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Re: The WebMD & Autism Treatments

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*I* did not see anything so inherently wrong with his posts either.

, you just have to realize that the fruit does not fall far from the tree.

Families with autism, mine included, have genetic neurological issues and

sometimes they can get downright hateful because of it. Most of the time they

are in denial or they just do not realize it.

Perhaps by viewing some of 's posts, we can get a better picture of where

we are coming from as a group.

Try to think of familial issues and realize they know what what they do.

I know nothing of you being a *plant* and I doubt that very seriously...so much

though that it cracks me up. I needed a good laugh. Our kids are not autistic

from just vaccines; that was just the straw that broke the camel's back for some

of our kids.

> > >

> > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> >



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Ummmm.... when he is getting such a wildly inflamed response he should have

dropped it earlier or contacted the owner for advice on how to proceed before

filling the list up with argument.

What he did MIGHT be innocent, but it is also a very common trolling tactic.

Figure out someone's hot buttons, prod them into arguing, act 'reasonable' while

pounding on the hot button.



Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children


Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

> > > >

> > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > >

> >

> >

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PDD characteristic.

I am not bothered.

Some people do not know or realize socially what to do.

> > > > >

> > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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Andy hit the nail on the head.

On the other comment, I know there are many causes of autism, though I

believe toxicity is the root cause. I KNOW had it not been for the toxins

in vaccines, my son would not have autism. I firmly believe this. His

change was instantaneous. His fifteen month shots were his toxic tipping

point. In my son's case I do not buy genetics as there are no persons in

either of our families with the disorder --nor anyone with ADD, ADHD,

etc.... There is no one in our families with asthma nor did I even know a

person who had had pneumonia before my son got it the first time. I believe

the " genetics " part has to do with the individuality of genetics in that

every one's toxic tipping point is different. That is why some kids can

tolerate them and don't get autism or the like.

I also beleive that on the way to his toxic tipping point there were signs:

increased intolerancve of foods and of course casein, gluten, soy --though

of course I knew of no such things at the time. All I knew was that his

colic and tummy troubles weren't getting better. I think along the way,

with each set of shots, his own detoxification system was being damaged, so

that with each new round his body was less able to detox. But I believe if

he had not gotten any more shots (no more after twelve months) then he would

have had fewer issues.

I also believe had I not adamantly refused a rubella shot right after giving

birth, he would have been more affected. I have an allele where I do not

hold titers to rubella, so it was better for me not to have it. I refused

because I had had a serious vaccine reaction when I was 27 to the flu shot.

Of course they made me think it was a rare fluke. I wish I had researched

more then instead of trusting them to tell the truth.

Autism is not the first time parents have had to go searching elsewhere

other than the medical mainstream to save a child. For my child I believe

healing is the difference between life and death. He is an only child. The

only guardians we have for him are older than we are. It is vital that he

reach independence, and he is well on his way.

I remember the days when he could not speak, and the doctor told us that he

probably never would again. He wouldn't point; he wouldn't give eye contact

and often didn't notice us. We just finished saying bedtime prayers

together. He has hopes and dreams and can express them. This is the gift I

have given him through sacrifice. I am not a martyr, but I am doing for him

what I know in my heart I would have wanted my parent to give to me if I

were a mind trapped inside a silent , damaged body. There is no greater

gift, I think, a parent can give a child, than the means to learn to walk

and then most of all to be able to walk away, live one's own life and be


The exchange of ideas and asking questions is a good thing, but to refer to

WEb MD, I think is ludicrous. Anyone hear knows you will not find these

treatments there. I think in twenty years perhaps...... So a parent can

make the decision to choose alternative treatments and do the reseasrch and

give it great thought and decide. I know in my son's life it has made all

the difference, but I would never presume to be able to make the decision

for another parent.

I asked a doctor once at a major metropolitan hospital to " cure " me. I have

a lot of osteoarthritis in my neck and back with spurs in my neck, so I have

a grat deal of neuropathy. For a while it had become almost unbearable, so

I went to a pain management clinic. I told the doctor, " I want a cure not

just a treatment. " He said, " Don't you know we doctors never cure

anything? "

And so because of this, I take my own responsibility for my health and my

son's. By rights, I should be dead of breast cancer already, having had my

first biopsy at twenty seven, but I took a proactive approach and looked at

alternatives: no food from cans, no coated cooking pans, no aluminum foil,

no anti-antiperspirants (only natural deodorants), and treating iodine

deficiency. Since instituting these things, I have better test reports than

I did when I was in my twenties, and no more fibrocystic breast disease


So each person has to make their own decision as to whether to follow the

mainstream or take a proactive approach and go with alternatives.

