).

With thyroid deficiency, it is essential to replace the deficient thyroid

hormone during pregnancy. I am thinking that it is likely essential to also

replace cortisol and aldosterone, to have a positive healthy outcome for the

baby. That is my dilemma...

I truly do not think I will be over my adrenal issues prior to conceiving my

next baby. My adrenal issues are significant. I've been on HC for almost a

year now. With breastfeeding my 1st two babies, I had a total of FIFTY serious

breast infections. I went to many doctors and asked for Andy's advice as well.

No one figured it out. With my current (#3) baby, I started Isocort first and

then HC. I had two breast infections early in his life. AS soon as I was on a

good dose of Isocort, I had no more breast infections.


> >

> > I am a breastfeeding mom who is planning to conceive again in the near

future. I have adrenal issues involving low aldosterone and low sodium, etc.

> >

> > I have tried using bio-identical aldosterone (at a significant level) to

treat this. I have not had no positives with bio-identical aldosterone but have

had a couple negatives (high pulse, high upper BP#). With bioidentical

aldsoterone, my sodium level has not increased at all and I have significant sea

salt craving (even more than I did pre-bioidentical aldosterone).

> >

> > Because of my bad results with bio-identical aldosterone, I am looking at

taking Florinef/Fludrocortisone instead.

> >

> > I have been told my a well-known breastfeeding researcher that Florinef is

safe during breastfeeding because little hormone enters the milk.

> > He is a mainstream guy, though, and therefore not concerned with the


> >

> > I am obviously concerned with the fluoride but am feeling that I have no

options here. I do not think I can safely ignore my health issues. I am

thinking that my current breastfeeding baby will be reasonably safe with me

taking Florinef because little will enter the milk. I hope this is true.

> >

> > I am especially concerned about my future pregnancy and am looking for

guidance about how to preserve that baby's health.

> >

> > I have a somewhat long-term edema issue that seems likely to be a result of

my low sodium level. The thinking is that getting my sodium up is what my body

needs to get rid of this sodium deficiency-linked edema.

> >

> > Thanks so much!

> >

> >


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  • 8 months later...


> I am a breastfeeding mom who is planning to conceive again in the near future.

I have adrenal issues involving low aldosterone and low sodium, etc.


> I have tried using bio-identical aldosterone (at a significant level) to treat

this. I have not had no positives with bio-identical aldosterone but have had a

couple negatives (high pulse, high upper BP#). With bioidentical aldsoterone,

my sodium level has not increased at all and I have significant sea salt craving

(even more than I did pre-bioidentical aldosterone).


> Because of my bad results with bio-identical aldosterone, I am looking at

taking Florinef/Fludrocortisone instead.


> I have been told my a well-known breastfeeding researcher that Florinef is

safe during breastfeeding because little hormone enters the milk.

> He is a mainstream guy, though, and therefore not concerned with the fluoride.

The amount of fluoride in it is not significant AND is not bioavailable as


> I am obviously concerned with the fluoride but am feeling that I have no

options here.

Electrolyte drink. Your endo can give you a recipe. Some salt, epsom salt,

baking soda and a touch of potassium salt in your drinking water for the day.

Then you don't have to use mineralocorticoids.

>I do not think I can safely ignore my health issues. I am thinking that my

current breastfeeding baby will be reasonably safe with me taking Florinef

because little will enter the milk. I hope this is true.


> I am especially concerned about my future pregnancy and am looking for

guidance about how to preserve that baby's health.


> I have a somewhat long-term edema issue that seems likely to be a result of my

low sodium level.

>The thinking is that getting my sodium up is what my body needs to get rid of

this sodium deficiency-linked edema.


> Thanks so much!





Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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What are your zinc levels like? I have found that when my zinc is low, my body

dumps sodium and I crave salt. For me, it seems to have to do more with the

kidney and proper reabsorption of sodium (a zinc containing enzyme is needed for

this) than with my adrenals. In this case, bioidentical aldosterone would not

work. The low zinc might also explain your many infections.

In case you are wondering, I'm a tandem breastfeeding SAHM with a Ph.D. in


> > >

> > > I am a breastfeeding mom who is planning to conceive again in the near

future. I have adrenal issues involving low aldosterone and low sodium, etc.

> > >

> > > I have tried using bio-identical aldosterone (at a significant level) to

treat this. I have not had no positives with bio-identical aldosterone but have

had a couple negatives (high pulse, high upper BP#). With bioidentical

aldsoterone, my sodium level has not increased at all and I have significant sea

salt craving (even more than I did pre-bioidentical aldosterone).

> > >

> > > Because of my bad results with bio-identical aldosterone, I am looking at

taking Florinef/Fludrocortisone instead.

> > >

> > > I have been told my a well-known breastfeeding researcher that Florinef is

safe during breastfeeding because little hormone enters the milk.

> > > He is a mainstream guy, though, and therefore not concerned with the


> > >

> > > I am obviously concerned with the fluoride but am feeling that I have no

options here. I do not think I can safely ignore my health issues. I am

thinking that my current breastfeeding baby will be reasonably safe with me

taking Florinef because little will enter the milk. I hope this is true.

> > >

> > > I am especially concerned about my future pregnancy and am looking for

guidance about how to preserve that baby's health.

> > >

> > > I have a somewhat long-term edema issue that seems likely to be a result

of my low sodium level. The thinking is that getting my sodium up is what my

body needs to get rid of this sodium deficiency-linked edema.

> > >

> > > Thanks so much!

> > >

> > >

> >


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do you have addisons?



> >

> > I am a breastfeeding mom who is planning to conceive again in the near

future. I have adrenal issues involving low aldosterone and low sodium, etc.

> >

> > I have tried using bio-identical aldosterone (at a significant level) to

treat this. I have not had no positives with bio-identical aldosterone but have

had a couple negatives (high pulse, high upper BP#). With bioidentical

aldsoterone, my sodium level has not increased at all and I have significant sea

salt craving (even more than I did pre-bioidentical aldosterone).

> >

> > Because of my bad results with bio-identical aldosterone, I am looking at

taking Florinef/Fludrocortisone instead.

> >

> > I have been told my a well-known breastfeeding researcher that Florinef is

safe during breastfeeding because little hormone enters the milk.

> > He is a mainstream guy, though, and therefore not concerned with the



> The amount of fluoride in it is not significant AND is not bioavailable as



> > I am obviously concerned with the fluoride but am feeling that I have no

options here.


> Electrolyte drink. Your endo can give you a recipe. Some salt, epsom salt,

baking soda and a touch of potassium salt in your drinking water for the day.

Then you don't have to use mineralocorticoids.


> >I do not think I can safely ignore my health issues. I am thinking that my

current breastfeeding baby will be reasonably safe with me taking Florinef

because little will enter the milk. I hope this is true.

> >

> > I am especially concerned about my future pregnancy and am looking for

guidance about how to preserve that baby's health.

> >

> > I have a somewhat long-term edema issue that seems likely to be a result of

my low sodium level.

> >The thinking is that getting my sodium up is what my body needs to get rid of

this sodium deficiency-linked edema.

> >

> > Thanks so much!

> >

> >

> Andy


> http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html

> Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


> http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

> Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


> http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html

> Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


> http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html

> Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD


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