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When an MD Pediatrician won't care for unvaccinated kids

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Go to a Naturalpath or D.O. (holistic medicine), and read the book, " How To

Raise A Healthy Child, In Spite of Your Doctor " , written by Dr Mendelsohn

MD. Most Doctors (MDs), are detrimental to infants and kids. They push multiple

deadly, toxic, ineffective vaccines-that destroy the immune system, if they

don't cause Sids, Siezures or ASD, then hand out toxic antibiotics, like candy,

even if the kid has a viral infection (including ear). So now the kid is high

risk for antibiotic resistant, deadly bugs, and must battle chronic yeast

issues. Also, if your kid is fat, and looks sad, the Pediatrician will happily

prescribe him Lipitor (for high cholesterol-which destroys the liver), and

Prozac, just to lift his spirits. Pediatricians are the lowest paid, of the

bunch, which is why; vaccines along with vaccine visits, chronic upper

respiratory and ear infections are their bread and butter. If it wasn't for

vaccines, they would not be in business. Yet,

ironically, when your child is injured by vaccines, watch them pull the plug on

you, and refuse to treat or have anything to do with your child. The best thing

to do is keep away from them, and learn about all of the natural effective

therapies out there to treat your kids. Whenever my kids get sick, Black

Elderberry Syrup, Vitamin C, and tons of garlic, is all that they need (allicin

garlic drops clears up an ear infection within days).

If they're not responding to naturalpathic meds, then find a D.O. or


Hope this helps!


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Yes, our pediatrician gave my son thimerosal-containing vaccines even after

demanded thimerosal-free. When out right lied. Then when my son regressed

immediately and I was calling frantic the next morning, when was saying,

" Calm down! You are just an over protective mother! "

Then when we went back to her office for her to see him, we were not allowed

to be in the " normal " waiting room. We were segregated from the rest of the


Then when we demanded mercury poisoning testing, we were treated

abominably. They sent us on a wild goose chase and never had any real

intention of testing our son for mercury poisoning.

We finally saw another pediatrician there who said his loss of speech was

significant (our original pediatrician kept telling us, " Lots of boys lose

speech for a while at this age).

We do see a pediatrician now for things like colds and cellulitis -- Anyone

know a natural way to heal cellulitis? I showed this person my son's

life-time exemption to vaccaintion when we started there, and yet las winter

he STILL tried to talk me into giving my son a flu shot! I told him that if

he would sign a contract stating he would be responsible for all my son's

medical, therapeutic, dietary, attendant, and educational needs for the rest

of his life when he regressed again ( and I also said he'd have to shoot me

first). Anyway, he shut up about it and hasn't mentioned it again. A parent

has to stand their ground.

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