If I had relied solely on what Web MD had to say, I think my son would still

be silent and pooping on the floor. I learned after I asked a doctor NOT to

give thimerosal-containing vaccines to my child and she lied --not to take

what comes out of any doctor's mouth as gospel. That happens to you when

you lose trust.

Just my opinion.


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Then it is 'our bad' for falling for it.

Over the years, we've had members on the spectrum who we've grown accustomed to

responding to in a different manner. I am just giving him the benefit of the

doubt at this point.

If people would send their arguments/disagreements to 's private email, it

would solve a lot. My guess is much of what we say publically we wouldn't send

privately, though! LOL. Any 'trolling' will lose its' effect if you keep the

name calling/hysteria off-list.


> > > > >

> > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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We do not do vaccines. So, your theory is blown out of the water completely.

As far as the remark about no one in your family having any other conditions,

you mean that they have not been *diagnosed* with any of those. Until a few

months ago (and I am 44!!!), no one was ever diagnosed with anything in *my*

family either. If you do not search out the answers, you likely won't find them.

There is no doubt in my mind that environmental toxins are a component, but

there ALSO HAS TO BE a genetic preponderance; otherwise EVERYONE would be

affected. And fortunately, they are not.

Environmental toxins include, but are definitely not limited to: toxins in our

foods, GMO foods, heavy metal sources (not just vaccines), drugs/prescription

medicines, toxins in the air, and the list goes on. Environmental factors have

become an increasingly important piece of the puzzle; so have genetic


Neither environmental factors, nor genetics, alone, are the sole cause. As with

ANY condition, you must have both. Not just one or the other. This is simple


Many people here never *knew* anything was different about their genetics; that

does not mean there is not. Environment affects genes as well and over the years

changes them. Again simple science. It is naive and ludricous to believe there

is but one identifiable cause of autism (ungreen vaccines), or the puzzle would

be solved.


> Andy hit the nail on the head.


> On the other comment, I know there are many causes of autism, though I

> believe toxicity is the root cause. I KNOW had it not been for the toxins

> in vaccines, my son would not have autism. I firmly believe this. His

> change was instantaneous. His fifteen month shots were his toxic tipping

> point. In my son's case I do not buy genetics as there are no persons in

> either of our families with the disorder --nor anyone with ADD, ADHD,

> etc.... There is no one in our families with asthma nor did I even know a

> person who had had pneumonia before my son got it the first time. I believe

> the " genetics " part has to do with the individuality of genetics in that

> every one's toxic tipping point is different. That is why some kids can

> tolerate them and don't get autism or the like.



> I also beleive that on the way to his toxic tipping point there were signs:

> increased intolerancve of foods and of course casein, gluten, soy --though

> of course I knew of no such things at the time. All I knew was that his

> colic and tummy troubles weren't getting better. I think along the way,

> with each set of shots, his own detoxification system was being damaged, so

> that with each new round his body was less able to detox. But I believe if

> he had not gotten any more shots (no more after twelve months) then he would

> have had fewer issues.


> I also believe had I not adamantly refused a rubella shot right after giving

> birth, he would have been more affected. I have an allele where I do not

> hold titers to rubella, so it was better for me not to have it. I refused

> because I had had a serious vaccine reaction when I was 27 to the flu shot.

> Of course they made me think it was a rare fluke. I wish I had researched

> more then instead of trusting them to tell the truth.


> Autism is not the first time parents have had to go searching elsewhere

> other than the medical mainstream to save a child. For my child I believe

> healing is the difference between life and death. He is an only child. The

> only guardians we have for him are older than we are. It is vital that he

> reach independence, and he is well on his way.


> I remember the days when he could not speak, and the doctor told us that he

> probably never would again. He wouldn't point; he wouldn't give eye contact

> and often didn't notice us. We just finished saying bedtime prayers

> together. He has hopes and dreams and can express them. This is the gift I

> have given him through sacrifice. I am not a martyr, but I am doing for him

> what I know in my heart I would have wanted my parent to give to me if I

> were a mind trapped inside a silent , damaged body. There is no greater

> gift, I think, a parent can give a child, than the means to learn to walk

> and then most of all to be able to walk away, live one's own life and be

> free.


> The exchange of ideas and asking questions is a good thing, but to refer to

> WEb MD, I think is ludicrous. Anyone hear knows you will not find these

> treatments there. I think in twenty years perhaps...... So a parent can

> make the decision to choose alternative treatments and do the reseasrch and

> give it great thought and decide. I know in my son's life it has made all

> the difference, but I would never presume to be able to make the decision

> for another parent.


