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Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

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I've never understood the whole Indigo Child thing. It seems to me a way for

parents to feel better about their 'different' child by labeling them extra

special. It kind of reminds me what I did in my head after reading The Einstein

Syndrome by Sowell. I was certain my son would suddenly start speaking

complex sentences at age 5 and all would be well (we were, afterall, a family of

geeks and nerds)... wasted precious time waiting for thr day that never arrived.

Gosh, I guess I have to pay more attention to GR these days. I've tried to stay

uninvolved in the Autism organizations but I suppose it is time to check back in

and 'catch up'. I've never read any of 's books, either. Is this what

they talk about?

My son has been put here to teach me a lesson, that's for sure, but I just can't

move beyond the thought that he is toxic, not crystal.

Pam (I've got to start reading more!)


> I honestly tried to sit through the video, but I just couldn't. Anyone want

to help this guy out with a protocol?


> I was mortified when I saw some of the McCarthy items first come out. I was

not a fan. I remember looking for real help for my daughter when her son was an

awesome indigo child. I cringed and thought, " I don't want people associating

what I do with her " . But, I went for alternative therapies when science and MDs

first failed me, and I was told by practitioners to whom I was referred to by

very good people that my daughter was brilliantly gifted, an indigo child, here

to teach me a great lesson, here to teach all of man-kind a great lesson. If I

wasn't more grounded, if I had been grasping for straws and not had some great

NDs, herbalists and other people to support me, I think I may have gotten more

into that belief. It is certainly better to accept that these little " things " ,

like stealing and playing with eggs from the fridge was " just " , until her

Aspie cousin did the same thing and stuff started clicking.


> Anyhow, if you get your head out of the sand - and I had to get mine out of my

ass - and read the books she wrote, watch some of her interviews and get

involved, you will see that they DO support diet, detox, enzymes and support

therapies, which is just what every DAN organization does, except that GR allows

things outside the ARI/DAN protocol. I bought a few copies of McCarthy's books

and it had me -- a usually grounded gal -- in tears a few times.


> You also need to understand that the things that someone like McCarthy says

have a small margin. She is trying to do what is best, but at the same time,

this is a very PC world, and you have to make sure you watch what you say in

order to reach the masses. This isn't about personal opinions, this is about

educating the masses to HEAL A GENERATION. A WHOLE GENERATION. One nice

sentence out of line, and we parents could lose all the good attention she

brings to the fact that recovery is possible.


> If I were to pick and choose places to be irritated, it would be with some of

the DAN protocol decision makers -- they need to catch up with research, allow

for some new products and expand a little.


> As far as diet, that did absolutely NOTHING for my daughter. NADA. She was

crazy toxic with metals and allergic to them though, and that made a huge





> Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would

want to believe that your child is going to be fine.

The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy? Does

know more about this than Andy?

I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from listening to Andy

but I think people are much better off listening to him than they are listening

to washed up Playboy bunnies.

Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from sagging but I

doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes what Andy teaches us.


> No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would

want to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.


> Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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Well still no 10 point list (or even 1 point list)

I have decided who the fraud is here

No further comments on this subject

From: bettwice33@...

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 16:10:56 +0000

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy? Does

know more about this than Andy?

I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from listening to Andy

but I think people are much better off listening to him than they are listening

to washed up Playboy bunnies.

Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from sagging but I

doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes what Andy teaches us.


> No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.


> Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437

> ----------------------------------------------------------

> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and




We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell us now


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I usually stay out of these lovely tit for tats, but I must chime in here.

- I found out about biomedical intervention and got started helping my kids

because was on Larry King Live.

- I found this group through a link on the GR website

She might not know everything, but she is a great spokesperson. It takes all

kinds of people to make things happen.

People will listen to her more than they will an old scientific guy every time.



From: Best <bettwice33@...>

Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 8:10:56 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child


Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy? Does

know more about this than Andy?

I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from listening to Andy

but I think people are much better off listening to him than they are listening

to washed up Playboy bunnies.

Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from sagging but I

doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes what Andy teaches us.


> No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.


> Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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I'd like to point out that your being too lazy to do some reading does not

negate the fact that GR is not telling the truth about how mercury causes


I've written enough here for you to grasp the gist of the subject and I've

provided you links that you could follow and read if you cared to learn the


The fact that you can't be honest enough to try to refute anything I've said

tells us all that you are one of the frauds, trying a childish ploy to discredit

the truth.

Why don't you show us how smart you are and explain JB Handley's idiotic

findings from his phone survey so that everyone understands them?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ----------------------------------------------------------

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >






> _________________________________________________________________

> We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell us


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OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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My 'lightbulb moment' was a DAN! promoting article in our local paper back in

2002. TACA was a gianormous help to me. I wound up here because of scattered

individuals along the way.


> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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re: post on Generation Rescue hi everyone, I am somewhat dissapointed

on some of the backlash and attacks of GR and other groups. since i

work with many children with asd and learning disorders, please

remember there are many protocols. In defense of McCarthy she

has reached millions with her books and pointed many in directions

for hope , to cure, alleve symptomology of asd. obviously things said

are working the CDC, FDA, and other special pro vaccine groups are

fighting mad, and making stupid attacks and disinformationon vaccines.

Three important facts to remember: Autism

was at one time 1 in 10,000 now according to the governement 1 in

100, military it is 1 in61 In 1998-1999

the government put restrictions on adding thimerosol in vaccines

then in 2009 the FDA approved more thimerosol ( mercury) in vaccines

and unlimited amounts with approval of the H1N1 (swine flu)

There were never proven scientific studies in vivo ( human) most

studies since the late 60s are in vitro (test tubes or other media.)

another known fact is that all these vaccine makers were reference

laboratories for hospitals and doctors, when that failed they jumped on

the vaccine manufacturing wagon, why? more

money (I know this , because i worked for one of the largest of those

big 6) another fact is yes thimerosol is a

big issue, but also aluminum,formaldehyde, cancer cells, antibioics,

squalene ( polysorbate80 or M59) dead animal

cells, even cells form cancerous victim's ovaries, and SV40

ingredients of these witches brews attached from cdc's own list




ent-table-2.pdf> I suggest that everyone look up the history of

vaccines, it goes back to the 1700s, almost every vaccine in history

was eventually no longer needed, more than likely the immunuty in all of

us iradicated those said diseases, also note the history of vaccines

started in 1909 in the Rockefeller foundation, funded by the

government, to further their reserach since the government was not

supposed to be in business. if you find this hard to comprehend look at

all the heads of the CDC, NIH and FDA almost. all have special

intersts or stocks of drug companies. example the head of the CDC is

now president in vaccine division at Merck. I am an ASCP MLT worked

in microbiology and chemistry for 12 years, so am aware of this as i

was officially documented mercury poisoned or a reading of Hg at a

level of 14 til I chelated for 2 years, changed my diet and use

supplements and herbs. btw TY ANDY thank you, yours in health and

awareness Debbie p.s. am a teacher now work with all children

all subjects and worked in special ed since 1997

> > >

> > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had

been aware of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I

can get you would want to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> > >

> > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought

that they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that

would be accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> > >

> > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands

of younger women and educate them.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Summer McFarland

> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > > 1.224.325.5437

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization,

marketing and design.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I don't believe ever talks about chelation because she never used it on

her son Evan.  So why would she?  If your child recovers without it more power

to you. 

I don't normally like to chime in on these types of debates but I have to say

that my son received a full scholarship to attend 's school Teach2Talk

Academy for 3 months.  He did remarkably well there and I met several

times.  I can't say I know the inner workings of GR but I can say that I found

everyone (including ) to be extremely devoted to these children.  I know

for a fact that desires nothing more than to see each and every child with

autism recover.  She is the first to tell you that she's not a doctor but like

the rest of us moms after a while you begin to know almost as much as one.  I

also know that she didn't make a dime but was probably losing money on this

school.  Each child had their own therapist/teacher, speech therapy, OT, etc. 

I think it's pretty sexist to think that she isn't smart based on the way she

looks.  To say someone isn't intelligent because they are beautiful is no

different than making

remarks about someone's race.  I feel everyone has a right to their opinion

and if you truly believe that GR is working against us not for us then you have

the right to express that but there is no reason to personally attack someone

based on appearance. 


