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Re: message for Andy Cutler re copper

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I'm not Andy, but while you are waiting for his reply......

- a hair test does not cost very much and would tell you where your copper

levels are at. They are available through www.directlabs.com Make sure that

you get the essential elements hair test from Doctors Data Inc. People in this

group can help with interpretation (or Andy's Hair Test Interpretation book


- what you are taking is ok. If you tolerate the Zn citrate with time gradually

increase the dose to a total of 100 mg/day

- glycine, milk thistle, phosphatidylcholine can also be included with meals



> Dear Dr Cutler

> Further to my recent email, my problem is as follows: I have felt ill for the

last 15 or so years and it has got progressively worse. I did start taking the

pill at that time but it might be a coincidence. For the last 8 or so years I

have had a copper IUD which was removed a couple of weeks ago. My symptoms are

chronic tiredness, feeling detached, poor concentration and short-term memory,

PMS, nausea which is very severe if I neglect to go to bed in the afternoon, and

nervousness which is so bad I have had to end my career as a musician. I have

PCOS which is being treated successfully with metformin and also low

aldosterone. But although I have been on 0.2mg fludrocortisone for a whole year

I feel exactly the same. I hope I am not grabbing at straws with the copper

theory but it makes sense to me. I did start taking 50mg zinc gluconate 3x day

but it made me feel very sick and I did actually throw up, so I stopped taking

it. Even though I haven't taken any for 4 days I still feel sick (more than

usual), but today I have started 17mg x3 of zinc citrate, 1,000mcg x3 molybdenum

in the form of drops (I am in the UK, that was all I could get) and also 1g x3

taurine. I can't afford to be tested for anything. Do you think I could have

high copper? (I have never had any fillings by the way.) If so, is what I am

taking ok and is it normal to feel worse before feeling better?

> I really appreciate your time in helping me,

> thank you

> Jade


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> Dear Dr Cutler

> Further to my recent email, my problem is as follows: I have felt ill for the

last 15 or so years and it has got progressively worse. I did start taking the

pill at that time but it might be a coincidence. For the last 8 or so years I

have had a copper IUD which was removed a couple of weeks ago. My symptoms are

chronic tiredness, feeling detached, poor concentration and short-term memory,

PMS, nausea which is very severe if I neglect to go to bed in the afternoon,

This can be adrenal problems.

> and nervousness which is so bad I have had to end my career as a musician.

So can this.

> I have PCOS which is being treated successfully with metformin and also low

aldosterone. But although I have been on 0.2mg fludrocortisone for a whole year

I feel exactly the same. I hope I am not grabbing at straws with the copper

theory but it makes sense to me. I did start taking 50mg zinc gluconate 3x day

but it made me feel very sick and I did actually throw up, so I stopped taking

it. Even though I haven't taken any for 4 days I still feel sick (more than

usual), but today I have started 17mg x3 of zinc citrate, 1,000mcg x3 molybdenum

in the form of drops (I am in the UK, that was all I could get) and also 1g x3

taurine. I can't afford to be tested for anything. Do you think I could have

high copper?

It is possible.

Or you could have mercury.

From what you say it is very hard to tell.

If it is copper, this should get a lot better in a month or two.

If not, try to save up for a hair test (a Doctor's Data 'hair elements'test).

>(I have never had any fillings by the way.) If so, is what I am taking ok and

is it normal to feel worse before feeling better?

With copper you usually just feel better.

Copper or mercury, vitamin C several times a day, and vitamin E daily will make

you feel a bit better in a few days.

> I really appreciate your time in helping me,

> thank you

> Jade




Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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Go to the direct lab site and call them. My guess is, since it is a hair test,

you can collect the sample yourself and do no require a lab. I know the DDI

hair tests I've gotten from my doctor in the past had detailed instructions on

how to collect and how much.

Under the Autism category you will find the Hair Elements test. I think it was

$93. You might need to click on 'shop now' first.

I've never done it. I suppose I should let someone who has ordered tell you how

to do it. Oh, well.


> > >

> > > Dear Dr Cutler

> > > Further to my recent email, my problem is as follows: I have felt ill for

> > the last 15 or so years and it has got progressively worse. I did start

> > taking the pill at that time but it might be a coincidence. For the last 8

> > or so years I have had a copper IUD which was removed a couple of weeks ago.

> > My symptoms are chronic tiredness, feeling detached, poor concentration and

> > short-term memory, PMS, nausea which is very severe if I neglect to go to

> > bed in the afternoon, and nervousness which is so bad I have had to end my

> > career as a musician. I have PCOS which is being treated successfully with

> > metformin and also low aldosterone. But although I have been on 0.2mg

> > fludrocortisone for a whole year I feel exactly the same. I hope I am not

> > grabbing at straws with the copper theory but it makes sense to me. I did

> > start taking 50mg zinc gluconate 3x day but it made me feel very sick and I

> > did actually throw up, so I stopped taking it. Even though I haven't taken

> > any for 4 days I still feel sick (more than usual), but today I have started

> > 17mg x3 of zinc citrate, 1,000mcg x3 molybdenum in the form of drops (I am

> > in the UK, that was all I could get) and also 1g x3 taurine. I can't afford

> > to be tested for anything. Do you think I could have high copper? (I have

> > never had any fillings by the way.) If so, is what I am taking ok and is it

> > normal to feel worse before feeling better?

> > > I really appreciate your time in helping me,

> > > thank you

> > > Jade

> > >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> Zurama

> Mickie 13yrs

> Round #37

> 15mg DMSA 15mg ALA




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