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Brain inflammation squashing nerves - affecting organs/ muscles/ larynx

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I am thinking this is a feasible theory for why my daughter cant speak, and may

explain other things ASD children cant do.

---Not directly squashing the nerves of the oral-motor area, but yes squashing

the nerves of the area in the brain that produces the

regulation/production/connections for speech to happen. One safe and nice

alternative to help drain liquids from meningeal tissue is a soft but daily

massage in the neck area (downwards) and soft rocking of the coxis, this

stimulates spine-brain fluid exchange

Inflammation is going to squash whatever is in the way, abnd if nerves are

trapped then certainly they will not work.

---whole areas of the brain can stop working due to inflammation, besides, it

becomes systemic affecting other areas than only brain

Anyone have any ideas regarding:1. What can cause brain inflammation? (eg


---yes, viral infections, even not latent ones( that are not causing obvious

symptoms), cause inflammation, so do bacteria and spirochetes.

2. How brain inflammation can be detected (eg MRI scan/ a test of cytokines)?3.

What can be done to reduce/ remove brain inflammation? Since doing an MRI

implies sedation, is expensive and causes too much radiation, I keep tracking my

Ds's inflammation levels through a citokine 1B/interleukine 6 blood tests. If

this are out of range, you don't need to set your kid to the stress of an MRI,

still, if you have NEVER done one, it is useful to see that there are no

structural changes compromising your kid, but not to be used as a form of

regular control.

Checking liver enzymes levels is important too, they are also a good flag to

look at, TAMs, especially.

Like most of us here, I am not a fan of drugs, but sometimes they are needed in

cases where the risk/benefit analysis is +. I had my DS on micro-dosis of sodic

diclofenac for 6 mos, I also agree that anti-inflammatory diets, omegas, vit c,

enhansa and boswellia serratta are good natural anti-inflammatories. You can

also try pycnogenol. Please go to the BBC website (sorry, don't have the link

at hand) they published recently about a research on the use of incense

essential oil, how powerful it is as general anti-inflammatory, but specially

for the brain, its anti-cancerigenous properties.

Best wishes

Best wishes too, isa

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Why did you discontinue Enhansa when it was working so well for your kid? Were

there any side effects or other issues?



> >

> > I am thinking this is a feasible theory for why my daughter cant speak, and

may explain other things ASD children cant do. Inflammation is going to squash

whatever is in the way, abnd if nerves are trapped then certainly they will not


> >

> > Anyone have any ideas regarding:

> >

> > 1. What can cause brain inflammation? (eg measles)

> >

> >

> >

> > 2. How brain inflammation can be detected (eg MRI scan/ a test of


> >

> >

> >

> > 3. What can be done to reduce/ remove brain inflammation?

> >

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> >


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