> I asked a doctor once at a major metropolitan hospital to " cure " me. I have

> a lot of osteoarthritis in my neck and back with spurs in my neck, so I have

> a grat deal of neuropathy. For a while it had become almost unbearable, so

> I went to a pain management clinic. I told the doctor, " I want a cure not

> just a treatment. " He said, " Don't you know we doctors never cure

> anything? "


> And so because of this, I take my own responsibility for my health and my

> son's. By rights, I should be dead of breast cancer already, having had my

> first biopsy at twenty seven, but I took a proactive approach and looked at

> alternatives: no food from cans, no coated cooking pans, no aluminum foil,

> no anti-antiperspirants (only natural deodorants), and treating iodine

> deficiency. Since instituting these things, I have better test reports than

> I did when I was in my twenties, and no more fibrocystic breast disease

> either.


> So each person has to make their own decision as to whether to follow the

> mainstream or take a proactive approach and go with alternatives.


> If I had relied solely on what Web MD had to say, I think my son would still

> be silent and pooping on the floor. I learned after I asked a doctor NOT to

> give thimerosal-containing vaccines to my child and she lied --not to take

> what comes out of any doctor's mouth as gospel. That happens to you when

> you lose trust.


> Just my opinion.


> Haven




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Or perhaps it just shows the undiagnosed neurological condition of some in the

group? (Hey just playing devil's advocate here.)

I am not bothered by it and I cannot quite figure out why so many here are

(except insecurity).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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I do not believe Haven said all kids with Autism have it because they were

vaccinated. I believe Haven said she thinks toxicity is the root cause of

Autism and HER son has Autism because of vaccines.

Her theory of a toxic tipping point remains in the water the way I see it.


> >

> > Andy hit the nail on the head.

> >

> > On the other comment, I know there are many causes of autism, though I

> > believe toxicity is the root cause. I KNOW had it not been for the toxins

> > in vaccines, my son would not have autism. I firmly believe this. His

> > change was instantaneous. His fifteen month shots were his toxic tipping

> > point. In my son's case I do not buy genetics as there are no persons in

> > either of our families with the disorder --nor anyone with ADD, ADHD,

> > etc.... There is no one in our families with asthma nor did I even know a

> > person who had had pneumonia before my son got it the first time. I believe

> > the " genetics " part has to do with the individuality of genetics in that

> > every one's toxic tipping point is different. That is why some kids can

> > tolerate them and don't get autism or the like.

> >

> >

> > I also beleive that on the way to his toxic tipping point there were signs:

> > increased intolerancve of foods and of course casein, gluten, soy --though

> > of course I knew of no such things at the time. All I knew was that his

> > colic and tummy troubles weren't getting better. I think along the way,

> > with each set of shots, his own detoxification system was being damaged, so

> > that with each new round his body was less able to detox. But I believe if

> > he had not gotten any more shots (no more after twelve months) then he would

> > have had fewer issues.

> >

> > I also believe had I not adamantly refused a rubella shot right after giving

> > birth, he would have been more affected. I have an allele where I do not

> > hold titers to rubella, so it was better for me not to have it. I refused

> > because I had had a serious vaccine reaction when I was 27 to the flu shot.

> > Of course they made me think it was a rare fluke. I wish I had researched

> > more then instead of trusting them to tell the truth.

> >

> > Autism is not the first time parents have had to go searching elsewhere

> > other than the medical mainstream to save a child. For my child I believe

> > healing is the difference between life and death. He is an only child. The

> > only guardians we have for him are older than we are. It is vital that he

> > reach independence, and he is well on his way.

> >

> > I remember the days when he could not speak, and the doctor told us that he

> > probably never would again. He wouldn't point; he wouldn't give eye contact

> > and often didn't notice us. We just finished saying bedtime prayers

> > together. He has hopes and dreams and can express them. This is the gift I

> > have given him through sacrifice. I am not a martyr, but I am doing for him

> > what I know in my heart I would have wanted my parent to give to me if I

> > were a mind trapped inside a silent , damaged body. There is no greater

> > gift, I think, a parent can give a child, than the means to learn to walk

> > and then most of all to be able to walk away, live one's own life and be

> > free.

> >

> > The exchange of ideas and asking questions is a good thing, but to refer to

> > WEb MD, I think is ludicrous. Anyone hear knows you will not find these

> > treatments there. I think in twenty years perhaps...... So a parent can

> > make the decision to choose alternative treatments and do the reseasrch and

> > give it great thought and decide. I know in my son's life it has made all

> > the difference, but I would never presume to be able to make the decision

> > for another parent.

