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Re: Anyone ever heard of PCA RX chelation treatment?

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No. The only safe way is Cutler's protocol which uses DMSA/DMPS and Alpha

Lipoic Acid. Buy his books at www.noamalgam.com. Here is some great information

on his protocol:





> It's all natural. I was wondering if it's effective. We are exploring oral

chelation treatments, but don't know about any of them.


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> ,


> I am going to buy the book --actually I think I have it and need to find it

> and re-read it.


> My questions is:


> We went to DAN docs and tried various forms when our son was younger. They

> didn't work --very little came out. Then finally we did IV for seven

> months, and tons of mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, and even uranium came

> out. but sadly our son started to have asthma attacks after the treatment.

> The first time the doc said it was " coincidence. " (Gee, where have i heard

> that before?).

That wasn't a coincidence. Your child was given a very dangerous protocol...IV

chelation should never be used.

so we went back two weeks later and did IV DMPS/EDTA again

> and sure enough, he had another asthma attack. So we took a break, but over

> time I could see my son regressing in certain areas (stimming mainly). Then

> in June of this year we went back and just did IV EDTA, and we noticed gains

> and a lot of lead, arsenic, uranium and other stuff came out, but after a

> month of treatments (once a week) our son had another attack!


I would expect problems considering IV chelation of any sort is dangerous... let

alone DMPS/EDTA. I am not really sure why anyone would be using those two

chelators together unless they were purposely trying to harm someone. Please

never do anything with these doctors again.

> So now what? It seems he developed an allergy to sulfa in '07 when the

> first attacks started because after that he broke out in hives after eating

> broccoli and since he gets infections easily, he was put on Bactrim for

> something and broke out in hives!


> So how are we going to safely do Andy's protocol? Do parents just do it or

> do they have a doctor oversee it and check blood work routinely. I know my

> son is high in heavy metals (he was even diagnosed with this quietly at our

> major children's hospital). They were so " hush-hush " about it.


First I would put him on a sulfur exclusion diet. This list is somewhere in

Amalgam Illness. Most parents whose kids get better chelate them without a

doctor telling them everything that has to be done. I am chelating myself and I

too had a horrific experience with improper chelation. Andy recommends a few

tests in AI. Frequent testing isn't necessary at all but there are some tests

your child should have. The most important test is a hair test which you need to

get from DDI(Doctors Data Inc). This is used to diagnose toxicity. It is

frustrating that there are no doctors that use safe protocols. The only true way

to make sure everything that is being done is safe is to research the subject

yourself and following Andy Cutler's protocol.

> I know we need to chelate, but how do we do it if our son is allergic to

> sulfa drugs and even some sulfur containing foods? He eats eggs and doesn't

> break out. I just don't get it.


Well it sounds like the extremely dangerous improper protocol your son was on

messed him up and you would have to start him with VERY low doses of

chelators(I'd suggest 6.25mg) so you don't make him any worse. I would look at

the links I posted in the earlier post, order the books, a hair test, educate

yourself, start him on some of the recommended supplements and never step foot

into that doctors office again. Also read the files and links section of this

group thoroughly. Make sure you get the Hair Elements test and post it to this

group when the results come in. You can get it either through Direct Labs or

there's someone you can email.. her email is in the files/links section of the

Frequent Dose Chelation group. Keep in mind there are a lot of people here that

know more than me but I am pretty well informed of Cutler's protocol so I will

do my best to help you out.

> Any info you could send me would be appreciated.


> Thanks,


> Haven




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> Dear ,


> I can't thank you enough! I will find info on the sulfur exclusion diet,

> and then order the hair test.


> We had one done when he was two, but he is now almost eleven, so I am

> guessing we need to re-do it.

Probably not.

>Once I have instituted the diet and get the

> hair test results back, I will post the results, and in the meantime I will

> be reading Andy's book like crazy.


> For the tests that do need to be run, who do families usually turn to?

> Ethan had low neutrophils after regression, and he had hyperbilirubin anemia

> after birth and had to be hospitalized for it, so I worry about kidney and

> liver function as well as the neutrophil count. He has been diagnosed with

> a non-specified immune disorder, so I just want to proceed carefully and

> know hat to do, but I know one thing for sure:I want to get this toxic

> overload out of my son's body!


> My son swallows capsules easily, but is there a way to do both oral and

> transdermal?

It is unnecessary to do both, and not advisable to switch back and forth during

the round. Pick one or the other. The problem is you don't really have any way

to know the dose equivalence of the 2 ways.

> I was just wondering if we could o capsules during the day and

> transdermal at night so that I don't have to wake him up (he has sleep

> issues, and if I wake him, he may not go back to sleep). I am assuming we

> get the capsules at a compounding pharmacy. Don't we have to have a

> prescription? Who would write this for us?


> His DAN gave us Natural Cellular Defense drops to put him on. We have not

> started this.


> Also, is a urinary porphyrins test not reliable?

No, you'll often get false negatives.


> Thanks so much for all your help.


> Haven



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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> So, Andy, if we just choose to go with the transdermal --mainly because then

> we would not have to wake him and I could just wake up and rub it on him

> during the night, and that way I am thinking we would go with a four hour

> interval all through -- is this amenable or should we just realize we need

> to do it every three hours. I can do this.

just do it every 3. If it is very hard for you, do it with 4 hour intervals

during YOUR sleeping period.

>How much less effective is

> transdermal than oral? Are they equal in efficacy?

They can be equally effective. Exactly which one works best in each case is

hard to decide, but by far the most important thing is getting going and doing

it a lot on a proper protocol. Usually trying to figure out the exactly right

way to do it wastes so much time you might as well have just picked something

and gone forward.

> Thanks so much.


> Haven



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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> Andy,


> I am anxious to get started but I do have to look at the sulfite issue and

> the high molybdenum, and get him in the right place. I need to read and

> study!


> I still need an answer as to how I get the right transdermal at the right

> dosage. I know I go to the compounding pharmacy, but do I need a script?

Just mix the contents of some ALA capsules in hand lotion.

> You say not to go to this doctor again, and to tell you the truth, I have

> many reasons why that is a good idea, but then who do I take him to to do

> testing?

If he needs testing, see a regular health plan doctor.

No testing is necessary to 'track' proper chelation.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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> So I would use only ALA with him and not DMSA or DMPS?

Yes, that would be fine.


> Haven



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

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