From: Best <bettwice33@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:50 AM


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You

see, in the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of

our babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up

Playboy bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by

autism disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't

credible to them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of

their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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I think you have confused the role of a spokesperson. Valarie Burtinelli is a

spokesperson for Craig because of her experience/results not because she

is a nutritionist or phd that can technically explain why the program works or

why we gain wieght.

Also, when you are questioning main stream and the government(cdc) then you are

going to get tons of attempts to discredit you. Would you rather Generation

Rescue had dr. wakefield as their spokesperson because in the end people will

try to discredit you no matter who you are. 

In my mind , a famous mom who had the experience and is not afraid of main

stream to tell her story is exactly what you need. She is fearless.



From: Best <bettwice33@...>

Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 12:50:37 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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None of us should get upset when we  ask informed questions and to seek out the

truth, whatever that may be.  When information comes our way that needs to be

looked into, our children will not benefit at all if we turn a deaf ear to new,

and sometimes discouraging information, still, we as parents need to continue to

investigate relavent news that comes our way, for our children's sake.

From: Debora <dtyler01@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 12:13 PM


re: post on Generation Rescue hi everyone, I am somewhat dissapointed

on some of the backlash and attacks of GR and other groups. since i

work with many children with asd and learning disorders, please

remember there are many protocols. In defense of McCarthy she

has reached millions with her books and pointed many in directions

for hope , to cure, alleve symptomology of asd. obviously things said

are working the CDC, FDA, and other special pro vaccine groups are

fighting mad, and making stupid attacks and disinformationon vaccines.

Three important facts to remember: Autism

was at one time 1 in 10,000 now according to the governement 1 in

100, military it is 1 in61 In 1998-1999

the government put restrictions on adding thimerosol in vaccines

then in 2009 the FDA approved more thimerosol ( mercury) in vaccines

and unlimited amounts with approval of the H1N1 (swine flu)

There were never proven scientific studies in vivo ( human) most

studies since the late 60s are in vitro (test tubes or other media.)

another known fact is that all these vaccine makers were reference

laboratories for hospitals and doctors, when that failed they jumped on

the vaccine manufacturing wagon, why? more

money (I know this , because i worked for one of the largest of those

big 6) another fact is yes thimerosol is a

big issue, but also aluminum,formaldehy de, cancer cells, antibioics,

squalene ( polysorbate80 or M59) dead animal

cells, even cells form cancerous victim's ovaries, and SV40

ingredients of these witches brews attached from cdc's own list

http://www.cdc. gov/vaccines/ pubs/pinkbook/ downloads/ appendices/ B/excipie\


<http://www.cdc. gov/vaccines/ pubs/pinkbook/ downloads/ appendices/ B/excipi\

ent-table-2. pdf> I suggest that everyone look up the history of

vaccines, it goes back to the 1700s, almost every vaccine in history

was eventually no longer needed, more than likely the immunuty in all of

us iradicated those said diseases, also note the history of vaccines

started in 1909 in the Rockefeller foundation, funded by the

government, to further their reserach since the government was not

supposed to be in business. if you find this hard to comprehend look at

all the heads of the CDC, NIH and FDA almost. all have special

intersts or stocks of drug companies. example the head of the CDC is

now president in vaccine division at Merck. I am an ASCP MLT worked

in microbiology and chemistry for 12 years, so am aware of this as i

was officially documented mercury poisoned or a reading of Hg at a

level of 14 til I chelated for 2 years, changed my diet and use

supplements and herbs. btw TY ANDY thank you, yours in health and

awareness Debbie p.s. am a teacher now work with all children

all subjects and worked in special ed since 1997

> > >

> > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had

been aware of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I

can get you would want to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> > >

> > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought

that they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that

would be accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> > >

> > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands

of younger women and educate them.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Summer McFarland

> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > > 1.224.325.5437

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization,

marketing and design.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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You know, this isn't about , it's about our kids.