> >

> > I asked a doctor once at a major metropolitan hospital to " cure " me. I have

> > a lot of osteoarthritis in my neck and back with spurs in my neck, so I have

> > a grat deal of neuropathy. For a while it had become almost unbearable, so

> > I went to a pain management clinic. I told the doctor, " I want a cure not

> > just a treatment. " He said, " Don't you know we doctors never cure

> > anything? "

> >

> > And so because of this, I take my own responsibility for my health and my

> > son's. By rights, I should be dead of breast cancer already, having had my

> > first biopsy at twenty seven, but I took a proactive approach and looked at

> > alternatives: no food from cans, no coated cooking pans, no aluminum foil,

> > no anti-antiperspirants (only natural deodorants), and treating iodine

> > deficiency. Since instituting these things, I have better test reports than

> > I did when I was in my twenties, and no more fibrocystic breast disease

> > either.

> >

> > So each person has to make their own decision as to whether to follow the

> > mainstream or take a proactive approach and go with alternatives.

> >

> > If I had relied solely on what Web MD had to say, I think my son would still

> > be silent and pooping on the floor. I learned after I asked a doctor NOT to

> > give thimerosal-containing vaccines to my child and she lied --not to take

> > what comes out of any doctor's mouth as gospel. That happens to you when

> > you lose trust.

> >

> > Just my opinion.

> >

> > Haven

> >

> >

> >

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To me it's all drama, I just read and delete.  Don't even waste the time to

think about it.  I'm too busy recovering my guy and helpin others recover

theirs!  Too much energy!!

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: The WebMD & Autism Treatments

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 8:19 AM


Or perhaps it just shows the undiagnosed neurological condition of some in

the group? (Hey just playing devil's advocate here.)

I am not bothered by it and I cannot quite figure out why so many here are

(except insecurity).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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And also, with epi-genetics which you alluded to, it is an environmental

insult that alters the genes which you pass on to your offspring making them

more suseptible to toxic injury and more sensitive to any toxic exposure. 


So as for the genetics argument -- sure, there's something to it -- but it was

the damn toxins which changed our genes (or our parents or grandparents, etc) in

the first place.... 

From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: The WebMD & Autism Treatments

Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 8:32 AM


I do not believe Haven said all kids with Autism have it because they were

vaccinated. I believe Haven said she thinks toxicity is the root cause of Autism

and HER son has Autism because of vaccines.

Her theory of a toxic tipping point remains in the water the way I see it.


> >

> > Andy hit the nail on the head.

> >

> > On the other comment, I know there are many causes of autism, though I

> > believe toxicity is the root cause. I KNOW had it not been for the toxins

> > in vaccines, my son would not have autism. I firmly believe this. His

> > change was instantaneous. His fifteen month shots were his toxic tipping

> > point. In my son's case I do not buy genetics as there are no persons in

> > either of our families with the disorder --nor anyone with ADD, ADHD,

> > etc.... There is no one in our families with asthma nor did I even know a

> > person who had had pneumonia before my son got it the first time. I believe

> > the " genetics " part has to do with the individuality of genetics in that

> > every one's toxic tipping point is different. That is why some kids can

> > tolerate them and don't get autism or the like.

> >

> >

> > I also beleive that on the way to his toxic tipping point there were signs:

> > increased intolerancve of foods and of course casein, gluten, soy --though

> > of course I knew of no such things at the time. All I knew was that his

> > colic and tummy troubles weren't getting better. I think along the way,

> > with each set of shots, his own detoxification system was being damaged, so

> > that with each new round his body was less able to detox. But I believe if

> > he had not gotten any more shots (no more after twelve months) then he would

> > have had fewer issues.

> >

> > I also believe had I not adamantly refused a rubella shot right after giving

> > birth, he would have been more affected. I have an allele where I do not

> > hold titers to rubella, so it was better for me not to have it. I refused

> > because I had had a serious vaccine reaction when I was 27 to the flu shot.

> > Of course they made me think it was a rare fluke. I wish I had researched

> > more then instead of trusting them to tell the truth.

> >

> > Autism is not the first time parents have had to go searching elsewhere

> > other than the medical mainstream to save a child. For my child I believe

> > healing is the difference between life and death. He is an only child. The

> > only guardians we have for him are older than we are. It is vital that he

> > reach independence, and he is well on his way.

> >

> > I remember the days when he could not speak, and the doctor told us that he

> > probably never would again. He wouldn't point; he wouldn't give eye contact

> > and often didn't notice us. We just finished saying bedtime prayers

> > together. He has hopes and dreams and can express them. This is the gift I

> > have given him through sacrifice. I am not a martyr, but I am doing for him

> > what I know in my heart I would have wanted my parent to give to me if I

> > were a mind trapped inside a silent , damaged body. There is no greater

> > gift, I think, a parent can give a child, than the means to learn to walk

> > and then most of all to be able to walk away, live one's own life and be

> > free.

