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Re: My Confrontation/Discussion with Kids Peace :)

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Thank you, so much, for sharing with us. The horrors these children, and you,

experienced (please let it be past tense) is heavy upon my mind. As a society,

we can do so much better, can't we? I learned from you just reading your post.

I am interested in learning more about Epigenome. Obviously it works.

Please share more.

By the way, the doctor who diagnosed my son with PDD-NOS (later Autism) said we

should accept a future of institutionalization for him. Sends shivers down my

spine. Obviously I knew better.




> That was really... really nice.  ... I made some calls last week to try and

get in touch with someone at " Kids Peace " - The Company that was once called

" Wiley House " where the most horrible things happened of any treatment center. I

was able to talk with this lady this morning who really listened to me, and

everything that happened to me and answered a series of questions about how

policies have changed. I was also able to give suggestions for how things could

be improved even more, and overall I got a piece of closure. I told the lady

allot of the things I came up with on my own that really helped, gave references

to new understandings of the effects that drugs have on the mind, and made

mention to the Epigenome and how treatment can be directed with true healing in



> Since they have records of me in detail, it was clear just talking to me how

different I am. I revealed some of my accomplishments, such as being a home

owner, etc. And overall made it clear that my improvements can be applied to

others. I was able to give her a unique perspective of what it is like in care.

What worked, what didn't, and she asked if she could use my name when she

discussed my ideas at a meeting (which I consented to) about applying some of my

ideas..... If what happened to me.... helps just one life. Just one. It will

make a world of difference for me.



> The reason why the conversation brought closure is because the thing that made

it most traumatic wasn't just that it happened but that nothing was done about

it. And the knowledge it was happening to others. Being able to say things like,

" Just because I couldn't express myself doesn't mean I didn't understand " and

the feeling that my words in it's own way will have an impact on countless of

children... well... that's something. Maybe nothing was done to stop what

happened to me, but that at least is something.



> ..... and I also got another piece of closure. I found out that the Kid who

died there after I left wasn't anyone I actually knew. While still a tragedy,

the thing is that I felt responsible because I saw the way he was treated and

wondered if I could have done something about it.... but it also adds to the

closure because someone who runs the place. Someone with direct power over

policy. Actually took the time to listen, investigated the event, and at least

told me something.



> Anyway, it's just one hospital among many. But I was able to tell them my

story. I was able to find the courage to confront them about what happened... It

may have been someone who didn't even work there when I was there, but it is

symbolic.... I faced a fear. Since the organization as a whole was the

" attacker " in my mind I faced my attacker.... I was able to say it all, ask all

my questions, and was genuinely convinced that efforts are being made to

change.... and I feel very good about being able to give my perspective about

what worked, what didn't, and to know that this knowledge will be applied to

making Children better off.



> That feeling alone is good. To know that someone will have a better childhood

because I was able to learn from my hardship and pass that learning onto others.

It feels so good that it more than makes up for the tragedy in some ways.



> I also feel like... I am an example of what can happen with personal

responsibility. That no matter what is done to a child. No matter how hopeless

it can seen. It is possible to pull out of it... I am a success story of my own

effort... and I feel like... I was able to show someone that it can actually

happen..... it feels good especially in one more way: By example I proved the

whole system wrong. I said, just by being who I am, " It doesn't have to be like

this! " and that just makes it all worth it.


> ........


> Some of the things she wrote down to discuss: How turning the lights down in a

quiet room and giving the illusion of privacy in some situations can help to

calm a child... How Obsession can be dealt with through the applying of multiple

obsessions at one time to turn it into a positive trait... How lack of focus can

be solved through a specific meditation of feeling one's own body without

touching it - " Vibration " - and described in detail how it helped. I explained

how draining racing thoughts can be, and how if only for a short time turning it

off can be healing...


> I described how music can be used to replace racing thoughts. I went into a

little detail about the impact of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Glutamates and

explained some of the things that can be done and why it is damaging. I

explained, most importantly, how the belief that there is a chemical imbalance

is the most damaging thing one can say to a child and how, instead, informing a

child that any neurological pattern can be changed is empowering. That the

knowledge of personal responsibility can lead to change. And how, with knowledge

of the Epigenome, children are not even hard wired. That even mental illness of

a genetic cause can be overcome since the emotional state leads to changed gene

expressions. I actually impressed the lady with how much I knew. She said I

sounded like a Science Professor and made it clear that she will discuss my



> The conversation as a whole lasted 1 hour and 11 minutes, and that should give

an indication of how much was done. I know I talked a bit too much, but it

wasn't too bad. And still, not a really bad problem to have considering where I

was at.







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