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Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

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Just stick to plain old water. Stay away from juices and everything that is

sugary. I did not grow up in the US and juices,sodas were a luxury for us. I

grew up healthy withouth any problems just drinking water. I am physically fit

and mentally healthy with a six figure engineering job at the age of 32.



> Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


> Thanks


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we use Zevia drinks, they are sugar-free sweetened with stevia.  We get them at

Whole Foods.

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: drissia wright <ritzywright@...>

Subject: [ ] diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 12:39 PM


Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


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Please do not switch to diet drinks. Toxic with a capital T.

Water. Drink water. That is all we need, anyway.

Was your son drinking a lot of soda?



> Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


> Thanks


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Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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My son drinks tons of soda. Refuses to drink a drop of water. Will drink a

little juice. Sundrop is his favorite, which we found out recently is a culprit

in acid reflux, kidney stones, and now the teeth thing. How do you go from

drinking all sodas to drinking water?

My husband grew up drinking Sundrops instead of water but switched to cokes,

then sprite.

Adult son did the same. I am the only water drinker in the house.



From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM


Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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This is where you rise to the occasion and just say NO MORE. It got to this

point because of your parenting choices and you need to correct it. It is the

rare child that will go on a strike to the point of any physical danger (he'll

drink when he gets thirsty enough).

If your tap water tastes horrible, buy a filter to attach to the faucet or to

pour through in to another container (Britta). Some kids like the water super

cold. Store it in the fridge. Put it in a fun cup? Use a straw?

Sorry to be so blunt, but no child should be allowed to only drink soda or

juice. Autism or no Autism.

Did the dentist really just tell you to switch to diet soda or did they try to

get you to stop soda altogether?

Iced tea is another idea if you get to the point where you cannot get any liquid

in him. There are some good fruity teas out there and you can brew your own.

Not the best alternative, but an idea. Sweeten with unfiltered (raw) honey if

you wish, since raw honey has been shown to kill bacteria (cause of cavities).

Xylitol does the same, but I don't like the taste.

I will tell you my Aspartame saga (Nutrasweet): I developed symptoms of a brain

tumor back in 1984. After going through some testing at an ENT office, I came

back in for my consult. I just happened to have a can of Diet Dew in my hand

and GOD BLESS the ENT for suggesting I stop drinking diet soda. At the time, I

was only having 1 can/day. All symptoms stopped within 48 hours (one sided

headaches, eye pain, off balance, hearing loss). Nutrasweet was added to diet

soda in 1983. I can have Aspartame in chewing gum, but even that can cause some

headaches at times. The stuff is dangerous, and has been linked to disorders

like migraines and multiple sclerosis.


> > >

> > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> >













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Amen, Sister!!!!!

As an RN who works with approx. 500 individuals with special needs, I tell

parents this stuff all the time! Artificial sweeteners are essentially

poison. Our children have neurological, immune and gut issues that can and

are made worse by intake of this crap. Do not ever think our children can¹t

get worse. Cause them some additional neurological, immune and/or gut

damage and see what happens! It is the equivalent of allowing a kid with

Down Syndrome to ride a bike without a helmet, thinking that since the kid

already has MR it won¹t matter. Throw a TBI on top of the Down Syndrome and

he certainly can get worse.

Your child cannot drive and your child doesn¹t buy his or her own groceries,

so use that to your advantage! Fill them up with healthy nutritious

choices!!!! You can help them get better, instead of worse.


On 7/7/10 9:25 AM, " Pamela H " <phaselow@...> wrote:






> This is where you rise to the occasion and just say NO MORE. It got to this

> point because of your parenting choices and you need to correct it. It is the

> rare child that will go on a strike to the point of any physical danger (he'll

> drink when he gets thirsty enough).


> If your tap water tastes horrible, buy a filter to attach to the faucet or to

> pour through in to another container (Britta). Some kids like the water super

> cold. Store it in the fridge. Put it in a fun cup? Use a straw?


> Sorry to be so blunt, but no child should be allowed to only drink soda or

> juice. Autism or no Autism.


> Did the dentist really just tell you to switch to diet soda or did they try to

> get you to stop soda altogether?


> Iced tea is another idea if you get to the point where you cannot get any

> liquid in him. There are some good fruity teas out there and you can brew

> your own. Not the best alternative, but an idea. Sweeten with unfiltered

> (raw) honey if you wish, since raw honey has been shown to kill bacteria

> (cause of cavities). Xylitol does the same, but I don't like the taste.