> >

> > The exchange of ideas and asking questions is a good thing, but to refer to

> > WEb MD, I think is ludicrous. Anyone hear knows you will not find these

> > treatments there. I think in twenty years perhaps...... So a parent can

> > make the decision to choose alternative treatments and do the reseasrch and

> > give it great thought and decide. I know in my son's life it has made all

> > the difference, but I would never presume to be able to make the decision

> > for another parent.

> >

> > I asked a doctor once at a major metropolitan hospital to " cure " me. I have

> > a lot of osteoarthritis in my neck and back with spurs in my neck, so I have

> > a grat deal of neuropathy. For a while it had become almost unbearable, so

> > I went to a pain management clinic. I told the doctor, " I want a cure not

> > just a treatment. " He said, " Don't you know we doctors never cure

> > anything? "

> >

> > And so because of this, I take my own responsibility for my health and my

> > son's. By rights, I should be dead of breast cancer already, having had my

> > first biopsy at twenty seven, but I took a proactive approach and looked at

> > alternatives: no food from cans, no coated cooking pans, no aluminum foil,

> > no anti-antiperspirants (only natural deodorants), and treating iodine

> > deficiency. Since instituting these things, I have better test reports than

> > I did when I was in my twenties, and no more fibrocystic breast disease

> > either.

> >

> > So each person has to make their own decision as to whether to follow the

> > mainstream or take a proactive approach and go with alternatives.

> >

> > If I had relied solely on what Web MD had to say, I think my son would still

> > be silent and pooping on the floor. I learned after I asked a doctor NOT to

> > give thimerosal-containing vaccines to my child and she lied --not to take

> > what comes out of any doctor's mouth as gospel. That happens to you when

> > you lose trust.

> >

> > Just my opinion.

> >

> > Haven

> >

> >

> >

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Again, I did not say vaccines were the only cause --just the toxic tipping

point for my son. We do not know what vaccines do on a DNA level. We do

not really know what damage they themselves do to genes or the complete

ramifications of what they can do to individual cells. We do know what

mercury does to neuronal cell function and growth.

Again, I firmly beleive that had I not vaccinated my son, he would not have

the issues he has. He was a normal child when we went into that doctor's

office, and a very changed one when we came out. So I am just saying FOR

US, this is what happened. Needless to say I have spent a great deal of

time around both sides of our family, and I don't see a genetic component;

however, I concede that everyone's genetics are unique. One person is more

likely to develop cancer, one is allergic to this and one is allergic to

that. My son was genetically more prone to be damged by mercury and/or

other toxins, BUT this DOES NOT EXONERATE anyone for not knowing this first,

telling me how safe it was, not respecting my right as a parent to decline,

and lying to me about the contents of vaccines and giving him thinerosal

containing vaccines while KNOWING I adamantly demanded he not be given

vaccines containing this compound.

When a child is going to be given vaccines, the doctor should tell them,

" Now, you need to know this contains mercury, aluminum, etc... Some children

do get harmed, and even some have died following vaccination. Your child

could wind up being one of these, but we feel so many are " saved " that the

risk is worth it to US. If your child gets damaged, I and the drug companies

are immune from litigation. You will be solely responsible for the medical,

therapeutic, and educational needs of a damaged child. So okay, lets get

these shots and get them in him! "

Goody. How many parents would vaccinate if they were given truly informed

consent? So they lie, and it is the lying I am against.

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Well said. A lot of this information is set out there to distract us from the

real picture, which is the cure.


Recovery From Autism.


> > .


> > >


> > > What he did MIGHT be innocent, but it is also a very common trolling

tactic. Figure out someone's hot buttons, prod them into arguing, act

'reasonable' while pounding on the hot button.


> > >


> > > Andy


> > >


> > > http://www.noamalgam.com/index.html


> > > Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment


> > >


> > > http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html


> > > Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities


> > >


> > > http://www.noamalgam.com/nourishinghope.html


> > > Nourishing Hope for Autism: Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our



> > >


> > > http://www.noamalgam.com/biologicaltreatments.html


> > > Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD


> > >


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Sad. Some people do not want to be confused with the facts.

Please spend 50 minutes watching the Senate hearing on Autism. Those still of

child bearing age need to know that if you have a child with autism already,

*YOUR* chance is not 1 in 110 for having another, it is 1 in 10. Genetics plays

a significant role. All of us here who have a biological child with autism have

at least a 1 in 10 chance of having another in the family with autism. We need

to look at drastically changing the environment we had when we were pregnant and

before to something different and better for the future. We are all at a higher

risk for neurodevelopmental disorders than typically developing people.

