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Airport Security Molestation

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I am just curious about something... of the parents here, how do you plan to

deal with the new changes to airport security?

Basically, the new policy is to require that all people go through full body

X-Ray Scanners (which is claimed to be safe but no tests have been done to

confirm this) which takes a very clear photograph of what you and your children

look like under the clothes, and although they claim it is not stored images

have already leaked onto the internet proving this is not the case. And even

with faces being distorted, well, I just can't imagine parents willingly letting

some government agent look at naked pictures of their children. Which can

possibly be leaked onto the internet as Child Porn.

They say on their website that this procedure is optional, but there is only one

alternative: A new " enhanced " pat down which involves probing fingers and

groping that in any other context would result in sexual molestation charges.

It has already had traumatizing impacts on children:


But the scary thing is, you can't refuse. If you say no to the scanners, and you

say no to letting an agent molest your child, you will be given a fine of

$11,000 for leaving a security check point without completing. Not to mention

you won't be allowed to fly. Some parents have it worse. Some don't even get the

option of the scanners. It's mandatory molestation.

Plus, these new scanners don't even work. They can detect dense materials, but

not plastics, and not what is inside the body. Terrorists have already defeated

these scanners in other countries and they will cost tax payers 350 Million a

year... and if we follow this to the logical conclusion it means that if people

don't complain about this, they'll move onto mandatory cavity searches of

children eventually.

The TSA website says most prefer the scanners to the alternative. It's no

surprise why. Neither of the 3 options seem pleasant, but they don't describe

this on their website in sufficient detail. In fact, even to the press, the TSA

says: " I can't discuss specifics of a security procedure such as a pat down. "

meaning you won't know until you deal with it exactly what they will try to do

to you and your children.

My concern in bringing this up is that a child with Autism is going to be allot

more sensitive to this kind of issue. Heck, I'm an adult with Autism in

remission and it sets off anxiety just thinking about it since I bought plane

tickets before finding out about this. So how exactly do the parents here plan

to deal with the issue? Is anyone else as outraged as I am? Is anyone else

complaining to their legislators?

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