From: Best <bettwice33juno (DOT) com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:50 AM


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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SHAME ON YOU SIR. Everyone is entitled to mistakes - I wonder if you would make

a comment like that if Ron spoke out about autism, instilled hope in

millions, was responsible for recovering thousands of children and funded a

private school for therapy and a grant program for children to get help.

I believe your ignorance, and some other unmentionables, are showing.

Does ARI recommend an AC protocol? How many doctors do? Where are the double

blind and clinical studies that are requested of other protocols here? WHO

REALLY CARES?? If it works, tell others, and everyone will know.

Not everyone can *do* Cutler's protocol - some are too toxic and can't handle

the detox, some don't have the energy, some are just too overwhelmed. See,

there is this great thing call individuality that we are all born with, and

being individuals, we all react differently to different things. The beauty of

this nation, even with its faults, is that we still can find what we need to

help ourselves if we look.


> Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy? Does

know more about this than Andy?

> I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from listening to Andy

but I think people are much better off listening to him than they are listening

to washed up Playboy bunnies.

> Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from sagging but I

doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes what Andy teaches us.


Summer McFarland





Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and design.

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Then why is he making personal attacks?  I said I don't have a problem with

expressing an opinion or attempting to expose an injustice I just find it

unnecessary to constantly be bringing up how she's in playboy and calling her a

ditzy blonde.  It's offensive and untrue.


From: Best <bettwice33@ juno. com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:50 AM


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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He brings it up because it is all he has. 

Personally, I think if we had a polite ivy league grad who followed the

straight and narrow path , she would have never had the courage to speak out

like does.



From: April <april243@...>

Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 2:15:13 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child


Then why is he making personal attacks?  I said I don't have a problem with

expressing an opinion or attempting to expose an injustice I just find it

unnecessary to constantly be bringing up how she's in playboy and calling her a

ditzy blonde.  It's offensive and untrue.

http://aydansrecove ry.blogspot. com/2009_ 08_01_archive. html

From: Best <bettwice33@ juno. com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:50 AM


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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If Ron was chanting " too many, too soon " to take the focus off of mercury

like was, I might suggest that he paint the slogan between his legs to

make himself look more credible.

If recovered thousands of kids, will you share her protocol with us or do

we have to buy her book and pay her $100 for an autograph? Lots of people say

that 's kid wasn't even autistic. If she can't tell the difference between

autism and " indigo children " , I really don't want to hear what she has to say.

> >

> > Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy? Does

know more about this than Andy?

> > I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from listening to

Andy but I think people are much better off listening to him than they are

listening to washed up Playboy bunnies.

> > Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from sagging but

I doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes what Andy teaches us.



> Regards,


> Summer McFarland

> 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> 1.224.325.5437




> Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



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Wrong, PWC. As I explained, I brought that part of her up because that is what

the general public sees. You should be concerned about how the public views

her. The thing that pisses ME off is that she rants about too many vaccines

while ignoring the fact that fetuses are still being poisoned by mercury in the

flu shot.


> > >


> > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware

of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would

want to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> > >


> > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that

they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be

accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> > >


> > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of

younger women and educate them.


> > >


> > > Regards,


> > >


> > > Summer McFarland


> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS


> > > 1.224.325.5437


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



> > >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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When did the public see this, in the  90's when she was a kid?  I disagree

that she is still viewed as a party girl, today she in her late 30's and a mom ,

I would say that most people see her as an activist. 

Also, do you know how big the Oprah factor is?  Oprah says a book is good

 and it becomes a best seller instantly. Oprah says a product is good and bam

that companies sales go through the roof.  Oprah had a segment on about

and let me tell you whenever I bring up 's name , nobody is talking about

her playmate issue they refer to Oprah's segment. 

The fact that you are still talking about 's playmate days, I wonder if

you are a bit out of touch. 



From: Best <bettwice33@...>

Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 3:48:43 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child


Wrong, PWC. As I explained, I brought that part of her up because that is what

the general public sees. You should be concerned about how the public views her.

The thing that pisses ME off is that she rants about too many vaccines while

ignoring the fact that fetuses are still being poisoned by mercury in the flu



> > >


> > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware

of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would

want to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> > >


> > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that

they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be

accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> > >


> > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of

younger women and educate them.


