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yeasty at bedtime and morning

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our daughter is giggly - loud - disobedient at bedtime and first thing in

the morning.

We do Epsom salt baths.

20 mg biotin at bed time, 10 mg biotin in am.

our yeast protocol has worked up to 2 GSE tablets 2 OOO 10 mg biotin and 1

no phenol.

No new supplements have been added or foods.

Any ideas?

what about enzymes or more novena?


www.blog.warriormama.com <http://www.blog.warriormama.com/>

special kids with special needs deserve a Warrior Mama!

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sometimes he got giggles from the no-phenol, it seemed like it was making him

have a phenol reaction. we use tri-enza and that seems to work better when the

no-phenol causes that. It might not be that for you, but for us phenol problems

were our giggle-bad behavior trigger even more than yeast (which has it's own

drunk like problems). We do only pears for fruit because apples, grapes,

berries, oranges, cause the phenol drunk symptoms. As we chelate, I am sure his

food tolerances will get better. Good luck! : )

hope this helps,



> our daughter is giggly - loud - disobedient at bedtime and first thing in

> the morning.


> We do Epsom salt baths.


> 20 mg biotin at bed time, 10 mg biotin in am.


> our yeast protocol has worked up to 2 GSE tablets 2 OOO 10 mg biotin and 1

> no phenol.


> No new supplements have been added or foods.


> Any ideas?


> what about enzymes or more novena?


> :0)



> www.blog.warriormama.com <http://www.blog.warriormama.com/>

> special kids with special needs deserve a Warrior Mama!




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> our daughter is giggly - loud - disobedient at bedtime and first thing in

> the morning.

> We do Epsom salt baths.

> 20 mg biotin at bed time, 10 mg biotin in am.

> our yeast protocol has worked up to 2 GSE tablets 2 OOO 10 mg biotin and 1

> no phenol.

This was usually yeast here, but occasionally it was bad bacteria. Try dropping

the GSE, see if things improve.


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My daughter was like this until I started giving probiotics at bedtime. If I

miss a night, she's a chatter-box in the morning. When I give it at night, the

next morning, she's cool as a cucumber. On round, I give probiotics at bedtime

and with an overnight chelation dose.



[ ] yeasty at bedtime and morning

our daughter is giggly - loud - disobedient at bedtime and first thing in

the morning.

We do Epsom salt baths.

20 mg biotin at bed time, 10 mg biotin in am.

our yeast protocol has worked up to 2 GSE tablets 2 OOO 10 mg biotin and 1

no phenol.

No new supplements have been added or foods.

Any ideas?

what about enzymes or more novena?


www.blog.warriormama.com <http://www.blog.warriormama.com/>

special kids with special needs deserve a Warrior Mama!

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Same for us actually, we have to dose high probiotics at bedtime and we dose the

antimicrobials THREE times a day, inclusive of OoO, some OLE which I used

depending on his symptoms, 15-20mg of Biotin, a No Fenol for the high Fenols and

then we rotate in one of the following, caprylic acid, Neem, Uva Ursi...if we go

past 3 hours, we start to see symptoms cropping up. He wakes up great now and I

think the high doses of probiotics and a 4pm antimicrobial dose, is our key!


> My daughter was like this until I started giving probiotics at bedtime. If I

miss a night, she's a chatter-box in the morning. When I give it at night, the

next morning, she's cool as a cucumber. On round, I give probiotics at bedtime

and with an overnight chelation dose.

> Hth,

> S


> [ ] yeasty at bedtime and morning




> our daughter is giggly - loud - disobedient at bedtime and first thing in

> the morning.


> We do Epsom salt baths.


> 20 mg biotin at bed time, 10 mg biotin in am.


> our yeast protocol has worked up to 2 GSE tablets 2 OOO 10 mg biotin and 1

> no phenol.


> No new supplements have been added or foods.


> Any ideas?


> what about enzymes or more novena?


> :0)



> www.blog.warriormama.com <http://www.blog.warriormama.com/>

> special kids with special needs deserve a Warrior Mama!



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