> I will tell you my Aspartame saga (Nutrasweet): I developed symptoms of a

> brain tumor back in 1984. After going through some testing at an ENT office,

> I came back in for my consult. I just happened to have a can of Diet Dew in

> my hand and GOD BLESS the ENT for suggesting I stop drinking diet soda. At

> the time, I was only having 1 can/day. All symptoms stopped within 48 hours

> (one sided headaches, eye pain, off balance, hearing loss). Nutrasweet was

> added to diet soda in 1983. I can have Aspartame in chewing gum, but even

> that can cause some headaches at times. The stuff is dangerous, and has been

> linked to disorders like migraines and multiple sclerosis.


> Pam



>>>> > > >

>>>> > > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for

>>>> our kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and

>>>> the dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the

>>>> sugar. What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

>>>> > > >

>>>> > > > Thanks

>>>> > > >

>>> > >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Our guys drink what we call " blue juice " which is carbonated flavored water with

no calories, no sweetener and no colors, etc.  They like the bit of

carbonation.  It's called Crystal Geyser and we get it from Costco.  You could

add this to fruit juice and make a more natural soda type drink.

nancy j

a child is diagnosed with

asd every 20 seconds

From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM


Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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We don't have a Costco here, but I can look for it at Teeter or Ingles,

unless Sam's or Walmart might have it. You just add it to juice?

From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM


Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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Artificial sweeteners are not only bad for health, but also neuro toxic and

kidney damaging(long term).

You have several options:

1) Use Stevia or Stevia based sweeteners like Purevia or Truvia

2) Plain water

3) Xylitol - made from corn naturally

4) Highly diluted fruit juices - pear or orange. Use as a last resort (we use

this only to give some supplemnts).

hope this helps.




> Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


> Thanks


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I know you are right about everything. I have made some very poor management

parenting choices with him. Sometimes because he was sick, sometimes because he

didn't understand, sometimes because I was following what I considered to be

sound medical advice, but all the time because I wanted to make him happy. My

problem is how to undo what I have done. The dental hygenist said to switch to

diet sundrop. I asked if sprite would be any better to wean him off of sodas.

She said as long as it is diet.


 We tried taking KFC away a few years back because of the MSG, and he stopped

eating anything, lost weight and became wasted in just a few weeks. His

pediatrician and nutritionist said " give him whatever he wants " . At the time he

had a worker that was experienced in working in group homes with kids with

severe autism. She said that severely autism people with strong  wills have

been known to starve themselves to death.

From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 9:25 AM


This is where you rise to the occasion and just say NO MORE. It got to this

point because of your parenting choices and you need to correct it. It is the

rare child that will go on a strike to the point of any physical danger (he'll

drink when he gets thirsty enough).

If your tap water tastes horrible, buy a filter to attach to the faucet or to

pour through in to another container (Britta). Some kids like the water super

cold. Store it in the fridge. Put it in a fun cup? Use a straw?

Sorry to be so blunt, but no child should be allowed to only drink soda or

juice. Autism or no Autism.

Did the dentist really just tell you to switch to diet soda or did they try to

get you to stop soda altogether?

Iced tea is another idea if you get to the point where you cannot get any liquid

in him. There are some good fruity teas out there and you can brew your own. Not

the best alternative, but an idea. Sweeten with unfiltered (raw) honey if you

wish, since raw honey has been shown to kill bacteria (cause of cavities).

Xylitol does the same, but I don't like the taste.

I will tell you my Aspartame saga (Nutrasweet): I developed symptoms of a brain

tumor back in 1984. After going through some testing at an ENT office, I came

back in for my consult. I just happened to have a can of Diet Dew in my hand and

GOD BLESS the ENT for suggesting I stop drinking diet soda. At the time, I was

only having 1 can/day. All symptoms stopped within 48 hours (one sided

headaches, eye pain, off balance, hearing loss). Nutrasweet was added to diet

soda in 1983. I can have Aspartame in chewing gum, but even that can cause some

headaches at times. The stuff is dangerous, and has been linked to disorders

like migraines and multiple sclerosis.


> > >

> > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> >













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It does. I already use stevia for the tea in the house. I guess the best thing

would be to not have anything available here that I don't want him to have. He

drinks a little orange juice once a day with some slippery elm in it for stomach

inflammation. He will also drink blueberry/pomegranate juice. The water here is

so hard; it tastes like iron. Is bottled water acceptable or do I just need to

filter it with a pitcher. I have stevia, xylitol, and agave in the house. Also

honey and molasses, but have never used them to sweeten anything.

From: truthwinsnow <raghavendrapb@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 12:42 PM


Artificial sweeteners are not only bad for health, but also neuro toxic and

kidney damaging(long term).

You have several options:

1) Use Stevia or Stevia based sweeteners like Purevia or Truvia

2) Plain water

3) Xylitol - made from corn naturally

4) Highly diluted fruit juices - pear or orange. Use as a last resort (we use

this only to give some supplemnts).

hope this helps.




> Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


> Thanks


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I only tell you what I know. You live with your child and you know what he is

capable of doing/not doing. There certainly are children who will refuse to eat

or drink if they cannot have what tastes or appears good to them. It is real

and I know that.

