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New member needing help

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Hi, I am new to the group. I am so excited I found this group and I have to

say I am overwhelmed with all the information. Here is a little information

about my situation. I have a 12 year old daughter with ADHD. I have tried

meds to help her cope but I now have her off prescription medications and

have her on some all natural remedies.

I also have a 6 year old son that I have not officially diagnosed with

Autism. He is speech delayed. He acts like a totally different child when

he is around other people and is very withdrawn. He walks on his tippy toes

and his spine is curved. He was born a healthy baby and right before we

were to take him home from the hospital he started having seizures. He has

not had any seizures since he was a baby.

I myself have my own problems too. I have skin allergies, allergies to food

including eggs, I have headaches in the back of my neck and feel natious

most days along with having ADD.

I found some information about vaccines being related to autism and was

searching out more information. I was excited to learn there may be ways to

reverse some of the damage caused by toxins. I have so many questions I

don't even know where to start. I have been reading through the archives

but with ADD and so many things running through my mind I am getting lost.

Do you have to have the Hair Element Analysis before starting chelation? I

am sure the toxins are there I just want to get them out now! Where do I

start? How do I know the right chelation process their is so much


Thank you!


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Hello Kim, welcome to the group.

No, you don't need to have any testing to start chelation. It is just helpful

for some of us to know that there is a toxicity that needs to be addressed.

You can just as easily do a 10 round trial of chelation and if you are getting

some positive results, you know you have toxicity and you just continue on.

As far as I'm concerned there is only on correct way to chelate and that is low

and frequent dosing as laid out in the Andy Cutler protocol. Please read the

FAQs that you received when you joined the group and also there is a lot of

information in the files section of the group as well.

There are reccomended supporting supplements to take while chelating, at a

minimum antioxidants like Vitamin C and E.

You start out at a low dose and go from there. It is completely safe and


We are having great success with our two boys. My older boy has gone from

moderate autism to mild autism in one year and my younger son has gone from

severe to moderate autism in about 8 months.

You are in the right place.



From: hutsok <hutsok@...>

Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 2:29:19 PM

Subject: [ ] New member needing help


Hi, I am new to the group. I am so excited I found this group and I have to

say I am overwhelmed with all the information. Here is a little information

about my situation. I have a 12 year old daughter with ADHD. I have tried

meds to help her cope but I now have her off prescription medications and

have her on some all natural remedies.

I also have a 6 year old son that I have not officially diagnosed with

Autism. He is speech delayed. He acts like a totally different child when

he is around other people and is very withdrawn. He walks on his tippy toes

and his spine is curved. He was born a healthy baby and right before we

were to take him home from the hospital he started having seizures. He has

not had any seizures since he was a baby.

I myself have my own problems too. I have skin allergies, allergies to food

including eggs, I have headaches in the back of my neck and feel natious

most days along with having ADD.

I found some information about vaccines being related to autism and was

searching out more information. I was excited to learn there may be ways to

reverse some of the damage caused by toxins. I have so many questions I

don't even know where to start. I have been reading through the archives

but with ADD and so many things running through my mind I am getting lost.

Do you have to have the Hair Element Analysis before starting chelation? I

am sure the toxins are there I just want to get them out now! Where do I

start? How do I know the right chelation process their is so much


Thank you!


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First let me say I'm sorry your son has that happen after birth. This was

probably due to the Hepatitis vaccine given to most infants before they leave

the hospital. They don't tell you they give it either.

Nausea...this might be adrenal fatigue.

From all you have said I'd get a hair elements test for each of you from Doctors

Data inc. You can order that from www.directlabs.com or contact me for help

getting them.

While you await those tests, read the files. Find the link for Moria's website

and read there too.

The safest approach to chelation is low frequent dose chelation referred to as

Andy Cutler protocol. It uses low doses based upon weight, and how long the

chelator lasts in the body. Supplements are given to support the body in healing

as well. I've done 86 rounds for my son. 50 for myself and 70 for my daughter. I

don't have ADD symptoms anymore. My son is rid of yeast and his diagnosis. Your

boy sounds like mine when he was 3. With the social things and toe walking.

Things that can help are getting them on supplements according to the list for

chelation (in the files at the end of the supplement document). Read the New

Members Welcome file. Avoid all vaccinations from this point on. (file a

religious exemption if you need to. www.vaclib.org).

And keep reading while you get the testing done..ask questions!



> Hi, I am new to the group. I am so excited I found this group and I have to

> say I am overwhelmed with all the information. Here is a little information

> about my situation. I have a 12 year old daughter with ADHD. I have tried

> meds to help her cope but I now have her off prescription medications and

> have her on some all natural remedies.


> I also have a 6 year old son that I have not officially diagnosed with

> Autism. He is speech delayed. He acts like a totally different child when

> he is around other people and is very withdrawn. He walks on his tippy toes

> and his spine is curved. He was born a healthy baby and right before we

> were to take him home from the hospital he started having seizures. He has

> not had any seizures since he was a baby.


> I myself have my own problems too. I have skin allergies, allergies to food

> including eggs, I have headaches in the back of my neck and feel natious

> most days along with having ADD.


> I found some information about vaccines being related to autism and was

> searching out more information. I was excited to learn there may be ways to

> reverse some of the damage caused by toxins. I have so many questions I

> don't even know where to start. I have been reading through the archives

> but with ADD and so many things running through my mind I am getting lost.


> Do you have to have the Hair Element Analysis before starting chelation? I

> am sure the toxins are there I just want to get them out now! Where do I

> start? How do I know the right chelation process their is so much

> contraversy


> Thank you!


> Kim





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