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ot - yucky sculp

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I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my feet

have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry feet. Now, I

wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching, flaking. Yes, use all

the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick. Prednisone always gives me

beautiful skin.

Anyone, cure that issue?

Thanks in advance.


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Prednisone working means it's an inflammatory response that it's


Have you tried GSE added to shampoo?

Tammy Kuhn wrote:


> I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my

> feet have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry

> feet. Now, I wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching,

> flaking. Yes, use all the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick.

> Prednisone always gives me beautiful skin.


> Anyone, cure that issue?


> Thanks in advance.


> Tammy



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No. Do you think it would be a daily thing and add to a nice clean shampoo.

How much ya think? I shampoo daily. I'm sure open to it!

Grape Seed Extract?


Re: [ ] ot - yucky sculp

> Prednisone working means it's an inflammatory response that it's

> suppressing.


> Have you tried GSE added to shampoo?





> Tammy Kuhn wrote:


>> I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my

>> feet have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry

>> feet. Now, I wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching,

>> flaking. Yes, use all the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick.

>> Prednisone always gives me beautiful skin.


>> Anyone, cure that issue?


>> Thanks in advance.


>> Tammy



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Actually I was just telling my friend that when I changed my 12 year old's diet

about a year ago (to GFCF soy free, etc.) that his flaky, dandruffy spot that he

had SINCE BIRTH finally went away!!

I think it is eczema related and yes, the feet too. My head gets very itchy

when I have a food I shouldn't have...I am restricted too :( but feel much

better that way.


> I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my feet

have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry feet. Now, I

wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching, flaking. Yes, use all

the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick. Prednisone always gives me

beautiful skin.


> Anyone, cure that issue?


> Thanks in advance.


> Tammy




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No. GrapeFRUIT Seed Extract. Liquid. 10 drops.

Tammy Kuhn wrote:

> No. Do you think it would be a daily thing and add to a nice clean shampoo.

> How much ya think? I shampoo daily. I'm sure open to it!


> Grape Seed Extract?


> Tammy




> Re: [ ] ot - yucky sculp




>> Prednisone working means it's an inflammatory response that it's

>> suppressing.


>> Have you tried GSE added to shampoo?





>> Tammy Kuhn wrote:


>>> I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my

>>> feet have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry

>>> feet. Now, I wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching,

>>> flaking. Yes, use all the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick.

>>> Prednisone always gives me beautiful skin.


>>> Anyone, cure that issue?


>>> Thanks in advance.


>>> Tammy



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We've used a number of shampoos, including various tea tree formulas.

Lately we've been using Miracle II soap as a shampoo, trying to avoid


We also tried mixing various oils - tea tree, lavender, coconut, oregano,

grapefruit seed extract, etc..- and applied directly to scalp. Left on for

a while and then washed out. Minimal, temporary improvement.

If we get improvement in face then the scalp gets worse. If we get

improvement on her scalp, the face gets worse. When she went to a theme

park for the weekend a few months back, she came home with HUGE improvement

in face and scalp. She was out in the sun a lot, very unusual for her. I

read the demodex are worse at night and run from light. Tay confirmed that

the itching is far worse at night and often wakes her up.

Thinking about adding internal parasite killers - neem, clove, etc.

Researching sea buckthorn oil now.


[ ] Re: ot - yucky sculp

> My 2 cents.

> For me few things cause itchy flaky scalp: yeasts overgrowth, dairy

> infraction, and using regular shampoo with Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate. I buy

> now shampoo without this nasty stuff. Liquid handwash made my hands skin

> dry and cracked as well, changing it to good old traditional soap resolved

> the issue.

> Galina





>> I'm so sick of my yucky sculp. I've added biotin to my supplements, my

>> feet have improved so much, folic also helped too I think my nasty dry

>> feet. Now, I wish this would spread north and fix the sculp. Itching,

>> flaking. Yes, use all the medicated shampoo, doesn't do the trick.

>> Prednisone always gives me beautiful skin.


>> Anyone, cure that issue?


>> Thanks in advance.


>> Tammy




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