There are some good study results mentioned in this hearing.

And might I suggest everyone on this board go have your Vitamin D checked.

Accorsding to NIH, it seems to be a component to autism and immune dysfucnction

seems to play a major role. If you are deficient, take a supplement. Also,

before you take that next medicine, evaluate with your doctor just how necessary

it really is. Weigh the environmental risk against your genes, not everyine


Decide whether or not it is safe for you and your kids. (Please note I am NOT

saying to stop taking a necessary medicine that improves quality of life, but do

consider what you eat, who you are around, what chemicals you put on your yard,

etc... It might affect your children tomorrow.)

A very moving senate hearing and it is about time.


> > > > > > >


> > > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone


> > > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >

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Correct. But there is no difference in the levels of mercury, according to the

NIH studies, in typically developing children as opoosed to our autistic


So, your genes play a MAJOR role.

Am I saying it is *our* families fault, Why, heck no!!! We cannot help how

fragile our genes are. But it will take generations after generations of doing

what we can do individually to change our genetic code BACK to a healthy state.

This will not happen before the next 100 years. Sorry to say.

> > >

> > > Andy hit the nail on the head.

> > >

> > > On the other comment, I know there are many causes of autism, though I

> > > believe toxicity is the root cause. I KNOW had it not been for the toxins

> > > in vaccines, my son would not have autism. I firmly believe this. His

> > > change was instantaneous. His fifteen month shots were his toxic tipping

> > > point. In my son's case I do not buy genetics as there are no persons in

> > > either of our families with the disorder --nor anyone with ADD, ADHD,

> > > etc.... There is no one in our families with asthma nor did I even know a

> > > person who had had pneumonia before my son got it the first time. I


> > > the " genetics " part has to do with the individuality of genetics in that

> > > every one's toxic tipping point is different. That is why some kids can

> > > tolerate them and don't get autism or the like.

> > >

> > >

> > > I also beleive that on the way to his toxic tipping point there were


> > > increased intolerancve of foods and of course casein, gluten, soy --though

> > > of course I knew of no such things at the time. All I knew was that his

> > > colic and tummy troubles weren't getting better. I think along the way,

> > > with each set of shots, his own detoxification system was being damaged,


> > > that with each new round his body was less able to detox. But I believe if

> > > he had not gotten any more shots (no more after twelve months) then he


> > > have had fewer issues.

> > >

> > > I also believe had I not adamantly refused a rubella shot right after


> > > birth, he would have been more affected. I have an allele where I do not

> > > hold titers to rubella, so it was better for me not to have it. I refused

> > > because I had had a serious vaccine reaction when I was 27 to the flu


> > > Of course they made me think it was a rare fluke. I wish I had researched

> > > more then instead of trusting them to tell the truth.

> > >

> > > Autism is not the first time parents have had to go searching elsewhere

> > > other than the medical mainstream to save a child. For my child I believe

> > > healing is the difference between life and death. He is an only child. The

> > > only guardians we have for him are older than we are. It is vital that he

> > > reach independence, and he is well on his way.

> > >

> > > I remember the days when he could not speak, and the doctor told us that


> > > probably never would again. He wouldn't point; he wouldn't give eye


> > > and often didn't notice us. We just finished saying bedtime prayers

> > > together. He has hopes and dreams and can express them. This is the gift I

> > > have given him through sacrifice. I am not a martyr, but I am doing for


> > > what I know in my heart I would have wanted my parent to give to me if I

> > > were a mind trapped inside a silent , damaged body. There is no greater

> > > gift, I think, a parent can give a child, than the means to learn to walk

> > > and then most of all to be able to walk away, live one's own life and be

> > > free.

> > >

> > > The exchange of ideas and asking questions is a good thing, but to refer


> > > WEb MD, I think is ludicrous. Anyone hear knows you will not find these

> > > treatments there. I think in twenty years perhaps...... So a parent can

> > > make the decision to choose alternative treatments and do the reseasrch


> > > give it great thought and decide. I know in my son's life it has made all

> > > the difference, but I would never presume to be able to make the decision

> > > for another parent.