I don't mean to bash your choices. We all do what we do at the time to get

though the day, and sometimes we are left months or years later to clean up the

mess. I have my own going on right now in the form of the 24 hour need to play

video games... I used it as a crutch to get things done and now I've created a

monster. I have to make a lot of effort to retrain him! But, at the time, it

seemed harmless.

You do have options. Give them a try. If you do opt for honey, use raw for the

enzymatic benefits.

Bottled water would be my choice if you cannot get a filter for the faucet or a

container filter like Britta. I don't drink water from our tap, either. I

think it tastes horrible.

I wish you luck. Based on past experience and a husband who also drinks only

soda... you are in for a battle. Don't give up.


> > > >

> > > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for

our kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks a lot. I bought a brita pitcher today and will try this or anything else

that I can. It may have to be a weaning off process.


 My husband  thinks the kids should have anything they want. We raised him

exactly like we did my nt son who is now in medical school and doesn't eat or

drink things not good for his body. It's just that when you establish a routine

with this kid, it is set in stone.

From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 1:32 PM


I only tell you what I know. You live with your child and you know what he is

capable of doing/not doing. There certainly are children who will refuse to eat

or drink if they cannot have what tastes or appears good to them. It is real and

I know that.

I don't mean to bash your choices. We all do what we do at the time to get

though the day, and sometimes we are left months or years later to clean up the

mess. I have my own going on right now in the form of the 24 hour need to play

video games... I used it as a crutch to get things done and now I've created a

monster. I have to make a lot of effort to retrain him! But, at the time, it

seemed harmless.

You do have options. Give them a try. If you do opt for honey, use raw for the

enzymatic benefits.

Bottled water would be my choice if you cannot get a filter for the faucet or a

container filter like Britta. I don't drink water from our tap, either. I think

it tastes horrible.

I wish you luck. Based on past experience and a husband who also drinks only

soda... you are in for a battle. Don't give up.


> > > >

> > > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for

our kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I've weaned myself off soda by making an Orange Julius type drink.

I have the half calorie O.J. with calcium (they sell it with the other O.J.

- less sugar and less yeast for me), half a scoop of organic egg white

protein powder, 1 tbsp of benefiber, half cup of non fat yogurt (weight is an

issue with me), a packet or two of stevia, and sometimes a tsp. of vanilla

pudding (you could leave it out). I mix in a cup or two of ice and it's a

delicious and refreshing drink that can be a meal replacement with the

extra protein. I sometimes even add flax seed.

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Weaning off is great. What works for one person/family might not for


If you are out of soda, have juice available (they have that 1/2 calorie OJ

which I'm using due to yeast problems with juices). Try different things.

I know how hard the soda battle as been for me... it's an addiction!

Best wishes!


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We buy Poland Spring sparkling water, the unflavored kind. I used 3-4

drops of flavored Stevia and my son loves it. This is an occassional treat for

him. Sometimes I put 1/4 glass of OJ and the rest filled with sparkling

water. We don't use club soda because of the sodium. We just discovered

Ocean Spray blueberry juice cocktail. It is awesome,and everyone in my house

LOVES it mixed with the sparkling water.


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have you ever heard of water kefir? It's really easy to make and it's a GREAT

juice/soda alternative and it is loaded with probiotics!!! I have some " grains "

I can send you (for the cost of shipping) if you are interested.


On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:37 AM, drissia wright wrote:

> We don't have a Costco here, but I can look for it at Teeter or Ingles,

unless Sam's or Walmart might have it. You just add it to juice?




> From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>


> Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities




> Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM




> Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?




> > >


> > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?


> > >


> > > Thanks


> > >


> >



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Can I also add that my dh was a soda junkie when I met him. He literally drank

nothing but Mountain Dew. I switched him to Gatorade. After the caffeine

withdrawal was over, we moved down to Vitamin Water. That is what he drinks now.

It's far better than soda and it has flavor for those who really can't stand to

drink plain water.


> > > > >

> > > > > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for

our kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Cheapest way to go and reduce sugar is to do your own Seltzer water or Club Soda

and add juice but there are brands that make no added refined sugar and/or no

added corn syrup.  We like Izzes, 's Ginger Ale and elli's sparkling



From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM


Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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Where do you find those? Never heard of them.

From: agirlnamedsuess21 <agirlnamedsuess@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: diet drinks for people with disabilities

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 3:53 AM


Can I add *filtered not bottled water*?

> >

> > Have diet drinks and artificial sweeteners kind of been forbidden for our

kids. My son is having a problem with demineralization of his teeth and the

dental hygenist said to switch him to diet drinks to get away from the sugar.

What do your kids drink that can't have sugar?

> >

> > Thanks

> >


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