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Re: what to take for copper toxicity?

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a lot of your " symptoms " match my dil.  When she went gluten and soy free it

helped her a lot.  she was told she couldn't have kids cause of her

pcos......she now has two boys... diet made a big change with her along with

probiotics.  she is also looking into detox but hasn't done it yet.

nancy j.

From: jadeoboe1 <jadeoboe1@...>

Subject: [ ] what to take for copper toxicity?

Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 7:43 AM


Hi Dr Cutler/everyone

I am new here and am in desperate need of some advice from some knowledgeable

people! I am 34 and have been ill for about 15 years to which no doctor can find

a cause. I feel tired all the time, detached and 'spaced out', suffer from

nervousness and racing thoughts, nausea, light-headedness etc. I have an

appointment with a Neurologist soon for supspected POTS, and I also have PCOS

and take metformin.

I am now however, seriously considering copper toxicity as I seem to have all

the symptoms as well as the so-called 'copper personality'! For most of my life

I have either been on the pill or had the copper IUD, which I had removed 2

weeks ago. For the last few days I have been taking 50mg zinc 3 x day. What I

would like to know is, if this is ever enough for anyone with too much copper? I

have no money as I am heavily in debt due to paying for useless therapies over

the years, but if I absolutely have to take anything else then I will, but only

if it is absolutely essential, however I want and need to get better as soon as

possible, I can't live like this any more and I am getting seriously depressed.

Thank you so much for your help!


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Adult groups that may help

adult-metal-chelation/ and


Have you done a hair test? How to in the files here.


> Hi Dr Cutler/everyone


> I am new here and am in desperate need of some advice from some knowledgeable

people! I am 34 and have been ill for about 15 years to which no doctor can find

a cause. I feel tired all the time, detached and 'spaced out', suffer from

nervousness and racing thoughts, nausea, light-headedness etc. I have an

appointment with a Neurologist soon for supspected POTS, and I also have PCOS

and take metformin.

> I am now however, seriously considering copper toxicity as I seem to have all

the symptoms as well as the so-called 'copper personality'! For most of my life

I have either been on the pill or had the copper IUD, which I had removed 2

weeks ago. For the last few days I have been taking 50mg zinc 3 x day. What I

would like to know is, if this is ever enough for anyone with too much copper? I

have no money as I am heavily in debt due to paying for useless therapies over

the years, but if I absolutely have to take anything else then I will, but only

if it is absolutely essential, however I want and need to get better as soon as

possible, I can't live like this any more and I am getting seriously depressed.

> Thank you so much for your help!

> Jade


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You should get a hair test which will tell you if you do have copper toxicity.

Copper and mercury poisoning are very very similar. I don't know that I would

take 150mg of zinc in one day... I'd suggest 25mg 3x daily. You don't know that

you have copper toxicity yet so I'd get a hair test and consider a RBC copper

test(not very accurate). Most importantly, you need a diagnosis so a hair test

from DDI will tell you if you are copper toxic and will also give you insight

into mercury. You kill two birds with one stone, and it's cheap. Directlabs

sells the DDI Elements hair test for around $90. Also, check out the Frequent

Dose Chelation group. For copper toxicity you generally avoid high copper foods

and take zinc and molybdenum. For now I'd lay off the mega dose zinc and get a

diagnosis then determine what to do from there.


> Hi Dr Cutler/everyone


> I am new here and am in desperate need of some advice from some knowledgeable

people! I am 34 and have been ill for about 15 years to which no doctor can find

a cause. I feel tired all the time, detached and 'spaced out', suffer from

nervousness and racing thoughts, nausea, light-headedness etc. I have an

appointment with a Neurologist soon for supspected POTS, and I also have PCOS

and take metformin.

> I am now however, seriously considering copper toxicity as I seem to have all

the symptoms as well as the so-called 'copper personality'! For most of my life

I have either been on the pill or had the copper IUD, which I had removed 2

weeks ago. For the last few days I have been taking 50mg zinc 3 x day. What I

would like to know is, if this is ever enough for anyone with too much copper? I

have no money as I am heavily in debt due to paying for useless therapies over

the years, but if I absolutely have to take anything else then I will, but only

if it is absolutely essential, however I want and need to get better as soon as

possible, I can't live like this any more and I am getting seriously depressed.

> Thank you so much for your help!

> Jade


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