> > >

> > > I asked a doctor once at a major metropolitan hospital to " cure " me. I


> > > a lot of osteoarthritis in my neck and back with spurs in my neck, so I


> > > a grat deal of neuropathy. For a while it had become almost unbearable, so

> > > I went to a pain management clinic. I told the doctor, " I want a cure not

> > > just a treatment. " He said, " Don't you know we doctors never cure

> > > anything? "

> > >

> > > And so because of this, I take my own responsibility for my health and my

> > > son's. By rights, I should be dead of breast cancer already, having had my

> > > first biopsy at twenty seven, but I took a proactive approach and looked


> > > alternatives: no food from cans, no coated cooking pans, no aluminum foil,

> > > no anti-antiperspirants (only natural deodorants), and treating iodine

> > > deficiency. Since instituting these things, I have better test reports


> > > I did when I was in my twenties, and no more fibrocystic breast disease

> > > either.

> > >

> > > So each person has to make their own decision as to whether to follow the

> > > mainstream or take a proactive approach and go with alternatives.

> > >

> > > If I had relied solely on what Web MD had to say, I think my son would


> > > be silent and pooping on the floor. I learned after I asked a doctor NOT


> > > give thimerosal-containing vaccines to my child and she lied --not to take

> > > what comes out of any doctor's mouth as gospel. That happens to you when

> > > you lose trust.

> > >

> > > Just my opinion.

> > >

> > > Haven

> > >

> > >

> > >

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What the senate is saying that the environmental toxins go much deeper than just

vaccines. It is our medicine, our water, our food, our air, chemicals from

manufacturers that are not required to be tested. When they mention everything

else, vaccines seem small, BUT NONETHELESS a component we can eliminate with

ease on our own.

What they are saying is that ALL of these are neurotoxic and they DO KNOW that

they affect our DNA in a negative way (autism, ADHD, lower IQ's,learning

disabilities). They are saying they now realize it.

They are also saying that this has occurred over multiple generations and that

we who have autism in our families are at the clearest risk. these chemicals,

all of them, are impacting our genetic code. They want to pinpont the cause but

make it clear that elimninating one chemical at a time won't be fast enough.

Those of us with autism in our families are going to have to be the ones to be

responsible for eliminating the toxins (medicines, unclean water, unclean air,

unsafe chemcials, unsafe food, unsafe toys). We have to (as a society) identify

ourselves as having the genetic predisposition in our family (#1) and then do

everything in our power to remain as chemical free as humanly possible (#2).

If it is to be, then it is up to me....attitude.


> Again, I did not say vaccines were the only cause --just the toxic tipping

> point for my son. We do not know what vaccines do on a DNA level. We do

> not really know what damage they themselves do to genes or the complete

> ramifications of what they can do to individual cells. We do know what

> mercury does to neuronal cell function and growth.


> Again, I firmly beleive that had I not vaccinated my son, he would not have

> the issues he has. He was a normal child when we went into that doctor's

> office, and a very changed one when we came out. So I am just saying FOR

> US, this is what happened. Needless to say I have spent a great deal of

> time around both sides of our family, and I don't see a genetic component;

> however, I concede that everyone's genetics are unique. One person is more

> likely to develop cancer, one is allergic to this and one is allergic to

> that. My son was genetically more prone to be damged by mercury and/or

> other toxins, BUT this DOES NOT EXONERATE anyone for not knowing this first,

> telling me how safe it was, not respecting my right as a parent to decline,

> and lying to me about the contents of vaccines and giving him thinerosal

> containing vaccines while KNOWING I adamantly demanded he not be given

> vaccines containing this compound.


> When a child is going to be given vaccines, the doctor should tell them,

> " Now, you need to know this contains mercury, aluminum, etc... Some children

> do get harmed, and even some have died following vaccination. Your child

> could wind up being one of these, but we feel so many are " saved " that the

> risk is worth it to US. If your child gets damaged, I and the drug companies

> are immune from litigation. You will be solely responsible for the medical,

> therapeutic, and educational needs of a damaged child. So okay, lets get

> these shots and get them in him! "


> Goody. How many parents would vaccinate if they were given truly informed

> consent? So they lie, and it is the lying I am against.




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my dad is(still) high functioning Asperger's, my brother (was) PDD and I am

(was) ADHD and I have several cousin on the spectrum as well . It is more than

obvious that is is not on the spectrum at all and most likely a lawyer

for a vaccine company. Has anyone read his messages?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Gosh, I'm going to have to do genetic testing before I allow my children to

marry their boyfriend/girlfriend! Won't I be the pushy mother-in-law-to-be?

LOL (not really LOL; I'm kind of serious!).


> >

> > Again, I did not say vaccines were the only cause --just the toxic tipping

> > point for my son. We do not know what vaccines do on a DNA level. We do

> > not really know what damage they themselves do to genes or the complete

> > ramifications of what they can do to individual cells. We do know what

> > mercury does to neuronal cell function and growth.

