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Desperate for help with a decision we need to make ASAP

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We have been doing biomed with our 5 year old for the past two years and have

done 30 rounds of chelation via the Andy Cutler protocol for the past year. We

feel like we are not truly getting to the bottom of our son's issues with

anxiety and mood swings, plus the yeast and bacteria just never seem to let up,

we have to dose him three times a day with natural antimicrobials in order to

avoid a rebound of symptoms. We can't seem to get rid of the afternoon bloating

either...he starts out the day with a totally flat tummy though.

So here is our dilemma. We decided to add in homeopathy and today we had our

initial visit with the doctor (which is VERY expensive and not covered by

insurance), we went through everything that we have done with him and what we do

currently, she prescribed a constitutional remedy that we are to dose three

times over the next 24 hours. Everything seemed to go well and we have given

him the first dose tonight....then I get an e-mail from the doctor saying she

reviewed his file more and she would like us to hold off on the chelation while

we work out the homeopathic remedy, because it could antidote it. That means

holding off for a month while we run through this trial, and that is assuming

this is the right remedy, if it's not, then we go back to the drawing board and

start over the process with a new remedy...another month, meanwhile our summer

flies by with no chelation!! Our son starts Kindergarten in the fall and we

wanted nothing more than to utilize this summer as much as we can to fly through

rounds of chelation with him so that we might near 50 rounds by the time he

starts. Currently he has some trouble coming down off of rounds and the last

thing I want to do is send him off to school immediately post-round - he will be

spacey, moody, tired, grumpy and sometimes downright obnoxious (yeasty).....I

won't be there to monitor and dose him the appropriate antimicrobials to address

the problems that arise, etc.

But on the flip side to this concern, we also want to give homeopathy a fair

shot and if it could be our missing piece, we won't know, if we don't at least

try it out. Not to mention the $350 we just spent for today's visit alone!

Has anyone ever successfully tried combining homeopathy WITH chelation (his

first homeopathy doses will be Tues and Wed, with chelation not starting until

Fri, but the remedy should remain in effect for an entire month after dosing so

the Dr. is worried about it being an antidote for the remedy). I am really

distraught with this decision, since delaying chelation can be a HUGE problem

for us. Not to mention, at some point it NEEDS to be done even if we do delay,

so will it always be a problem for the two to be done together? She said she

only wanted us to hold off for the month while we are trying out this remedy, so

that sets us into August and then if this isn't the remedy, do we have to do it

all over again with a new one?? See my point?

Thanks in advance!

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