> > >


> > > Regards,


> > >


> > > Summer McFarland


> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS


> > > 1.224.325.5437


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



> > >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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Apparently you have never even seen a " TOO MANY TOO SOON " tee shirt.

The " TOO MANY TOO SOON " is on the BACK of the shirt.

Do you really think " TOO MANY TOO SOON " is a bad slogan? [:(] Do you

think is wrong and that parents should follow the CDC's proscribed

vaccine schedule?

> > >

> > > Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy?

Does know more about this than Andy?

> > > I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from

listening to Andy but I think people are much better off listening to

him than they are listening to washed up Playboy bunnies.

> > > Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from

sagging but I doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes

what Andy teaches us.

> >

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> >



> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing

and design.

> >


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I  agree with you.

From: Best <bettwice33@ juno. com>

Subject: [ ] Re: Fraud from Generation Rescue/Indigo child

Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:50 AM


OK, let me explain how was hired to make us all look foolish. You see, in

the eyes of the public who elect the people who allow this poisoning of our

babies to continue, looks like exactly what she is, a washed up Playboy

bunny who doesn't seem too bright. Those people who are not affected by autism

disregard everything she says because Playboy bunnies just aren't credible to

them versus a room full of doctors who they have trusted all of their lives.

might be coached to say a lot of accurate things about how mercury causes

autism. She is also coached to say a lot of things that are not true. Anyhow,

she looks like your typical Hollywood ditzy blond to the general public and they

disregard everything she says. By having her speak on our behalf, she makes us

all look like fools for allowing her to be our spokesmodel.

Does that help you understand how this propaganda works against us?

> >

> > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware of

what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would want

to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that they

would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be accurate

lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of younger

women and educate them.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Summer McFarland

> > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > 1.224.325.5437

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >









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We have a US Rep who told us how to solve the problem but people think it's

smarter to listen to a Playboy bunny. Maybe everyone should listen to what Dan

Burton had to tell us.


> > >


> > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been aware

of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you would

want to believe that your child is going to be fine.


> > >


> > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that

they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be

accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.


> > >


> > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of

younger women and educate them.


> > >


> > > Regards,


> > >


> > > Summer McFarland


> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS


> > > 1.224.325.5437


> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and



> > >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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I love GR and McCarthy. Ron painting " too many too soon " between

his legs....i'm thinking that sounds more like something else, like an anti

masterbation campaign for teenaged boys, but that would be pointless as this

whole conversation.

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No males give any creedence to anything that's shown on Oprah, except maybe Rick

Tallman. It's a stupid show for bored housewives. Most people see as a

nut. There are better ways to learn about autism. We all learned about it with

no trouble at all before she showed up.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > No, McCarthy doesn't promote the indigo child thing, but I had been

aware of what she was doing before she had the doctors involved. I can get you

would want to believe that your child is going to be fine.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > The books she has written were contrary to anything that I thought that

they would be, and after I quit being so judging-mental (yes, that would be

accurate lol) then I have found them to be a great resource.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > You also can't discount that they reach thousands upon thousands of

younger women and educate them.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Regards,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Summer McFarland

> >

> > > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> >

> > > > 1.224.325.5437

> >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing and


> >

> > > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

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Rick, I think old age has caused you to lose too many brain cells. There are

more than two options here. Please put on your thinking cap and see if you can

come up with some other options.

> > > >

> > > > Does advise people to learn how to use chelation from Andy?

> Does know more about this than Andy?

> > > > I may be biased since my son has improved dramatically from

> listening to Andy but I think people are much better off listening to

> him than they are listening to washed up Playboy bunnies.

> > > > Perhaps has good advice on how to keep large breasts from

> sagging but I doubt there's anything she can teach us that supercedes

> what Andy teaches us.

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Summer McFarland

> > > 1.22 HEAL KIDS

> > > 1.224.325.5437

> > >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\

> ---------------------------------------------

> > > Over fourteen years of organic search engine optimization, marketing

> and design.

> > >

> >






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