> >

> > Again, I firmly beleive that had I not vaccinated my son, he would not have

> > the issues he has. He was a normal child when we went into that doctor's

> > office, and a very changed one when we came out. So I am just saying FOR

> > US, this is what happened. Needless to say I have spent a great deal of

> > time around both sides of our family, and I don't see a genetic component;

> > however, I concede that everyone's genetics are unique. One person is more

> > likely to develop cancer, one is allergic to this and one is allergic to

> > that. My son was genetically more prone to be damged by mercury and/or

> > other toxins, BUT this DOES NOT EXONERATE anyone for not knowing this first,

> > telling me how safe it was, not respecting my right as a parent to decline,

> > and lying to me about the contents of vaccines and giving him thinerosal

> > containing vaccines while KNOWING I adamantly demanded he not be given

> > vaccines containing this compound.

> >

> > When a child is going to be given vaccines, the doctor should tell them,

> > " Now, you need to know this contains mercury, aluminum, etc... Some children

> > do get harmed, and even some have died following vaccination. Your child

> > could wind up being one of these, but we feel so many are " saved " that the

> > risk is worth it to US. If your child gets damaged, I and the drug companies

> > are immune from litigation. You will be solely responsible for the medical,

> > therapeutic, and educational needs of a damaged child. So okay, lets get

> > these shots and get them in him! "

> >

> > Goody. How many parents would vaccinate if they were given truly informed

> > consent? So they lie, and it is the lying I am against.

> >

> >

> >

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And this isn't dominating the news because...

> >

> > > > > > > >

> >

> > > > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> >

> > > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

> >

> > > > > >

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ooops. Ignore my latest posts. Sorry.


> Discussions on this thread and this topic are no longer productive. Any

further public replies on either this thread or this topic will risk the

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> Dana

> moderator


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Please, then take your campaign to expose off our list and prove he's

that vaccine lawyer. There are newspaper articles out of Fortuna, CA about a

Young (high functioning autistic) who runs a company called Humboldt

Candles. This is the same program that our refers to in his messages.

So, either this person is pretending to be (then let know) or this

person is pretending to be a person with Autism running a candle company in

California in hopes of invading , or you are mistaken.


You can research him more at www.compassionateintegrations.org


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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thanks, nuf said.

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: danasview <danasview@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: The WebMD & Autism Treatments

Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 6:48 AM


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Only a few, but enough to see that he was *trying* to be technical and sounded

like an idiot. (P.S. I am not saying he was an idiot, just sounded like one.)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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It all depends on which news you watch.

I hate the local and I prefer the legal.

> > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > > > > We all know you're a " plant " so just leave us alone

> > >

> > > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > >

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I would seriously check and see if there is any neurological dysfunction in

order to lower your risks of having grandchildren with similar issues.

Find a lovely girl that eats GFCFSF diet and shops at Whole Foods!


> > >

> > > Again, I did not say vaccines were the only cause --just the toxic tipping

> > > point for my son. We do not know what vaccines do on a DNA level. We do

> > > not really know what damage they themselves do to genes or the complete

> > > ramifications of what they can do to individual cells. We do know what

> > > mercury does to neuronal cell function and growth.

> > >

> > > Again, I firmly beleive that had I not vaccinated my son, he would not


> > > the issues he has. He was a normal child when we went into that doctor's

> > > office, and a very changed one when we came out. So I am just saying FOR

> > > US, this is what happened. Needless to say I have spent a great deal of

> > > time around both sides of our family, and I don't see a genetic component;

> > > however, I concede that everyone's genetics are unique. One person is


> > > likely to develop cancer, one is allergic to this and one is allergic to

> > > that. My son was genetically more prone to be damged by mercury and/or

> > > other toxins, BUT this DOES NOT EXONERATE anyone for not knowing this


> > > telling me how safe it was, not respecting my right as a parent to


> > > and lying to me about the contents of vaccines and giving him thinerosal

> > > containing vaccines while KNOWING I adamantly demanded he not be given

> > > vaccines containing this compound.

> > >

> > > When a child is going to be given vaccines, the doctor should tell them,

> > > " Now, you need to know this contains mercury, aluminum, etc... Some


> > > do get harmed, and even some have died following vaccination. Your child

> > > could wind up being one of these, but we feel so many are " saved " that the

> > > risk is worth it to US. If your child gets damaged, I and the drug


> > > are immune from litigation. You will be solely responsible for the


> > > therapeutic, and educational needs of a damaged child. So okay, lets get

> > > these shots and get them in him! "

> > >

> > > Goody. How many parents would vaccinate if they were given truly informed

> > > consent? So they lie, and it is the lying I am against.

> > >

> > >

> > >

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