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Re: please help his rectum area is red and bloody...on 7chelaton...

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What probiotic are you using and how much??? Diahrea is one of the side

effects....maybe a different chelator is in order....My dr always told me to

increase the probiotic if my son has the runs.....



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of MissTeen2

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 7:03 AM

Subject: [ ] please help his rectum area is red and bloody...on


Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his rectum

is red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam salt for @

least 20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less irretable. please

help. i added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6 candex @ night every three

hr i gave 2 of that. on days of he is on 4candex. igave more probiotic. he

is on all kind of natural anti yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can

be addresed. the reason the rectum is red because he goes four to five times

spotty popoo.i donot know what else to do please help before i have to stop

chealaton. sorry for long story.

thanks sue

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We use a wonderful product home made by an herbalist Rose Kalajian, she is local

to me in Tampa Bay but will ship out. www.imherbalist.com 813-991-5177. I really

highly recommend it we have used it now for nearly seven years on just about

everything. She calls it diaper rash salve but we use it on every little booboo.

I am not affiliated with her in any other way except as a loyal customer.

Good luck I really hope this helps


From: MissTeen2 <soudisahar@...>

Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 10:03:09 AM

Subject: [ ] please help his rectum area is red and bloody...on


Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his rectum is

red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam salt for @ least

20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less irretable. please help. i

added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6 candex @ night every three hr i gave 2

of that. on days of he is on 4candex. igave more probiotic. he is on all kind of

natural anti yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can be addresed. the reason

the rectum is red because he goes four to five times spotty popoo.i donot know

what else to do please help before i have to stop chealaton. sorry for long


thanks sue

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Zinc oxide 15% ointment.

MissTeen2 wrote:


> Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his

> rectum is red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam

> salt for @ least 20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less

> irretable. please help. i added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6

> candex @ night every three hr i gave 2 of that. on days of he is on

> 4candex. igave more probiotic. he is on all kind of natural anti

> yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can be addresed. the reason

> the rectum is red because he goes four to five times spotty popoo.i

> donot know what else to do please help before i have to stop

> chealaton. sorry for long story.

> thanks sue



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> Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his rectum is

red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam salt for @ least

20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less irretable. please help. i

added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6 candex @ night every three hr i gave 2

of that. on days of he is on 4candex. igave more probiotic. he is on all kind of

natural anti yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can be addresed. the reason

the rectum is red because he goes four to five times spotty popoo.

My son had bloody skin around his rectum when he was an infant and toddler, and

ate carotene foods. So I would suspect a food or supplement intolerance first.


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I sometimes bleed from the rectum when I am purging gold. If you google it,

gold allergies are known to cause spontaneous bleeding. I had the same thing in

and around my mouth once. I still have the remnants of a gold bridge which is

decaying and will probably fall out soon-ish. If you wear gold jewelry (wedding

band?), see if removing it for a while helps your child with this issue. Check

if there are any other gold exposures.

Good luck with this.






> Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his rectum is

red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam salt for @ least

20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less irretable. please help. i

added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6 candex @ night every three hr i gave 2

of that. on days of he is on 4candex. igave more probiotic. he is on all kind of

natural anti yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can be addresed. the reason

the rectum is red because he goes four to five times spotty popoo.i donot know

what else to do please help before i have to stop chealaton. sorry for long


> thanks sue


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Ok, ewwwww. How do you know you are purging gold?

> >

> > Please help we just finished the 7 round however since 1st round his rectum

is red and ends to blood. about a week i give him daily epsam salt for @ least

20-40 min. i put some oil to keep it as much as less irretable. please help. i

added more vit c & magnesium. he is on 6 candex @ night every three hr i gave 2

of that. on days of he is on 4candex. igave more probiotic. he is on all kind of

natural anti yeast. he is overall ok if this problem can be addresed. the reason

the rectum is red because he goes four to five times spotty popoo.i donot know

what else to do please help before i have to stop chealaton. sorry for long


> > thanks sue

> >


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These days: I can taste it and my son can smell it.

The original discussion was somewhat involved. I had bleeding from my mouth and

lower lip and rectum. I was having a metallic taste in my mouth. The bleeding

in my mouth was near the gold bridge. I also get a great deal more acne on that

cheek, directly over the bridge and also in an area where it looks to me it

drains down to. We discussed possible connections/processes and somewhere in

there he remarked that gold allergies can cause spontaneous bleeding from the

skin (when there is contact with gold, of course), which fit with my bizarrely

bloody lip. I did some googling and he was right. When the bleeding cleared

up, so did the metallic taste and the smell of gold coming out of me. My sense

of smell isn't that good, but my son's is.





> >

> > I sometimes bleed from the rectum when I am purging gold. If you google it,

gold allergies are known to cause spontaneous bleeding. I had the same thing in

and around my mouth once. I still have the remnants of a gold bridge which is

decaying and will probably fall out soon-ish. If you wear gold jewelry (wedding

band?), see if removing it for a while helps your child with this issue. Check

if there are any other gold exposures.

> >

> > Good luck with this.

> >

> > Michele

> > http://www.healthgazelle.com

> > http://www.kidslikemine.com

> > http://www.solanorail.com

> >

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